987 resultados para PROLINE-RICH


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The highly dynamic remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton is responsible for most motile and morphogenetic processes in all eukaryotic cells. In order to generate appropriate spatial and temporal movements, the actin dynamics must be under tight control of an array of actin binding proteins (ABPs). Many proteins have been shown to play a specific role in actin filament growth or disassembly of older filaments. Very little is known about the proteins affecting recycling i.e. the step where newly depolymerized actin monomers are funneled into new rounds of filament assembly. A central protein family involved in the regulation of actin turnover is cyclase-associated proteins (CAP, called Srv2 in budding yeast). This 50-60 kDa protein was first identified from yeast as a suppressor of an activated RAS-allele and a factor associated with adenylyl cyclase. The CAP proteins harbor N-terminal coiled-coil (cc) domain, originally identified as a site for adenylyl cyclase binding. In the N-terminal half is also a 14-3-3 like domain, which is followed by central proline-rich domains and the WH2 domain. In the C-terminal end locates the highly conserved ADP-G-actin binding domain. In this study, we identified two previously suggested but poorly characterized interaction partners for Srv2/CAP: profilin and ADF/cofilin. Profilins are small proteins (12-16 kDa) that bind ATP-actin monomers and promote the nucleotide exchange of actin. The profilin-ATP-actin complex can be directly targeted to the growth of the filament barbed ends capped by Ena/VASP or formins. ADF/cofilins are also small (13-19 kDa) and highly conserved actin binding proteins. They depolymerize ADP-actin monomers from filament pointed ends and remain bound to ADP-actin strongly inhibiting nucleotide exchange. We revealed that the ADP-actin-cofilin complex is able to directly interact with the 14-3-3 like domain at the N-terminal region of Srv2/CAP. The C-terminal high affinity ADP-actin binding site of Srv2/CAP competes with cofilin for an actin monomer. Cofilin can thus be released from Srv2/CAP for the subsequent round of depolymerization. We also revealed that profilin interacts with the first proline-rich region of Srv2/CAP and that the binding occurs simultaneously with ADP-actin binding to C-terminal domain of Srv2/CAP. Both profilin and Srv2/CAP can promote nucleotide exchange of actin monomer. Because profilin has much higher affinity to ATP-actin than Srv2/CAP, the ATP-actin-profilin complex is released for filament polymerization. While a disruption of cofilin binding in yeast Srv2/CAP produces a severe phenotype comparable to Srv2/CAP deletion, an impairment of profilin binding from Srv2/CAP results in much milder phenotype. This suggests that the interaction with cofilin is essential for the function of Srv2/CAP, whereas profilin can also promote its function without direct interaction with Srv2/CAP. We also show that two CAP isoforms with specific expression patterns are present in mice. CAP1 is the major isoform in most tissues, while CAP2 is predominantly expressed in muscles. Deletion of CAP1 from non-muscle cells results in severe actin phenotype accompanied with mislocalization of cofilin to cytoplasmic aggregates. Together these studies suggest that Srv2/CAP recycles actin monomers from cofilin to profilin and thus it plays a central role in actin dynamics in both yeast and mammalian cells.


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Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), a dreaded pathogen, has a unique cell envelope composed of high fatty acid content that plays a crucial role in its pathogenesis. Acetyl Coenzyme A Carboxylase (ACC), an important enzyme that catalyzes the first reaction of fatty acid biosynthesis, is biotinylated by biotin acetyl-CoA carboxylase ligase (BirA). The ligand-binding loops in all known apo BirAs to date are disordered and attain an ordered structure only after undergoing a conformational change upon ligand-binding. Here, we report that dehydration of Mtb-BirA crystals traps both the apo and active conformations in its asymmetric unit, and for the first time provides structural evidence of such transformation. Recombinant Mtb-BirA was crystallized at room temperature, and diffraction data was collected at 295 K as well as at 120 K. Transfer of crystals to paraffin and paratone-N oil (cryoprotectants) prior to flash-freezing induced lattice shrinkage and enhancement in the resolution of the X-ray diffraction data. Intriguingly, the crystal lattice rearrangement due to shrinkage in the dehydrated Mtb-BirA crystals ensued structural order of otherwise flexible ligand-binding loops L4 and L8 in apo BirA. In addition, crystal dehydration resulted in a shift of similar to 3.5 angstrom in the flexible loop L6, a proline-rich loop unique to Mtb complex as well as around the L11 region. The shift in loop L11 in the C-terminal domain on dehydration emulates the action responsible for the complex formation with its protein ligand biotin carboxyl carrier protein (BCCP) domain of ACCA3. This is contrary to the involvement of loop L14 observed in Pyrococcus horikoshii BirA-BCCP complex. Another interesting feature that emerges from this dehydrated structure is that the two subunits A and B, though related by a noncrystallographic twofold symmetry, assemble into an asymmetric dimer representing the ligand-bound and ligand-free states of the protein, respectively. In-depth analyses of the sequence and the structure also provide answers to the reported lower affinities of Mtb-BirA toward ATP and biotin substrates. This dehydrated crystal structure not only provides key leads to the understanding of the structure/function relationships in the protein in the absence of any ligand-bound structure, but also demonstrates the merit of dehydration of crystals as an inimitable technique to have a glance at proteins in action.


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Tutkielman kirjallisuusosassa perehdyttiin vehnän, rukiin ja ohran, eli Triticeaeprolamiinien erityisasemaan keliakianäkökulmasta tarkasteltuna ja prolamiinien hydrolyysiin proliinispesifeillä entsyymeillä. Lisäksi tarkasteltiin prolamiinien immunologisia määritysmenetelmiä. Keliakiassa haitalliset gluteenipeptidit sisältävät runsaasti proliinia ja ovat hankalia pilkkoa muilla kuin proliinispesifeillä peptidaaseilla. Suurin osa immunologisen reaktion aiheuttavista gluteenilähtöisistä peptideistä voidaan pilkkoa idätetyn viljan endogeenisilla entsyymeillä happamissa olosuhteissa, mutta jäljellejäävä prolamiinipitoisuus ylittää edelleen gluteenittomille tuotteille sallitun rajan. Kokeellisen työn tavoitteena oli eliminoida happamalla mallasinkubaatiolla valmistettujen vehnä-, ohra- ja ruismallasautolysaattien sisältämä jäännösprolamiini Aspergillus niger -homeen tuottamalla proliinispesifillä endopeptidaasilla (AN-PEP) siten, että hydrolysaattia voitaisiin käyttää gluteenittomissa leivontasovelluksissa. Proteiinien hydrolyysiä tarkkailtiin kokoekskluusiokromatografialla (SEC), vapaan aminotypen (FAN) muodostumisena ja SDS-PAGE-elektroforeesilla. Jäännösprolamiinien pilkkoutumista seurattiin immunologisella R5-ELISA-menetelmällä. AN-PEP-inkubaatiolla saatiin aikaan voimakasta prolamiinien pilkkoutumista; mallasautolysaattien jäännösprolamiinista pilkkoutui yli 96 %. SEC- ja FAN-analyysien perusteella inkubaatioaikaa kannatti jatkaa yli 4 h, jolloin polypeptidit pilkkoutuivat edelleen pienemmiksi hydrolyysituotteiksi. Vehnä- ja ruismallashydrolysaattien prolamiinipitoisuuden todettiin laskevan 22 h inkubaation aikana alle tason 100 mg/kg R5-ELISA-menetelmällä määritettynä. Matalimmat prolamiinipitoisuudet saavutettiin AN-PEP-pitoisuudella 35 ?l / g mallasautolysaattia. Codex Alimentarius -komission säädöksen mukaan keliakiaruokavalioon soveltuvat ns. erittäin vähägluteeniset tuotteet saavat sisältää gluteenia enintään 100 mg/kg. Erityisesti AN-PEP-käsiteltyä ruismallasraaka-ainetta voitaisiin mahdollisesti käyttää tuomaan rukiista aromia gluteenittomiin leipiin. Ennen kuin mallashydrolysaatit ovat valmiita kaupallisiin sovelluksiin, on tarkasteltava niiden todellisia mahdollisuuksia parantaa elintarvikkeiden makua ja aromia sekä todettava uuden teknologian turvallisuus keliaakikoille.


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Background: Dengue virus along with the other members of the flaviviridae family has reemerged as deadly human pathogens. Understanding the mechanistic details of these infections can be highly rewarding in developing effective antivirals. During maturation of the virus inside the host cell, the coat proteins E and M undergo conformational changes, altering the morphology of the viral coat. However, due to low resolution nature of the available 3-D structures of viral assemblies, the atomic details of these changes are still elusive. Results: In the present analysis, starting from C alpha positions of low resolution cryo electron microscopic structures the residue level details of protein-protein interaction interfaces of dengue virus coat proteins have been predicted. By comparing the preexisting structures of virus in different phases of life cycle, the changes taking place in these predicted protein-protein interaction interfaces were followed as a function of maturation process of the virus. Besides changing the current notion about the presence of only homodimers in the mature viral coat, the present analysis indicated presence of a proline-rich motif at the protein-protein interaction interface of the coat protein. Investigating the conservation status of these seemingly functionally crucial residues across other members of flaviviridae family enabled dissecting common mechanisms used for infections by these viruses. Conclusions: Thus, using computational approach the present analysis has provided better insights into the preexisting low resolution structures of virus assemblies, the findings of which can be made use of in designing effective antivirals against these deadly human pathogens.


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OsPRP1是水稻中特有的,编码一类富含脯氨酸蛋白(proline-rich protein, PRP)的基因家族,该家族有4个成员。在GenBank中,仅找到了一个结构相对接近的玉米PRP蛋白,但是对它的研究仅限于序列上的某些描述,而且在序列上,仍然与这4个OsPRP1蛋白有明显的差别。OsPRP1蛋白明显有别于前人(1999)所描述的4类PRP蛋白。它们是植物中一类新的小分子量的PRP蛋白,仅有一个保守结构域而属于DUF1210蛋白超家族的成员。 四个OsPRP1基因在基因组中紧密串联排列,而且编码区高度保守,基因结构也高度一致,证明它们来源于同一个祖先基因,是通过基因复制的方式产生的。PAML分析也证明它们在进化时间上的相互距离并不远。而在进化过程中由于执行生理功能上的某种重要性,在编码区表现出很的保守性,因而很难在RNA水平和蛋白水平上研究四个OsPRP1基因的表达差异。但是它们在表达调节区(如启动子区)显示出明显的差异。在克隆启动子的基础上,用GUS报告基因的策略,没有检测到它们在拟南芥中的表达活性,说明它们具有一定的种属特异性。而在水稻中,这四个基因的表达显示出了明显的时序和空间差异,既表现出在组织器官及其发育阶段上的特异性和变化,又在一定程度上表现出交叉,出现了功能上的分化和重叠。根据启动子区上的顺式元件,检测了这些基因对6种植物生长调节物质和3种非生物胁迫因子的应答反应,证明它们的表达调节也表现出显著的差异和分化。因此,四个基因的进化出现了功能退化、亚功能化和产生新功能等多种命运,比理论模型预期的要复杂得多,可能在执行生理功能和对环境反应上具有各自的生物学意义。 植物细胞壁是多种碳水化合物和蛋白质相互交织在一起的亲水性网络。在保护和支撑原生质、细胞通信、细胞分化、细胞对生物的和非生物胁迫的抗性等方面发挥着重要作用。目前已知的大多数植物PRP蛋白被描述成细胞壁结构性蛋白。OsPRP1基因家族编码的蛋白质都有一个N-端信号肽,暗示它们可能是一类分泌蛋白。我们用OsPRP1.1::GFP融合蛋白进行了亚细胞定位,证明了OsPRP1蛋白的确也是细胞壁相关蛋白。用原核表达体系表达了GST-融合蛋白,制备抗体,通过免疫印迹证明这些蛋白不溶于温和的提取缓冲溶液中,但可以被高盐和强碱溶液溶解,且分子量增加了三倍。证明在体内可能出现修饰、与细胞壁其它组分相交联的现象。 在这四个基因中,只有OsPRP1.2能够在水稻根中特异表达。根的原位杂交实验证明,OsPRP1在分化成熟程度低的细胞中大量表达,而在分化成熟程度高的细胞中几乎不表达。GUS染色的结果同样发现,基因在维管柱特别是中柱鞘附近的薄壁细胞的表达比别的细胞要强得多,而且在根的生长方向上表现出与发育相关的表达特征。说明OsPRP1基因可能参与了这些细胞的分化、发育过程。而基因表达的组织器官特异性的差异和对不同刺激因素的不同反应意味着它们可能参与了多种生理过程。为此构建了一个RNAi的表达载体,转化水稻,Southern杂交实验得到9个单位点插入的T2代独立株系,其中有6个株系与野生型对照相比,主根的早期伸长受到显著抑制,主根的一级侧根地数量减少,根尖分生区的细胞在轴向上的伸长受到了抑制。结合表达定位和原位杂交的结果,我们对它们在植物生长发育中的功能进行了深入探讨。


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Amphibian skin is a rich resource of bioactive peptides like proline-rich bombesin from frog Bombina maxima. A novel cDNA clone encoding a precursor protein that comprises proline-rich bombesin and a novel peptide, designated as bombestatin, was isolated from a skin cDNA library of B. maxima. The predicted primary structure of the novel peptide is WEVLLNVALIRLELLSCRSSKDQDQKESCGMHSW, in which two cysteines form a disulfide bond. A BLAST search of databases did not detect sequences with significant similarity. Bombestatin possesses dose-dependent contractile activity on rat stomach strips. The differences between cDNAs encoding PR-bombesin plus bombestatin and PR-bombesin alone are due to fragment insertions located in 3'-coding region and 3'-untranslational region, respectively. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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SLP-76 is an important member of the SLP-76 family of adapters, and it plays a key role in TCR signaling and T cell function. Partial cDNA sequence of SLP-76 of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) was isolated from thymus cDNA Library by the method of suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH). Subsequently, the full length cDNA of carp SLP-76 was obtained by means of 3' RACE and 5' RACE, respectively. The full Length cDNA of carp SLP-76 was 2007 bp, consisting of a T-terminal untranslated region (UTR) of 285 bp, a T-terminal. UTR of 240 bp, and an open reading frame of 1482 bp. Sequence comparison showed that the deduced amino acid sequence of carp SLP-76 had an overall similarity of 34-73% to that of other species homotogues, and it was composed of an NH2-terminal domain, a central proline-rich domain, and a C-terminal SH2 domain. Amino acid sequence analysis indicated the existence of a Gads binding site R-X-X-K, a 10-aa-long sequence which binds to the SH3 domain of LCK in vitro, and three conserved tyrosine-containing sequence in the NH2-terminal domain. Then we used PCR to obtain a genomic DNA which covers the entire coding region of carp SLP-76. In the 9.2 k-long genomic sequence, twenty one exons and twenty introns were identified. RT-PCR results showed that carp SLP-76 was expressed predominantly in hematopoietic tissues, and was upregulated in thymus tissue of four-month carp compared to one-year old carp. RT-PCR and virtual northern hybridization results showed that carp SLP-76 was also upregulated in thymus tissue of GH transgenic carp at the age of four-months. These results suggest that the expression level of SLP-76 gene may be related to thymocyte development in teleosts. (c) 2007 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Several G-protein coupled receptors, such as the beta1-adrenergic receptor (beta1-AR), contain polyproline motifs within their intracellular domains. Such motifs in other proteins are known to mediate protein-protein interactions such as with Src homology (SH)3 domains. Accordingly, we used the proline-rich third intracellular loop of the beta1-AR either as a glutathione S-transferase fusion protein in biochemical "pull-down" assays or as bait in the yeast two-hybrid system to search for interacting proteins. Both approaches identified SH3p4/p8/p13 (also referred to as endophilin 1/2/3), a SH3 domain-containing protein family, as binding partners for the beta1-AR. In vitro and in human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells, SH3p4 specifically binds to the third intracellular loop of the beta1-AR but not to that of the beta2-AR. Moreover, this interaction is mediated by the C-terminal SH3 domain of SH3p4. Functionally, overexpression of SH3p4 promotes agonist-induced internalization and modestly decreases the Gs coupling efficacy of beta1-ARs in HEK293 cells while having no effect on beta2-ARs. Thus, our studies demonstrate a role of the SH3p4/p8/p13 protein family in beta1-AR signaling and suggest that interaction between proline-rich motifs and SH3-containing proteins may represent a previously underappreciated aspect of G-protein coupled receptor signaling.


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Venom of the Gila Monster (Heloderma suspectum) has proven to be an unlikely source of lead compounds (exendins) for the development of new injectable peptide therapeutics for the treatment of Type 2 diabetes. However, no systematic searches for new classes of bioactive peptides in lizard venom have appeared until recently. Here we describe the discovery of a new class of peptides – the helokinestatins – from H. suspectum venom, their structural characterisation and that of their biosynthetic precursors from cloned cDNA. In addition, we have subjected members of the family to preliminary pharmacological characterisation. Helokinestatins 1–6 are a family of proline-rich peptides containing 10–15 amino acid residues terminating in a common -Pro-Arg.OH motif. They are encoded in tandem within two virtually identical biosynthetic precursors of 177 and 178 amino acid residues, differing by only a single Pro residue. Each precursor also encodes a single copy of a C-type natriuretic peptide located at the C-terminus. Synthetic replicates of all helokinestatins were shown to be devoid of any direct action on the smooth muscle of rat tail artery but were found to be potent inhibitors of bradykinin-induced relaxation in this preparation in a manner that is suggestive of a non-competitive mechanism. Helokinestatin-3 (VPPPPLQMPLIPR) and helokinestatin-5 (VPPPLQMPLIPR) were found to be most potent in this respect causing almost complete inhibition of bradykinin-induced relaxation. Helokinestatins and BPPs may have a shared evolutionary history but the former do not inhibit ACE. The bradykinin inhibitory potential of helokinestatins may be exploited in the local control of chronic inflammation.


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The origin and evolution of venom proteins in helodermatid lizards were investigated by multidisciplinary techniques. Our analyses elucidated novel toxin types resultant from three unique domain-expression processes: 1) The first full-length sequences of lethal toxin isoforms (helofensins) revealed this toxin type to be constructed by an ancestral monodomain, monoproduct gene (beta-defensin) that underwent three tandem domain duplications to encode a tetradomain, monoproduct with a possible novel protein fold; 2) an ancestral monodomain gene (encoding a natriuretic peptide) was medially extended to become a pentadomain, pentaproduct through the additional encoding of four tandemly repeated proline-rich peptides (helokinestatins), with the five discrete peptides liberated from each other by posttranslational proteolysis; and 3) an ancestral multidomain, multiproduct gene belonging to the vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP)/glucagon family being mutated to encode for a monodomain, monoproduct (exendins) followed by duplication and diversification into two variant classes (exendins 1 and 2 and exendins 3 and 4). Bioactivity characterization of exendin and helokinestatin elucidated variable cardioactivity between isoforms within each class. These results highlight the importance of utilizing evolutionary-based search strategies for biodiscovery and the virtually unexplored potential of lizard venoms in drug design and discovery.


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Squamous cell carcinoma accounts for 20% of all human lung cancers and is strongly linked to cigarette smoking. It develops through premalignant changes that are characterized by high levels of keratin 14 (K14) expression in the airway epithelium and evolve through basal cell hyperplasia, squamous metaplasia and dysplasia to carcinoma in situ and invasive carcinoma. In order to explore the impact of K14 in the pulmonary epithelium that normally lacks both squamous differentiation and K14 expression, human keratin 14 gene hK14 was constitutively expressed in mouse airway progenitor cells using a mouse Clara cell specific 10 kDa protein (CC10) promoter. While the lungs of CC10-hK14 transgenic mice developed normally, we detected increased expression of K14 and the molecular markers of squamous differentiation program such as involucrin, loricrin, small proline-rich protein 1A, transglutaminase 1 and cholesterol sulfotransferase 2B1. In contrast, wild-type lungs were negative. Aging CC10-hK14 mice revealed multifocal airway cell hyperplasia, occasional squamous metaplasia and their lung tumors displayed evidence for multidirectional differentiation. We conclude that constitutive expression of hK14 initiates squamous differentiation program in the mouse lung, but fails to promote squamous maturation. Our study provides a novel model for assessing the mechanisms of premalignant lesions in vivo by modifying differentiation and proliferation of airway progenitor cells. © The Author 2008. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.


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The adapter molecule CAS is localized primarily within focal adhesions in fibroblasts. Because many of the cellular functions attributed to CAS are likely to be dependent on its presence in focal adhesions, this study was undertaken to identify regions of the protein that are involved in its localization. The SH3 domain of CAS, when expressed in isolation from the rest of the protein, was able to target to focal adhesions, whereas a variant containing a point mutation that rendered the SH3 domain unable to associate with FAK remained cytoplasmic. However, in the context of full-length CAS, this mutation did not prevent CAS localization to focal adhesions. Two other variants of CAS that contained deletions of either the SH3 domain alone, or the SH3 domain together with an adjoining proline-rich region, also retained the capacity to localize to focal adhesions. A second focal adhesion targeting region was mapped to the extreme carboxy terminus of CAS. The identification of this second focal adhesion targeting domain in CAS ascribes a previously unknown function to the highly conserved C terminus of CAS. The regulated targeting of CAS to focal adhesions by two independent domains may reflect the important role of CAS within this subcellular compartment.


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p130(Cas) (crk associated substrate) has the structural characteristics of an adapter protein, containing multiple consensus SH2 binding sites, an SH3 domain, and a proline-rich domain. The structure of p130(Cas) suggests that it may act to provide a framework for protein-protein interactions; however, as yet, its functional role in cells is unknown. In this report we show that p130(Cas) is localized to focal adhesions. We demonstrate that p130(Cas) associates both in vitro and in vivo with pp125(FAK) (focal adhesion kinase), a kinase implicated in signaling by the integrin family of cell adhesion receptors. p130(Cas) also associates with pp41/43(FRNK) (pp125(FAK)-related, non-kinase), an autonomously expressed form of pp125(FAK) composed of only the C-terminal noncatalytic domain. We show that the association of p130(Cas) with pp125(Fak) and pp41/43(FRNK) is direct, and is mediated by the binding of the SH3 domain of p130(Cas) to a proline-rich sequence present in both the C terminus of pp125(FAK) and in pp41/43(FRNK). In agreement with recent studies we show that p130(Cas) is tyrosine-phosphorylated upon integrin mediated cell adhesion. The association of p130(Cas) with pp125(FAK), a kinase which is activated upon cell adhesion, is likely to be functionally important in integrin mediated signal transduction.


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A Diabetes Mellitus (DM) compreende um conjunto de desordens metabólicas comuns caracterizadas por hiperglicemia, que afeta diferentes órgãos do organismo. Ao longo do tempo, ocorrem danos microvasculares no glomérulo renal, retina e nervos periféricos, bem como doença macrovascular nas artérias. A composição da saliva também é afetada pela DM, com consequências na homeostasia oral. No entanto, o proteoma e o peptidoma salivar têm sido pouco explorados na DM tipo 1 e nas suas complicações crónicas. Tendo em conta o crescente interesse na saliva como fluido diagnóstico, o objetivo principal deste trabalho foi avaliar os eventos proteolíticos subjacentes à DM tipo 1 e às suas complicações microvasculares, bem como, caracterizar as alterações induzidas pela DM tipo 1 no proteoma e peptidoma salivar. A DM tipo 1 e particularmente as complicações microvasculares associadas modulam o perfil proteolítico dos fluidos biológicos, com diferenças significativas de atividade observadas na urina e saliva, atribuídas principalmente ao complexo Metaloproteinase da Matriz (MMP)-9/lipocalina associada à gelatinase de neutrófilos, aminopeptidase N, azurocidina e calicreína 1. O aumento da atividade proteolítica observado na saliva total dos diabéticos resultou no aumento da percentagem de péptidos, principalmente de um número acrescido de fragmentos de colagénio do tipo I, refletindo possivelmente um estado inflamatório crónico dos tecidos orais e periodontais. O peptidoma também corrobora uma maior suscetibilidade das proteínas salivares, especificamente, das proteínas ricas em prolina básicas (bPRP) 1, bPRP2 e proteínas ricas em prolina ácidas (aPRP) à proteólise, evidenciando a geração de fragmentos de proteínas associadas à ligação a bactérias. A análise do proteoma salivar baseada em iTRAQ mostrou uma sobre-expressão de L-plastina, fator do adenocarcinoma do pâncreas e das proteínas S100-A8 e S100-A9, enfatizando a importância do sistema imune inato na patogénese da DM tipo 1 e das complicações microvasculares associadas. A análise integrada de todas as proteínas expressas diferencialmente entre os pacientes diabéticos com ou sem complicações microvasculares e indivíduos saudáveis foi realizada com o STRING, onde se observam três conjuntos funcionalmente ligados, um compreende a interação entre o colagénio tipo I, colagénio tipo II e MMP-9, um segundo conjunto envolve a MMP-2 e o colagénio de tipo I e um terceiro conjunto composto por proteínas salivares e inflamatórias. Estes conjuntos estão associados com as vias Kegg de interação recetor-matriz extracelular, de adesão focal e migração transendotelial dos leucócitos. Por outro lado, a análise do proteoma e peptidoma salivar destacou potenciais biomarcadores para o diagnóstico e prognóstico da DM tipo 1 e das suas complicações.


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A hiperglicemia é a principal característica da diabetes mellitus (DM), uma das causas de morte que mais cresce em Portugal, e cujas complicações a longo prazo são mais debilitantes e mais sobrecarregam os sistemas de saúde. No entanto, os mecanismos subjacentes à resposta fisiológica de alguns tecidos à hiperglicemia não estão completamente esclarecidos. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar de que forma o tempo de exposição à hiperglicemia afeta dois tecidos epiteliais, o endotélio e as glândulas salivares, que são frequentemente associados a complicações da DM, utilizando um modelo animal. Adicionalmente, procurou-se encontrar novos biomarcadores para avaliar a suscetibilidade a complicações orais em diabéticos, analisando as modificações pós-traducionais (PTMs) da família de proteínas mais representativa na saliva humana: proteínas ricas em prolina (PRPs). A disfunção vascular está na origem de várias complicações da diabetes. Neste sentido, observou-se uma progressiva disfunção endotelial com o aumento do tempo de exposição à hiperglicemia, que resulta do aumento de danos no endotélio e da diminuição da capacidade de mobilização de células progenitoras. Simultaneamente, o aumento observado na atividade da via de ativação do sistema de complemento mediada por lectinas (MBL), sugere um envolvimento do sistema de imunidade inata na patogénese da disfunção vascular. Outra complicação comum da DM é o desenvolvimento de doenças orais, nomeadamente as relacionadas com a redução da secreção salivar. Na análise às glândulas submandibulares, observou-se uma resposta inicial à hiperglicemia com fortes variações na expressão de proteínas, mas a longo prazo, estas variações foram atenuadas, sugerindo um mecanismo de adaptação à hiperglicemia crónica. Adicionalmente, as proteínas relacionadas com a secreção, como as anexinas, apresentaram-se sobre-expressas, enquanto as calicreinas e proteínas metabólicas estavam sub-expressas. Estas variações sugerem que, apesar de uma diminuição da capacidade de regeneração, as células tentam superar a perda de tecido por meio do aumento da secreção, embora sem êxito. O comprometimento funcional das glândulas salivares tem consequências na composição e funções da saliva. Analisando as PTMs das PRPs salivares humanas, observou-se um aumento da frequência de péptidos com ciclização de resíduos N-terminais de glutamina a piroglutamato, o que confere uma resistência à atividade proteolítica que, por sua vez, se encontra aumentada em diabéticos. Assim, a presença de péptidos com N-piroglutamato poderá ser um potencial biomarcador da suscetibilidade a complicações orais em diabéticos.