71 resultados para Ns3
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is the causative agent of end-stage liver disease. Recent advances in the last decade in anti HCV treatment strategies have dramatically increased the viral clearance rate. However, several limitations are still associated, which warrant a great need of novel, safe and selective drugs against HCV infection. Towards this objective, we explored highly potent and selective small molecule inhibitors, the ellagitannins, from the crude extract of Pomegranate (Punica granatum) fruit peel. The pure compounds, punicalagin, punicalin, and ellagic acid isolated from the extract specifically blocked the HCV NS3/4A protease activity in vitro. Structural analysis using computational approach also showed that ligand molecules interact with the catalytic and substrate binding residues of NS3/4A protease, leading to inhibition of the enzyme activity. Further, punicalagin and punicalin significantly reduced the HCV replication in cell culture system. More importantly, these compounds are well tolerated ex vivo and `no observed adverse effect level' (NOAEL) was established upto an acute dose of 5000 mg/kg in BALB/c mice. Additionally, pharmacokinetics study showed that the compounds are bioavailable. Taken together, our study provides a proof-of-concept approach for the potential use of antiviral and non-toxic principle ellagitannins from pomegranate in prevention and control of HCV induced complications.
There are 3 to 4 million new hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections annually around the world, but no vaccine is available. Robust T-cell mediated responses are necessary for effective clearance of the virus, and DNA vaccines result in a cell-mediated bias. Adjuvants are often required for effective vaccination, but during natural lytic viral infections damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) are released, which act as natural adjuvants. Hence, a vaccine that induces cell necrosis and releases DAMPs will result in cell-mediated immunity (CMI), similar to that resulting from natural lytic viral infection. We have generated a DNA vaccine with the ability to elicit strong CMI against the HCV nonstructural (NS) proteins (3, 4A, 4B, and 5B) by encoding a cytolytic protein, perforin (PRF), and the antigens on a single plasmid. We examined the efficacy of the vaccines in C57BL/6 mice, as determined by gamma interferon enzyme-linked immunosorbent spot assay, cell proliferation studies, and intracellular cytokine production. Initially, we showed that encoding the NS4A protein in a vaccine which encoded only NS3 reduced the immunogenicity of NS3, whereas including PRF increased NS3 immunogenicity. In contrast, the inclusion of NS4A increased the immunogenicity of the NS3, NS4B, andNS5B proteins, when encoded in a DNA vaccine that also encoded PRF. Finally, vaccines that also encoded PRF elicited similar levels of CMI against each protein after vaccination with DNA encoding NS3, NS4A, NS4B, and NS5B compared to mice vaccinated with DNA encoding only NS3 or NS4B/5B. Thus, we have developed a promising ``multiantigen'' vaccine that elicits robust CMI. IMPORTANCE Since their development, vaccines have reduced the global burden of disease. One strategy for vaccine development is to use commercially viable DNA technology, which has the potential to generate robust immune responses. Hepatitis C virus causes chronic liver infection and is a leading cause of liver cancer. To date, no vaccine is currently available, and treatment is costly and often results in side effects, limiting the number of patients who are treated. Despite recent advances in treatment, prevention remains the key to efficient control and elimination of this virus. Here, we describe a novel DNA vaccine against hepatitis C virus that is capable of inducing robust cell-mediated immune responses in mice and is a promising vaccine candidate for humans.
The genomes of many positive stranded RNA viruses and of all retroviruses are translated as large polyproteins which are proteolytically processed by cellular and viral proteases. Viral proteases are structurally related to two families of cellular proteases, the pepsin-like and trypsin-like proteases. This thesis describes the proteolytic processing of several nonstructural proteins of dengue 2 virus, a representative member of the Flaviviridae, and describes methods for transcribing full-length genomic RNA of dengue 2 virus. Chapter 1 describes the in vitro processing of the nonstructural proteins NS2A, NS2B and NS3. Chapter 2 describes a system that allows identification of residues within the protease that are directly or indirectly involved with substrate recognition. Chapter 3 describes methods to produce genome length dengue 2 RNA from cDNA templates.
The nonstructural protein NS3 is structurally related to viral trypsinlike proteases from the alpha-, picorna-, poty-, and pestiviruses. The hypothesis that the flavivirus nonstructural protein NS3 is a viral proteinase that generates the termini of several nonstructural proteins was tested using an efficient in vitro expression system and antisera specific for the nonstructural proteins NS2B and NS3. A series of cDNA constructs was transcribed using T7 RNA polymerase and the RNA translated in reticulocyte lysates. Proteolytic processing occurred in vitro to generate NS2B and NS3. The amino termini of NS2B and NS3 produced in vitro were found to be the same as the termini of NS2B and NS3 isolated from infected cells. Deletion analysis of cDNA constructs localized the protease domain necessary and sufficient for correct cleavage to the first 184 amino acids of NS3. Kinetic analysis of processing events in vitro and experiments to examine the sensitivity of processing to dilution suggested that an intramolecular cleavage between NS2A and NS2B preceded an intramolecular cleavage between NS2B and NS3. The data from these expression experiments confirm that NS3 is the viral proteinase responsible for cleavage events generating the amino termini of NS2B and NS3 and presumably for cleavages generating the termini of NS4A and NS5 as well.
Biochemical and genetic experiments using viral proteinases have defined the sequence requirements for cleavage site recognition, but have not identified residues within proteinases that interact with substrates. A biochemical assay was developed that could identify residues which were important for substrate recognition. Chimeric proteases between yellow fever and dengue 2 were constructed that allowed mapping of regions involved in substrate recognition, and site directed mutagenesis was used to modulate processing efficiency.
Expression in vitro revealed that the dengue protease domain efficiently processes the yellow fever polyprotein between NS2A and NS2B and between NS2B and NS3, but that the reciprocal construct is inactive. The dengue protease processes yellow fever cleavage sites more efficiently than dengue cleavage sites, suggesting that suboptimal cleavage efficiency may be used to increase levels of processing intermediates in vivo. By mutagenizing the putative substrate binding pocket it was possible to change the substrate specificity of the yellow fever protease; changing a minimum of three amino acids in the yellow fever protease enabled it to recognize dengue cleavage sites. This system allows identification of residues which are directly or indirectly involved with enzyme-substrate interaction, does not require a crystal structure, and can define the substrate preferences of individual members of a viral proteinase family.
Full-length cDNA clones, from which infectious RNA can be transcribed, have been developed for a number of positive strand RNA viruses, including the flavivirus type virus, yellow fever. The technology necessary to transcribe genomic RNA of dengue 2 virus was developed in order to better understand the molecular biology of the dengue subgroup. A 5' structural region clone was engineered to transcribe authentic dengue RNA that contains an additional 1 or 2 residues at the 5' end. A 3' nonstructural region clone was engineered to allow production of run off transcripts, and to allow directional ligation with the 5' structural region clone. In vitro ligation and transcription produces full-length genomic RNA which is noninfectious when transfected into mammalian tissue culture cells. Alternative methods for constructing cDNA clones and recovering live dengue virus are discussed.
O crescimento dos serviços de banda-larga em redes de comunicações móveis tem provocado uma demanda por dados cada vez mais rápidos e de qualidade. A tecnologia de redes móveis chamada LTE (Long Term Evolution) ou quarta geração (4G) surgiu com o objetivo de atender esta demanda por acesso sem fio a serviços, como acesso à Internet, jogos online, VoIP e vídeo conferência. O LTE faz parte das especificações do 3GPP releases 8 e 9, operando numa rede totalmente IP, provendo taxas de transmissão superiores a 100 Mbps (DL), 50 Mbps (UL), baixa latência (10 ms) e compatibilidade com as versões anteriores de redes móveis, 2G (GSM/EDGE) e 3G (UMTS/HSPA). O protocolo TCP desenvolvido para operar em redes cabeadas, apresenta baixo desempenho sobre canais sem fio, como redes móveis celulares, devido principalmente às características de desvanecimento seletivo, sombreamento e às altas taxas de erros provenientes da interface aérea. Como todas as perdas são interpretadas como causadas por congestionamento, o desempenho do protocolo é ruim. O objetivo desta dissertação é avaliar o desempenho de vários tipos de protocolo TCP através de simulações, sob a influência de interferência nos canais entre o terminal móvel (UE User Equipment) e um servidor remoto. Para isto utilizou-se o software NS3 (Network Simulator versão 3) e os protocolos TCP Westwood Plus, New Reno, Reno e Tahoe. Os resultados obtidos nos testes mostram que o protocolo TCP Westwood Plus possui um desempenho melhor que os outros. Os protocolos TCP New Reno e Reno tiveram desempenho muito semelhante devido ao modelo de interferência utilizada ter uma distribuição uniforme e, com isso, a possibilidade de perdas de bits consecutivos é baixa em uma mesma janela de transmissão. O TCP Tahoe, como era de se esperar, apresentou o pior desempenho dentre todos, pois o mesmo não possui o mecanismo de fast recovery e sua janela de congestionamento volta sempre para um segmento após o timeout. Observou-se ainda que o atraso tem grande importância no desempenho dos protocolos TCP, mas até do que a largura de banda dos links de acesso e de backbone, uma vez que, no cenário testado, o gargalo estava presente na interface aérea. As simulações com erros na interface aérea, introduzido com o script de fading (desvanecimento) do NS3, mostraram que o modo RLC AM (com reconhecimento) tem um desempenho melhor para aplicações de transferência de arquivos em ambientes ruidosos do que o modo RLC UM sem reconhecimento.
选用无各型肝炎病毒感染、体质良好的6只食蟹猴、3只恒河猴和3只熊猴,按人感染HCV的主要途径——输血,经静脉输注含HCV的中国献血员血浆,观察临床一般指标,血清ALT,抗HCV各种抗体和HCV-RNA,肝组织普通病理,超微病理。从肝组织中找病毒颗粒及免疫组化查HCV NS3抗原,观察14周,结果9例猕猴出现不同程度的肝炎症状,12例血清ALT升高,2例出现黄疸;5例抗HCVC22 IgG抗体阳性,4例抗HCV E2-24 IgG抗体阳性,10例抗HCV C33c IgG抗体阳性,2例抗HCVNS4-40 IgG抗体阳性,11例抗HCV NS5-A IgG抗体阳性,无1例抗HCVNS5-B IgG抗体阳性;9例HCV-RNA阳性。6例肝活检或肝小部切除作肝组织普通光镜镜检,5例肝细胞气球样变,点状坏死及少许纤维组织增生。另一例相应损害较重,呈碎片坏死,界板破坏,纤维组织增生明显,汇管区炎性细胞浸润,超微病理除普通炎症所具有的特征外,以滑面内质网大量增生扩张为其主要特征,3例从内质网里看到约30nm的类病毒颗粒。免疫组化显示3只动物肝组织内HCVNS3抗原阳性,以膜型为主少量周边型及散在胞浆内分布,因此我们认为已...
Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is the causative agent of Hepatitis C, a serious global health problem which results in liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Currently there is no effective treatment or vaccine against the virus. Therefore, development of a therapeutic vaccine is of paramount importance. In this project, three alternative approaches were used to control HCV including a DNA vaccine, a recombinant viral vaccine and RNA interference. The first approach was to test the effect of different promoters on the efficacy of a DNA vaccine against HCV. Plasmids encoding HCV-NS3 and E1 antigens were designed under three different promoters, adenoviral E1A, MLP, and CMV ie. The promoter effect on the antigen expression in 293 cells, as well as on the antibody level in immunized BALB/c mice, was evaluated. The results showed that the antigens were successfully expressed from all vectors. The CMV ie promoter induced the highest antigen expression and the highest antibody level. Second, the efficiency of a recombinant adenovirus vaccine encoding HCV-NS3 was compared to that of a HCV-NS3 plasmid vaccine. The results showed that the recombinant adenovirus vaccine induced higher antibody levels as compared to the plasmid vaccine. The relationship between the immune response and miRNA was also evaluated. The levels of mir-181, mir-155, mir-21 and mir-296 were quantified in the sera of immunized animals. mir-181 and mir-21 were found to be upregulated in animals injected with adenoviral vectors. Third, two recombinant adenoviruses encoding siRNAs targeting both the helicase and protease parts of the NS3 region were tested for their ability to inhibit NS3 expression. The results showed that the siRNA against protease was more effective in silencing the HCV-NS3 gene in a HCV replicon cell line. This result confirmed the efficiency of adenovirus for siRNA delivery. These results confirmed that CMV ie is optimum promoter for immune response induction. Adenovirus was shown to be an effective delivery vector for antigens or siRNAs. In addition, miRNAs were proved to be involved in the regulation of immune response.
L'hépatite C pose un problème de santé publique majeur, dans la mesure où le risque de développer une infection chronique est relativement élevé (40 à 60%) et où la résistance au traitement de choix - l’interféron alpha pégylé et la ribavirine - touche près de la moitié des patients. Cette persistence virale repose avant tout sur de puissantes stratégies d’évasion du système immunitaire inné de l’hôte par le virus. Dans ce projet, nous nous sommes intéressés à la caractérisation de la réponse antivirale dans des hépatocytes primaires humains normaux et chroniquement infectés avec le VHC, un domaine encore largement inconnu dû à la difficulté d’obtenir ce type de matériel primaire. Nous avons étudié la fonctionnalité de deux voies majeures de détection des pathogènes viraux suite à l’exposition d’hépatocytes primaires humains à de l’ARNdb intracellulaire, via le récepteur et adaptateur RIG-I/MDA5-CARDIF, et extracellulaire via TLR3-TRIF, mimant ainsi les étapes précoces de la détection d’un virus par la cellule hôte. Nous avons établi par RT-PCR quantitatif et analyse transcriptomique par microarray, que ces deux voies de stimulation sont fonctionnelles dans des hépatocytes primaires normaux et que leur activation entraîne à la fois l’expression de gènes antiviraux communs (ISG56, ISG15, CXCL10, …) mais aussi spécifiques avec les gènes IL28A, IL28B et IL29 qui sont une signature de l’activation de la voie de détection de l’ARNdb intracellulaire. La protéine virale NS3/4A joue un rôle majeur à la fois dans le clivage de la polyprotéine virale initiale, mais aussi en interférant avec les cascades de signalisation engagées suite à la détection par la cellule hôte de l’ARN du VHC. Plus particulièrement, nous avons démontré que l’expression ectopique de NS3/4A dans des hépatocytes primaires humains normaux entraîne une diminution significative de l’induction des gènes antiviraux dûe au clivage de CARDIF au cours de l’activation de la voie de signalisation médiée par RIG-I. Nous avons également démontré que l’expression de la NS3/4A entraîne des modifications de l’expression de gènes-clé impliqués dans la régulation de l’apoptose et du programme de mort cellulaire, en particulier lorsque la voie TLR3 est induite. L’ensemble de ces effets sont abolis en présence de BILN2061, inhibiteur spécifique de NS3/4A. Malgré les stratégies de subversion de l’immunité innée par le VHC, nous avons démontré l’induction significative de plusieurs ISGs et chemokines dans des hepatocytes primaires provenant de patients chroniquement infectés avec le VHC, sans toutefois détecter d’interférons de type I, III ou certains gènes antiviraux précoces comme CCL5. Ces observations, concomitantes avec une diminution de l’expression de CARDIF et une correlation inverse entre les niveaux d’ARNm des ISGs et l’ARN viral révèlent une réponse antivirale partielle dûe à des mécanismes interférents sous-jacents. Cette réponse antivirale détectable mais inefficace est à mettre en lien avec l’échec du traitement classique PEG-IFN-ribavirine chez la moitié des patients traités, mais aussi en lien avec l’inflammation chronique et les dommages hépatiques qui mènent ultimement au développement d’une fibrose puis d’une cirrhose chez une grande proportion de patients chroniquement infectés.
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
La réplication et l’assemblage du virus de l’hépatite C (VHC) sont régulés finement dans le temps et l’espace par les interactions protéiques entre le virus avec l’hôte. La compréhension de la biologie du virus ainsi que sa pathogénicité passe par les connaissances relatives aux interactions virus/hôte. Afin d’identifier ces interactions, nous avons exploité une approche d’immunoprécipitation (IP) couplée à une détection par spectrométrie de masse (MS), pour ensuite évaluer le rôle des protéines identifiées dans le cycle viral par une technique de silençage génique. Les protéines virales Core, NS2, NS3/4A, NS4B, NS5A et NS5B ont été exprimées individuellement dans les cellules humaines 293T et immunoprécipitées afin d’isoler des complexes protéiques qui ont été soumis à l’analyse MS. Ainsi, 98 protéines de l’hôte ont été identifiées avec un enrichissement significatif et illustrant une spécificité d’interaction. L’enrichissement de protéines connues dans la littérature a démontré la force de l’approche, ainsi que la validation de 6 nouvelles interactions virus/hôte. Enfin, le rôle de ces interactants sur la réplication virale a été évalué dans un criblage génomique par ARN interférant (ARNi). Deux systèmes rapporteurs de la réplication virale ont été utilisés : le système de réplicon sous-génomique (Huh7-Con1-Fluc) et le système infectieux (J6/JFH-1/p7Rluc2a), ainsi qu’un essai de toxicité cellulaire (Alamar Blue). Parmi les protéines de l’hôte interagissant avec le VHC, 28 protéines ont démontré un effet significatif sans effet de toxicité cellulaire, suggérant fortement un rôle dans la réplication du VHC. Globalement, l’étude a mené à l’identification de nouvelles interactions virus/hôte et l’identification de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques potentielles.
Les virus ont besoin d’interagir avec des facteurs cellulaires pour se répliquer et se propager dans les cellules d’hôtes. Une étude de l'interactome des protéines du virus d'hépatite C (VHC) par Germain et al. (2014) a permis d'élucider de nouvelles interactions virus-hôte. L'étude a également démontré que la majorité des facteurs de l'hôte n'avaient pas d'effet sur la réplication du virus. Ces travaux suggèrent que la majorité des protéines ont un rôle dans d'autres processus cellulaires tel que la réponse innée antivirale et ciblées pas le virus dans des mécanismes d'évasion immune. Pour tester cette hypothèse, 132 interactant virus-hôtes ont été sélectionnés et évalués par silençage génique dans un criblage d'ARNi sur la production interferon-beta (IFNB1). Nous avons ainsi observé que les réductions de l'expression de 53 interactants virus-hôte modulent la réponse antivirale innée. Une étude dans les termes de gène d'ontologie (GO) démontre un enrichissement de ces protéines au transport nucléocytoplasmique et au complexe du pore nucléaire. De plus, les gènes associés avec ces termes (CSE1L, KPNB1, RAN, TNPO1 et XPO1) ont été caractérisé comme des interactant de la protéine NS3/4A par Germain et al. (2014), et comme des régulateurs positives de la réponse innée antivirale. Comme le VHC se réplique dans le cytoplasme, nous proposons que ces interactions à des protéines associées avec le noyau confèrent un avantage de réplication et bénéficient au virus en interférant avec des processus cellulaire tel que la réponse innée. Cette réponse innée antivirale requiert la translocation nucléaire des facteurs transcriptionnelles IRF3 et NF-κB p65 pour la production des IFNs de type I. Un essai de microscopie a été développé afin d'évaluer l’effet du silençage de 60 gènes exprimant des protéines associés au complexe du pore nucléaire et au transport nucléocytoplasmique sur la translocation d’IRF3 et NF-κB p65 par un criblage ARNi lors d’une cinétique d'infection virale. En conclusion, l’étude démontre qu’il y a plusieurs protéines qui sont impliqués dans le transport de ces facteurs transcriptionnelles pendant une infection virale et peut affecter la production IFNB1 à différents niveaux de la réponse d'immunité antivirale. L'étude aussi suggère que l'effet de ces facteurs de transport sur la réponse innée est peut être un mécanisme d'évasion par des virus comme VHC.
Multivariate image analysis applied to the quantitative structure-activity relationships (MIA-QSAR) is a 2D QSAR technique that has been presenting promising outcomes for the development of new drug candidates, due to its simplicity, rapidity and low cost. In this way, the present study aims at introducing, consolidating and improving the new dimensions named aug-MIA-QSAR and aug-MIA-QSARcolor, as well as applying them to the study of neglected diseases, in order to obtain new drug targets using chemico-biological interpretation of the MIA molecular descriptors. Four compound data sets with experimental bioactivities against Chagas disease, malaria, dengue and schistosomiasis were evaluated using three approaches: MIA-QSARt, aug-MIA-QSAR and aug-MIA-QSARcolor. In general, representations of atoms as spheres with different colors and sizes proportional to the corresponding van der Waals radii (aug-MIA approaches) improved the predictive ability and interpretability in all data sets. The use of colors proportional to the Pauling´s electronegativity showed that MIA descriptors are capable of identifying periodic properties relevant for the studied activity. Finally, solid colors instead of spotlighted atoms allowed a correct identification of atoms by means of pixel values in the studies for malaria, dengue and schistosomiasis, which were, subsequently, useful for the chemical interpretation related to the bioactivity. It can be inferred that semicarbazones and thiosemicarbazones derivative with a tri-substituted ring in R1 group and a trifluoro methyl group in the R 3 position instead of a chlorine antitripanossoma resulted in higher activity. The antimalarial activity of quinolon-4(1H)imines can be improved if: 1) R1 and R2 are electron donor groups, 2) R3 has long aminoalkyl chains, and 3) R4 possesses substituents with big atomic volume. In the study for dengue, it was found that tetrapeptides with unbranched small size amino acids in the A1 and A4 positions can increase the substrate affinity (Km) to the NS3 protein, and when in A1 and A2 positions, the substrate cleavage rate (kcat). On the other hand, acidic amino acids in the A2 and A4 positions were found to be related with low substrate affinity to the NS3 protein and when present in A1, with low substrate cleavage rate. Finally, the presence of metoxy substituents in R1 (or R2) and R5 in the neolignan backbone can favor their antischistosomal activity.
Os flavivírus são conhecidos por seu complexo ciclo biológico e importância na saúde pública e na economia mundial. Os aspectos ecológicos e quadros clínicos estão estreitamente relacionados à filogenia e evolução dos flavivírus. Este trabalho objetiva a caracterização molecular dos genomas dos flavivírus Bussuquara (VBSQ), Iguape (VIGU), Ilhéus (VILH) e Rocio (VROC), determinando relações filogenéticas com os demais integrantes do gênero Flavivirus. Foi realizado o seqüenciamento completo da região codificadora (ORF) e regiões não codificantes (RNC) 5’ e 3’; análise da estrutura secundária do RNA viral e das sequências conservadas da 3’RNC; determinação dos sítios de clivagem, glicosilação, resíduos Cis e motivos conservados na poliproteína; e as análises de similaridade e filogenética. Os genomas dos VBSQ, VIGU, VILH e VROC apresentaram a mesma organização que os demais flavivírus, medindo 10.815 nt, 10.922 nt, 10.775 nt, 10.794 nt, respectivamente. O padrão das sequências conservadas da 3’RNC do VBSQ foi RCS2-CS2-CS1, enquanto que para os VIGU, VILH e VROC foram CS3-RCS2-CS2-CS1. As características das estruturas secundárias do RNAs dos flavivírus em estudo foram similares aos demais flavivírus. O número dos sítios de glicosilação das proteínas PrM, E e NS1 foi distinto entre os flavivírus brasileiros, porém o padrão 6,12,12 dos resíduos de Cis e do sítios de clivagem permaneceram conservados. Na proteína E, alterações aminoacídicas pontuais foram observadas no peptídeo de fusão dos VBSQ, VIGU e VROC, e a sequência do tripepídeo RGD foi distinta para os quatro vírus em estudo. Os motivos determinantes das atividades de MTase-SAM da NS5, bem como da helicase e protease da NS3, permanecem conservados. Dentre os oito motivos da polimerase viral (NS5), somente os motivos V, VI e VII possuem alguma substituição nucleotídica para o VILH e VROC. As análises de similaridade mostram que VBSQ apresenta maior relação com VIGU enquanto que o VILH e VROC são mais relacionados entre si, porém sendo consideradas espécies virais distintas. Com base nas análises filogenéticas, características moleculares do genoma e biológicas, propõem-se a formação de três grupos genéticos: o grupo Rocio, que agrupa VROC e VILH; o grupo Bussuquara formado pelos VBSQ e Vírus naranjal e o grupo Aroa que inclui o Vírus Aroa e VIGU.
Pós-graduação em Microbiologia - IBILCE
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotype 3a accounts for similar to 80% of HCV infections in Pakistan, where similar to 10 million people are HCV-infected. Here, we report analysis of the genetic heterogeneity of HCV NS3 and NS5b subgenomic regions from genotype 3a variants obtained from Pakistan. Phylogenetic analyses showed that Pakistani genotype 3a variants were as genetically diverse as global variants, with extensive intermixing. Bayesian estimates showed that the most recent ancestor for genotype 3a in Pakistan was last extant in similar to 1896-1914 C.E. (range: 1851-1932). This genotype experienced a population expansion starting from similar to 1905 to similar to 1970 after which the effective population leveled. Death/birth models suggest that HCV 3a has reached saturating diversity with decreasing turnover rate and positive extinction. Taken together, these observations are consistent with a long and complex history of HCV 3a infection in Pakistan. Published by Elsevier B.V.