998 resultados para Outer Hair Cells


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Alpha-synuclein is found in synaptic terminals at the base of both inner and outer hair cells, while the beta isoform is prominently localized to spiral ganglion neuron cell bodies. The present study assessed the role of beta-synuclein in auditory function, and potential interactions between isoforms.


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Os sistemas de telecomunicações emitem radiofreqüência, uma radiação eletromagnética invisível. Telefones celulares transmitem microondas (450900 MHz no sistema analógico e 1,82,2 GHz no sistema digital), muito próximo à orelha do usuário. Esta energia é absorvida pela pele, orelha interna, nervo vestibulococlear e superfície do lobo temporal. OBJETIVO: Revisar a literatura sobre influência dos telefones celulares na audição e equilíbrio. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Revisão sistemática. METODOLOGIA: Foram pesquisados artigos nas bases Lilacs e Medline sobre a influência dos telefones celulares nos sistemas auditivo e vestibular, publicados de 2000 a 2005, e também materiais veiculados na Internet. RESULTADOS: Os estudos sobre radiação do telefone celular e risco de neurinoma do acústico apresentam resultados contraditórios. Alguns autores não encontram maior probabilidade de aparecimento do tumor nos usuários de celulares, enquanto outros relatam que a utilização de telefones analógicos por 10 anos ou mais aumenta o risco para o tumor. A exposição aguda às microondas emitidas pelo celular não influencia a atividade das células ciliadas externas da cóclea, in vivo e in vitro, a condução elétrica no nervo coclear, nem a fisiologia do sistema vestibular em humanos. As próteses auditivas analógicas são mais suscetíveis à interferência eletromagnética dos telefones celulares digitais. CONCLUSÃO: Não há comprovação de lesão cocleovestibular pelos telefones celulares.


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O trato olivococlear medial realiza o controle eferente das células ciliadas externas, regulando as contrações lentas e atenuando as rápidas. Com a pesquisa da amplitude das emissões otoacústicas sem e com estimulação acústica contra, ipsi ou bilateralmente, é possível estimar as condições desse trato, uma vez que o efeito resultante de redução/supressão das emissões indica seu funcionamento. O envelhecimento implica em diminuição da atividade do sistema auditivo central, em função da degeneração das estruturas envolvidas nas habilidades auditivas. OBJETIVO: O objetivo foi investigar o efeito da idade na atividade do trato sobre a cóclea, com a análise da amplitude das emissões com estimulação acústica contralateral. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: A casuística foi composta por 75 indivíduos agrupados conforme a idade. A metodologia foi o modo convencional, com clique linear e o ruído branco. ESTUDO DE CASO: A análise considerou a resposta das orelhas e a comparação entre os grupos. RESULTADOS: Os resultados revelam diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre o response das emissões sem e com estimulação acústica contralateral, nos indivíduos (20 a 39 anos). O efeito redução/supressão das emissões diminui com a idade (quarta década). CONCLUSÃO: O envelhecimento prejudica a efetividade da atividade do trato.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Human auditory nerve afferents consist of two separate systems; one is represented by the large type I cells innervating the inner hair cells and the other one by the small type II cells innervating the outer hair cells. Type I spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs) constitute 96% of the afferent nerve population and, in contrast to other mammals, their soma and pre- and post-somatic segments are unmyelinated. Type II nerve soma and fibers are unmyelinated. Histopathology and clinical experience imply that human SGNs can persist electrically excitable without dendrites, thus lacking connection to the organ of Corti. The biological background to this phenomenon remains elusive. We analyzed the pre- and post-somatic segments of the type I human SGNs using immunohistochemistry and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) in normal and pathological conditions. These segments were found surrounded by non-myelinated Schwann cells (NMSCs) showing strong intracellular expression of laminin-β2/collagen IV. These cells also bordered the perikaryal entry zone and disclosed surface rugosities outlined by a folded basement membrane (BM) expressing laminin-β2 and collagen IV. It is presumed that human large SGNs are demarcated by three cell categories: (a) myelinated Schwann cells, (b) NMSCs and (c) satellite glial cells (SGCs). Their BMs express laminin-β2/collagen IV and reaches the BM of the sensory epithelium at the habenula perforata. We speculate that the NMSCs protect SGNs from further degeneration following dendrite loss. It may give further explanation why SGNs can persist as electrically excitable monopolar cells even after long-time deafness, a blessing for the deaf treated with cochlear implantation.


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Normal mammalian hearing is refined by amplification of the motion of the cochlear partition. This partition, comprising the organ of Corti sandwiched between the basilar and tectorial membranes, contains the outer hair cells that are thought to drive this amplification process. Force generation by outer hair cells has been studied extensively in vitro and in situ, but, to understand cochlear amplification fully, it is necessary to characterize the role played by each of the components of the cochlear partition in vivo. Observations of cochlear partition motion in vivo are severely restricted by its inaccessibility and sensitivity to surgical trauma, so, for the present study, a computer model has been used to simulate the operation of the cochlea under different experimental conditions. In this model, which uniquely retains much of the three-dimensional complexity of the real cochlea, the motions of the basilar and tectorial membranes are fundamentally different during in situ- and in vivo-like conditions. Furthermore, enhanced outer hair cell force generation in vitro leads paradoxically to a decrease in the gain of the cochlear amplifier during sound stimulation to the model in vivo. These results suggest that it is not possible to extrapolate directly from experimental observations made in vitro and in situ to the normal operation of the intact organ in vivo.


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Within the mammalian inner ear there are six separate sensory regions that subserve the functions of hearing and balance, although how these sensory regions become specified remains unknown. Each sensory region is populated by two cell types, the mechanosensory hair cell and the supporting cell, which are arranged in a mosaic in which each hair cell is surrounded by supporting cells. The proposed mechanism for creating the sensory mosaic is lateral inhibition mediated by the Notch signaling pathway. However, one of the Notch ligands, Jagged1 (Jag1), does not show an expression pattern wholly consistent with a role in lateral inhibition, as it marks the sensory patches from very early in their development—presumably long before cells make their final fate decisions. It has been proposed that Jag1 has a role in specifying sensory versus nonsensory epithelium within the ear [Adam, J., Myat, A., Roux, I. L., Eddison, M., Henrique, D., Ish-Horowicz, D. & Lewis, J. (1998) Development (Cambridge, U.K.) 125, 4645–4654]. Here we provide experimental evidence that Notch signaling may be involved in specifying sensory regions by showing that a dominant mouse mutant headturner (Htu) contains a missense mutation in the Jag1 gene and displays missing posterior and sometimes anterior ampullae, structures that house the sensory cristae. Htu/+ mutants also demonstrate a significant reduction in the numbers of outer hair cells in the organ of Corti. Because lateral inhibition mediated by Notch predicts that disruptions in this pathway would lead to an increase in hair cells, we believe these data indicate an earlier role for Notch within the inner ear.


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In the mammalian cochlea, the basilar membrane's (BM) mechanical responses are amplified, and frequency tuning is sharpened through active feedback from the electromotile outer hair cells (OHCs). To be effective, OHC feedback must be delivered to the correct region of the BM and introduced at the appropriate time in each cycle of BM displacement. To investigate when OHCs contribute to cochlear amplification, a laser-diode interferometer was used to measure tone-evoked BM displacements in the basal turn of the guinea pig cochlea. Measurements were made at multiple sites across the width of the BM, which are tuned to the same characteristic frequency (CF). In response to CF tones, the largest displacements occur in the OHC region and phase lead those measured beneath the outer pillar cells and adjacent to the spiral ligament by about 90°. Postmortem, responses beneath the OHCs are reduced by up to 65 dB, and all regions across the width of the BM move in unison. We suggest that OHCs amplify BM responses to CF tones when the BM is moving at maximum velocity. In regions of the BM where OHCs contribute to its motion, the responses are compressive and nonlinear. We measured the distribution of nonlinear compressive vibrations along the length of the BM in response to a single frequency tone and estimated that OHC amplification is restricted to a 1.25- to 1.40-mm length of BM centered on the CF place.


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Mammalian hearing depends on the enhanced mechanical properties of the basilar membrane within the cochlear duct. The enhancement arises through the action of outer hair cells that act like force generators within the organ of Corti. Simple considerations show that underlying mechanism of somatic motility depends on local area changes within the lateral membrane of the cell. The molecular basis for this phenomenon is a dense array of particles that are inserted into the basolateral membrane and that are capable of sensing membrane potential field. We show here that outer hair cells selectively take up fructose, at rates high enough to suggest that a sugar transporter may be part of the motor complex. The relation of these findings to a recent candidate for the molecular motor is also discussed.


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The tectorial membrane has long been postulated as playing a role in the exquisite sensitivity of the cochlea. In particular, it has been proposed that the tectorial membrane provides a second resonant system, in addition to that of the basilar membrane, which contributes to the amplification of the motion of the cochlear partition. Until now, technical difficulties had prevented vibration measurements of the tectorial membrane and, therefore, precluded direct evidence of a mechanical resonance. In the study reported here, the vibration of the tectorial membrane was measured in two orthogonal directions by using a novel method of combining laser interferometry with a photodiode technique. It is shown experimentally that the motion of the tectorial membrane is resonant at a frequency of 0.5 octave (oct) below the resonant frequency of the basilar membrane and polarized parallel to the reticular lamina. It is concluded that the resonant motion of the tectorial membrane is due to a parallel resonance between the mass of the tectorial membrane and the compliance of the stereocilia of the outer hair cells. Moreover, in combination with the contractile force of outer hair cells, it is proposed that inertial motion of the tectorial membrane provides the necessary conditions to allow positive feedback of mechanical energy into the cochlear partition, thereby amplifying and tuning the cochlear response.


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An expression-cloning strategy was used to isolate a cDNA that encodes a protein that confers calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) responsiveness to Xenopus laevis oocytes. A guinea pig organ of Corti (the mammalian hearing organ) cDNA library was screened by using an assay based on the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR). The CFTR is a chloride channel that is activated upon phosphorylation; this channel activity was used as a sensor for CGRP-induced activation of intracellular kinases. A cDNA library from guinea pig organ of Corti was screened by using this oocyte-CFTR assay. A cDNA was identified that contained an open reading frame coding for a small hydrophilic protein that is presumed to be either a CGRP receptor or a component of a CGRP receptor complex. This CGRP receptor component protein confers CGRP-specific activation to the CFTR assay, as no activation was detected upon application of calcitonin, amylin, neuropeptide Y, vasoactive intestinal peptide, or beta-endorphin. In situ hybridization demonstrated that the CGRP receptor component protein is expressed in outer hair cells of the organ of Corti and is colocalized with CGRP-containing efferent nerve terminals.


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Multiscale asymptotic methods developed previously to study macromechanical wave propagation in cochlear models are generalized here to include active control of a cochlear partition having three subpartitions, the basilar membrane, the reticular lamina, and the tectorial membrane. Activation of outer hair cells by stereocilia displacement and/or by lateral wall stretching result in a frequency-dependent force acting between the reticular lamina and basilar membrane. Wavelength-dependent fluid loads are estimated by using the unsteady Stokes' equations, except in the narrow gap between the tectorial membrane and reticular lamina, where lubrication theory is appropriate. The local wavenumber and subpartition amplitude ratios are determined from the zeroth order equations of motion. A solvability relation for the first order equations of motion determines the subpartition amplitudes. The main findings are as follows: The reticular lamina and tectorial membrane move in unison with essentially no squeezing of the gap; an active force level consistent with measurements on isolated outer hair cells can provide a 35-dB amplification and sharpening of subpartition waveforms by delaying dissipation and allowing a greater structural resonance to occur before the wave is cut off; however, previously postulated activity mechanisms for single partition models cannot achieve sharp enough tuning in subpartitioned models.


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Myosin VIIa is a newly identified member of the myosin superfamily of actin-based motors. Recently, the myosin VIIa gene was identified as the gene defective in shaker-1, a recessive deafness in mice [Gibson, F., Walsh, J., Mburu, P., Varela, A., Brown, K.A., Antonio, M., Beisel, K.W., Steel, K.P. & Brown, S.D.M. (1995) Nature (London) 374, 62-64], and in human Usher syndrome type 1B, an inherited disease characterized by congenital deafness, vestibular dysfunction, and retinitis pigmentosa [Weil, D., Blanchard, S., Kaplan, J., Guilford, P., Gibson, F., Walsh, J., Mburu, P., Varela, A., Levilliers, J., Weston, M.D., Kelley, P.M., Kimberling, W.J., Wagenaar, M., Levi-Acobas, F., Larget-Piet, D., Munnich, A., Steel, K.P., Brown, S.D.M. & Petit, C. (1995) Nature (London) 374, 60-61]. To understand the normal function of myosin VIIa and how it could cause these disease phenotypes when defective, we generated antibodies specific to the tail portion of this unconventional myosin. We found that myosin VIIa was expressed in cochlea, retina, testis, lung, and kidney. In cochlea, myosin VIIa expression was restricted to the inner and outer hair cells, where it was found in the apical stereocilia as well as the cytoplasm. In the eye, myosin VIIa was expressed by the retinal pigmented epithelial cells, where it was enriched within the apical actin-rich domain of this cell type. The cell-specific localization of myosin VIIa suggests that the blindness and deafness associated with Usher syndrome is due to lack of proper myosin VIIa function within the cochlear hair cells and the retinal pigmented epithelial cells.


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Sensory transduction in the mammalian cochlea requires the maintenance of specialized fluid compartments with distinct ionic compositions. This is achieved by the concerted action of diverse ion channels and transporters, some of which can interact with the PDZ scaffolds, Na+-H+ exchanger regulatory factors 1 and 2 (NHERF-1, NHERF-2). Here, we report that NHERF-1 and NHERF-2 are widely expressed in the rat cochlea, and that their expression is developmentally regulated. Reverse transcription/polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and Western blotting initially confirmed the RNA and protein expression of NHERFs. We then performed immunohistochemistry on cochlea during various stages of postnatal development. Prior to the onset of hearing (P8), NHERF-1 immunolabeling was prominently polarized to the apical membrane of cells lining the endolymphatic compartment, including the stereocilia and cuticular plates of the inner and outer hair cells, marginal cells of the stria vascularis, Reissner's epithelia, and tectorial membrane. With maturation (P21, P70), NHERF-1 immunolabeling was reduced in the above structures, whereas labeling increased in the apical membrane of the interdental cells of the spiral limbus and the inner and outer sulcus cells, Hensen's cells, the inner and outer pillar cells, Deiters cells, the inner border cells, spiral ligament fibrocytes, and spiral ganglion neurons (particularly type II). NHERF-1 expression in strial basal and intermediate cells was persistent. NHERF-2 immunolabeling was similar to that for NHERF-1 during postnatal development, with the exception of expression in the synaptic regions beneath the outer hair cells. NHERF-1 and NHERF-2 co-localized with glial fibrillary acidic protein and vimentin in glia. The cochlear localization of NHERF scaffolds suggests that they play important roles in the developmental regulation of ion transport, homeostasis, and auditory neurotransmission.