1000 resultados para PER assay


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The identification of 15N-labeled 3-nitrotyrosine (NTyr) by gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy in protein hydrolyzates from activated RAW 264.7 macrophages incubated with 15N-L-arginine confirms that nitric oxide synthase (NOS) is involved in the nitration of protein-bound tyrosine (Tyr). An assay is presented for NTyr that employs HPLC with tandem electrochemical and UV detection. The assay involves enzymatic hydrolysis of protein, acetylation, solvent extraction, O-deacetylation, and dithionite reduction to produce an analyte containing N-acetyl-3-aminotyrosine, an electrochemically active derivative of NTyr. We estimate the level of protein-bound NTyr in normal rat plasma to be approximately 0-1 residues per 10(6) Tyr with a detection limit of 0.5 per 10(7) Tyr when > 100 nmol of Tyr is analyzed and when precautions are taken to limit nitration artifacts. Zymosan-treated RAW 264.7 cells were shown to have an approximately 6-fold higher level of protein-bound NTyr compared with control cells and cells treated with N(G)-monomethyl-L-arginine, an inhibitor of NOS. Intraperitoneal injection of F344 rats with zymosan led to a marked elevation in protein-bound NTyr to approximately 13 residues per 10(6) Tyr, an approximately 40-fold elevation compared with plasma protein of untreated rats; cotreatment with N(G)-monomethyl-L-arginine inhibited the formation of NTyr in plasma protein from blood and peritoneal exudate by 69% and 53%, respectively. This assay offers a highly sensitive and quantitative approach for investigating the role of reactive byproducts of nitric oxide in the many pathological conditions and disease states associated with NO(X) exposure such as inflammation and smoking.


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The development of a robust assay based on MEKC for cefepime in human serum and plasma with internal quality assurance is reported. Sample preparation comprises protein precipitation in the presence of SDS at pH 4.5. This is a gentle approach for which decomposition of cefepime during sample handling is negligible. After hydrodynamic sample injection of the supernatant, analysis occurs in a phosphate/borate buffer at pH 9.1 with 75 mM SDS using normal polarity and analyte detection at 257 nm. The MEKC run time interval and throughput are about 5 min and seven samples per hour, respectively. The calibration range for cefepime is 1-60 μg/mL, with 1 μg/mL being the LOQ. The performance of the assay with multilevel internal calibration was assessed with calibration and control samples. The assay is shown to be simple, inexpensive, reproducible, and robust. It was applied to determine cefepime levels in the sera of critically ill patients and to assess the instability of cefepime in patient and control samples. Our data revealed that serum containing cefepime can be stored at -20°C for a short time, whereas for long-term storage, samples have to be kept at -70°C.


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The performance of high-resolution CZE for determination of carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (CDT) in human serum based on internal and external quality data gathered over a 10-year period is reported. The assay comprises mixing of serum with a Fe(III) ion-containing solution prior to analysis of the iron saturated mixture in a dynamically double-coated capillary using a commercial buffer at alkaline pH. CDT values obtained with a human serum of a healthy individual and commercial quality control sera are shown to vary less than 10%. Values of a control from a specific lot were found to slowly decrease as function of time (less than 10% per year). Furthermore, due to unknown reasons, gradual changes in the monitored pattern around pentasialo-transferrin were detected, which limit the use of commercial control sera of the same lot to less than 2 years. Analysis of external quality control sera revealed correct classification of the samples over the entire 10-year period. Data obtained compare well with those of HPLC and CZE assays of other laboratories. The data gathered over a 10-year period demonstrate the robustness of the high-resolution CZE assay. This is the first account of a CZE-based CDT assay with complete internal and external quality assessment over an extended time period.


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Detection of malarial sporozoites by a double antibody sandwich enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is described. This investigation utilized the Anopheles stephensi-Plasmodium berghei malaria model for the generation of sporozoites. Anti-sporozoite antibody was obtained from the sera of rats which had been bitten by An. stephensi with salivary gland sporozoites. Mosquitoes were irradiated prior to feeding on the rats to render the sporozoites non-viable.^ The assay employed microtiter plates coated with their rat anti-sporozoite antiserum or rat anti-sporozoite IgG. Intact and sonicated sporozoites were used as antigens. Initially, sporozoites were detected by an ELISA using staphylococcal protein A conjugated with alkaline phosphatase. Sporozoites were also detected using alkaline phosphatase or horseradish peroxidase conjugated to anti-sporozoite IgG. Best results were obtained using the alkaline phosphatase conjugate.^ This investigation included the titration of antigen, coating antibody and labelled antibody as well as studies of various incubation times. A radioimmunoassay (RIA) was also developed and compared with the ELISA for detecting sporozoites. Finally, the detection of a single infected mosquito in pools of 5 to 10 whole, uninfested ones was studied using both ELISA and RIA.^ Sonicated sporozoites were more readily detected than intact sporozoites. The lower limit of detection was approximately 500 sporozoites per ml. Results using ELISA or RIA were similar. The ability of the ELISA to detect a single infected mosquito in a pool of uninfected ones indicates that this technique has potential use in entomological field studies which aim at determining the vector status of anopheline mosquitoes. The potential of the ELISA for identifying sporozoites of different species of malaria is discussed. ^


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Human hematopoiesis originates in a population of stem cells with transplantable lympho-myeloid reconstituting potential, but a method for quantitating such cells has not been available. We now describe a simple assay that meets this need. It is based on the ability of sublethally irradiated immunodeficient nonobese diabetic–scid/scid (NOD/SCID) mice to be engrafted by intravenously injected human hematopoietic cells and uses limiting dilution analysis to measure the frequency of human cells that produce both CD34−CD19+ (B-lymphoid) and CD34+ (myeloid) colony-forming cell progeny in the marrow of such recipients 6 to 8 weeks post-transplant. Human cord blood (CB) contains ≈5 of these competitive repopulating units (CRU) per ml that have a similar distribution between the CD38− and CD38+ subsets of CD34+ CB cells as long-term culture-initiating cells (LTC-IC) (4:1 vs. 2:1). Incubation of purified CD34+CD38− human CB cells in serum-free medium containing flt-3 ligand, Steel factor, interleukin 3, interleukin 6, and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor for 5–8 days resulted in a 100-fold expansion of colony-forming cells, a 4-fold expansion of LTC-IC, and a 2-fold (but significant, P < 0.02) increase in CRU. The culture-derived CRU, like the original CB CRU, generated pluripotent, erythroid, granulopoietic, megakaryopoietic, and pre-B cell progeny upon transplantation into NOD/SCID mice. These findings demonstrate an equivalent phenotypic heterogeneity amongst human CB cells detectable as CRU and LTC-IC. In addition, their similarly modest response to stimulation by a combination of cytokines that extensively amplify LTC-IC from normal adult marrow underscores the importance of ontogeny-dependent changes in human hematopoietic stem cell proliferation and self-renewal.


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DNA breaks occur during many processes in mammalian cells, including recombination, repair, mutagenesis and apoptosis. Here we report a simple and rapid method for assaying DNA breaks and identifying DNA breaksites. Breaksites are first tagged and amplified by ligation-mediated PCR (LM-PCR), using nested PCR primers to increase the specificity and sensitivity of amplification. Breaksites are then mapped by batch sequencing LM-PCR products. This allows easy identification of multiple breaksites per reaction without tedious fractionation of PCR products by gel electrophoresis or cloning. Breaksite batch mapping requires little starting material and can be used to identify either single- or double-strand breaks.