990 resultados para PIGMENTOSUM GROUP-C


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The complete SSU rDNA was sequenced for 10 individuals of Cladophora vagabunda collected along the coast of Brazil. For C. rupestris (L.) Kütz. a partial SSU rDNA sequence (1634 bp) was obtained. Phylogenetic trees indicate that Cladophora is paraphyletic, but the section Glomeratae sensu lato including C. vagabunda from Brazil, Japan and France, C. albida (Nees) Kütz., C. sericea (Hudson) Kütz., and C. glomerata (L.) Kütz. is monophyletic. Within this group C. vagabunda is paraphyletic. The sequence identity for the SSU rDNA varied from 98.9% to 100% for the Brazilian C. vagabunda, and from 98.3% to 99.7% comparing the Brazilian individuals to the ones from France and Japan. Sequence identity of the Brazilian C. vagabunda to C. albida and C. sericea vary from 98.0% to 98.6%. The SSU rDNA phylogeny support partially the morphological characteristics presented by Brazilian populations of C. vagabunda. On the other hand, C. rupestris from Brazil does not group with C. rupestris from France, both sequences presenting only 96.9% of identity. The inclusion of sequences of individuals from Brazil reinforces the need of taxonomical revision for the genus Cladophora and for the complex C. vagabunda.


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Abstract The aim of this study was to determine chemical, nutritional and microbiological evaluation of whole or gutted meagre stored at 4 ± 1 oC. Whole ungutted (Group A), eviscerated (Group B), beheaded-eviscerated fish (Group C) and fillets (Group D) groups were created for this study. According to fatty acid analysis, it was determined that meagre is rich in PUFA content and the n3/n6 ratio is within the ideal limits. In all 4 groups, obtained from fillets values were the highest in general, quality parameters were found within acceptable limits. Psychrophilic and mesophilic aerobic bacteria counts exceeded the standards for fillet groups on 7th days of storage. According to microbiological analysis, ungutted, beheaded, eviscerated samples were not exceeded limit values on 9th day. In conclusion, whole or gutted (headed and eviscerated) storage of meagre is found to be more advantageous compared to fillets for storage at 4 ± 1 oC.


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p53 activation is one of the main signals after DNA damage, controlling cell cycle arrest, DNA repair and apoptosis. We have previously shown that confluent nucleotide excision repair (NER)-deficient cells are more resistant to apoptosis induced by ultraviolet irradiation (UV). Here, we further investigated the effect of cell confluence on UV-induced apoptosis in normal and NER-deficient (XP-A and XP-C) cells, as well as the effects of treatments with the ATWATR inhibitor caffeine, and the patterns of p53 activation. Strong p53 activation was observed in either proliferating or confluent cells. Caffeine increased apoptosis levels and inhibited p53 activation in proliferating cells, suggesting a protective role for p53. However, in confluent NER-deficient cells no effect of caffeine was observed. Transcription recovery measurements showed decreased recovery in proliferating XPA-deficient cells, but no recovery was observed in confluent cells. The levels of the cyclin/Cdk inhibitor, p21(Waf1/Cip1), correlated well with p53 activation in proliferating cells. Surprisingly, confluent cells also showed similar activation of p21(Waf1/Cip1). These results indicate that reduced apoptosis in confluent cells is associated with the deficiency in DNA damage removal, since this effect is not clearly observed in NER-proficient cells. Moreover, the strong activation of p53 in confluent cells, which barely respond to apoptosis, suggests that this protein, under these conditions, is not linked to UV-induced cell death signaling. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Doxorubicin (DOX), a member of the anthracycline group, is a widely used drug in cancer therapy. The mechanisms of DOX action include topoisomerase II-poisoning, free radical release, DNA adducts and interstrand cross-link (ICL) formation. Nucleotide excision repair(NER) is involved in the removal of helix-distorting lesions and chemical adducts, however, little is known about the response of NER-deficient cell lines to anti-tumoral drugs like DOX. Wild type and XPD-mutated cells, harbouring mutations in different regions of this gene and leading to XP-D, XP/CS or TTD diseases, were treated with this drug and analyzed for cell cycle arrest and DNA damage by comet assay. The formation of DSBs was also investigated by determination of gamma H2AX foci. Our results indicate that all three NER-deficient cell lines tested are more sensitive to DOX treatment, when compared to wild type cells or XP cells complemented by the wild type XPD cDNA, suggesting that NER is involved in the removal of DOX-induced lesions. The cell cycle analysis showed the characteristic G2 arrest in repair-proficient MRC5 cell line after DOX treatment, whereas the repair-deficient cell lines presented significant increase in sub-G1 fraction. The NER-deficient cell lines do not show different patterns of DNA damage formation as assayed by comet assay and phosphorylated H2AX foci formation. Knock-down of topoisomerase II alpha with siRNA leads to increased survival in both MRC5 and XP cells, however, XP cell line still remained significantly more sensitive to the treatment by DOX. Our study suggests that the enhanced sensitivity is due to DOX-induced DNA damage that is subject to NER, as we observed decreased unscheduled DNA synthesis in XP-deficient cells upon DOX treatment. Furthermore, the complementation of the XPD-function abolished the observed sensitivity at lower DOX concentrations, suggesting that the XPD helicase activity is involved in the repair of DOX-induced lesions. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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OBJETIVO: Neste trabalho foi padronizado modelo experimental de isquemia e reperfusão em retalho cutâneo em ratos no qual estudou-se possibilidade de uma solução antioxidante, composta por Ringer lactato, vitamina C e manitol de reduzir a área de necrose. MÉTODOS: O modelo consistiu de levantamento de retalho cutâneo axial de 6,0 x 3,0cm, submetido à isquemia de 8 horas e reperfusão de 7 dias. Os animais foram divididos em quatro grupos: grupos S1, S2 (10 animais cada), C e T (14 animais cada). Nos grupos S1 e S2 todos os procedimentos dos demais grupos foram efetuados, exceto a isquemia e reperfusão: S1 recebeu apenas Ringer lactato e S2 a solução antioxidante. Os grupos C e T foram submetidos à isquemia. O grupo C recebeu somente Ringer lactato e o grupo T a solução antioxidante. No 7(0) dia de pós-operatório as áreas de necrose e pele viável do retalho foram delineadas em decalque de acetato, os quais foram por sua vez analisados em sistema computadorizado KS-300 (Carl Zeiss). RESULTADOS: A análise estatística mostrou que não houve diferenças significativas entre o grupo tratado e controle quanto à área de necrose. CONCLUSÃO: Concluiu-se que o modelo experimental é consistente, determinando área de necrose limitada e uniforme nos animais não tratados e que as drogas usadas, nessa posologia e modo de aplicação, não foram efetivas em diminuir a área de necrose no modelo experimental em questão.


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Até o presente momento, estudos moleculares para os vírus do grupo C (Bunyaviridae, Orthobunyavirus) não foram publicados. O presente trabalho determinou as seqüências nucleotídicas completas para os segmento ARN pequenos (P-ARN) e a seqüencias parciais para os segmentos de ARN médio (M-ARN) dos vírus do grupo C. A seqüencia completa do segmento P-ARNvariou de 915 a 926 nucleotídeos, e revelou organização genômica semelhante em comparação aos demais ortobunyavírus. Baseado nos 705 nt do gene N, os membros do grupo C foram distribuídos em três grupos filogenéticos principais, com exceção do vírus Madrid que foi posicionado fora destes três grupos. A análise da cepa BeH 5546 do vírus Caraparu revelou que o mesmo apresenta seu segmento P-ARN semelhante ao do vírus Oriboca , sendo um vírus rearranjado em natureza. Em adição, a análise dos 345 nt do gene Gn para sete vírus do grupo C e para a cepa BeH 5546, revelou uma diferente topologia filogenética, sugerindo um padrão de rearranjo genético entre estes vírus. Estes achados representam as primeiras evidências de rearranjo genético em natureza entre os vírus do grupo C, dos quais vários são patógenos humanos. Finalmente, nossos dados genéticos corroboraram dados de relacionamento antigênico entre esses vírus determinados utilizando métodos sorológicos (testes de fixação de complemento, inibição da hemaglutinação e neutralização), sugerindo que a associação de dados informativos aos níveis molecular, sorológico e eco-epidemiológico podem contribuir para o melhor entendimento da epidemiologia molecular dos ortobunyavírus.


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Das metastasierende maligne Melanom ist durch eine geringe p53-Mutations-Rate und eine hohe Resistenz gegenüber Chemotherapie mit alkylierenden Agenzien wie Fotemustin (FM) und Temozolomid (TMZ) gekennzeichnet. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Rolle von p53 in der Resistenz von malignen Melanomzellen gegenüber FM untersucht und Möglichkeiten zur Sensitivierung von Melanomzellen gegenüber TMZ und FM aufgezeigt.rnAusgangspunkt war die Beobachtung, dass p53 Wildtyp (p53wt) Melanomzellen resistenter gegenüber FM sind als p53 mutierte (p53mt) Zellen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde gezeigt, dass eine FM-Behandlung in p53wt Zellen eine Stabilisierung von p53 und eine Induktion des p53-Zielproteins p21 bewirkte. Mithilfe einer p53wt Zelllinie, welche einen p53 Knockdown trägt, konnte gezeigt werden, dass p53 für die geringe Apoptose-Rate nach FM-Behandlung verantwortlich ist. Eine Untersuchung der Interstrang-Crosslink (ICL)-Reparaturkapazität zeigte, dass p53mt Zellen im Gegensatz zu p53wt Zellen nicht in der Lage sind, FM-induzierte ICL zu reparieren. Dies ging mit einer im Vergleich zu p53wt Zellen starken DNA-Schadensantwort einher. Die Gene für die Proteine DDB2 und XPC wurden als durch FM regulierte DNA-Reparatur-Gene identifiziert, deren Induktion p53-abhängig und lang anhaltend (bis zu 144 h) erfolgt. Da XPC Knockdown-Zellen sensitiver als ihre Kontrollzellen gegenüber FM reagierten, konnte die biologische Relevanz von XPC bei der ICL-Reparatur bestätigt werden. Anhand von Xenograft-Tumoren wurde gezeigt, dass FM auch in situ eine Induktion von DDB2 und XPC auslöst. Die Beobachtung, dass DNA-Reparatur-Gene nach FM-Behandlung hochreguliert werden, liefert eine Erklärung für das schlechte Ansprechen von Melanomen auf eine Therapie mit ICL-induzierenden Chemotherapeutika.rnDes Weiteren befasste sich die vorliegende Arbeit mit Möglichkeiten zur Sensitivierung von Melanomzellen gegenüber den Chemotherapeutika TMZ und FM. In diesem Zusammenhang wurde Valproinsäure (VPA), ein in der Epilepsie-Therapie verwendetes Medikament und Histondesacetylase (HDAC)-Hemmer, bezüglich der chemosensitivierenden Wirkung untersucht. Zunächst konnte der in der Literatur häufig beschriebene stabilisierende Effekt von VPA auf „wildtypisches“ p53-Protein und destabilisierende Effekt auf mutiertes p53-Protein bestätigt werden. Zwei der vier untersuchten Zelllinien konnten mithilfe von VPA gegenüber TMZ sensitiviert werden, während nur eine der vier untersuchten Zelllinien gegenüber FM sensitiviert werden konnte. VPA begünstigt die Induktion von Apoptose, während der Effekt auf die Induktion von Nekrose nur gering ausfiel. Eine Wirkung von VPA auf die Aktivität des Resistenz-vermittelnden Enzyms O6-Methylguanin-DNA-Methyltransferase (MGMT) wurde nicht beobachtet. Zudem wurde ausgeschlossen, dass die Sensitivierung gegenüber TMZ und FM, welche S-Phase abhängige Gentoxine sind, auf einer VPA-induzierten Erhöhung der Proliferation beruht. Mithilfe einer Zelllinie, welche stabil dominant-negatives FADD (Fas-associated death domain) exprimiert, konnten keine Hinweise auf eine Beteiligung des extrinsischen Apoptose-Signalwegs an der VPA-vermittelten Sensitivierung gewonnen werden. Gleichzeitig wurde gezeigt, dass VPA keine Induktion der niedrig exprimierten Procaspase-8 verursachte. Mithilfe eines PCR-Arrays wurden transaktivierende und –reprimierende Effekte von VPA auf die Genexpression gezeigt, wobei das proapoptotische Protein BAX (Breakpoint cluster-2-associated x protein) als ein in der Sensitivierung involviertes Kandidatengen identifiziert wurde. Obwohl eine vollständige Aufklärung der dem Sensitivierungseffekt von VPA zu Grunde liegenden Mechanismen nicht erbracht werden konnte, zeigen die in dieser Arbeit erlangten Beobachtungen einen vielversprechenden Weg zur Überwindung der Resistenz von Melanomzellen gegenüber DNA-alkylierenden Zytostatika auf.rn


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Reconciliation is the occurrence of friendly behaviour between opponents shortly after an aggressive conflict. In primate groups, reconciliation reduces aggression and postconflict arousal. Aggression within a group can also increase arousal of bystanders (e.g. increase bystanders' rates of self-directed behaviour). Since reconciliation reduces aggression between opponents, we tested whether it also reduces self-directed behaviour in bystanders. Following aggression in a captive group of hamadryas baboons, one observer conducted a focal sample on one of the combatants to document reconciliation and a second observer simultaneously conducted a focal sample on a randomly selected bystander. Matched control observations were then collected on the same individuals in a nonaggressive context to obtain baseline levels of behaviour. The self-directed behaviour of bystanders was elevated after witnessing a fight compared to baseline levels. If combatants reconciled aggression, bystander rates of self-directed behaviour significantly decreased. If combatants did not reconcile aggression, bystander rates of self-directed behaviour remained at elevated levels, significantly higher than after reconciliation. If combatants affiliated with partners other than their original opponent, bystander rates of self-directed behaviour did not decrease. The rate of bystander self-directed behaviour after a combatant affiliated with its opponent was significantly lower than the rate after a combatant affiliated with other animals. Witnessing aggression increased arousal in bystanders, and reconciliation between the combatants was accompanied by reduced bystander arousal. The reduction was specific to contexts in which former opponents interacted. We suggest that bystanders recognized the functional significance of this conflict-resolution mechanism when it occurred in their group. (c) 2013 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The BCR-ABL fusion gene is the molecular hallmark of Philadelphia-positive leukemias. Normal Bcr is a multifunctional protein, originally localized to the cytoplasm. It has serine kinase activity and has been implicated in cellular signal transduction. Recently, it has been reported that Bcr can interact with xeroderma pigmentosum group B (XPB/ERCC3)—a nuclear protein active in UV-induced DNA repair. Two major Bcr proteins (p160 Bcr and p130Bcr) have been characterized, and our preliminary results using metabolic labeling and immunoblotting demonstrated that, while both the p160 and p130 forms of Bcr localized to the cytoplasm, the p130 form (and to a lesser extent p160) could also be found in the nucleus. Furthermore, electron microscopy confirmed the presence of Bcr in the nucleus and demonstrated that this protein associates with metaphase chromatin as well as condensed interphase heterochromatin. Since serine kinases that associate with condensed DNA are often cell cycle regulatory, these observations suggested a novel role for nuclear Bcr in cell cycle regulation and/or DNA repair. However, cell cycle synchronization analysis did not demonstrate changes in levels of Bcr throughout the cell cycle. Therefore we hypothesized that BCR serves as a DNA repair gene, and its function is altered by formation of BCR-ABL. This hypothesis was investigated using cell lines stably transfected with the BCR-ABL gene, and their parental counterparts (MBA-1 vs. M07E and Bcr-AblT1 vs. 4A2+pZAP), and several DNA repair assays: the Comet assay, a radioinimunoassay for UV-induced cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs), and clonogenic assays. Comet assays demonstrated that, after exposure to either ultraviolet (UV)-C (0.5 to 10.0 joules m −2) or to gamma radiation (200–1000 rads) there was greater efficiency of DNA repair in the BCR-ABL-transfected cells compared to their parental controls. Furthermore, after UVC-irradiation, there was less production of CPDs, and a more rapid disappearance of these adducts in BCR-ABL-bearing cells. UV survival, as reflected by clonogenic assays, was also greater in the BCR-ABL-transfected cells. Taken together, these results indicate that, in our systems, BCR-ABL confers resistance to UVC-induced damage in cells, and increases DNA repair efficiency in response to both UVC- and gamma-irradiation. ^


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Psoralen-conjugated triple-helix-forming oligonucleotides have been used to generate site-specific mutations within mammalian cells. To investigate factors influencing the efficiency of oligonucleotide-mediated gene targeting, the processing of third-strand-directed psoralen adducts was compared in normal and repair-deficient human cells. An unusually high mutation frequency and an altered mutation pattern were seen in xeroderma pigmentosum variant (XPV) cells compared with normal, xeroderma pigmentosum group A (XPA), and Fanconi anemia cells. In XPV, targeted mutations were produced in the supF reporter gene carried in a simian virus 40 vector at a frequency of 30%, 3-fold above that in normal or Fanconi anemia cells and 6-fold above that in XPA. The mutations generated by targeted psoralen crosslinks and monoadducts in the XPV cells formed a pattern distinct from that in the other three cell lines, with mutations occurring not just at the damaged site but also at adjacent base pairs. Hence, the XPV cells may have an abnormality in trans-lesion bypass synthesis during repair and/or replication, implicating a DNA polymerase or an accessory factor as a basis of the defect in XPV. These results may help to elucidate the repair deficiency in XPV, and they raise the possibility that genetic manipulation via triplex-targeted mutagenesis may be enhanced by modulation of the XPV-associated activity in normal cells.


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This study evaluated the influence of radiotherapy on the dentin bond strength of teeth extracted from patients who had undergone head and neck radiotherapy. A total of 36 samples were divided into two experimental groups: group I (control group, n = 18) and group II (in vivo irradiated group, n = 18). Groups I and II were further separated into three subgroups (six specimens per subgroup), which were further assigned to the three adhesive system protocols employed: Single Bond 2 (SB) (3M ESPE), Easy Bond (EB) (3M ESPE) and Clearfil SE Bond (CSE) (Kuraray). The adhesive systems were applied to the prepared surface according to the manufacturers' instructions and restored using composite resin (Filtek Supreme, 3M ESPE). After 24 h in deionised water (37(o)C), teeth were horizontally and vertically cut to obtain beam specimens with a cross-section area of 0.8 ± 1.0 mm(2). Specimens were tested in tension using a universal testing machine at a cross-speed of 0.5 mm/min. Fracture patterns were observed under SEM. Data was analysed by two-way analysis of variance (p ≤ 0.05). No statistically significant difference was found between the irradiated (R/SB = 44.66 ± 10.12 MPa; R/EB = 41.48 ± 12.71 MPa; and R/CSE = 46.01 ± 6.98 MPa) and control group (C/SB = 39.12 ± 9.51 MPa; C/EB = 42.40 ± 6.66 MPa; and C/CSE = 36.58 ± 7.06 MPa) for any of the adhesive systems. All groups presented a predominance of mixed fracture modes. Head and neck radiotherapy did not affect dentin bond strength for the adhesive materials tested in this study.


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There is a paucity of literature on haemophilia treatment in Latin American countries, a region characterized by rapidly improving systems of care, but with substantial disparities in treatment between countries. The aim of this study was to evaluate the musculoskeletal status of haemophilia patients from Latin America and to examine the relationship between musculoskeletal status and treatment practices across countries. The Committee of Latin America on the Therapeutics of Inhibitor Groups conducted a survey of its member country representatives on key aspects of haemophilia treatment in 10 countries. Musculoskeletal status of patients was obtained during routine comprehensive evaluations between March 2009 and March 2011. Eligible patients had severe haemophilia A (factor VIII <1%) without inhibitors (<0.6 BU mL(-1) ) and were ≥5 years of age. Musculoskeletal status was compared between three groups of countries, based primarily on differences in the availability of long-term prophylaxis. Overall, 143 patients (5-66 years of age) were enrolled from nine countries. In countries where long-term prophylaxis had been available for at least 10 years (Group A), patients aged 5-10 years had significantly better mean World Federation of Hemophilia clinical scores, fewer target joints and fewer affected joints than patients from countries where long-term prophylaxis has been available for about 5 years (Group B) or was not available (Group C). In Latin America, the musculoskeletal status of patients with severe haemophilia without inhibitors has improved significantly in association with the provision of long-term prophylaxis. As more countries in Latin America institute this practice, further improvements are anticipated.


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Purpose: To evaluate the onset time and quality of peribulbar anesthesia with 1% ropivacaine associated or not with hyaluronidase 100 tru/ml for cataract extraction. Methods: Prospective, randomized, double-blind and controlled study including fifty-seven patients, scheduled to undergo peribulbar anesthesia for cataract extraction, allocated to two groups. Group C: 1% ropivacaine with addition of 100 tru/ml hyaluronidase, and Group S 1% ropivacaine, without hyaluronidase. The onset time for globe akinesia was studied at intervals of 2 minutes, using Nicoll's score. We evaluated pain by analogic score during the surgery and the necessity of complementing the anaesthesia. The peribulbar block was considered satisfactory when the Nicoll's score was less than 4. Results: The mean time of onset of block in group C was 4.07 minutes (± 3.24), and in group S 5.03 (± 3.28). There was no statistically significant difference between the groups. Both were similar regarding pain score, no pain was observed in 57.14% of group C, and in 68.97% of group S. The supplementary anesthetic was necessary in 2 cases of group C and in 3 cases of group S. Two cases of bradycardia (heart rate < 50 bpm) were observed during the surgery, and in one case administration of atropine IV was necessary. Conclusion: 1% ropivacaine provided a good quality of anesthesia for cataract extraction, with a faster onset of action in the group with hyaluronidase 100 iu/ml, although without significant difference.