905 resultados para Ordem econômica constitucional
This work aims to study the additive decisions, a type of juridical interpretation developed in foreign legal systems and which are known in Italy as adittive sentences. Thefore, this dissertation is based on theorical studies developed around the subject in Italy and Brazil. Considering the fact that the fundamental rights face a problem of implementation, being decreased its normative force when there are legislative partial omissions lacking constitutional justification creating privileges to certain individuals or social/economical groups over others, the method of additive interpretation according to the Constitution can be used in order to realize the principle of equality. In tax matters the subject is even more relevant in the way that it represents an important role in the economy. Partial legislative omissions can generate inequalities, favoring certain taxpayers in relation to others in similar legal situation. In these cases the privilege may have a negative impact on economic order restricting values related to the basis of market competition. On those occasions, Brazilian Judges and Courts must exercise their constitutional jurisdiction in order to expand the effects of the legislative omissions, based on the principle of equality by extending the standard to equal tax situations in order to maintain neutrality in taxation
Analysis of the elements of the Constitutional Order of the letter 1988 politics, with emphasis in the principles of this, a study on the intervention of the State in the private initiative by means of the Law of Recovery of Companies and Bankruptcies (law 11.101/05). New enterprise vision is admitted, over all in the interdependence between economic and social factors. Study on the globalization and the interdependence of economic and legal sciences in the construction of a legal optics in the search for the economic and social development, with the recognition of the interference of the Economy in the Right and its uneven importance. Still, we delineate the state intervention in the economic scope, of company and in the judicial recovery, as well as the consequences of such intervention in the involved credits in the judicial recovery and patrimony of the debtor in recovery. For such task, the elements of the Judicial Recovery, its principles and adequacy of these to the related ones in the chapter had been analyzed that turns on the national economic Order, describing the formal procedure for concession of the benefit of the Judicial Recovery and the principles in existing them. The forms of intervention of the State in the private economy were not disrespected, relating its direct and indirect performance as half of preservation of interests writings in the constitutional scope as public interest and preservation of the National economic Order. The regulating agencies as of direct state intervention were half not disrespected of the study for the relevance of the subject. It is revised national bibliography with incursions in French, Portuguese and North American comparative jurisprudence. One contributes in the aspect of the paper of the Judiciary Power in the protection of the companies in crisis and the social and economic impacts, over all in relation to the rights of the worked ones, credit and enterprise
The existence of inequalities among the Brazilian regions is an indeed fact along the country s history. Before this reality the constitutional legislator inserted into the Federal Constitution of 1988, as a purpose of the Federative Republic of Brazil, the reduction of regional inequalities. The development has also been included as a purpose from the State, because there is an straight relation with the reduction of regional inequalities. In both situations is searched the improvement of people s living conditions. . In pursuit of this achievement, the State must implement public policy, and, for this to happen, it needs the ingress of income inside of the public coffers and support of economic agents, therefore the importance of constitucionalization of the economic policy. The 1988 s Constitution adopted a rational capitalism regime consentaneous with current legal and social conceptions, that s why it enabled the State s intervention into economy to correct the so-called market failures or to make the established objectives fulfilled. About this last one, the intervention may happen by induction through the adoption of regulatory Standards of incentive or disincentive of economic activity. Among the possible inductive ways there are the tax assessments that aim to stimulate the economic agents behavior in view of finding that the development doesn t occur with the same intensity in all of the country s regions. Inside this context there are the Export Processing Zones (EPZs) which are special areas with different customs regime by the granting of benefits to the companies that are installed there. The EPZs have been used, by several countries, in order to develop certain regions, and economic indicators show that they promoted economic and social changes in the places where they are installed, especially because, by attracting companies, they provide job creation, industrialization and increased exports. In Brazil, they can contribute decisively to overcome major obstacles or decrease the attraction of economic agents and economic development of the country. In the case of an instrument known to be effective to achieve the goals established by the Constitution, it is duty of the Executive to push for the law that governs this customs regime is effectively applied. If the Executive doesn t fulfill this duty, incurs into unjustifiable omission, correction likely by the Judiciary, whose mission is to prevent acts or omissions contrary to constitutional order
This dissertation deals with the social function of the contract, based on constitutional principles, especially those relating to fundamental rights. The social function of the contract (general clause) is described in the Civil Code so intentionally generic, no precise criteria to define it. Because of the fluidity of this principle, it is justified its closer study, seeking to assess its various meanings and looking away from the legal uncertainty that an unlimited conceptual vagueness can cause. The social function of the contract arises from a transformation experienced in private law from the inflows received from the Constitutional Law, the result of an evolutionary process by which it became the state structure, leaving the foundations of the classical liberal state and moving toward a vision guided by existential human values that give the keynote of the Welfare State. Arose, then the concern about the effectiveness of fundamental rights in relations between individuals, which is studied from the inapplicability of fundamental rights in private relations (U.S. doctrine of State action), passing to the analysis of the Theory of indirect horizontal effect of fundamental rights (of German creation and majority acceptance), reaching the right horizontal efficacy Theory of fundamental rights, prevailing Brazilian doctrine and jurisprudence. It has also been investigated the foundations of the social contract, pointing out that, apart from the provisions of the constitutional legislation, that base the principle on screen, there have also been noticed foundations in the Federal Constitution, in devices like the art. 1, III, the dignity of the human person is the north of the relationship between contractors. Also art. 3rd, I CF/88 bases the vision of social covenants, equipping it for the implementation of social solidarity, as one of the fundamental objectives of the Republic. Still on art. 170 of the Constitution it is seen as a locus of reasoning in the social function of the contract, the maintenance of the economic order. It is also studied the internal and external aspects of the social function of the contract, being the first part the one that considers the requirement of respect for contractual loyalty, through the objective good faith, as a result of the dignity of the hirer may not be offended by the other through the contract. On the other hand, the external facet of the social function of the contract, in line with the constitutional mandate of solidarity, indicates the need for contractors to respect the rights of society, namely the diffuse, collective and individual third party. In this external appearance, it is also pointed the notion of external credit protection, addressing the duty of society to respect the contract. There has been shown some notions of the social contract in comparative law. Then, there has been investigated the content of principle study, through their interrelationships with other provisions of private and constitutional law, namely equality, objective good faith, private autonomy and dignity of the human person. We study the application of the social contract in contractual networks as well as the guidance of conservation of contracts, especially those denominated long-term captive contracts, considering the theory of substantive due performance, concluding with an analysis of the social contract in code of Consumer Protection
The civil liability of the distribution and retail fuel stems from the fact business activity developed to be high risk and can be said as risk inherent or latent danger that has predictability and normality characterized by placing the consumer in a position of vulnerability, such as the environment, both public policies defined and constitutional protection. Consumer protection as a fundamental right and the environment as the primacy of social order aims the welfare and social justice, as inserted right to the third dimension, are guarded by the State when it creates operational standards through public policies and indirectly intervenes in the economic order. This intervention is due to consumer protection and the environment are economic order principles, founded on free initiative and free competition, ensuring everyone a dignified existence which underlies the irradiation of fundamental rights in private initiative, before the commercial evaluation, mass consumption, the emergence of new technologies that link consumers to the environment before the protection of life, health and safety and ensuring a better quality of life for present and future generations. To repair this damage and the right to information are provided as fundamental rights that put the person at the epicenter of the relations and collective interest stands out against individual interests that to be done need public-private partnership. In such a way that the used methodology was an analysis of documents correlating them with bibliographic sources whose goals are to recognize the civil responsibility as limit to subjective right, having to develop a social function where guilt and risk grow distant and the damage is configured as a consequence of inherent risk, requiring the State interventional postures in fulfilling its public policy; prevailing in these risky activities the solidarity of those involved in the chain of production and socialization of damage forward those are provided directly of products of hazardous nature that put in a position of vulnerability the environment and the consumer
There is a clear relationship between citizenship and labor market. While foreign nationals are equal in dignity and rights in the laws governing the employment of this labor force. Motivated by reasons of state security or political direction, such laws to a greater or lesser degree, create establish a system of worker protection in the face of the foreign national. These rules have a direct impact on economic regulation, as they can affect the supply of skilled labor or not, articulating with the economic order envisaged by the 1988 Constitution. The Constitution adopts several principles in its economic order, so that the issues involving the rules of the nationalization of all work must be considered in a systematic way, one can not choose a pleasure interpreter. The nationalization of the work rules are not unique to Brazil, similar rules exist in several countries of South America and Africa. In Europe they already existed, but lost out on the basis of treaties setting up the European Union, although other mechanisms are used for the purpose of protecting the citizens of the member states, making policies equal treatment legislation symbolic. The nationalization of the work rules governing the relationship between nationality and the labor market and are in a legal category, which has a function to fulfill in the Brazilian legal system. Not all rules nationalization violate the principle of equality, as it is possible, depending on the circumstance indeed adopt a criterion that implies differentiation between nationals and foreigners. The Constitution has a will arising from its normative force, so that the assumptions it (constitution) used to discriminate may also be possible by ordinary legislation, since the situation is actually justifiably constitutional
A conformação do desenvolvimento propugnado pela Constituição Federal de 1988 como objetivo fundamental da república, certamente perpassa pela racionalização das questões energéticas e pela diversificação da matriz nacional enquanto estratégia de aprovisionamento. O desenvolvimento energético em toda a sua complexidade deve ser alicerçado não em uma relação de contraposição à sustentabilidade, mas cooperativismo normativo e de projetos sociais que objetivam a melhorias para a população nestes dois seguimentos. O advento das energias renováveis nesse contexto se consolida como uma alternativa viável, apesar do tratamento dado pela Lei Maior ao tema ter sido apenas com relação à geração em pequena escala. A interpretação sistemática dos postulados da ordem econômica e as exigências da sociedade estimulam o aproveitamento dos potenciais renováveis em escala comercial e regional, além do fortalecimento nos segmentos de autoprodução e produção independente. Dentre as energias tratadas como prioritárias neste contexto, a eólica revela-se como carecedora de aprofundamento das estruturas dogmáticas de sua positivação, que envolve um vasto manancial de regras pulverizadas na regulação econômica do setor elétrico e no controle ambiental. Esta textura submete os empreendimentos elioelétricos aos instrumentos da política nacional do meio ambiente e às determinações do poder concedente dos serviços de energia elétrica, responsável pela pormenorização da geração, transmissão, distribuição e comercialização de energia, independentemente da fonte primária utilizada no processo de transformação. Tratar destas questões com o compromisso na formulação de raciocínios críticos e propositivos, especialmente acerca de temas como a liberdade energética e controle de mercado, é imperioso para superar juridicamente as limitações presentes inclusive no discurso da delimitação de marcos normativos adequados. Havendo vantagens ambientais, tecnológicas e comerciais na exploração da energia cinética do vento como propulsora do desenvolvimento no modelo civilizatório estabelecido, cumpre também ao Estado dar a sua contribuição setorial na forma de incentivos, desburocratização e aprimoramento do modelo concorrencial. O estudo adota os métodos histórico-evolutivo, dialético e sistêmico de abordagem, encarando as hipóteses formuladas no aspecto das consequências multilaterais que as soluções encontradas apontam, exigindo que a estabilização de expectativas sociais por parte do ordenamento jurídico não ignorem o sentido material cognitivamente aberto do desenvolvimento. Hodiernamente, a perspectiva de desenvolvimento energético alia tendências econômicas e tecnológicas em favor das fontes alternativas mais eficientes, revelando a energia eólica como uma representante adequada em termos pragmáticos de normatização e preservação ambiental
Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The setting up of wind power enterprises at Permanent Preservation Areas reflects the obvious conflict and necessary convergence between free market and energy security on the one hand, and the promotion of environmental quality on the other. From the perspective of energy sustainability, and in order to achieve development (in its complex meaning, which converges economic, social, environmental and cultural aspects), the harmonization between free market and an ecologically sustainable environment is required. This work aims to identify the link between the protection system of the Permanent Preservation Areas and the current constitutional order, by analyzing the implementation of wind power enterprises in these protected zones focusing on the proportionality aspects. A legal and purposeful research was developed, from a theoretical method, followed by collecting and analyzing both primary and secondary data. From these data, the law, the legal literature and judicial decisions were cross-examined, under the light of the Constitution and guided by the theory of proportionality and related development imperatives. In this context, the present study identified the link between the principles of the economic order, environment and energy law, finding their basis under the Federal Constitution and development. By reproducing this interrelationship and by means of post-crisis institutional reforms, the guiding objectives of the Brazilian electric sector began to corroborate the precepts of development, although issues regarding its sustainability still persist. The appraisal of proportionality indicates that the Permanent Preservation Areas protection system is insufficient to materialize the right to a healthy quality of life upon the implementation of wind projects at Permanent Preservation Areas, albeit seeking the harmonization between free market and environmental protection.
The setting up of wind power enterprises at Permanent Preservation Areas reflects the obvious conflict and necessary convergence between free market and energy security on the one hand, and the promotion of environmental quality on the other. From the perspective of energy sustainability, and in order to achieve development (in its complex meaning, which converges economic, social, environmental and cultural aspects), the harmonization between free market and an ecologically sustainable environment is required. This work aims to identify the link between the protection system of the Permanent Preservation Areas and the current constitutional order, by analyzing the implementation of wind power enterprises in these protected zones focusing on the proportionality aspects. A legal and purposeful research was developed, from a theoretical method, followed by collecting and analyzing both primary and secondary data. From these data, the law, the legal literature and judicial decisions were cross-examined, under the light of the Constitution and guided by the theory of proportionality and related development imperatives. In this context, the present study identified the link between the principles of the economic order, environment and energy law, finding their basis under the Federal Constitution and development. By reproducing this interrelationship and by means of post-crisis institutional reforms, the guiding objectives of the Brazilian electric sector began to corroborate the precepts of development, although issues regarding its sustainability still persist. The appraisal of proportionality indicates that the Permanent Preservation Areas protection system is insufficient to materialize the right to a healthy quality of life upon the implementation of wind projects at Permanent Preservation Areas, albeit seeking the harmonization between free market and environmental protection.
Apresenta uma resenha sobre a publicação - Sistema internacional com hegemonia das democracias de mercado : desafios de Brasil e Argentina - que discute os equívocos cometidos por esses países, ao longo do século XX, e as formas pelas quais poderão se inserir nas novas condições da economia global e nos padrões atuais de organização política.
A Confederação Nacional dos Bispos do Brasil (CNBB) apresentou as emendas populares com o maior número de assinaturas até o momento. Elas tratam dos seguintes assuntos: preservação da vida desde a concepção, uso de verbas públicas para escolas públicas e escolas sem fins lucrativos, liberdade de ensino religioso e um último conjunto sobre a ordem econômica. Dom Candido Padim afirma que a reforma agrária é questão fundamental para o atendimento das aspirações populares. Todos os constituintes concordam que as relações no campo devem ser mudadas, mas cada um tem uma visão diferente do problema. O Deputado Virgílio Galassi (PDS-MG) defende uma reforma agrária sem objetivos políticos, mas com inteligência e objetividade para criar novos proprietários rurais. O Deputado Evaldo Gonçalves (PFL-PB) considera que, no Nordeste, uma grande reforma agrária seria realizar programas de irrigação e açudagem. O Deputado Oswaldo Almeida (PL-RJ) diz ser preciso desenvolver uma política agrícola que possa fixar o homem no campo. O Deputado Ulysses Guimarães, Presidente da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC), anunciou a pauta das sessões extras para tratar dos temas polêmicos. O Deputado Plínio Arruda Sampaio (PT- SP) informa que preferiria que as sessões fossem pela manhã ou pela tarde, para permitir que a imprensa tivesse melhores condições de colher os depoimentos. O Deputado Tito Costa (PMDB-SP) afirma que as sessões extras serão benéficas para o aprimoramento da Constituição.
O Relator da Comissão de Sistematização Bernardo Cabral (PMDB-AM) está concluindo o novo projeto de Constituição. O Relator Adjunto, o Deputado José Serra (PMDB-SP) considera que houve avanços, pois corrige injustiças no nosso sistema tributário e universaliza a assistência médica. Ainda não há acordo nos seguintes pontos: sistema de governo, mandato do presidente, reforma agrária e estabilidade no emprego. O Deputado Bernardo Cabral comenta esses temas e diz que os pontos que não obtiverem consenso irão para votação em Plenário. Na sessão O Povo Pergunta, cidadão gostaria de saber o que está sendo feito pelo esporte na Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC). O Deputado José Queiroz (PFL-SE) responde que será a primeira vez que a Constituição trará artigos sobre o assunto, tais como a autonomia das entidades esportivas e os incentivos fiscais. Constituintes reforçam suas posições em relação aos temas polêmicos na ANC. O Deputado Célio de Castro (PMDB-MG) defende o direito dos trabalhadores e cita três propostas básicas: estabilidade no emprego, jornada de quarenta horas de trabalho e o direito de greve. O Deputado Henrique Córdova (PDS-SC) diz que o parlamentarismo é o único sistema que assegurará uma participação efetiva do povo, através de seus representantes, não só na formação do governo, mas principalmente nas decisões do governo. O Deputado Roberto Brant (PMDB-MG) acredita que a polêmica em torno do papel do Estado na economia não é relevante, mas sim que a sociedade possa ter um efetivo controle do Estado, sobre o conteúdo e a qualidade da intervenção que o Estado exerce sobre a ordem econômica.