965 resultados para Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.


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This thesis is concerned with the investigation, by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, of the molecular interactions occurring in mixtures of benzene and cyclohexane to which either chloroform or deutero-chloroform has been added. The effect of the added polar molecule on the liquid structure has been studied using spin-lattice relaxation time, 1H chemical shift, and nuclear Overhauser effect measurements. The main purpose of the work has been to validate a model for molecular interaction involving local ordering of benzene around chloroform. A chemical method for removing dissolved oxygen from samples has been developed to encompass a number of types of sample, including quantitative mixtures, and its supremacy over conventional deoxygenation technique is shown. A set of spectrometer conditions, the use of which produces the minimal variation in peak height in the steady state, is presented. To separate the general diluting effects of deutero-chloroform from its effects due to the production of local order a series of mixtures involving carbon tetrachloride, instead of deutero-chloroform, have been used as non-interacting references. The effect of molecular interaction is shown to be explainable using a solvation model, whilst an approach involving 1:1 complex formation is shown not to account for the observations. It is calculated that each solvation shell, based on deutero-chloroform, contains about twelve molecules of benzene or cyclohexane. The equations produced to account for the T1 variations have been adapted to account for the 1H chemical shift variations in the same system. The shift measurements are shown to substantiate the solvent cage model with a cage capacity of twelve molecules around each chloroform molecule. Nuclear Overhauser effect data have been analysed quantitatively in a manner consistent with the solvation model. The results show that discrete shells only exist when the mole fraction of deutero-chloroform is below about 0.08.


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Chloroperoxidase (CPO) is the most versatile heme-containing enzyme that catalyzes a broad spectrum of reactions. The remarkable feature of this enzyme is the high regio- and enantio-selectivity exhibited in CPO-catalyzed oxidation reactions. The aim of this dissertation is to elucidate the structural basis for regio- and enantio-selective transformations and investigate the application of CPO in biodegradation of synthetic dyes. ^ To unravel the mechanism of CPO-catalyzed regioselective oxidation of indole, the dissertation explored the structure of CPO-indole complex using paramagnetic relaxation and molecular modeling. The distances between the protons of indole and the heme iron revealed that the pyrrole ring of indole is oriented toward the heme with its 2-H pointing directly at the heme iron. This provides the first experimental and theoretical explanation for the "unexpected" regioselectivity of CPO-catalyzed indole oxidation. Furthermore, the residues including Leu 70, Phe 103, Ile 179, Val 182, Glu 183, and Phe 186 were found essential to the substrate binding to CPO. These results will serve as a lighthouse in guiding the design of CPO mutants with tailor-made activities for biotechnological applications. ^ To understand the origin of the enantioselectivity of CPO-catalyzed oxidation reactions, the interactions of CPO with substrates such as 2-(methylthio)thiophene were investigated by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) and computational techniques. In particular, the enantioselectivity is partly explained by the binding orientation of substrates. In third facet of this dissertation, a green and efficient system for degradation of synthetic dyes was developed. Several commercial dyes such as orange G were tested in the CPO-H2O 2-Cl- system, where degradation of these dyes was found very efficient. The presence of halide ions and acidic pH were found necessary to the decomposition of dyes. Significantly, the results revealed that this degradation of azo dyes involves a ferric hypochlorite intermediate of CPO (Fe-OCl), compound X.^


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Chloroperoxidase (CPO) is the most versatile heme-containing enzyme that catalyzes a broad spectrum of reactions. The remarkable feature of this enzyme is the high regio- and enantio-selectivity exhibited in CPO-catalyzed oxidation reactions. The aim of this dissertation is to elucidate the structural basis for regio- and enantio-selective transformations and investigate the application of CPO in biodegradation of synthetic dyes. To unravel the mechanism of CPO-catalyzed regioselective oxidation of indole, the dissertation explored the structure of CPO-indole complex using paramagnetic relaxation and molecular modeling. The distances between the protons of indole and the heme iron revealed that the pyrrole ring of indole is oriented toward the heme with its 2-H pointing directly at the heme iron. This provides the first experimental and theoretical explanation for the "unexpected" regioselectivity of CPO-catalyzed indole oxidation. Furthermore, the residues including Leu 70, Phe 103, Ile 179, Val 182, Glu 183, and Phe 186 were found essential to the substrate binding to CPO. These results will serve as a lighthouse in guiding the design of CPO mutants with tailor-made activities for biotechnological applications. To understand the origin of the enantioselectivity of CPO-catalyzed oxidation reactions, the interactions of CPO with substrates such as 2-(methylthio)thiophene were investigated by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) and computational techniques. In particular, the enantioselectivity is partly explained by the binding orientation of substrates. In third facet of this dissertation, a green and efficient system for degradation of synthetic dyes was developed. Several commercial dyes such as orange G were tested in the CPO-H2O2-Cl- system, where degradation of these dyes was found very efficient. The presence of halide ions and acidic pH were found necessary to the decomposition of dyes. Significantly, the results revealed that this degradation of azo dyes involves a ferric hypochlorite intermediate of CPO (Fe-OCl), compound X.


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In conventional milling, the aleurone layer is combined with the bran fraction. Studies indicate that the bran fraction of wheat contains the majority of the phytonutrients betaine and choline, with relatively minor concentrations in the refined flour. This present study suggests that the wheat aleurone layer (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Tiger) contains the greatest concentration of both betaine and choline (1553.44 and 209.80 mg/100 g of sample, respectively). The bran fraction contained 866.94 and 101.95 mg/100 g of sample of betaine and choline, respectively, while the flour fraction contained 23.30 mg/100 g of sample (betaine) and 28.0 mg/100 g of sample (choline). The betaine content for
the bran was lower, and the choline content was higher compared to previous studies, although it is known that there is large variation in betaine and choline contents between wheat cultivars. The ratio of betaine/choline in the aleurone fraction was approximately 7:1; in the bran, the ratio was approximately 8:1; and in the flour fraction, the ratio was approximately 1:1. The study further
emphasizes the superior phytonutrient composition of the aleurone layer.
Wheat is a valuable source of betaine, choline (1, 2), B
vitamins, vitamin E, and a number of minerals, including iron,
zinc, magnesium, and phosphorus (3). Epidemiological studies
indicate that whole-grain consumption is protective against
several chronic diseases (4-12). It has not been fully elucidated
how whole-grain cereals or specific fractions (13) exert their
protective effect, but it is thought to be due to their content of
several nutrients associated with the reduced risk of disease.
Conventionally, whole grain is separated during milling into
bran, germ, and flour (14). The nutrient composition of these
fractions differ markedly; refined wheat flour contains approximately
50% less vitamins and minerals than whole-grain
flour (


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A poly(2-acrylamido-2-methyl-1-propane-sulphonate) (PAMPS) ionomer containing both sodium and quaternary ammonium cations functionalised with an ether group, has been characterised in terms of its thermal properties, ionic conductivity and sodium ion dynamics. The ether oxygen was incorporated to reduce the Na+ association with the anionic sulfonate groups tethered to the polymer backbone, thereby promoting ion dissociation and ultimately enhancing the ionic conductivity. This functionalised ammonium cation led to a significant reduction in the ionomer Tg compared to an analogue system without an ether group, resulting in an increase in ionic conductivity of approximately four orders of magnitude. The sodium ion dynamics were probed by 23Na solid-state NMR, which allowed the signals from the dissociated (mobile) and bound Na+ cations to be distinguished. This demonstrates the utility of 23Na solid-state NMR as a probe of sodium dynamics in ionomer systems.


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Vitreous samples were prepared in the (100 - x)% NaPO3-x% MoO3 (0 <= x <= 70) glass-forming system by a modified melt method that allowed good optical quality samples to be obtained. The structural evolution of the vitreous network was monitored as a function of composition by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), Raman scattering, and solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) for P-31, Na-23, and Mo-95 nuclei. Addition of MoO3 to the NaPO3 glass melt leads to a pronounced increase in the glass transition temperatures up to x = 45, suggesting a significant increase in network connectivity. For this same composition range, vibrational spectra suggest that the Mo6+ ions are bonded to some nonbridging oxygen atoms (Mo-O- or Mo=O bonded species). Mo-O-Mo bond formation occurs only at MoO3 contents exceeding x = 45. P-31 magic-angle spinning (MAS) NMR spectra, supported by two-dimensional J-resolved spectroscopy, allow a clear distinction between species having two, one, and zero P-O-P linkages. These sites are denoted as Q(2Mo)((2)), Q(1Mo)((2)), and Q(0Mo)((2)), respectively. For x < 0.45, the populations of these sites can be described along the lines of a binary model, according to which each unit of MoO3 converts two Q(nMo)((2)) sites into two Q((n+1)Mo)((2)) sites (n = 0, 1). This structural model is consistent with the presence of tetrahedral Mo(=O)(2)(O-1/2)(2) environments. Indeed, Mo-95 NMR data suggest that the majority of the molybdenum species are four-coordinated. However, the presence of additional six-coordinate molybdenum in the MAS NMR spectra indicates that the structure of these glasses may be more complicated and may additionally involve sharing of network modifier oxide between the network formers phosphorus and molybdenum. This latter hypothesis is further supported by Na-23{P-31} rotational echo double resonance (REDOR) data, which clearly reveal that the magnetic dipole-dipole interactions between P-31 and Na-23 are increasingly diminished with increasing molybdenum content. The partial transfer of modifier from the phosphate to the molybdate network former implies a partial repolymerization of the phosphate species, resulting in the formation of Q(nMo)((3)) species and accounting for the observed increase in the glass transition temperature with increasing MoO3 content that is observed in the composition range 0 <= x <= 45. Glasses with MoO3 contents beyond x = 45 show decreased thermal and crystallization stability. Their structure is characterized by isolated phosphate species [most likely of the P(OMo)(4) type] and molybdenum oxide clusters with a large extent of Mo-O-Mo connectivity.


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Coloration in polyacrylonitrile can be induced in three distinct ways: by heat treatment, by treatment with base, or during synthesis of the polymer itself using ionic initiators at relatively higher temperatures. The present investigation employing 'H and NMR spectroscopy has revealed some common features in colored polyacrylonitrile irrespective of ita mode of coloration. All colored polyacrylonitriles give an additional peak around S 2.7 in 'H NMR spectra and, except for heat-treated polyacrylonitrile, one extra group of peaks in the region 8 12-16 in 13C NMR spectra. The former peak has been attributed to methine and/or methylene protons in branched and/or cyclized structures, while the latter peak has been attributed to methylene carbon atoms in the branched structure. Colorless polyacrylonitriles have been found to be predominantly heterotactic, while colored polyacrylonitriles have been found to have appreciable isotactic contribution.


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Studies on the conformational and binding characteristics of the ionophoric antibiotic X-537A (lasalocid-A)�calcium ion complexes have been carried out in deuteriated acetonitrile (CD3 CN) using proton and carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (1 H and 13C n.m.r.) spectroscopy. Detailed analysis of the salt-induced chemical shifts at various X-537A to calcium concentration ratios indicated that X-537A forms charged complexes with calcium with 2 : 1 and 1 : 1 stoicheiometries. The conformational model for the complex based on the n.m.r. data showed that the calcium ion is preferentially bound to one end of the molecule, which is binding to three oxygen atoms, the other end (the salicylic acid part) being relatively free. In the 2 : 1 (sandwich) complex, the calcium ion is sandwiched between two X-537A molecules with three oxygen atoms binding to it from each molecule.


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Separated local field (SLF) spectroscopy is a powerful technique to measure heteronuclear dipolar couplings. The method provides site-specific dipolar couplings for oriented samples such as membrane proteins oriented in lipid bilayers and liquid crystals. A majority of the SLF techniques utilize the well-known Polarization Inversion Spin Exchange at Magic Angle (PISEMA) pulse scheme which employs spin exchange at the magic angle under Hartmann-Hahn match. Though PISEMA provides a relatively large scaling factor for the heteronuclear dipolar coupling and a better resolution along the dipolar dimension, it has a few shortcomings. One of the major problems with PISEMA is that the sequence is very much sensitive to proton carrier offset and the measured dipolar coupling changes dramatically with the change in the carrier frequency. The study presented here focuses on modified PISEMA sequences which are relatively insensitive to proton offsets over a large range. In the proposed sequences, the proton magnetization is cycled through two quadrants while the effective field is cycled through either two or four quadrants. The modified sequences have been named as 2(n)-SEMA where n represents the number of quadrants the effective field is cycled through. Experiments carried out on a liquid crystal and a single crystal of a model peptide demonstrate the usefulness of the modified sequences. A systematic study under various offsets and Hartmann-Hahn mismatch conditions has been carried out and the performance is compared with PISEMA under similar conditions.


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Paramagnetic, or open-shell, systems are often encountered in the context of metalloproteins, and they are also an essential part of molecular magnets. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is a powerful tool for chemical structure elucidation, but for paramagnetic molecules it is substantially more complicated than in the diamagnetic case. Before the present work, the theory of NMR of paramagnetic molecules was limited to spin-1/2 systems and it did not include relativistic corrections to the hyperfine effects. It also was not systematically expandable. --- The theory was first expanded by including hyperfine contributions up to the fourth power in the fine structure constant α. It was then reformulated and its scope widened to allow any spin state in any spatial symmetry. This involved including zero-field splitting effects. In both stages the theory was implemented into a separate analysis program. The different levels of theory were tested by demonstrative density functional calculations on molecules selected to showcase the relative strength of new NMR shielding terms. The theory was also tested in a joint experimental and computational effort to confirm assignment of 11 B signals. The new terms were found to be significant and comparable with the terms in the earlier levels of theory. The leading-order magnetic-field dependence of shielding in paramagnetic systems was formulated. The theory is now systematically expandable, allowing for higher-order field dependence and relativistic contributions. The prevailing experimental view of pseudocontact shift was found to be significantly incomplete, as it only includes specific geometric dependence, which is not present in most of the new terms introduced here. The computational uncertainty in density functional calculations of the Fermi contact hyperfine constant and zero-field splitting tensor sets a limit for quantitative prediction of paramagnetic shielding for now.


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Ultra-fine crystallites of Mn1-xZnxFe2O4 series (0 <= x <= 1) were synthesized through wet chemical co- precipitation method followed by calcination at 200 degrees C for 4 hours. Formation of ferrites was confirmed by X-ray diffraction, TEM selected area diffraction (SAD) and Fourier Transform Infra-red Spectroscopy (FTIR). Nanocrystallites of different compositions in the series were coated with biocompatible chitosan in order to investigate their possible application as contrast agent for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Chitosan coating examined by FTIR, revealed a strong bonding of chitosan molecules to the surface of the ferrite nanocrystallites. Spin-spin, tau(2) relaxivities of nuclear spins of hydrogen protons of the solutions for different ferrites were measured from concentration dependence of relaxation time by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). All the compositions of Mn1-xZnxFe2O4 series possess higher values of tau(2) relaxivity thus making them suitable as contrast agents for tau(2) weighted imaging by MRI.


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Here, we show the binding results of a leguminosae lectin, winged bean basic agglutinin (WBA I) to N-trifluoroacetylgalactosamine (NTFAGalN), methyl-alpha-N-trifluoroacetylgalactosamine (Me alpha NTFAGalN) and methyl-beta-tifluoroacetylgalactosamine (Me beta NTFAGalN) using (19) F NMR spectroscopy. No chemical shift difference between the free and bound states for NTFAGalN and Me beta NTFAGalN, and 0.01-ppm chemical shift change for Me alpha NTFAGalN, demonstrate that the Me alpha NTFAGalN has a sufficiently long residence time on the protein binding site as compared to Me beta NTFAGalN and the free anomers of NTFAGalN. The sugar anomers were found in slow exchange with the binding site of agglutinin. Consequently, we obtained their binding parameters to the protein using line shape analyses. Aforementioned analyses of the activation parameters for the interactions of these saccharides indicate that the binding of alpha and beta anomers of NTFAGalN and Me alpha NTFAGalN is controlled enthalpically, while that of Me beta NTFAGalN is controlled entropically. This asserts the sterically constrained nature of the interaction of the Me beta NTFAGalN with WBA I. These studies thus highlight a significant role of the conformation of the monosaccharide ligands for their recognition by WBA I.


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High-resolution, natural-abundance 13C spectra have been obtained from a wide variety of organic compounds; 13C chemical shifts and coupling constants have been correlated with other molecular properties.

Geminal and vicinal, carbon-proton couplings in benzene and the five- and six-membered aromatic heterocycles have been related to the corresponding proton-proton couplings in substituted ethylenes. The carbon-proton coupling constants in benzene are JCCH = + 1.0, JCCCH = +7.4 and JCCCH = -1.1 Hz. Extended Hückel wavefunctions are uniformly poor in explaining the long-range, carbon-proton couplings in aromatic systems.

Couplings between carbon and elements other than hydrogen have been observed in proton decoupled 13C spectra. All of the carbons in fluorobenzene and 1-fluoronaphthalene, but only six of the carbons in 2-fluoronaphthalene are coupled to the fluorine. One-bond, carbon-phosphorus coupling in trialkylphosphines is negative, while one-bond, carbon-phosphorus coupling in tetra-alkylphosphonium ions is positive. Atoms which do not use hybrid orbitals to form bonds to carbon (F, P(III), Se, Te) may have negative, one-bond coupling constants because of the failure of the average energy approximation. One-bond couplings between carbon and carbon, silicon, tin, lead and mercury appear to be explainable in terms of an effective nuclear charge and the s-bond order of the metal. Couplings between carbon and nitrogen and phosphorus (IV) have significant negative contributions to the Fermi contact coupling expression, though, within one series, correlations with s-bond order may be valid. Carbon-carbon coupling in cyclopropane derivatives (10-15 Hz) is consistent with a high degree of p character in the interior orbitals. Some two- and three-bond carbon-carbon coupling constants have also been observed.

Substituent effects of hydroxyl groups on the 13C chemical shifts of continuous-chain alkanes depend both on steric and electronic factors. The hydroxyl substituent effects in the long-chain, primary alcohols are α = -48.3, β = -10.2, and γ = +6.0 ppm. The upfield γ effect is attributed to steric crowding in the gauche conformations. Additivity of the hydroxyl and carbonyl and alkyl substituent effects in alkyl-substituted cyclohexanols and cyclohexanones has been demonstrated.


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Male Wistar rats were administrated orally with La(NO3)(3) at doses of 0. 05, 0. 2, 2. 0, 10 and 20 mg/kg body weight. Urine was collected over a 24 h period after dosing. Resonances for a large number of low molecular weight metabolites were assigned in a high resolution H-1 NMR spectra of rat urine. The variation of some low molecular weight metabolites in urine provided a sensitive measurement of Rare Earth induced renal and liver lesions, in which DMA, DMG, urea, Kg, TMAO, succinate, citrate and amino acids have been suggested as NMR markers for renal damage and ethanol, lactate, taurine as the markers for liver damage. The method could be applicable to study of the toxicological effects of other compounds and drugs.


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To relate nuclear magnetic resonance lipoprotein subclass profiles (NMR-LSP) and other lipoprotein-related factors with carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) in Type 1 diabetes.