962 resultados para Non-cooperative games


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Continuous exact non-atomic games are naturally associated to certain operators between Banach spaces. It thus makes sense to study games by means of the corresponding operators. We characterize non-atomic exact market games in terms of the properties of the associated operators. We also prove a separation theorem for weak compact sets of countably additive measures, which is of independent interest.


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Permutation games are totally balanced transferable utility cooperative games arising from certain sequencing and re-assignment optimization problems. It is known that for permutation games the bargaining set and the core coincide, consequently, the kernel is a subset of the core. We prove that for permutation games the kernel is contained in the least core, even if the latter is a lower dimensional subset of the core. By means of a 5-player permutation game we demonstrate that, in sense of the lexicographic center procedure leading to the nucleolus, this inclusion result can not be strengthened. Our 5-player permutation game is also an example (of minimum size) for a game with a non-convex kernel.


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Crash risk is the statistical probability of a crash. Its assessment can be performed through ex post statistical analysis or in real-time with on-vehicle systems. These systems can be cooperative. Cooperative Vehicle-Infrastructure Systems (CVIS) are a developing research avenue in the automotive industry worldwide. This paper provides a survey of existing CVIS systems and methods to assess crash risk with them. It describes the advantages of cooperative systems versus non-cooperative systems. A sample of cooperative crash risk assessment systems is analysed to extract vulnerabilities according to three criteria: market penetration, over-reliance on GPS and broadcasting issues. It shows that cooperative risk assessment systems are still in their infancy and requires further development to provide their full benefits to road users.


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Cooperative Systems provide, through the multiplication of information sources over the road, a lot of potential to improve the safety of road users, especially drivers. However, developing cooperative ITS applications requires additional resources compared to non-cooperative applications which are both time consuming and expensive. In this paper, we present a simulation architecture aimed at prototyping cooperative ITS applications in an accurate and detailed, close-to-reality environment; the architecture is designed to be modular and generalist. It can be used to simulate any type of CS applications as well as augmented perception. Then, we discuss the results of two applications deployed with our architecture, using a common freeway emergency braking scenario. The first application is Emergency Electronic Brake Light (EEBL); we discuss improvements in safety in terms of the number of crashes and the severity of crashes. The second application compares the performance of a cooperative risk assessment using an augmented map against a non-cooperative approach based on local-perception only. Our results show a systematic improvement of forward warning time for most vehicles in the string when using the augmented-map-based risk assessment.


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This study explores the idea of video games where the players are not just allowed to express themselves creatively, but are challenged to do so and are judged based on the quality of their creative expression. The outcome of the research is a series of six games which comment on this idea. The study also raises further questions regarding how current video games are constructed and designed in comparison with non-computer games, and invites a further evolution of the craft of video game design in a direction that focuses more on interpreting and reacting to what the player is doing.


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World marine fisheries suffer from economic and biological overfishing: too many vessels are harvesting too few fish stocks. Fisheries economics has explained the causes of overfishing and provided a theoretical background for management systems capable of solving the problem. Yet only a few examples of fisheries managed by the principles of the bioeconomic theory exist. With the aim of bridging the gap between the actual fish stock assessment models used to provide management advice and economic optimisation models, the thesis explores economically sound harvesting from national and international perspectives. Using data calibrated for the Baltic salmon and herring stocks, optimal harvesting policies are outlined using numerical methods. First, the thesis focuses on the socially optimal harvest of a single salmon stock by commercial and recreational fisheries. The results obtained using dynamic programming show that the optimal fishery configuration would be to close down three out of the five studied fisheries. The result is robust to stock size fluctuations. Compared to a base case situation, the optimal fleet structure would yield a slight decrease in the commercial catch, but a recreational catch that is nearly seven times higher. As a result, the expected economic net benefits from the fishery would increase nearly 60%, and the expected number of juvenile salmon (smolt) would increase by 30%. Second, the thesis explores the management of multiple salmon stocks in an international framework. Non-cooperative and cooperative game theory are used to demonstrate different "what if" scenarios. The results of the four player game suggest that, despite the commonly agreed fishing quota, the behaviour of the countries has been closer to non-cooperation than cooperation. Cooperation would more than double the net benefits from the fishery compared to a past fisheries policy. Side payments, however, are a prerequisite for a cooperative solution. Third, the thesis applies coalitional games in the partition function form to study whether the cooperative solution would be stable despite the potential presence of positive externalities. The results show that the cooperation of two out of four studied countries can be stable. Compared to a past fisheries policy, a stable coalition structure would provide substantial economic benefits. Nevertheless, the status of the salmon stocks would not improve significantly. Fourth, the thesis studies the prerequisites for and potential consequences of the implementation of an individual transferable quota (ITQ) system in the Finnish herring fishery. Simulation results suggest that ITQs would result in a decrease in the number of fishing vessels, but enables positive profits to overlap with a higher stock size. The empirical findings of the thesis affirm that the profitability of the studied fisheries could be improved. The evidence, however, indicates that incentives for free riding exist, and thus the most preferable outcome both in economic and biological terms is elusive.


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In this article, the problem of two Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) cooperatively searching an unknown region is addressed. The search region is discretized into hexagonal cells and each cell is assumed to possess an uncertainty value. The UAVs have to cooperatively search these cells taking limited endurance, sensor and communication range constraints into account. Due to limited endurance, the UAVs need to return to the base station for refuelling and also need to select a base station when multiple base stations are present. This article proposes a route planning algorithm that takes endurance time constraints into account and uses game theoretical strategies to reduce the uncertainty. The route planning algorithm selects only those cells that ensure the agent will return to any one of the available bases. A set of paths are formed using these cells which the game theoretical strategies use to select a path that yields maximum uncertainty reduction. We explore non-cooperative Nash, cooperative and security strategies from game theory to enhance the search effectiveness. Monte-Carlo simulations are carried out which show the superiority of the game theoretical strategies over greedy strategy for different look ahead step length paths. Within the game theoretical strategies, non-cooperative Nash and cooperative strategy perform similarly in an ideal case, but Nash strategy performs better than the cooperative strategy when the perceived information is different. We also propose a heuristic based on partitioning of the search space into sectors to reduce computational overhead without performance degradation.


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We propose a new approach to clustering. Our idea is to map cluster formation to coalition formation in cooperative games, and to use the Shapley value of the patterns to identify clusters and cluster representatives. We show that the underlying game is convex and this leads to an efficient biobjective clustering algorithm that we call BiGC. The algorithm yields high-quality clustering with respect to average point-to-center distance (potential) as well as average intracluster point-to-point distance (scatter). We demonstrate the superiority of BiGC over state-of-the-art clustering algorithms (including the center based and the multiobjective techniques) through a detailed experimentation using standard cluster validity criteria on several benchmark data sets. We also show that BiGC satisfies key clustering properties such as order independence, scale invariance, and richness.


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A formação de sujeitos cooperativos é uma demanda da sociedade contemporânea, que o Colégio Pedro II assumiu como compromisso em seu Projeto Político-Pedagógico, ao afirmar o aluno que pretende formar: cidadãos críticos, orientados para a cooperação igualitária, ética, mais fraterna e solidária. O modo como se investe na formação do sujeito cooperativo, nas práticas cotidianas do Colégio Pedro II, é o objeto deste estudo. O objetivo é analisar a formação do cidadão cooperativo, como um processo de produção de subjetividades, que tem início nas lógicas que circulam em nossa sociedade. O objetivo específico é investigar o lugar que a formação do sujeito cooperativo ocupa nas práticas de docentes e gestores do Colégio Pedro II, e em que medida elas são direcionadas pelas políticas públicas, como os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais, e pelo Projeto Político Pedagógico, do Colégio. A pesquisa se concentrou no Pedrinho, na Unidade São Cristóvão I, no período posterior à elaboração e publicação do atual Projeto Político Pedagógico, embora não seja possível descartar a história do Colégio, na busca de elementos que expliquem a realidade atual. A construção do campo de investigação se deu a partir da análise de documentos do Colégio, dos registros de oficinas de Jogos Cooperativos, reuniões pedagógicas e administrativas, bem como entrevistas com docentes que representaram a Unidade São Cristóvão I, na Congregação do CP II. Ao final, foi possível perceber que são múltiplos os caminhos, entre o documento e o investimento na formação do sujeito cooperativo, entre outros motivos porque são muitos os sentidos dados ao termo cooperação. Alem disso, há pelo menos, dois movimentos. Um que busca a orientação da conduta, a governamentalidade, pela atualização dos mecanismos disciplinares e de controle, utilizados desde a fundação do Imperial Colégio de Pedro II. Outro movimento busca produzir uma linha de fuga, uma alternativa, no Pedrinho, às relações competitivas e individualistas produzidas pela lógica capitalista, em nossa sociedade, e estabelecidas há quase três séculos no Colégio Pedro II. As políticas públicas de currículo produziram práticas pedagógicas, discursivas e não discursivas, no cotidiano escolar, e algumas dessas práticas podem contribuir para a produção de subjetividades cooperativas, mesmo que este não seja o foco da ação docente. Mas, sem dúvida, alguns docentes e gestores estão investindo na formação de cidadãos cooperativos, seja pensando em alunos e trabalhadores virtuosos ou apenas em pessoas mais felizes. Ainda há espaço para a produção de singularidades, na microfísica do cotidiano.


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Cooperation is a typical prosocial behavior, and social psychologists have traditionally used sociometric methods to measure cooperation. This research is aimed to explore the development of children’s social value orientation and its impact on cooperation. Study 1 used two-choice decomposed games to measure the social value orientation of 9- , 11-, to 14-year-old children and adults. Results indicated that most 9-, 11-, 14-year-old children are classified as proselfs, and most adults are classified as prosocials. Compared to 9 years, there are more prosocial orientations and less competitive orientations among 11 years. But compared to 11 years, there are less prosocial orientations and more competitive orientations among 14 years. Study 2 used prisoner’s dilemma to assess cooperative behavior, thus investigated the impact of social value orientation on cooperative decision-making. Results indicated that, on one hand, children of prosocial orientation expected no more cooperation from others, but adults of prosocial orientation expected more cooperation from others. On the other hand, prosocials make more cooperative choices than proselfs, and they show more reciprocity towards cooperative others and more altruism towards non-cooperative others.


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The authors propose a three-node full diversity cooperative protocol, which allows the retransmission of all symbols. By allowing multiple nodes to transmit simultaneously, relaying transmission only consumes limited bandwidth resource. To facilitate the performance analysis of the proposed cooperative protocol, the lower and upper bounds of the outage probability are first developed, and then the high signal-to-noise ratio behaviour is studied. Our analytical results show that the proposed strategy can achieve full diversity. To achieve the performance gain promised by the cooperative diversity, at the relays decode-and-forward strategy is adopted and an iterative soft-interference-cancellation minimum mean-squared error equaliser is developed. The simulation results compare the bit-error-rate performance of the proposed protocol with the non-cooperative scheme and the scheme presented by Azarian et al. ( 2005).


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We propose an allocation rule that takes into account the importance of both players and their links and characterize it for a fixed network. Our characterization is along the lines of the characterization of the Position value for Network games by van den Nouweland and Slikker (2012). The allocation rule so defined admits multilateral interactions among the players through their links which distinguishes it from the other existing rules. Next, we extend our allocation rule to flexible networks à la Jackson (2005).


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O presente trabalho propõe-se a divulgar as mais significativas técnicas de esquemas cooperativos, de forma a ultrapassar alguns dos problemas dos sistemas móveis sem fios da próxima geração, estendendo a área de cobertura destes sistemas, assim como a sua capacidade e fiabilidade. O estudo de diversos esquemas cooperativos é efetuado em termos de capacidade e de taxa de erros, fazendo variar o número de relays e de antenas em cada elemento do sistema. Diversos algoritmos com aplicação em sistemas cooperativos são desenvolvidos e propostos ao longo desta tese, como códigos espaço-frequência aplicados de forma distribuída nos relays, para sistemas baseados na tecnologia OFDM e sob diversos cenários próximos da realidade. Os sistemas cooperativos são particularmente úteis em situações em que o caminho direto entre dois terminais não está acessível ou tem uma fraca qualidade de transmissão. Tendo este aspeto em consideração, e pretendendo ter a máxima eficiência espetral e máxima diversidade, um algoritmo com precodificação é também proposto para múltiplos relays, cada um equipado com uma ou duas antenas. A formulação matemática associada aos algoritmos propostos é apresentada, assim como a derivação da probabilidade de erro teórica. O desempenho dos sistemas assistidos por relays usando os algoritmos propostos é comparado em relação a outros esquemas cooperativos equivalentes e a esquemas não-cooperativos, considerando cenários com diferentes qualidades de canal, daí advindo importantes conclusões em relação a estes sistemas.


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Cette thèse est constituée de trois articles. Le premier étudie le problème de pollution globale dans un contexte environnemental incertain. Le deuxième article traite des accords internationaux sur l'environnement. Le troisième article montre comment la libéralisation du commerce peut affecter le bien-être et les taxes sur la pollution dans un monde où les pays sont hétérogènes et la pollution transfrontalière. Dans le premier article, je considère un monde dans lequel les pays souffrent uniformément de la pollution globale. Ils font face à une menace continuelle de voir les dommages causés par cette pollution globale s'accroître subitement de façon irréversible. Je caractérise le niveau des émissions, le stock de pollution, et le niveau de bien-être actualisé en équilibres coopératif et non-coopératif. L'objectif visé est d'analyser l'impact de ce type d'incertitude sur les équilibres issus des comportements stratégiques des pays. Je trouve que cette incertitude peut avoir un effet significatif sur ces équilibres. Les pays réduisent leurs émissions pour atténuer leur exposition à cette menace. Plus la menace est grande, plus les pays ajustent leurs émissions afin de réduire le stock de pollution globale. Cependant, en dépit du fait que cette incertitude diminue le bien-être net initial, elle peut à long terme avoir un effet net positif sur le bien-être. Le deuxième article étend la classe des modèles dynamiques standards traitant des accords internationaux sur l'environnement au cas où la durée de la période d'engagement à de tels accords est un paramètre que l'on peut varier de façon exogène. Nous y étudions les évolutions dans le temps de la taille des coalitions stables, du stock de pollution et du taux d'émissions en fonction de la durée d'engagement. Nous montrons que la longueur de la période d'engagement a un effet très significatif sur l'équilibre. Trois intervalles de durée d'engagement sont identifiés pour lesquels l'équilibre et sa dynamique diffèrent considérablement. Alors que pour des durées de la période d'engagement très longues on observe des coalitions stables constituées d'un petit nombre de pays, si ces durées sont suffisamment courtes on peut observer un niveau de coopération élevé. Les durées d'engagement entre ces deux extrêmes sont caractérisées par une relation inverse entre la durée de la période d'engagement et la taille des coalitions stables. Ces faits portent à croire qu'il faudrait accorder une attention toute particulière au choix de la durée d'engagement lors de l'élaboration de tels accords internationaux. Le troisième article s'inscrit dans un contexte où les activités de production des pays potentiellement hétérogènes génèrent de la pollution qui peut traverser les frontières et nuire au bien-être des pays impliqués. Dans chacun de ces pays, l'état impose des taxes sur la pollution aux firmes polluantes et des tarifs à l'importation afin de corriger cette distorsion. Ce papier a pour but d'évaluer les effets que pourrait avoir une diminution des tarifs douaniers sur la production, les taxes sur la pollution et le bien-être de ces pays. La littérature existante a étudié ce problème, mais seulement dans le cadre d'un commerce bilatéral entre pays identiques. Cet article fournit un cadre d'analyse plus réaliste dans lequel les pays ne seront pas nécessairement identiques et où le commerce pourra être multilatéral. Il devient alors possible de mettre en évidence le biais introduit en négligeant ces deux facteurs. Dans ce nouveau contexte, je montre qu'une réduction des tarifs d'importation n'augmente pas nécessairement la production; elle peut aussi nuire au bien-être, même si la pollution est purement locale.