925 resultados para P2P video streaming


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In this paper a full analytic model for pause intensity (PI), a no-reference metric for video quality assessment, is presented. The model is built upon the video play out buffer behavior at the client side and also encompasses the characteristics of a TCP network. Video streaming via TCP produces impairments in play continuity, which are not typically reflected in current objective metrics such as PSNR and SSIM. Recently the buffer under run frequency/probability has been used to characterize the buffer behavior and as a measurement for performance optimization. But we show, using subjective testing, that under run frequency cannot reflect the viewers' quality of experience for TCP based streaming. We also demonstrate that PI is a comprehensive metric made up of a combination of phenomena observed in the play out buffer. The analytical model in this work is verified with simulations carried out on ns-2, showing that the two results are closely matched. The effectiveness of the PI metric has also been proved by subjective testing on a range of video clips, where PI values exhibit a good correlation with the viewers' opinion scores. © 2012 IEEE.


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Distributed caching-empowered wireless networks can greatly improve the efficiency of data storage and transmission and thereby the users' quality of experience (QoE). However, how this technology can alleviate the network access pressure while ensuring the consistency of content delivery is still an open question, especially in the case where the users are in fast motion. Therefore, in this paper, we investigate the caching issue emerging from a forthcoming scenario where vehicular video streaming is performed under cellular networks. Specifically, a QoE centric distributed caching approach is proposed to fulfill as many users' requests as possible, considering the limited caching space of base stations and basic user experience guarantee. Firstly, a QoE evaluation model is established using verified empirical data. Also, the mathematic relationship between the streaming bit rate and actual storage space is developed. Then, the distributed caching management for vehicular video streaming is formulated as a constrained optimization problem and solved with the generalized-reduced gradient method. Simulation results indicate that our approach can improve the users' satisfaction ratio by up to 40%.


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This article proposes a MAS architecture for network diagnosis under uncertainty. Network diagnosis is divided into two inference processes: hypothesis generation and hypothesis confirmation. The first process is distributed among several agents based on a MSBN, while the second one is carried out by agents using semantic reasoning. A diagnosis ontology has been defined in order to combine both inference processes. To drive the deliberation process, dynamic data about the influence of observations are taken during diagnosis process. In order to achieve quick and reliable diagnoses, this influence is used to choose the best action to perform. This approach has been evaluated in a P2P video streaming scenario. Computational and time improvements are highlight as conclusions.


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Video streaming applications have hitherto been supported by single server systems. A major drawback of such a solution is that it increases the server load. The server restricts the number of clients that can be simultaneously supported due to limitation in bandwidth. The constraints of a single server system can be overcome in video streaming if we exploit the endless resources available in a distributed and networked system. We explore a P2P system for streaming video applications. In this paper we build a P2P streaming video (SVP2P) service in which multiple peers co-operate to serve video segments for new requests, thereby reducing server load and bandwidth used. Our simulation shows the playback latency using SVP2P is roughly 1/4th of the latency incurred when the server directly streams the video. Bandwidth consumed for control messages (overhead) is as low as 1.5% of the total data transfered. The most important observation is that the capacity of the SVP2P grows dynamically.


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Today P2P faces two important challenges: design of mechanisms to encourage users’ collaboration in multimedia live streaming services; design of reliable algorithms with QoS provision, to encourage multimedia providers employ the P2P topology in commercial streaming services. We believe that these two challenges are tightly-related and there is much to be done with respect. This paper proposes a novel monetary incentive for P2P multimedia streaming. The incentive model classifies the users in groups according to the perceived video quality. We apply the model to a streaming system’s billing model in order to evaluate its feasibility and visualize its quantitative effect on the users’ motivation and the provider’s profit. We conclude that monetary incentive can boost up users’ cooperation, loyalty and enhance the overall system integrity and performance. Moreover the model defines the constraints for the provider’s cost and profit when the system is leveraged on the cloud. Considering those constraints, a multimedia content provider can adapt the billing model of his streaming service and achieve desirable discount-profit trade-off. This will moreover contribute to better promotion of the service, across the users on the Internet.


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O uso de Internet para a distribuição de fluxos de vídeo tem se mostrado uma tendência atual e traz consigo grandes desafios. O alicerce sobre qual a Internet está fundamentada, comutação por pacotes e arquitetura cliente-servidor, não proporciona as melhores condições para este tipo de serviço. A arquitetura P2P (peer-to-peer) vem sendo considerada como infraestrutura para a distribuição de fluxos de vídeo na Internet. A idéia básica da distribuição de vídeo com o suporte de P2P é a de que os vários nós integrantes da rede sobreposta distribuem e encaminham pedaços de vídeo de forma cooperativa, dividindo as tarefas, e colocando à disposição da rede seus recursos locais. Dentro deste contexto, é importante investigar o que ocorre com a qualidade do serviço de distribuição de vídeo quando a infraestrutura provida pelas redes P2P é contaminada por nós que não estejam dispostos a cooperar, já que a base desta arquitetura é a cooperação. Neste trabalho, inicialmente é feito um estudo para verificar o quanto a presença de nós não-cooperativos pode afetar a qualidade da aplicação de distribuição de fluxo de vídeo em uma rede P2P. Com base nos resultados obtidos, é proposto um mecanismo de incentivo à cooperação para que seja garantida uma boa qualidade de vídeo aos nós cooperativos e alguma punição aos nós não-cooperativos. Os testes e avaliações foram realizados utilizando-se o simulador PeerSim.


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In 2014, eight academic libraries in the state of New York collaborated on a group patron driven acquisition (PDA) pilot program with Kanopy, a video streaming service for libraries. The institutions, despite vast differences in size and profile, each launched Kanopy’s streaming solution on their campuses under a program where they would jointly contribute to and acquire films based on group usage. The pilot ran for seven months and led to some fascinating insights into the differences in demand for film across campuses, the possibility of PDA as a model for library acquisition, and the feasibility of a group approach to acquisition. This paper presents the background to, results of, and reflections on the pilot program from the three unique perspectives of the consortium, the vendor, and one of the libraries involved, providing a holistic view of the success of the pilot and the lessons learned.


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In mobile videos, small viewing size and bitrate limitation often cause unpleasant viewing experiences, which is particularly important for fast-moving sports videos. For optimizing the overall user experience of viewing sports videos on mobile phones, this paper explores the benefits of emphasizing Region of Interest (ROI) by 1) zooming in and 2) enhancing the quality. The main goal is to measure the effectiveness of these two approaches and determine which one is more effective. To obtain a more comprehensive understanding of the overall user experience, the study considers user’s interest in video content and user’s acceptance of the perceived video quality, and compares the user experience in sports videos with other content types such as talk shows. The results from a user study with 40 subjects demonstrate that zooming and ROI-enhancement are both effective in improving the overall user experience with talk show and mid-shot soccer videos. However, for the full-shot scenes in soccer videos, only zooming is effective while ROI-enhancement has a negative effect. Moreover, user’s interest in video content directly affects not only the user experience and the acceptance of video quality, but also the effect of content type on the user experience. Finally, the overall user experience is closely related to the degree of the acceptance of video quality and the degree of the interest in video content. This study is valuable in exploiting effective approaches to improve user experience, especially in mobile sports video streaming contexts, whereby the available bandwidth is usually low or limited. It also provides further understanding of the influencing factors of user experience.


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Recent years have witnessed a rapid growth in the demand for streaming video over the Internet, exposing challenges in coping with heterogeneous device capabilities and varying network throughput. When we couple this rise in streaming with the growing number of portable devices (smart phones, tablets, laptops) we see an ever-increasing demand for high-definition videos online while on the move. Wireless networks are inherently characterised by restricted shared bandwidth and relatively high error loss rates, thus presenting a challenge for the efficient delivery of high quality video. Additionally, mobile devices can support/demand a range of video resolutions and qualities. This demand for mobile streaming highlights the need for adaptive video streaming schemes that can adjust to available bandwidth and heterogeneity, and can provide us with graceful changes in video quality, all while respecting our viewing satisfaction. In this context the use of well-known scalable media streaming techniques, commonly known as scalable coding, is an attractive solution and the focus of this thesis. In this thesis we investigate the transmission of existing scalable video models over a lossy network and determine how the variation in viewable quality is affected by packet loss. This work focuses on leveraging the benefits of scalable media, while reducing the effects of data loss on achievable video quality. The overall approach is focused on the strategic packetisation of the underlying scalable video and how to best utilise error resiliency to maximise viewable quality. In particular, we examine the manner in which scalable video is packetised for transmission over lossy networks and propose new techniques that reduce the impact of packet loss on scalable video by selectively choosing how to packetise the data and which data to transmit. We also exploit redundancy techniques, such as error resiliency, to enhance the stream quality by ensuring a smooth play-out with fewer changes in achievable video quality. The contributions of this thesis are in the creation of new segmentation and encapsulation techniques which increase the viewable quality of existing scalable models by fragmenting and re-allocating the video sub-streams based on user requirements, available bandwidth and variations in loss rates. We offer new packetisation techniques which reduce the effects of packet loss on viewable quality by leveraging the increase in the number of frames per group of pictures (GOP) and by providing equality of data in every packet transmitted per GOP. These provide novel mechanisms for packetizing and error resiliency, as well as providing new applications for existing techniques such as Interleaving and Priority Encoded Transmission. We also introduce three new scalable coding models, which offer a balance between transmission cost and the consistency of viewable quality.


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The need for better adaptation of networks to transported flows has led to research on new approaches such as content aware networks and network aware applications. In parallel, recent developments of multimedia and content oriented services and applications such as IPTV, video streaming, video on demand, and Internet TV reinforced interest in multicast technologies. IP multicast has not been widely deployed due to interdomain and QoS support problems; therefore, alternative solutions have been investigated. This article proposes a management driven hybrid multicast solution that is multi-domain and media oriented, and combines overlay multicast, IP multicast, and P2P. The architecture is developed in a content aware network and network aware application environment, based on light network virtualization. The multicast trees can be seen as parallel virtual content aware networks, spanning a single or multiple IP domains, customized to the type of content to be transported while fulfilling the quality of service requirements of the service provider.


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Monográfico con el título: 'Avances tecnológicos digitales en metodologías de innovación docente en el campo de las Ciencias de la Salud en España'. Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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[EN]In this paper we present a video streaming solution. It describes the functionality of streaming server at our university and the workflow to embed videos into the learning platform Moodle. By the server-side role management teachers can get access to upload their recorded lectures to the server. Videos will be converted into different streaming formats and embed into the learning platform with provided embed code. The number of teachers who use this proposal is continuously growing at our university. Beside the lecture scripts the videos watched often by the students what the numbers of video accesses in the Moodle course and the streaming server traffic significantly show.


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Programa de doctorado: Tecnología de la Información y sus aplicaciones. La fecha de publicación es la fecha de lectura


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Skype is one of the well-known applications that has guided the evolution of real-time video streaming and has become one of the most used software in everyday life. It provides VoIP audio/video calls as well as messaging chat and file transfer. Many versions are available covering all the principal operating systems like Windows, Macintosh and Linux but also mobile systems. Voice quality decreed Skype success since its birth in 2003 and peer-to-peer architecture has allowed worldwide diffusion. After video call introduction in 2006 Skype became a complete solution to communicate between two or more people. As a primarily video conferencing application, Skype assumes certain characteristics of the delivered video to optimize its perceived quality. However in the last years, and with the recent release of SkypeKit1, many new Skype video-enabled devices came out especially in the mobile world. This forced a change to the traditional recording, streaming and receiving settings allowing for a wide range of network and content dynamics. Video calls are not anymore based on static ‘chatting’ but mobile devices have opened new possibilities and can be used in several scenarios. For instance, lecture streaming or one-to-one mobile video conferences exhibit more dynamics as both caller and callee might be on move. Most of these cases are different from “head&shoulder” only content. Therefore, Skype needs to optimize its video streaming engine to cover more video types. Heterogeneous connections require different behaviors and solutions and Skype must face with this variety to maintain a certain quality independently from connection used. Part of the present work will be focused on analyzing Skype behavior depending on video content. Since Skype protocol is proprietary most of the studies so far have tried to characterize its traffic and to reverse engineer its protocol. However, questions related to the behavior of Skype, especially on quality as perceived by users, remain unanswered. We will study Skype video codecs capabilities and video quality assessment. Another motivation of our work is the design of a mechanism that estimates the perceived cost of network conditions on Skype video delivery. To this extent we will try to assess in an objective way the impact of network impairments on the perceived quality of a Skype video call. Traditional video streaming schemes lack the necessary flexibility and adaptivity that Skype tries to achieve at the edge of a network. Our contribution will lye on a testbed and consequent objective video quality analysis that we will carry out on input videos. We will stream raw video files with Skype via an impaired channel and then we will record it at the receiver side to analyze with objective quality of experience metrics.


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Internet e il Web rappresentano una risorsa informativa immensa, utilizzabile anche per compiere indagini di mercato, soprattutto a fronte di nuovi fenomeni di consumo. Un caso emergente è rappresentato dai servizi di video streaming. La piattaforma presa in considerazione dal mio studio di analisi è Twitch, leader nel segmento di mercato dei video-giochi. Attraverso di essa milioni di follower seguono in tempo reali i comportamenti di gioco di migliaia di player, fra i quali i principali campioni mondiali di e-sports. La tesi ha esaminato, attraverso lo studio di fonti di letteratura e di mercato, le principali caratteristiche di relazione degli utenti. Su tale base è stato definito un campione attraverso uso delle API del sito, oggetto di studio finalizzato alla comprensione dei comportamenti di scelta da parte dei follower. Fra i vari esiti, emerge confermata la presenza e tutti i livelli di analisi della distribuzione power-law, tipica anche di Internet nel suoi complesso.