1000 resultados para PIERRE-ROBIN-SEQUENCE
Objetivo: Verificar a prevalência de anomalias congênitas associadas às fissuras labiopalatinas em crianças de 0 a 3 anos de idade. Métodos: Estudo transversal, observacional, aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa (Ofício nº 412/2011). Participaram do estudo 325 mulheres, mães biológicas de crianças com fissuras labiopalatinas de 0 a 3 anos de idade, associadas ou não a anomalias congênitas, matriculados no HRAC-USP. A média de idade das mães foi de 29 anos e mediana de 28 anos. O tamanho amostral foi segundo a “Fórmula para cálculo de tamanho de amostra - Populações infinitas”. Os resultados foram tabulados em planilha do programa computacional Microsoft® Excel, apresentados em tabelas apontando a média, mediana, frequência absoluta (fi), frequência absoluta acumulada (Fi), frequência relativa acumulada (Fr). Para a comparação entre a porcentagem do agravo na população e amostra, utilizou-se o teste estatístico “Teste Exato de Fisher”, adotando-se nível de significância de 5%. Resultado: Quanto à prevalência de anomalias congênitas associadas às fissuras labiopalatinas, 209(64,30%) crianças na faixa etária de 0 a 3 anos, apresentaram fissura labiopalatina isolada e 116(35,69%) apresentaram algum tipo de anomalia congênita associada a essas fissuras. A fissura mais prevalente foi a fissura pós-forame, apresentando-se isolada em 63 casos e associadas à anomalias em 42 casos, seguida da fissura trans-forame incisivo unilateral esquerda, sendo 17 casos isolada e 59 casos associada à anomalias. A anomalia congênita associada às fissuras mais encontrada foi a Sequencia de Pierre Robin, seguida das cardiopatias diversas e malformações de pés e mãos. Conclusão: a prevalência de anomalias congênitas associadas às fissuras labiopalatinas foi de 35,69%.
The large spatial inhomogeneity in transmit B, field (B-1(+)) observable in human MR images at hi h static magnetic fields (B-0) severely impairs image quality. To overcome this effect in brain T-1-weighted images the, MPRAGE sequence was modified to generate two different images at different inversion times MP2RAGE By combining the two images in a novel fashion, it was possible to create T-1-weigthed images where the result image was free of proton density contrast, T-2* contrast, reception bias field, and, to first order transmit field inhomogeneity. MP2RAGE sequence parameters were optimized using Bloch equations to maximize contrast-to-noise ratio per unit of time between brain tissues and minimize the effect of B-1(+) variations through space. Images of high anatomical quality and excellent brain tissue differentiation suitable for applications such as segmentation and voxel-based morphometry were obtained at 3 and 7 T. From such T-1-weighted images, acquired within 12 min, high-resolution 3D T-1 maps were routinely calculated at 7 T with sub-millimeter voxel resolution (0.65-0.85 mm isotropic). T-1 maps were validated in phantom experiments. In humans, the T, values obtained at 7 T were 1.15 +/- 0.06 s for white matter (WM) and 1.92 +/- 0.16 s for grey matter (GM), in good agreement with literature values obtained at lower spatial resolution. At 3 T, where whole-brain acquisitions with 1 mm isotropic voxels were acquired in 8 min the T-1 values obtained (0.81 +/- 0.03 S for WM and 1.35 +/- 0.05 for GM) were once again found to be in very good agreement with values in the literature. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
La séquence culturelle régionale de l’Archaïque supérieur et terminal de la vallée de l’Outaouais n’est pas complétée, mais les variations stylistiques, technologiques et fonctionnelles des artéfacts sur le plan régional et local facilitent le découpage culturel. La reconstruction de la chaîne opératoire des haches, des herminettes et des gouges en pierre polie des sites Muldoon et Lamoureux, deux sites du sud-est ontarien, pourrait permettre de déceler une tradition technologique régionale à cheval entre l’Archaïque laurentien, l’Archaïque post-laurentien et d’autres courants des Grands Lacs. L’analyse des haches, des herminettes et des gouges des sites Muldoon et Lamoureux démontre l’utilisation massive de l’amphibolite. La moitié distale de ces outils est surtout polie et finement abrasée et la moitié proximale souvent éclatée, mais parfois abrasée. Ces éléments technologiques et l’industrie de pierre taillée démontrent des ressemblances et des différences avec les sites laurentiens de la région, et certains sites post-laurentiens du Québec et de l’Ontario méridional. Le matériel en pierre polie des sites Muldoon et Lamoureux démontre des liens technologiques vers l’Ouest tout en gardant un contact avec la sphère d’interaction postlaurentienne. La vallée de l’Outaouais semble alors prendre une place indépendante dans l’Archaïque supérieur, certaines continuités technologiques s’observent entre l’Archaïque laurentien et l’Archaïque post-laurentien.
Data generated from next generation sequencing (NGS) will soon comprise the majority of information about arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) communities. Although these approaches give deeper insight, analysing NGS data involves decisions that can significantly affect results and conclusions. This is particularly true for AMF community studies, because much remains to be known about their basic biology and genetics. During a workshop in 2013, representatives from seven research groups using NGS for AMF community ecology gathered to discuss common challenges and directions for future research. Our goal was to improve the quality and accessibility of NGS data for the AMF research community. Discussions spanned sampling design, sample preservation, sequencing, bioinformatics and data archiving. With concrete examples we demonstrated how different approaches can significantly alter analysis outcomes. Failure to consider the consequences of these decisions may compound bias introduced at each step along the workflow. The products of these discussions have been summarized in this paper in order to serve as a guide for any researcher undertaking NGS sequencing of AMF communities.
The recent advent of Next-generation sequencing technologies has revolutionized the way of analyzing the genome. This innovation allows to get deeper information at a lower cost and in less time, and provides data that are discrete measurements. One of the most important applications with these data is the differential analysis, that is investigating if one gene exhibit a different expression level in correspondence of two (or more) biological conditions (such as disease states, treatments received and so on). As for the statistical analysis, the final aim will be statistical testing and for modeling these data the Negative Binomial distribution is considered the most adequate one especially because it allows for "over dispersion". However, the estimation of the dispersion parameter is a very delicate issue because few information are usually available for estimating it. Many strategies have been proposed, but they often result in procedures based on plug-in estimates, and in this thesis we show that this discrepancy between the estimation and the testing framework can lead to uncontrolled first-type errors. We propose a mixture model that allows each gene to share information with other genes that exhibit similar variability. Afterwards, three consistent statistical tests are developed for differential expression analysis. We show that the proposed method improves the sensitivity of detecting differentially expressed genes with respect to the common procedures, since it is the best one in reaching the nominal value for the first-type error, while keeping elevate power. The method is finally illustrated on prostate cancer RNA-seq data.
Cette thèse analyse la manifestation de la tradition dans certains textes des écrivains migrants au Québec, nommément La Québécoite et L’Immense fatigue des pierres de Régine Robin, Comment faire l’amour avec un nègre sans se fatiguer, Cette grenade dans la main du jeune nègre est-elle une arme ou un fruit ?, Pays sans chapeau et L’Énigme du retour de Dany Laferrière et, enfin L’Ingratitude et Immobile de Ying Chen. Les références à des récits, à des croyances et à des pratiques collectives qui se trouvent dans ces textes signalent une transformation de la transmission de l’héritage culturel d’une génération à l’autre. Afin de parvenir à une meilleure compréhension des liens entre la mémoire collective et la communauté culturelle se définissant dans le présent, je me sers du travail de folkloristes comme Alan Dundes, Simon Bronner et Richard Handler de même que des théories sur la faculté de la tradition proposées par Paul Ricœur, Walter Benjamin et Pierre Nora. Dans la première partie de la thèse, j’étudie l’imaginaire populaire du XIXe siècle et son incorporation dans la littérature canadienne-française de l’époque. Ensuite, j’analyse la remise en question de la tradition – de même que le rôle sous-jacent qu’elle continue de jouer, lors de la Révolution tranquille. Par rapport à ces deux périodes précédentes, l’usage du folklore chez les auteurs migrants laisse présager une nouvelle opération de la tradition dans un contexte où plusieurs groupes culturels se rencontrent. Dans un contexte pluraliste, l’idée de la communauté culturelle est fabriquée en fonction de notre appartenance à plusieurs groupes. Je m’intéresse à comment les gens qui habitent ensemble formulent des liens au passé même dans une situation dans laquelle ils ne partagent pas les mêmes rapports à la mémoire collective. Explorant le renouvellement, qui peut sembler paradoxal, de la tradition, je forme l’hypothèse qu’il est possible pour un groupe de se définir en fonction de valeurs culturelles puisées dans un passé collectif qui s’adaptent constamment à la réalité actuelle.
Cette thèse analyse la manifestation de la tradition dans certains textes des écrivains migrants au Québec, nommément La Québécoite et L’Immense fatigue des pierres de Régine Robin, Comment faire l’amour avec un nègre sans se fatiguer, Cette grenade dans la main du jeune nègre est-elle une arme ou un fruit ?, Pays sans chapeau et L’Énigme du retour de Dany Laferrière et, enfin L’Ingratitude et Immobile de Ying Chen. Les références à des récits, à des croyances et à des pratiques collectives qui se trouvent dans ces textes signalent une transformation de la transmission de l’héritage culturel d’une génération à l’autre. Afin de parvenir à une meilleure compréhension des liens entre la mémoire collective et la communauté culturelle se définissant dans le présent, je me sers du travail de folkloristes comme Alan Dundes, Simon Bronner et Richard Handler de même que des théories sur la faculté de la tradition proposées par Paul Ricœur, Walter Benjamin et Pierre Nora. Dans la première partie de la thèse, j’étudie l’imaginaire populaire du XIXe siècle et son incorporation dans la littérature canadienne-française de l’époque. Ensuite, j’analyse la remise en question de la tradition – de même que le rôle sous-jacent qu’elle continue de jouer, lors de la Révolution tranquille. Par rapport à ces deux périodes précédentes, l’usage du folklore chez les auteurs migrants laisse présager une nouvelle opération de la tradition dans un contexte où plusieurs groupes culturels se rencontrent. Dans un contexte pluraliste, l’idée de la communauté culturelle est fabriquée en fonction de notre appartenance à plusieurs groupes. Je m’intéresse à comment les gens qui habitent ensemble formulent des liens au passé même dans une situation dans laquelle ils ne partagent pas les mêmes rapports à la mémoire collective. Explorant le renouvellement, qui peut sembler paradoxal, de la tradition, je forme l’hypothèse qu’il est possible pour un groupe de se définir en fonction de valeurs culturelles puisées dans un passé collectif qui s’adaptent constamment à la réalité actuelle.
The actinobacterium Streptomyces wadayamensis A23 is an endophyte of Citrus reticulata that produces the antimycin and mannopeptimycin antibiotics, among others. The strain has the capability to inhibit Xylella fastidiosa growth. The draft genome of S. wadayamensis A23 has ~7.0 Mb and 6,006 protein-coding sequences, with a 73.5% G+C content.
Bacillus safensis is a microorganism recognized for its biotechnological and industrial potential due to its interesting enzymatic portfolio. Here, as a means of gathering information about the importance of this species in oil biodegradation, we report a draft genome sequence of a strain isolated from petroleum.
Avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) strains belong to a category that is associated with colibacillosis, a serious illness in the poultry industry worldwide. Additionally, some APEC groups have recently been described as potential zoonotic agents. In this work, we compared APEC strains with extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli (ExPEC) strains isolated from clinical cases of humans with extra-intestinal diseases such as urinary tract infections (UTI) and bacteremia. PCR results showed that genes usually found in the ColV plasmid (tsh, iucA, iss, and hlyF) were associated with APEC strains while fyuA, irp-2, fepC sitDchrom, fimH, crl, csgA, afa, iha, sat, hlyA, hra, cnf1, kpsMTII, clpVSakai and malX were associated with human ExPEC. Both categories shared nine serogroups (O2, O6, O7, O8, O11, O19, O25, O73 and O153) and seven sequence types (ST10, ST88, ST93, ST117, ST131, ST155, ST359, ST648 and ST1011). Interestingly, ST95, which is associated with the zoonotic potential of APEC and is spread in avian E. coli of North America and Europe, was not detected among 76 APEC strains. When the strains were clustered based on the presence of virulence genes, most ExPEC strains (71.7%) were contained in one cluster while most APEC strains (63.2%) segregated to another. In general, the strains showed distinct genetic and fingerprint patterns, but avian and human strains of ST359, or ST23 clonal complex (CC), presented more than 70% of similarity by PFGE. The results demonstrate that some zoonotic-related STs (ST117, ST131, ST10CC, ST23CC) are present in Brazil. Also, the presence of moderate fingerprint similarities between ST359 E. coli of avian and human origin indicates that strains of this ST are candidates for having zoonotic potential.
A Bacillus cereus strain, FT9, isolated from a hot spring in the midwest region of Brazil, had its entire genome sequenced.
A monomeric basic PLA2 (PhTX-II) of 14149.08 Da molecular weight was purified to homogeneity from Porthidium hyoprora venom. Amino acid sequence by in tandem mass spectrometry revealed that PhTX-II belongs to Asp49 PLA2 enzyme class and displays conserved domains as the catalytic network, Ca2+-binding loop and the hydrophobic channel of access to the catalytic site, reflected in the high catalytic activity displayed by the enzyme. Moreover, PhTX-II PLA2 showed an allosteric behavior and its enzymatic activity was dependent on Ca2+. Examination of PhTX-II PLA2 by CD spectroscopy indicated a high content of alpha-helical structures, similar to the known structure of secreted phospholipase IIA group suggesting a similar folding. PhTX-II PLA2 causes neuromuscular blockade in avian neuromuscular preparations with a significant direct action on skeletal muscle function, as well as, induced local edema and myotoxicity, in mice. The treatment of PhTX-II by BPB resulted in complete loss of their catalytic activity that was accompanied by loss of their edematogenic effect. On the other hand, enzymatic activity of PhTX-II contributes to this neuromuscular blockade and local myotoxicity is dependent not only on enzymatic activity. These results show that PhTX-II is a myotoxic Asp49 PLA2 that contributes with toxic actions caused by P. hyoprora venom.
Telomerase RNAs (TERs) are highly divergent between species, varying in size and sequence composition. Here, we identify a candidate for the telomerase RNA component of Leishmania genus, which includes species that cause leishmaniasis, a neglected tropical disease. Merging a thorough computational screening combined with RNA-seq evidence, we mapped a non-coding RNA gene localized in a syntenic locus on chromosome 25 of five Leishmania species that shares partial synteny with both Trypanosoma brucei TER locus and a putative TER candidate-containing locus of Crithidia fasciculata. Using target-driven molecular biology approaches, we detected a ∼2,100 nt transcript (LeishTER) that contains a 5' spliced leader (SL) cap, a putative 3' polyA tail and a predicted C/D box snoRNA domain. LeishTER is expressed at similar levels in the logarithmic and stationary growth phases of promastigote forms. A 5'SL capped LeishTER co-immunoprecipitated and co-localized with the telomerase protein component (TERT) in a cell cycle-dependent manner. Prediction of its secondary structure strongly suggests the existence of a bona fide single-stranded template sequence and a conserved C[U/C]GUCA motif-containing helix II, representing the template boundary element. This study paves the way for further investigations on the biogenesis of parasite TERT ribonucleoproteins (RNPs) and its role in parasite telomere biology.