997 resultados para PRICE DISCOVERY


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Futures trading in Commodities has three specific economic functions viz. price discovery, hedging and reduction in volatility. Natural rubber possesses all the specifications required for futures trading. Commodity futures trading in India attained momentum after the starting of national level commodity exchanges in 2003. The success of futures trading depends upon effective price risk management, price discovery and reduced volatility which in turn depends upon the volume of trading. In the case of rubber futures market, the volume of trading depends upon the extent of participation by market players like growers, dealers, manufacturers, rubber marketing co-operative societies and Rubber Producer’s Societies (RPS). The extent of participation by market players has a direct bearing on their awareness level and their perception about futures trading. In the light of the above facts and the review of literature available on rubber futures market, it is felt that a study on rubber futures market is necessary to fill the research gap, with specific focus on (1) the awareness and perception of rubber futures market participants viz. (i) rubber growers, (ii) dealers, (iii) rubber product manufacturers, (iv) rubber marketing co-operative societies and Rubber Producer’s Societies (RPS) about futures trading and (2) whether the rubber futures market is fulfilling the economic functions of futures market viz. hedging, reduction in volatility and price discovery or not. The study is confined to growers, dealers, rubber goods manufacturers, rubber marketing co-operative societies and RPS in Kerala. In order to achieve the stated objectives, the study utilized secondary data for the period from 2003 to 2013 from different published sources like bulletins, newsletters, circulars from NMCE, Reserve Bank of India (RBI), Warehousing Corporation and traders. The primary data required for this study were collected from rubber growers, rubber dealers, RPS & Rubber Marketing Co-operative Societies and rubber goods manufacturers in Kerala. Data pertaining to the awareness and perception of futures trading, participation in the futures trading, use of spot and futures prices and source of price information by dealers, farmers, manufacturers and cooperative societies also were collected. Statistical tools used for analysis include percentage, standard deviation, Chi-square test, Mann – Whitney U test, Kruskal Wallis test, Augmented Dickey – Fuller test statistic, t- statistic, Granger causality test, F- statistic, Johansen co – integration test, Trace statistic and Max –Eigen statistic. The study found that 71.5 per cent of the total hedges are effective and 28.5 per cent are ineffective for the period under study. It implies that futures market in rubber reduced the impact of price risks by approximately 71.5 per cent. Further, it is observed that, on 54.4 per cent occasions, the futures market exercised a stabilizing effect on the spot market, and on 45.6 per cent occasions futures trading exercised a destabilizing effect on the spot market. It implies that elasticity of expectation of futures market in rubber has a predominant stabilizing effect on spot prices. The market, as a whole, exhibits a bias in favour of long hedges. Spot price volatility of rubber during futures suspension period is more than that of the pre suspension period and post suspension period. There is a bi-directional association-ship or bi-directional causality or pair- wise causality between spot price and futures price of rubber. From the results of the hedging efficiency, spot price volatility, and price discovery, it can be concluded that rubber futures market fulfils all the economic functions expected from a commodity futures market. Thus in India, the future of rubber futures is Bright…!!!


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Using a high-frequency data set of the spot Australian dollar/US dollar this study examines the distribution of quotes and returns across the 24 hour trading "day". Employing statistical methods for measuring long-tenn dependence in time-series we find evidence of time-varying dependence and volatility that aligns with the opening and closing of markets. This variation is attributed to the effects of liquidity and the price-discovery actions of dealers.


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Volatility spillover is well documented among closely related securities. I investigate the relationship between margin policy and trading dynamics of the Nikkei 225 index futures markets of Osaka Securities Exchange (OSE) and Singapore Exchange (SGX). I find that OSE’s margin policy influences trading dynamics across both markets, although it is the less liquid SGX market that performs price discovery. This suggests that policy markers of close substitute markets should coordinate, or at least communicate policy intentions due to policy spillover. SGX’s market design facilitates price discovery, suggesting that a microstructure framework capable of overcoming the liquidity entry barrier is of interest to any futures exchange contemplating contract proliferation.


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The creation of an electronic limit order book is discussed as the basis for distinguishing between the floor trading and screen trading of derivative instruments. Distinguishing between FTP and ETP in terms of market transparency allows investors to contemplate the trade-off between the 2 platforms. Distinguishing between FTP and ETP in terms of memory preservation allows practitioners to contemplate the different experiences when analyzing floor data and screen data. A comparable set of floor and screen data is used to examine the impact on the trading dynamics and price discovery of LIFFE's FTSE 100 index futures market when trading is automated on LIFFE CONNECT. The dynamics in the quote change equation is shortened when moving from the floor to screen sample. Using the model's measure of trade informativeness, it is found that in 4 out of 5 daily sub-samples, screen trades are more than twice as informative as floor trades. Variability within a system of equations is explained more by order size history than trade size history.


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Improved preservation of order flow history from the automation of derivative trading platforms suggests that traders are potentially learning from the recent history of both order and trade parameters. Consequently, a model to measure price discovery should encapsulate the dynamic interaction between the price-size coordinates of orders and trades. The Hasbrouck (1991) model is extended to measure the summary informativeness of order size and trade size. The two models are used to test for price discovery improvements in the FTSE 100 index futures market from order flow consolidation post deletion of its E-mini counterpart. The informativeness of trades has declined sharply, while the informativeness of orders has risen significantly in the post deletion sample.


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In this paper, we find that CDS return shocks are important in explaining the forecast error variance of sectoral equity returns for the USA. The CDS return shocks have different effects on equity returns and return volatility in the pre-crisis and crisis periods. It is the post-Lehman crisis period in which the effects of CDS return shocks are the most dominant. Finally, we construct a spillover index and find that it is time-varying and explains a larger share of total forecast error variance of sectoral equity and CDS returns for some sectors than for others.


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Este trabalho trata do estudo da formação de preços no mercado de commodities brasileiro. O enfoque teórico fornecido pela Microstructure Theory foi utilizado juntamente com o instrumental econométrico da análise de cointegração por meio do método de Johansen. Os resultados demonstraram que o mercado brasileiro é tomador de preços. apesar de influenciar as cotações internacionais.


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O objetivo central desta tese é colaborar com a literatura de finanças internacionais, abordando a discussão sobre os limites “toleráveis” de endividamento aos quais os governos estão submetidos, bem como, sobre os fatores que afetam a forma como os países denominam suas dívidas no mercado internacional. A análise dos limites de endividamento é baseada num modelo onde crises de dívida auto-realizáveis podem ocorrer quando o nível de endividamento encontra-se em determinado intervalo. Uma vez nesta região, a dívida pode (ou não) ser rolada e, caso os credores não concedam novos empréstimos, a crise torna-se, de fato, uma profecia auto-realizável. Os resultados encontrados indicam que o limite de endividamento, além de bastante persistente, é muito dependente da razão dívida/PIB, bem como, dos históricos de inflação, crises bancárias e de defaults (ou reestruturações) de dívida soberana. Posteriormente, é feita uma aplicação do modelo estimado aos países da periferia do euro, na qual os resultados sugerem que países como Portugal e Grécia, mesmo após a adoção da moeda única, apresentam dificuldades em administrar os seus níveis de endividamento. Em conjunto, os resultados apresentados sugerem que quanto pior o histórico macroeconômico, menor será a capacidade do país “tolerar” dívidas. Em relação à denominação da dívida, o estudo procura identificar em que medida a volatilidade da taxa de câmbio real efetiva, controlada por diversos fatores, impacta a forma como países se endividam no mercado internacional. Os resultados indicam que a baixa volatilidade cambial é condição fundamental para que a moeda doméstica seja utilizada em transações internacionais. Além disso, porte econômico, estabilidade de regras, respeito aos contratos e ampla liquidez dos mercados financeiros domésticos, são fatores que contribuem para a aceitação de uma moeda nos contratos de dívida internacional. Evidências adicionais do estudo sugerem que a ampla liquidez internacional, observada principalmente nos anos 2000, foi incapaz de ampliar de maneira significativa o número de moedas utilizadas no mercado internacional de dívidas. Ainda em relação a este tema, a tese analisa os primeiros passos da economia brasileira no sentido de alongar o perfil da dívida pública interna, por intermédio da emissão de títulos denominados em reais no mercado internacional.


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Este trabalho apresenta um estudo do impacto das negociações algorítmicas no processo de descoberta de preços no mercado de câmbio. Foram utilizados dados de negociação de alta frequência para contratos futuros de reais por dólar (DOL), negociados na Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo no período de janeiro a junho de 2013. No intuito de verificar se as estratégias algorítmicas de negociação são mais dependentes do que as negociações não algorítmicas, foi examinada a frequência em que algoritmos negociam entre si e comparou-se a um modelo benchmark que produz probabilidades teóricas para diferentes tipos de negociadores. Os resultados obtidos para as negociações minuto a minuto apresentam evidências de que as ações e estratégias de negociadores algorítmicos parecem ser menos diversas e mais dependentes do que aquelas realizadas por negociadores não algorítmicos. E para modelar a interação entre a autocorrelação serial dos retornos e negociações algorítmicas, foi estimado um vetor autorregressivo de alta frequência (VAR) em sua forma reduzida. As estimações mostram que as atividades dos algoritmos de negociação causam um aumento na autocorrelação dos retornos, indicando que eles podem contribuir para o aumento da volatilidade.


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo estudar o comportamento do mercado de ações e opções de Petrobrás utilizando a metodologia de price discovery (descoberta de preços). A partir de dados de alta frequência de ambos os mercados, fornecidos pela BM&FBOVESPA, os modelos econométricos utilizados nessa metodologia foram estimados e as medidas de Information Share (IS) e Component Share (CS) foram calculadas. Os resultados das análises indicaram dominância do mercado à vista no processo de descoberta de preços, dado que, para este mercado, foram observados valores acima de 66% para a medida IS e acima de 74% para a medida CS. Análises gráficas da função resposta ao impulso indicaram, também, que o mercado à vista é o mais eficiente.


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In December 2014, ECMI and CEPS formed the European Capital Markets Expert Group (ECMEG) with the aim of providing a long-term contribution to the debate on the Capital Markets Union (CMU) project, proposed by the European Commission. After an intensive, year-long research effort and in-depth discussions with ECMEG members, this final report aims to rethink financial integration policies in the European Union and to devise an EU-wide plan to remove the barriers to greater capital markets integration. It offers a methodology to identify and prioritise cross-border barriers to capital markets integration and provides a set of policy recommendations to improve its key components: price discovery, execution and enforcement of capital markets transactions.


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I demonstrate a powerful tension between acquiring information and incorporating it into asset prices, the two core elements of price discovery. As a salient case, I focus on the transformative rise of algorithmic trading (AT) typically associated with improved price efficiency. Using a measure of the relative information content of prices and a comprehensive panel of 37,325 stock-quarters of SEC market data, I establish instead that algorithmic trading strongly decreases the net amount of information in prices. The increase in price distortions associated with the AT “information gap” is roughly $42.6 billion/year for U.S. common stocks around earnings announcement events alone. Information losses are concentrated among stocks with high shares of algorithmic liquidity takers relative to algorithmic liquidity makers, suggesting that aggressive AT powerfully deters fundamental information acquisition despite its importance for translating available information into prices.


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Prior finance literature lacks a comprehensive analysis of microstructure characteristics of U.S. futures markets due to the lack of data availability. Utilizing a unique data set for five different futures contract this dissertation fills this gap in the finance literature. In three essays price discovery, resiliency and the components of bid-ask spreads in electronic futures markets are examined. In order to provide comprehensive and robust analysis, both moderately volatile pre-crisis and volatile crisis periods are included in the analysis. The first essay entitled “Price Discovery and Liquidity Characteristics for U.S. Electronic Futures and ETF Markets” explores the price discovery process in U.S. futures and ETF markets. Hasbrouck’s information share method is applied to futures and ETF instruments. The information share results show that futures markets dominate the price discovery process. The results on the factors that affect the price discovery process show that when volatility increases, the price leadership of futures markets declines. Furthermore, when the relative size of bid-ask spread in one market increases, its information share decreases. The second essay, entitled “The Resiliency of Large Trades for U.S. Electronic Futures Markets,“ examines the effects of large trades in futures markets. How quickly prices and liquidity recovers after large trades is an important characteristic of financial markets. The price effects of large trades are greater during the crisis period compared to the pre-crisis period. Furthermore, relative to the pre-crisis period, during the crisis period it takes more trades until liquidity returns to the pre-block trade levels. The third essay, entitled “Components of Quoted Bid-Ask Spreads in U.S. Electronic Futures Markets,” investigates the bid-ask spread components in futures market. The components of bid-ask spreads is one of the most important subjects of microstructure studies. Utilizing Huang and Stoll’s (1997) method the third essay of this dissertation provides the first analysis of the components of quoted bid-ask spreads in U.S. electronic futures markets. The results show that order processing cost is the largest component of bid-ask spreads, followed by inventory holding costs. During the crisis period market makers increase bid-ask spreads due to increasing inventory holding and adverse selection risks.


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We provide evidence that investors underreact after analysts' recommendation upgrades; however, price reactions are faster after downgrades. We measure individual investors' attention using Google's search volume index. Our findings indicate that, after upgrades, stocks that enjoy greater individual investors' attention underreact significantly more compared to stocks that receive high level of attention from institutional investors. On the other hand, after recommendation downgrades, stocks with higher levels of prior attention from individual investors overreact and show a significantly greater price reversal compared to stocks that received high level of attention from institutional investors. Our results suggest that attentive individual investors may not be rational; hence investor attention and investor sophistication are important for price discovery in the market.