785 resultados para Object Relations Theory


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There are many sociopolitical theories to help explain why governments and actors do what they do. Securitization Theory is a process-oriented theory in international relations that focuses on how an actor defines another actor as an “existential threat,” and the resulting responses that can be taken in order to address that threat. While Securitization Theory is an acceptable method to analyze the relationships between actors in the international system, this thesis contends that the proper examination is multi-factorial, focusing on the addition of Role Theory to the analysis. Consideration of Role Theory, which is another international relations theory that explains how an actor’s strategies, relationships, and perceptions by others is based on pre-conceptualized definitions of that actor’s identity, is essential in order to fully explain why an actor might respond to another in a particular way. Certain roles an actor may enact produce a rival relationship with other actors in the system, and it is those rival roles that elicit securitized responses. The possibility of a securitized response lessens when a role or a relationship between roles becomes ambiguous. There are clear points of role rivalry and role ambiguity between Hizb’allah and Iran, which has directly impacted, and continues to impact, how the United States (US) responds to these actors. Because of role ambiguity, the US has still not conceptualized an effective way to deal with Hizb’allah and Iran holistically across all its various areas of operation and in its various enacted roles. It would be overly simplistic to see Hizb’allah and Iran solely through one lens depending on which hemisphere or continent one is observing. The reality is likely more nuanced. Both Role Theory and Securitization theory can help to understand and articulate those nuances. By examining two case studies of Hizb’allah and Iran’s enactment of various roles in both the Middle East and Latin America, the situations where roles cause a securitized response and where the response is less securitized due to role ambiguity will become clear. Using this augmented approach of combining both theories, along with supplementing the manner in which an actor, action, or role is analyzed, will produce better methods for policy-making that will be able to address the more ambiguous activities of Hizb’allah and Iran in these two regions.


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The dependence and influence of new media on social and organizational life have led to a new orientation of the communicational practices of organizations and to a research paradigm shift to a cocriational model within public relations theory. This model is based on dialogic rhetoric and dialogue that requires a joint production of content and meanings by organizations and publics, which have a central role in shaping image. The new social and communicational paradigms have also an impact on tourism research, implying the need to understand the role of new technologies, particularly websites, in image formation. The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of website in the formation of a tourist destination image (Portugal) through the understanding of the degree of adoption of dialogical principles on websites by official and unofficial tourist organizations and the identifying of denotative and connotative elements that are represented on published and shared photographs in these websites. The research corpus consisted of websites of entities and photographs published and shared on these websites. The methodology used is quantitative and qualitative, based on content analysis of data of websites and photographs. Results indicate that official tourist entities adopted the dialogic principles in a higher degree than unofficials. There is also a higher adoption of the principles related to technical dimension than dialogical dimension. Results confirm a relation between the adoption of dialogical link and an increased openness by entities to the possibility of photo sharing. The analysis of denotative and connotative elements of photography reflects a similarity in representations of entities and tourists. This study contributes to both theoretical perspectives, because it provides a conceptual scheme of destination image formation online and to a practical perspective, because it also suggests guidelines of dialogical practices to incorporate in websites of tourism entities.


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Psychoanalysis and related psychodynamic psychotherapies have historically had a limited engagement with substance use and antisocial personality disorders. This in part reflects an early preoccupation with ‘transference neuroses’ and in part reflects later de-emphasis of diagnosis and focus on therapeutic process. Nonetheless, psychoanalytic perspectives can usefully inform thinking about approaches to treatment of such disorders and there are psychoanalytic constructs that have specific relevance to their treatment. This paper reviews some prominent strands of psychoanalytic thinking as they pertain to the treatment of substance abuse and antisocial personality disorders. It is argued that, while Freudian formulations lead to a primarily pessimistic view of the prospect of treatment of such disorders, both the British object relations and the North American self psychology traditions suggest potentially productive approaches. Finally the limited empirical evidence from brief psychodynamically informed treatments of substance use disorders is reviewed. It is concluded that such treatments are not demonstrably effective but that, since no form of psychotherapy has established high efficacy with substance use disorders, brief psychdynamic therapies are not necessarily of lesser value than other treatments and may have specific value for particular individuals and in particular treatment contexts.


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‘Engagement’ is one of the buzzwords of 21st century public relations theory and practice. Yet the concept of engagement remains frustratingly nebulous and intangible, lacking clear definition and consistent use. This paper suggests that the concept of dialogue can provide public relations practitioners and academics with a framework for defining engagement that allows deep insights into the range of ideas and contexts it covers. Specifically, this paper argues for the use of a pragmatic practitioner perspective on dialogue as a lens through which to study engagement. Current literature clearly articulates the normative and prescriptive perspectives on dialogue in public relations, but leaves the story of the reality of the practitioner experience of dialogue largely untold. New research tells this ‘missing’ story of the practitioner perspective on dialogue, which in turn offers some insights into the forms and functions of engagement in practice. Dialogue is seen as encompassing three different types of public relations practice: informing stakeholders of organisational decisions and receiving their feedback; consulting with stakeholders on the strategies and tactics used by organisations to achieve their chosen goals; and including stakeholder input in the making of decisions on what organisational goals should be. Adopting this pragmatic practitioner perspective on dialogue to view engagement provides scaffolding that is strong enough to encourage development of a consistent definition of its meaning; while still allowing the freedom and scope necessary to develop deep and rich understanding of the phenomenon.


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A exhibition of sculptural assemblages that continue my exploration of self-portraiture and the sculptural object. The work specifically extends the formal vocabulary of my studio to incorporate smaller composite arrangements with an emphasis on the sculptural support. Small objects that are either modelled or cast from life are assembled into four tableaux that respond to the object-relations that arise through the production process. The resulting exhibiton thus acts a meditation on the ontology of art practice, conceived as a topology of objects.


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This dissertation deals with the notions of sacrifice and violence in connection with the Fin¬nish flag struggles between 1917 and 1945. The study begins with the basic idea that sacrificial thinking is a key element in nationalism and the social cohesion of large groups. The method used in the study combines anthropological notions of totemism with psychoanalytical object relation theory. The aim is to explore the social and psychological elements of the Finnish national flag and the workers flags during the times of crisis and nation building. The phenomena and concepts addressed include self-sacrifice, scapegoating, remembrance of war, inclusion, and exclusion. The research is located at the intersection of nationalism studies and the cultural history of war. The analysis is based primarily on the press debates, public speeches and archival sources of the civic organizations that promoted the Finnish flag. The study is empirically divided into three sections: 1) the years of the Revolution and the Civil War (1917 1918), 2) the interwar period (1919 1938), and 3) the Second World War (1939 1945). The research demonstrates that the modern national flags and workers flags in Finland maintain certain characteristics of primitive totems. When referred to as a totem the flag means an emotionally charged symbol, a reservoir of the collective ideals of a large group. Thus the flag issue offers a path to explore the perceptions and memory of sacrifice and violence in the making of the First Republic . Any given large group, for example a nation, must conceptually pursue a consensus on its past sacrifices. Without productive interpretation sacrifice represents only meaningless violence. By looking at the passions associated with the flag the study also illuminates various group identities, boundaries and crossings of borders within the Finnish society at the same time. The study shows further that the divisive violence of the Civil War was first overcome in the late 1930s when the social democrats adopted a new perception of the Red victims of 1918 they were seen as part of the birth pains of the nation, and not only the martyrs of class struggle. At the same time the radical Right became marginalized. The study also illuminates how this development made the Spirit of the Winter War possible, a genuine albeit brief experience of horizontal brother and sisterhood, and how this spirit was reflected in the popular adoption of the Finnish flag. The experience was not based only on the external and unifying threat posed by the Soviet Union: it was grounded in a sense of unifying sacrifice which reflected a novel way of understanding the nation and its past sacrifices. Paradoxically, the newly forged consensus over the necessity and the rewards of the common sacrifices of the Winter War (1939 1940) made new sacrifices possible during the Continuation War (1941 1944). In spite of political discord and war weariness, the concept of a unified nation under the national flag survived even the absurdity of the stationary war phase. It can be said that the conflict between the idea of a national community and parliamentary party politics dissolved as a result of the collective experience of the Second World War.


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Bain, William, Between Anarchy and Society: Trusteeship and the Obligations of Power (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003), pp.viii+216 RAE2008


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Williams, Mike, 'Words, Images, Enemies: Securitization and International Politics', International Studies Quarterly (2003) 47(4) pp.511-531 RAE2008


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The notion that each state in the international system approaches matters of war and peace somewhat differently because they each possess a unique strategic culture is not a new or obscure one – but it nevertheless remains controversial. While some scholars dismiss the utility or practicality of examining states’ cultures when seeking to explain or predict those states’ patterns of strategic decision-making, even amongst those who accept that we should pay attention to cultural differences between states when carrying out strategic analysis there remains a frustratingly eclectic range of offerings from scholars regarding how best to do so. In short, significant uncertainty remains regarding both whether strategic culture should be used as an analytical tool and, if it is so utilized, how one should go about doing so. This thesis therefore explores the concept of strategic culture in great detail, both theoretical and empirical. The opening three chapters examine why the more traditional rationalist/materialistic theories should not exclusively dominate strategic analysis, then the various existing strategic cultural offerings are considered and critiqued and, finally, a new conceptual model for strategic cultural analysis is proposed which draws from the hitherto largely neglected psychological and sociological literature. Both of these fields, it is submitted in Chapter 3, have spent more time and effort developing ways of understanding and analyzing culture than the field of IR has to date, and therefore the models and methods debated and developed in these fields should, it is argued, be ‘imported’ into IR to drive further strategic cultural research. The thesis then moves in the following six chapters to consider Australia’s strategic culture. The purpose of this part of the thesis is two-fold: first, it illustrates how the model offered in Chapter 3 works and, by implication, suggests how scholars may go about applying it to other cases. Second, and perhaps more importantly, the latter six chapters explore the twists and turns of Australia’s substantive strategic decision-making over the course of the last century or more, thereby explaining how Australia’s strategic history can be understood from a cultural perspective.


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La présente thèse avait pour objectif général d’alimenter la réflexion sur les troubles de la mentalisation et, en particulier, sur les phénomènes de pensée concrète. Nous avons d’abord procédé à une récapitulation synthétique des notions avancées par les principaux théoriciens qui ont travaillé sur cette question. Nous avons ainsi repris les travaux de Freud sur la névrose actuelle, de Marty et l’école de Paris sur le fonctionnement opératoire, de Nemiah, Sifneos, Taylor et leurs collègues américains qui ont proposé la notion d’alexithymie, et de Fonagy et Target sur la fonction réflexive. Nous avons ensuite développé l’hypothèse de l’existence d’une position (au sens de perspective et d’organisation expérientielle particulière) concrète, dont le fonctionnement serait antérieur à la position schizoparanoïde décrite par Klein. Notre compréhension s’est articulée autour de la notion de pulsion léthique, à partir d’une réflexion sur la pulsion de mort et des différentes propositions quant à sa nature et son fonctionnement (Freud, Green, Laplanche, Schmidt-Hellerau). Nous soulignons comme caractéristique de la pulsion léthique l’importance du phénomène de néantisation du sujet psychique, qui résulte en une situation d’absence ou de « sommeil endopsychique », au sein de la position concrète. Nous avons tenté d’articuler cette action interne au sein de l’expérience psychique afin de dresser un portrait qui saurait englober la complexité du fonctionnement mental humain, dans sa fluidité comme dans sa diversité. Nous avons exploré les impacts de traumatismes relationnels sur l’environnement interne et sur l’origine des pulsions. Nous avons ensuite illustré chacun des éléments structuraux (expérience, relations d’objet, défenses, angoisses) résultant d’un fonctionnement concret, en illustrant notre propos. Enfin, nous avons discuté de certains enjeux techniques et contre-transférentiels soulevés par le travail psychothérapeutique avec des sujets aux prises avec une pensée concrète.


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El presente artículo está orientado a analizar los fenómenos de marcación corporal autoinfligida desde el psicoanálisis anglosajón y bajo la luz de la teoría sobre la relación de objeto y la línea de desarrollo psíquico derivada del psicoanálisis infantil. Dentro de la revisión de la literatura se hacen paralelos entre la teoría del desarrollo del self, los estudios derivados del psicoanálisis culturalista y las investigaciones hechas en el campo de la psicosomática, con el fin de estudiar desde diferentes perspectivas el fenómeno de las marcas corporales autoinfligidas.


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Las relaciones políticas entre Sudán y Chad en el período 2005-2009 se vieron afectadas por el conflicto armado de Darfur, que trajo consigo consecuencias graves para ambos países. La configuración étnica similar, los antecedentes históricos que muestran fuertes vínculos entre Sudán y Chad y las continuas acusaciones entre Omar Al-Bashir e Idriss Déby, hicieron que las tensiones entre los dos gobiernos llamaran la atención de la comunidad internacional y causara preocupación por una posible desestabilización de la región de África Central.


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La situación de refugio prolongado que se presenta en algunos lugares alrededor del globo, ha llamado la atención de la comunidad internacional, abriendo un espacio en la agenda de asistencia humanitaria temas de desplazamiento forzoso y grandes olas migratorias involuntarias. Han sido varios años de lucha de la población saharaui por la reivindicación de su pueblo, sin embargo desde el asentamiento de sus campamentos en la frontera con Argelia, no se ha dado ninguna solución concreta y efectiva que permita erradicar esta situación de refugio.