977 resultados para Olivo, C. Thomas.


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PURPOSE: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive adolescents face a number of challenges in dealing with their disease, treatment, and developmental tasks. This qualitative study describes some of the reasons why, and the extent to which, adolescents may or may not disclose their condition to others. METHODS: A semistructured interview lasting 40-110 minutes was conducted with each of 29 adolescents 12-20 years old, 22 female and seven male) living in Switzerland. Interviews were tape recorded and transcribed verbatim. The analysis of the content of interviews allowed us to identify salient topics (e.g., disclosure), which were then explored in detail. RESULTS: Of 29 participants, eight had not disclosed their condition to anyone outside the family, 19 had disclosed it to good friends, and 16 had disclosed it to some teachers. Four participants had engaged in public disclosure, and six of 10 sexually active teenagers disclosed their status to their partners. The attitudes toward disclosure among younger adolescents were mostly related to those of the parents, particularly the mother. Older adolescents, engaged in their search for autonomy, tended to decide independently what to say and to whom. Although foster/adoptive parents would often encourage disclosure, biological parents, especially HIV-positive mothers, insisted on not disclosing the adolescent's status for fear of stigma. CONCLUSION: The health care team should systematically address the issue of disclosure with the adolescent and his family (or foster parents), the aim being to balance the right of the adolescent and that adolescent's family to maintain privacy against the concerns of sexual partners, as well as the adolescent's interest in divulging HIV status to relatives, school staff, and friends.


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BACKGROUND: New evidence shows that high density lipoproteins (HDL) have protective effects beyond their role in reverse cholesterol transport. Reconstituted HDL (rHDL) offer an attractive means of clinically exploiting these novel effects including cardioprotection against ischemia reperfusion injury (IRI). However, basic rHDL composition is limited to apolipoprotein AI (apoAI) and phospholipids; addition of bioactive compound may enhance its beneficial effects. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate the role of rHDL in post-ischemic model, and to analyze the potential impact of sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) in rHDL formulations. METHODS AND RESULTS: The impact of HDL on IRI was investigated using complementary in vivo, ex vivo and in vitro IRI models. Acute post-ischemic treatment with native HDL significantly reduced infarct size and cell death in the ex vivo, isolated heart (Langendorff) model and the in vivo model (-48%, p<0.01). Treatment with rHDL of basic formulation (apoAI + phospholipids) had a non-significant impact on cell death in vitro and on the infarct size ex vivo and in vivo. In contrast, rHDL containing S1P had a highly significant, protective influence ex vivo, and in vivo (-50%, p<0.01). This impact was comparable with the effects observed with native HDL. Pro-survival signaling proteins, Akt, STAT3 and ERK1/2 were similarly activated by HDL and rHDL containing S1P both in vitro (isolated cardiomyocytes) and in vivo. CONCLUSION: HDL afford protection against IRI in a clinically relevant model (post-ischemia). rHDL is significantly protective if supplemented with S1P. The protective impact of HDL appears to target directly the cardiomyocyte.


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Carbon isotope ratio (CIR) analysis has been routinely and successfully applied to doping control analysis for many years to uncover the misuse of endogenous steroids such as testosterone. Over the years, several challenges and limitations of this approach became apparent, e.g., the influence of inadequate chromatographic separation on CIR values or the emergence of steroid preparations comprising identical CIRs as endogenous steroids. While the latter has been addressed recently by the implementation of hydrogen isotope ratios (HIR), an improved sample preparation for CIR avoiding co-eluting compounds is presented herein together with newly established reference values of those endogenous steroids being relevant for doping controls. From the fraction of glucuronidated steroids 5β-pregnane-3α,20α-diol, 5α-androst-16-en-3α-ol, 3α-Hydroxy-5β-androstane-11,17-dione, 3α-hydroxy-5α-androstan-17-one (ANDRO), 3α-hydroxy-5β-androstan-17-one (ETIO), 3β-hydroxy-androst-5-en-17-one (DHEA), 5α- and 5β-androstane-3α,17β-diol (5aDIOL and 5bDIOL), 17β-hydroxy-androst-4-en-3-one and 17α-hydroxy-androst-4-en-3-one were included. In addition, sulfate conjugates of ANDRO, ETIO, DHEA, 3β-hydroxy-5α-androstan-17-one plus 17α- and androst-5-ene-3β,17β-diol were considered and analyzed after acidic solvolysis. The results obtained for the reference population encompassing n = 67 males and females confirmed earlier findings regarding factors influencing endogenous CIR. Variations in sample preparation influenced CIR measurements especially for 5aDIOL and 5bDIOL, the most valuable steroidal analytes for the detection of testosterone misuse. Earlier investigations on the HIR of the same reference population enabled the evaluation of combined measurements of CIR and HIR and its usefulness regarding both steroid metabolism studies and doping control analysis. The combination of both stable isotopes would allow for lower reference limits providing the same statistical power and certainty to distinguish between the endo- or exogenous origin of a urinary steroid.


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Glandora oleifolia (Lapeyr.) D.C.Thomas [= Lithodora oleifolia (Lapeyr.) Griseb.] constituye uno de los endemismos más restringidos de la península Ibérica, puesto que cuenta con una única población (dividida en dos núcleos separados por apenas 5 km) localizada en la Alta Garrotxa, en el Pirineo gerundense. Glandora oleifolia está catalogada como VU en la Lista Roja 2008 de la Flora Vascular Española y goza de protección legal en Cataluña (está incluida en el reciente Catálogo de flora amenazada de esta comunidad autónoma). Como parte de un plan de conservación ex situ que está elaborando el Jardín Botánico Marimurtra (JBMiM) para este taxón amenazado, se ha estudiado su diversidad genética mediante aloenzimas y RAPDs. Para ambos marcadores, losniveles de variabilidad genética intrapoblacional mostraron unos valores muy pequeños, tal y como se espera para los endemismos de área muy reducida. La divergencia genética entre los dos núcleos poblacionales también resultó ser muy reducida, inferior al 10% con ambos marcadores. La exigua área de distribución de esta borraginácea, a pesar de su moderado tamaño poblacional (unos 5.000 individuos), junto con tan pequeña variabilidad genética, la convierte en un taxón con un elevado riesgo de extinción. Por otra parte, la especie está sometida a una enorme presión antrópica (sobrefrecuentación), mientras que la baja producción de semillas debido a la escasa actividad de los polinizadores constituye una amenaza adicional.


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An overview of ocular implants with therapeutic application potentials is provided. Various types of implants can be used as slow release devices delivering locally the needed drug for an extended period of time. Thus, multiple periocular or intraocular injections of the drug can be circumvented and secondary complications minimized. The various compositions of polymers fulfilling specific delivery goals are described. Several of these implants are undergoing clinical trials while a few are already commercialized. Despite the paramount progress in design, safety and efficacy, the place of these implants in our clinical therapeutic arsenal remains limited. Miniaturization of the implants allowing for their direct injection without the need for a complicated surgery is a necessary development avenue. Particulate systems which can be engineered to target specifically certain cells or tissues are another promising alternative. For ocular diseases affecting the choroid and outer retina, transscleral or intrasscleral implants are gaining momentum.


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HIV-positive adolescents face a number of challenges in dealing with their disease and its treatment. In this qualitative study, twenty-nine HIV-positive adolescents aged 13 to 20 years (22 girls), who live in Switzerland, were asked, in a semi-structured interview (duration of 40-110 minutes), to describe their perceptions and experiences with the disease itself and with therapeutic adherence. While younger adolescents most often thought of their disease as fate, older adolescents usually knew that they had received it through vertical transmission, although the topic appeared to be particularly difficult to discuss for those living with their HIV-positive mothers. Based on their attending physician's assessment, 18 subjects were judged highly adherent, 4 fairly and 7 poorly adherent. High adherence appeared linked with adequate psychological adjustment and effective coping mechanisms, as well as with the discussion and adoption of explicit medication-taking strategies. The setting and organisation of health care teams should allow for ongoing discussions with HIV-positive adolescents that focus on their perceptions of their disease, how they cope with it and with the treatment, and how they could improve their adherence.


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La littérature sur les transitions, en particulier entre l'école obligatoire et l'école professionnelle ou l'école et la vie professionnelle, attire l'attention sur le fait que les parcours personnels sont aujourd'hui moins linéaires. Les transitions professionnelles sont alors décrites comme des moments de difficultés, de ruptures, de vulnérabilité pour les jeunes (Pagnossin & Armi, 2011 ; Rastoldo, Amos & Davaud, 2009). Dans notre domaine en psychologie « socioculturelle », si ces aspects ne sont pas négligés, l'accent est mis sur l'importance du travail de construction de sens par la personne : indépendamment des zigzags de sa vie, l'important est la mise en cohérence, les liens de sens qu'elle peut reconstruire entre les différentes sphères d'expériences qui constituent son identité. Et pour cela, les ressources sociales et institutionnelles (parents, enseignants, groupes de pairs, dispositifs de formation...) mais aussi matérielles et culturelles (chansons, poèmes, films, romans, récits, etc.) peuvent être très importantes (Masdonati & Zittoun, 2012 ; Zittoun, 2012). L'étude-intervention qui sera présentée dans ce document, réalisée auprès d'une classe d'apprentis de l'Ecole technique de Ste-Croix par un groupe d'étudiants en Master en psychologie (UniL), s'inscrit dans un mouvement plus large qui cherche à rendre compte du point de vue des acteurs (Muller Mirza & Perret-Clermont, 2015) liés à la question des transitions des jeunes : il s'agira ici de celui des apprentis eux-mêmes, de manière à explorer ce qu'ils vivent en termes de difficultés, de ressources utilisées et d'apprentissages réalisés, ainsi que celui des personnes qui les accompagnent dans ces processus, les enseignants. Cette étude visait non seulement à recueillir des informations auprès de ces personnes mais également à réaliser un travail de type réflexif, par la mise en place d'activités en classe destinées aux apprentis, basées sur le « récit de vie » comme outil psychologique.


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Este trabajo investigativo surge a partir de la indagación que primero se realizó con los coordinadores, gerentes y directores de 16 organizaciones empresariales de Bogotá, para determinar los imaginarios que se tienen en torno a las organizaciones y su desarrollo humano y social desde el punto de vista de la teoría de la complejidad. A partir de esta indagación en los grupos focales se plantean unos conceptos propuestos desde la experiencia y la construcción cultural que posee cada uno de los integrantes. El trabajo tiene los siguientes apartes: en la primera parte en el marco teórico se profundiza en torno a la organización desde las representaciones sociales, el papel de los imaginarios, el proceso del desarrollo humano y social, desde el marco de la complejidad y concluye con la ilustración de los resultados matriciales, que nos permiten observar ³mo son percibidas las diferentes dimensiones del ser humano y su desarrollo social en las organizaciones con elementos constitutivos de la teoría de la complejidad


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El dolor es un problema importante para los pacientes hospitalizados en las UCI porque genera malestar y distrés. Además, la investigación ha demostrado que en algunos pacientes críticos el dolor agudo puede persistir después de alta y convertirse en crónico. La gestión eficaz del dolor en pacientes críticos requiere un enfoque interdisciplinario, que incorpore la visión y trabajo de expertos que representan una amplia variedad de especialidades clínicas. Así, la utilización de la intervención psicológica en el tratamiento del dolor es una parte integral de un enfoque global. Basado en una revisión de la evidencia científica, se identifican y señalan: (1) los tipos de dolor más comunes; (2) las características del dolor; (3) las patologías más frecuentes asociadas con la presencia de dolor; (4) los procedimientos que generan dolor en la UCI; (5) los métodos de evaluación del dolor; (6) la intervención del mismo y; (7) la contribución del psi³logo en la evaluación y manejo del dolor con el paciente, los familiares y los profesionales de la salud. La revisión realizada indica que los procesos psicológicos influyen tanto en la experiencia del dolor como en los resultados del tratamiento, por lo tanto la integración de los principios psicológicos en el tratamiento del dolor parecen tener potencial mejora de los resultados beneficiando la salud del paciente.


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Las reacciones alérgicas a medicamentos cutáneas severas (RAM) como el Síndrome Stevens Johnson (SJS) y la Necrólisis Epidérmica Tóxica (NET),caracterizadas por exantema, erosión de la piel y las membranas mucosas, flictenas, desprendimiento de la piel secundario a la muerte de queratinocitos y compromiso ocular. Son infrecuentes en la población pero con elevada morbi-mortalidad, se presentan luego de la administración de diferentes fármacos. En Asia se ha asociado el alelo HLA-B*15:02 como marcador genético para SJS. En Colombia no hay datos de la incidencia de estas RAM, ni de la relación con medicamentos espe­ficos o potenciales y tampoco estudios de aproximación genómica de genes de susceptibilidad.


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se hace necesario proponer un protocolo con el que se pretende dar las pautas para la valoración fisioterapéutica inicial y final del paciente ambulatorio que ingresa a un programa de rehabilitación cardiaca Fase II, ésta incluye la aplicación de pruebas para evaluar la capacidad funcional, la calidad de vida y los factores de riesgo cardiovascular. Esta evaluación, facilitará el planteamiento de objetivos y la implementación deestrategias de intervención de acuerdo a las necesidades encontradas, así como permitir el seguimiento de los resultados alcanzados. Este análisis puede servir comoherramienta de motivación para el paciente porque es un modo de resumir susprogresos, poniendo de manifiesto tanto aquellas áreas en las que el paciente hahecho un buen trabajo, como aquellas en las que el paciente debe realizar suscambios adicionales para acercarse más al objetivo.


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Luego de los atentado del 11 de septiembre del 2001, el más grande golpe dado al sector financiero que se encontraba anclado en las torres gemelas, quedó nuevamente demostrada la gran importancia del sector asegurador dentro de la economía


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The oxidation of organic films on cloud condensation nuclei has the potential to affect climate and precipitation events. In this work we present a study of the oxidation of a monolayer of deuterated oleic acid (cis-9-octadecenoic acid) at the air-water interface by ozone to determine if oxidation removes the organic film or replaces it with a product film. A range of different aqueous sub-phases were studied. The surface excess of deuterated material was followed by neutron reflection whilst the surface pressure was followed using a Wilhelmy plate. The neutron reflection data reveal that approximately half the organic material remains at the air-water interface following the oxidation of oleic acid by ozone, thus cleavage of the double bond by ozone creates one surface active species and one species that partitions to the bulk (or gas) phase. The most probable products, produced with a yield of similar to(87 +/- 14)%, are nonanoic acid, which remains at the interface, and azelaic acid (nonanedioic acid), which dissolves into the bulk solution. We also report a surface bimolecular rate constant for the reaction between ozone and oleic acid of (7.3 +/- 0.9) x 10(-11) cm(2) molecule s(-1). The rate constant and product yield are not affected by the solution sub-phase. An uptake coefficient of ozone on the oleic acid monolayer of similar to 4 x 10(-6) is estimated from our results. A simple Kohler analysis demonstrates that the oxidation of oleic acid by ozone on an atmospheric aerosol will lower the critical supersaturation needed for cloud droplet formation. We calculate an atmospheric chemical lifetime of oleic acid of 1.3 hours, significantly longer than laboratory studies on pure oleic acid particles suggest, but more consistent with field studies reporting oleic acid present in aged atmospheric aerosol.