971 resultados para Oil content
A field experiment was conducted with chamomile (Chamomilla recutita [L.] Rauschert), in an area of the Olericulture and Medicinal Plants of the Horticulture Department at UNESP - Jaboticabal Campus, with the aim to evaluate the influence of organic and chemical fertilization on the yield of flowers, and content and composition of the essential oil of chamomile. The experimental design for the yield of flowers consisted of randomized blocks with 7 treatments and 4 replications, for the analysis of the contents and composition of the oil, the completely randomized block was used and for analysis of the correlation between harvesting and treatment, the split-plot design into randomized blocks was used. The treatments tested were: no fertilization, green manure (Mucuna aterrima + Crotalaria spectabilis), green manure (plant cocktail), organic fertilizer (farmyard manure), N as urea, N as ammonium sulphate, NPK with N supplement as ammonium sulphate. There was no influence of the treatments on the yield of flowers nor on the essential oil content; on the other hand both characteristics did show significant differences in harvesting times (Tukey 5%). The main yield was 885.90 kg/ha dry flowers and the mean oil content was 0,86%. The green manure treatment (M. aterrima + C. spectabilis) showed a higher percentage of chamazulene content, with a highly significant difference in harvesting times (Tukey 1%). The a-bisabolol percentages did not evidence significant differences between treatments. However, among harvesting times, there was a variation. A negative correlation was verified between the chamazulene and abisabolol percentages; the first increasing - from 21.02 to 36.17% - and the latter decreasing - from 14.12 to 8.72 % - from the first to the sixth harvest. The observed mean content of chamazulene was 14.64 % and a-bisabolol was 16.72 %.
The experiment was installed in Lageado Experimental Farm with aim to verify the influence of organic fertilisation (0, 4, 8 and 12 kg of manure/m2 - with four replications) on leaves and essential oil production of Ocimum gratissimum. The harvesting was done twice (May - autumn and August - winter), and the leaves were separated for extraction of essential oil by Clevenger apparatus. The leaf production and oil content were calculated on dry mass basis. The results showed no statistical difference for organic fertilisation, although significant difference was verified for seasons. The main constituents of essential oil were eugenol and 1,8-cineole. The amount of the eugenol was higher in autumn, while the presence of other components including 1,8-cineole, β-selinene and trans-caryophyllene were more dominant at wintertime.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Models for prediction of oil content as percentage of dried weight in olive fruits were comput- ed through PLS regression on NIR spectra. Spectral preprocessing was carried out by apply- ing multiplicative signal correction (MSC), Sa vitzky–Golay algorithm, standard normal variate correction (SNV), and detrending (D) to NIR spectra. MSC was the preprocessing technique showing the best performance. Further reduction of variability was performed by applying the Wold method of orthogonal signal correction (OSC). The calibration model achieved a R 2 of 0.93, a SEPc of 1.42, and a RPD of 3.8. The R 2 obtained with the validation set remained 0.93, and the SEPc was 1.41.
During oil deposition in developing seeds of Arabidopsis, photosynthate is imported in the form of carbohydrates into the embryo and converted to triacylglycerols. To identify genes essential for this process and to investigate the molecular basis for the developmental regulation of oil accumulation, mutants producing wrinkled, incompletely filled seeds were isolated. A novel mutant locus, wrinkled1 (wri1), which maps to the bottom of chromosome 3 and causes an 80% reduction in seed oil content, was identified. Wild-type and homozygous wri1 mutant plantlets or mature plants were indistinguishable. However, developing homozygous wri1 seeds were impaired in the incorporation of sucrose and glucose into triacylglycerols, but incorporated pyruvate and acetate at an increased rate. Because the activities of several glycolytic enzymes, in particular hexokinase and pyrophosphate-dependent phosphofructokinase, are reduced in developing homozygous wri1 seeds, it is suggested that WRI1 is involved in the developmental regulation of carbohydrate metabolism during seed filling.
This study examines the effect of edible coatings, type of oil used, and cooking method on the fat content of commercially available French fries. In contrast to earlier studies that examined laboratory prepared French fries, this study assesses commercially available French fries and cooking oils. This study also measured the fat content in oven baked French fries, comparing the two cooking methods in addition to the comparisons of different coatings’ oil uptake. The findings of this study were that the type of oil used did have a significant impact on the final oil content of the uncoated and seasoned fries. The fries coated in modified food starch and fried in peanut and soy oils had what appeared to be significantly higher oil content than those fried in corn oil or baked, but the difference was not statistically significant. Additionally, fat content in French fries with hydrocollidial coatings that were prepared in corn oil were not significantly different than French fries with the same coating that were baked.
Oil polluted and not oil polluted soils (crude oil hydrocarbons contents: 20-92500 mg/kg dry soil mass) under natural grass and forest vegetation and in a bog in the Russian tundra were compared in their principal soil ecological parameters, the oil content and the microbial indicators. CFE biomass-C, dehydrogenase and arylsulfatase activity were enhanced with the occurrence of crude oil. Using these parameters for purposes of controlling remediation and recultivation success it is not possible to distinguish bctween promotion of microbial activity by oil carbon or soil organic carbon (SOC). For this reason we think that these parameters are not appropriate to indicate a soil damage by an oil impact. In contrast the metabolie quotient (qC02), calculated as the ratio between soil basal respiration and the SIR biomass-C was adequate to indicate a high crude oil contamination in soil. Also, the ß-glucosidase activity (parameter ß-GL/SOC) was correlated negatively with oil in soil. The indication of a soil damage by using the stress parameter qCO, or the specific enzyme activities (activity/SOC) minimizes the promotion effect of the recent SOC content on microbial parameters. Both biomass methods (SIR, CFE) have technical problems in application for crude oil-contaminated and subarctic soils. CFE does not reflect the low C_mic level of the cold tundra soils. We recommend to test every method for its suitability before any data collection in series as well as application for cold soils and the application of ecophysiological ratios as R_mic/C_mic, C_mic/SOC or enzymatic activity/SOC instead of absolute data.
Doutoramento em Engenharia dos Biossistemas - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - UL
This study aimed to evaluate the average behavior, the genotype x environment (GxE), adaptability and stability of seven soybean cultivars at three sowing dates in Uberlandia-MG. The tests were conducted at Capim Branco Farm, belonging to the Federal University of Uberlandia. Sowing was held on october 29 (1st season), november 24 (2nd season) and december 17 (3rd season) 2007. The experimental design was a randomized, seven genotypes (UFUS Xavante, UFUS Riqueza, UFUS Guarani, UFUS Milionaria, Msoy 8001, Msoy 8411 and Msoy 8914) with three replications in each of three sowing dates. Means were compared by Tukey test at 5% probability. Analysis of adaptability and phenotypic stability of genotypes was performed using the Eberhart and Russell (1966), Lin and Binns (1988) modified by Carneiro (1998) and centroid (NASCIMENTO et al., 2009). For grain yield, the cultivar UFUS Xavante was classified as specific adaptability to environment and high stability. The other cultivars were classified as being of general adaptability. For oil content, the cultivars Msoy 8914 and UFUS Xavante behaved as high stability and was classified as having high adaptability. For the character content of protein, all cultivars behaved as wide adaptability and low stability.
Promotion of fruit abscission in macadamia, Macadamia integrifolia (Proteaceae), has potential to reduce costs associated with prolonged harvesting of late-abscising cultivars. Effects of ethephon [(2-chloroethyl) phosphonic acid] on fruit removal force and crop abscission were monitored at 3 stages of the harvest season on both unshaken and mechanically shaken trees of the late-abscising macadamia cultivar A16. Ethephon application, tree shaking, or a combination of the 2 methods, accelerated crop removal from the tree at all stages during harvest. Early harvest before natural abscission resulted in little or no difference in nut-in-shell and kernel weight, kernel recovery and kernel oil content. Delaying ethephon application or tree shaking until commencement of natural abscission resulted in greater crop removal. Fruit removal force declined naturally towards 1 kgf at this stage, and was further reduced by ethephon application. The most effective approach for harvest acceleration was to reduce fruit removal force, before tree shaking, by spraying trees with ethephon.
Whole macadamia kernels were immersed in water (specific gravity 1.00 g/cm(3)), brine (SG 1.02 g/cm(3)) and ethanol solution (SG 0.97 g/cm(3)) for 30 or 60 s, re-dried to 1.0-1.5% moisture (wet basis) and stored under vacuum for 0, 4 and 12 months. Immersion in water had no effect on the quality or shelf life of kernels, as measured by sensory evaluation and analysis of the kernel oil. Immersion in brine and ethanol solutions changed the flavour of kernels, but had no effect on shelf life or kernel oil stability over 12 months storage. Water flotation to separate kernels based on differences in oil content is therefore feasible, but microbiological concerns need to be investigated.
ABSTRACT The sunflower plant is an oilseed crop that has aroused a great interest in the Brazilian and international scenery especillay because of the possibility of using its oil for biodiesel production. The objective of this study was to evaluate productivity and yield components of Embrapa 122 sunflower according to the spatial arrangement. Treatments were arranged in 4 x 4 factorial arrangement, which are the four spacings between rows (0.30; 0.50; 0.70 and 0.90 m) and four sowing densities (30,000; 45,000; 60,000 and 75,000 plants ha-1). The experiment was carried out in a complete randomized block design with four replications. The experiments were conducted in the experimental area of the Plant Science Department in Fortaleza, State of Ceará-Brazil and on the Curu Vale Experimental Farm in Pentecoste, State of Ceará-Brazil. Productivity and the following production components were analyzed in the end of the crop cycle: harvested capitula, capitulum diameter, capitulum mass, achene mass per capitulum, mass of 100 achenes, achenes per capitulum, harvest index and oil content in the achenes. The experiments were analyzed jointly in relation to the cropping area and the data submitted to analysis of variance and quantitative factors tested by polynomial regression. The variables, spacing, density and cropping area did not interact with these variables and the spatial arrangement of the plants affected only the components. The cropping area influences the productive behavior of sunflower Embrapa 122. The spatial arrangement of the plants of sunflower of variety Embrapa 122 influences yield components but does not affect productivity.
RESUMO: Objetivou-se avaliar o desempenho agronômico de genótipos de girassol, em ensaio da Rede de Ensaios de Avaliação de Genótipos de Girassol, na safrinha de 2014, visando à indicação para cultivo no Estado de Mato Grosso. O experimento foi conduzido na área experimental do Instituto Federal de Mato Grosso (IFMT), campus de São Vicente - MT, na safrinha de 2014, empregando-se delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições. Foram efetuadas avaliações de altura de planta, rendimento de aquênios, teor de óleo e rendimento de óleo. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias foram comparadas pelo teste de Duncan ao nível de 5% de significância. Os genótipos GNZ NEON, SYN 045, AGUARÁ 06, M734, MG 360 e MG 305 foram superiores na avaliação de rendimento de aquênios. Em teor de óleo, os genótipos MG 360, MG 305, HLA 2012, SYN 3950HO, PARAÍSO 20 e AGUARÁ 04 se destacaram. O intenso ataque de pássaros prejudicou o desempenho dos genótipos de girassol. ABSTRACT: This work aimed to evaluate the agronomic performance of the sunflower genotypes under testing by the Network of Evaluative Experiments with Sunflower Genotypes, on off-season of 2014, proposing an indication for cultivation in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. Experiment was conducted in the Federal Institute of Mato Grosso, campus of São Vicente - MT, using randomized complete block design, with four replications. Measurements were made, evaluating plant height, achene yield, oil content and oil yield. The results were submitted to analysis of variance and compared using the Duncan test at 5% of significance level. Genotypes GNZ NEON, SYN 045, AGUARÁ 06, M734, MG 360 and MG 305 were higher in achenes yield evaluation. Regarding oil content, the genotypes MG 360, MG 305, HLA 2012, SYN 3950HO, PARAISO 20 and AGUARÁ 04 were best. The intense attack of birds affected performance of sunflower genotypes.
This paper is a joined publication of the Depts. of Genetics and of Technology, of the E. S. A. "Luiz de Queiroz", Universidade de São Paulo, and deals with the variation of the percentage oil content in the whole seeds, the embryos and the seed-coat of 28 varieties of castor-beans (Ricinus communis, L.). Primarily, the authors, as a justification of this paper, make reference to the applications which castor-oil has in industry, medicine, etc. In accordance with the weight of 100 seeds, the varieties of castor-beans were classified into 3 classes : small seeds (100 seeds less than 30 g), medium seeds (100 seeds between 30 g and 60) and large seeds (100 seeds more than 60 g). The percentage of oil in the seed, embryo and seed-coat, the dimensions of the seeds and the weight of 100 seeds are given for every variety in table 1. In order to obtain an estimate of the variability for the methods of determination of the oil percentage, in the 3 differents parts of the seeds and also in the 3 groups of seeds, the coefficient of variability was calculate (table 2). It is showed that the variation in the seed and embryo is low and that in the seed-coat is very high. The analysis of variance, with regard to the difference among the 3 types of seeds (small, medium and large), among the 3 parts of the seed (whole seed, embryo and seed-coat) and residual error, is given in table 3. Only, the oil content of whole seeds among types of seeds was significant at the 5% level. The t test among the correspondent means is not significant for the difference between medium and large seeds is significant between both these types (medium and large) and small seeds. The fiducial limits in relation to the mean of the oil percentage in the 3 differents types of seed, show that there is one variety (n. 1013-2), which has a percentage of oil, in the medium type of seed, significantly at the 5% level (table 4), higher than the general mean. Since the distribution of the percentage of oil in the seedcoat is discontinuous, 5 groups were established (table 5). All the differences between groups are significant (table 6). For practical purposes, when we have to remove the seed coat, one should eliminate those varieties which loose at least 3% of oil by this procedure. There is a significant linear correlation at 5% level between the percentage of oil in the seed and in the embryo, of the smali and medium type of seeds (table 7), and also, when taking the 3 types together (lower part of table 7), one finds that the same is true. Also, the correlation between the percentages of oil in the embryo and in the seed-coat of the 3 types together is significant at 5% level. According to the results obtained in relation to the percentage in 28 varieties studied, it can be recommended, for breeding purposes, to work only with those varieties which belong to the medium and the large types of seeds.
The interest in crambe (Crambe abyssinica ) cultivation in Brazil is on the rise, whereas information on the nutrient requirements for this crop is scarce. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium (N-P2O5-K2O formula 8:28:16) fertilization (0, 150, and 300 kg ha-1) on crambe shoot biomass production, grain and oil yields, and nutrient extraction and exportation in the second growing season after soybean. The experiment with a Haplorthox (Dystroferric Red Latosol) was carried out for two years in Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil. A randomized complete block design with eight replications was used. Fertilization with NPK at sowing increased the shoot biomass production, grain yield, grain oil content, as well as nutrient extraction and exportation at harvest. In the fertilized treatments, the average amounts of nutrients extracted per hectare were 91 kg K, 71 kg N, 52 kg Ca, 9.4 kg P, 9.4 kg Mg, 7.9 kg S, 2,348 g Fe, 289 g Zn, 135 g Mn, and 18.2 g Cu; while the average values of nutrient exportation per hectare were 54 kg N, 20 kg K, 12.3 kg Ca, 10 kg P, 6.6 kg S, 3.2 kg Mg, 365 g Zn, 60 g Fe, 50 g Mn, and 7.3 g Cu, with NPK fertilizer application.