68 resultados para Nihilism.


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Dans ce mémoire, je me propose d’analyser la question des limites du langage; d’examiner la place et le rôle de l’indicible dans la philosophie de Wittgenstein. La notion d’indicible suppose un critère pour saisir les limites du langage. Dans le Tractatus, le critère nous est donné par la structure logique de l’image. Or, en laissant tomber cet accord de forme entre le langage et le monde, suggéré par la théorie picturale, l’indicible ne semble plus se montrer dans les écrits postérieurs au Tractatus. Du moins, avec la notion de « jeux de langage », le critère pour saisir les limites du langage n’est plus aussi clairement défini et les règles qui déterminent les usages légitimes du langage ne sont plus aussi strictes. Enfin, en concevant la signification comme « usage », la nature du langage est appréhendée comme le fait d’une forme de vie, et dans une perspective pragmatique, arrimée à une position minimaliste, une conception déflationniste de la vérité peut se développer, évitant ainsi la réification de faits superlatifs associés à l’indicible et à l’ineffabilité des critères sémantiques. Par conséquent, l’indicible et l’ineffable ne seraient plus associés avec une posture mystique à l’égard du réel, et le quiétisme philosophique de Wittgenstein, toujours inspiré par le nihilisme thérapeutique, demeure l’avenue privilégiée pour neutraliser le discours métaphysique et le contraindre définitivement au silence.


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La biologie évolutionnaire est au cœur des débats contemporains concernant les comportements humains. Les concepts de libre arbitre et de la moralité doivent, par conséquent, être repositionnés par rapport à ce type d’explication. Le consensus actuel concernant le libre arbitre est qu’il se réduit à l’expérience du libre arbitre et que la vraie question est alors d’expliquer comment cette expérience s’inscrit dans le processus darwinien. D’autres, darwiniens, par contre, semblent vouloir offrir une réalité au libre arbitre tout en maintenant un certain déterminisme darwinien. Dans ce mémoire, les arguments d’Alex Rosenberg proposant la position originale d’anti-libre arbitre et d’antidéterminisme seront étudiés. L’étude détaillée du passage du nihilisme biologique vers un nihilisme moral démontré par une position physicaliste et naturaliste, adoptée par Rosenberg, permettra d’illustrer la position anti-libre arbitre et antidéterministe. Pour ce faire, les théories de la deuxième loi de la thermodynamique et de l’évolution par la sélection naturelle seront présentées et analysées afin de démontrer en quoi elles répondent à la position physicaliste et naturaliste d’une part, et d’autre part, comment elles justifient le passage du nihilisme biologique au nihilisme moral selon Rosenberg. Finalement, les arguments et la position d’Alex Rosenberg seront mis en relation avec le domaine de la métaéthique afin d’y déceler une contradiction : le nihilisme moral n’est peut-être pas aussi gentil que Rosenberg l’affirme.


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L’herméneutique de Gadamer s’inscrit-elle dans la foulée de la critique heideggérienne de la métaphysique ? Devrait-on, par surcroit, la considérer comme une forme de nihilisme, où l’être serait réduit au langage et partant, à la pluralité des interprétations ? La présente étude vise plutôt à montrer, sous la conduite des indications de Gadamer lui-même, qu’il est impératif de reconnaître à son maître-ouvrage une dimension métaphysique certaine et cruciale et dont la portée consiste précisément à s’opposer aux interprétations nihiliste et nominaliste de notre rapport à l’être. Pour ce faire il sera d’abord établi que le concept d’appartenance (Zugehörigkeit) est le maître-concept de Vérité et méthode, comme l’avait vu Ricoeur, puis comment Gadamer rattache explicitement celui-ci à la métaphysique médiévale des transcendantaux, métaphysique qui demeure visible jusque dans les dernières conclusions de l’ouvrage qui traitent de la métaphysique de la lumière (Lichtmetaphysik). Nous verrons que c’est précisément à la lumière de cette proximité constante avec la métaphysique des transcendantaux qu’il faut comprendre la thèse de Gadamer à l’effet que l’être susceptible d’être compris est langage, de manière à y voir une affirmation soutenue de l’intelligibilité de l’être, comme l’avait d’ailleurs saisi Heidegger lui-même. Notre intention est ainsi de rendre perceptibles les sources et le cadre de cette métaphysique des transcendantaux, qui ont été négligés dans la réception de Gadamer. Nous porterons donc notre regard sur les sources médiévales de sa pensée que Gadamer connaît et commente, soit Thomas d’Aquin et Nicolas de Cues, mais aussi sur des auteurs moins connus de la tradition herméneutique, dont Philippe le Chancelier, auteur indispensable lorsqu’il s’agit de traiter de la métaphysique des transcendantaux à laquelle Gadamer se réfère. Cette enquête nous amènera à démontrer comment l’herméneutique de Gadamer s’inscrit dans la conception traditionnelle de la vérité comme adaequatio rei et intellectus, définition dont nous devons surtout à Thomas de l’avoir léguée à la postérité mais qu’ont aussi reprise les modernes, incluant Kant et Heidegger. C’est ainsi une nouvelle lecture du rapport de Gadamer à son maître Heidegger et à sa critique de la métaphysique qui résultera de cette archéologie des sources métaphysiques du concept d’appartenance ; il sera en effet démontré que l’héritage de Gadamer est à comprendre, de son propre aveu, en continuité et non en rupture avec la métaphysique. Enfin, fidèle à l’esprit herméneutique de l’application, nous éprouverons cette compréhension renouvelée du concept d’appartenance à l’aune d’une discussion de nature plus théologique, de manière à jeter un éclairage nouveau sur la fécondité de l’herméneutique gadamérienne dans le contexte de la théologie moderne. C’est ainsi que le concept de foi, compris habituellement dans le cadre imposé par la métaphysique moderne de la subjectivité qui le réduit à une « croyance » ou à un « choix personnel », sera mis à l’épreuve du tournant ontologique pris par l’herméneutique avec Gadamer et qui incite à dépasser la dichotomie entre le sujet et son objet en pensant le sujet à partir de l’être. C’est une compréhension de la foi comme appartenance, au sens précis que Gadamer donne à ce concept, qui sera ici mise au jour.


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Revisión crítica de la ‘versión heredada’ sobre el resurgir del pragmatismo norteamericano. Aquí sostengo que ésta es una narrativa sobre la historia de la filosofía que puede ser usada para “reivindicar” la continuidad o para “añorar” la pérdida de esa tradición. Presento tres argumentos a favor de mi tesis sobre la versión heredada: i) es insuficiente para explicar el surgimiento del pragmatismo; ii) es un tipo de narrativa que hace plausible una imagen de la filosofía; iii) impide apreciar que la formación del canon obedece a los propósitos de los seguidores del movimiento.


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What would the world be like if hard determinism were true, that is, if all events were determined in such a way as to render all our decisions and actions unfree? In particular, what would morality be like? Indeed, could there be anything distinctively moral in such a world, or would we be left with a moral nihilism in which nothing of moral significance remains? In this paper I explore the ethical implications of hard determinism, focusing on the consequences that our lack of free will would have for moral responsibility (and thus praise and blame), moral obligation, moral rightness and wrongness, and moral goodness. I argue that the truth of hard determinism would compel us to significantly revise our commonsensical understanding of these moral categories. I add, however, that this change in moral outlook would not have dire practical consequences, for we would retain the attitudes and emotions that are essential to forming good interpersonal relationships and to developing morally. In fact, far from being a threat to human flourishing, hard determinism offers the prospect of a life that is morally deeper and more fulfilling than in a world in which we are free.


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What follows is a work of critical reconstruction of Camus' thought. It aims to answer to the wish Camus expressed in his later notebooks, that he at least be read closely. Specifically, I hope to do three things. In Part I, we will show how Camus' famous philosophy of the absurd represents a systematic scepticism whose closest philosophical predecessor is Descartes' method of doubt, and whose consequence, as in Descartes, is the discovery of a single, orienting certainty, on the basis of which Camus would proceed to pass beyond the 'nihilism' that conservative critics continued to level against him (MS 34). Part II will unfold the central tenets of Camus' mature thought of rebellion, and show how Camus' central political claims follow from his para-Cartesian claim to have found an irreducible or 'invincible' basis for a post-metaphysical ethics, consistent with the most thoroughgoing epistemic scepticism. Part III then undertakes to show that the neoclassical rhetoric and positioning Camus claimed for his postwar thought—as a thought of moderation or mesure, and a renewed Greek or Mediterranean naturalism—is more than a stylistic pretension. It represents, so I argue, a singular amalgam of modern and philosophical classical motifs which makes Camus' voice nearly unique in twentieth century ideas, and all the more worth reconsidering today. So let us proceed.


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"Monumental Vision” is a nuanced summary of Nietzschean nihilism and the Eternal Return as rite of passage for free subjects and as condensed image of speculative intelligence proper. Utilizing Gerhard Richter’s “Sheet 692” from Atlas, a series of photographs of the mountains and lake at Sils Maria, Switzerland, as summary judgment of the limit imposed by this condition on all systems of representation, this form of vision discloses the chiasmus embedded in consciousness itself. In constantly revisiting Sils, the very location where Nietzsche “suffered” the vision of the Eternal Return, Richter has engaged repeatedly this origin for what has come into his work via Nietzsche – that is, an elective veil that refuses all compromises with transcendence until such is merged with immanence.

As situated amidst modernist “ideology as intellection”, and subsequent nascent forms of anti-modernism, the Eternal Return as image also signals the return of the Kantian “aesthetic-teleological” synthesis in non-discursive or purely visual agency. As an elective form of aesthetic vision, and as image of time insofar as it registers an overwhelming externality (Other) that nominally swallows and empowers the subject at once, this excoriating sense of universal praxis underwrites artistic and architectural production of the highest order, renegotiating concepts of the paradigmatic.

Utilizing Georg Simmel’s late work on Rembrandt (1916) and his encounter with Schopenhauer and Nietzsche (1907), the essay suggests that by the 1920s the avant-garde premises of modernism had already come under attack by an ahistorical and synoptic vision here denoted “monumental vision,” which also contains the imprint of eschatological time (invoking a schism present in rationality as such). The two readings of this image perpetrated by Karl Löwith in Nietzsche’s Philosophy of the Eternal Recurrence of the Same (Nietzsches Philosophie der ewigen Wiederkehr des Gleichen, 1935), or the cosmological and the ethical, while considered irreconcilable by Löwith, have since the 1960s been recalibrated through the figure of the event to pose possible scenarios out of the stalemate of the confrontation between Self and Other (ipseity and alterity) buried within this image as limit. In this manner, the image of the Eternal Return stands at the boundary between two forms of time (or two worlds) and signals the irreducible confrontation present in speculative thought and the necessity of closure through an aesthetic vision that produces a unitary field for all creative acts.

Notably, Nietzsche’s startling vision from Zarathustra suggests that the limit imposed by the Eternal Return is also a mask for an austere condition within subjectivity closely resembling the conundrum of Fichte’s I facing I, or thought turned toward thought itself (absolute subjectivity as cipher for Being). In Alenka Zupančič’s reading, in The Shortest Shadow: Nietzsche’s Philosophy of the Two (2003), the Eternal Return effectively contains a secret formal function that grinds all “error” to dust – a highly suggestive interpretation that also neutralizes the schism introduced by Löwith between the cosmological and the ethical.


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Oil painting exhibited as part of a group exhibition. Exhibition was titled 'From Realism to Nihilism' and was of works by the Shakespeare Grove Artists. It was curated by Kirsten Rann.


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“Else-where”: Essays in Art, Architecture, and Cultural Production 2002–2011 is a synoptic survey of the representational values given to art, architecture, and cultural production at the closing of the twentieth century and the opening of the twenty-first. Written primarily as a critique of what is suppressed in architecture and what is disclosed in art, the essays are informed by the passage out of post-structuralism and its disciplinary analogues toward the Real (denoted over the course of the studies as the “Real-Irreal,” or “Else-where”). The essays collected in “Else-where” cross various disciplines (inclusive of landscape architecture, architecture, and visual art) to develop a nuanced critique of a renascent formal regard and elective exit from nihilism in art and architecture that is also an invocation of the highest coordinates given to the arts – that is, formal ontology as speculative intelligence itself, or the return of the universal as utopian thought “here-and-now.”


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The paper is an essay in the comparative metaphysics of nothingness that begins by pondering why Leibniz thought of the opposite question as the preeminent one. In Eastern philosophical thought, like the numeral ‘zero’ (śānya) that Indian mathematicians first discovered, nothingness as non-being looms large and serves as the first quiver on the imponderables they seem to have encountered (e.g. ‘In the beginning was neither non-being nor being’ RgVeda X.129). The concept of non-being and its permutations of nothing, negation, nullity, receive more sophisticated treatment in the works of grammarians, ritual hermeneuticians, logicians, and their dialectical adversaries, variously across Jaina and Buddhist schools, in respect of the function of negation /the negative copula, nãn, fraying into ontologies of non-existence and extinction; not least also the suggestive tropes that tend to arrest rather than affirm the inexorable being-there of something. After some passing references to interests in non-being and nothingness in contemporary (Western) thinking, the paper dwells at some length on Heidegger’s extensive treatment of nothingness in his 1927 inaugural lecture ‘Was ist Metaphysik?’, published later as What is Metaphysics? The essay however distances itself from any pretensions toward a doctrine of Nihilism.


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This paper wants to draw out a common argument in three great philosophers and littérateurs in modern French thought: Michel de Montaigne, Voltaire, and Albert Camus. The argument makes metaphysical and theological scepticism the first premise for a universalistic political ethics, as per Voltaire's: "it is clearer still that we ought to be tolerant of one another, because we are all weak, inconsistent, liable to fickleness and error." The argument, it seems to me, presents an interestingly overlooked, deeply important and powerful contribution to the philosophical discourse of modernity. On one hand, theological and post-structuralist critics of "humanism" usually take the latter to depend either on an essentialist philosophical anthropology, or a progressive philosophy of history. The former, it is argued, is philosophically contestable and ethically contentious (since however we define the human "essence," we are bound to exclude some "others"). The latter, for better or worse, is a continuation of theological eschatology by another name. So both, if not "modernity" per se, should somehow be rejected. But an ethical universalism - like that we find in Montaigne, Bayle, Voltaire, or Camus - which does not claim familiarity with metaphysical or eschatological truths, but humbly confesses our epistemic finitude, seeing in this the basis for ethical solidarity, eludes these charges. On the other hand, philosophical scepticism plays a large role in the post-structuralist criticisms of modern institutions and ideas in ways which have been widely taken to license forms of ethics which problematically identify responsibility, with taking a stand unjustifiable by recourse to universalizable reasons. But, in Montaigne, Voltaire and Camus, our ignorance concerning the highest or final truths does not close off, but rather opens up, a new descriptive sensitivity to the foibles and complexities of human experience: a sensitivity reflected amply, and often hilariously, in their literary productions. As such, a critical agnosticism concerning claims about things "in the heavens and beneath the earth" does not, for such a "sceptical humanism," necessitate decisionism or nihilism. Instead, it demands a redoubled ethical sensitivity to the complexities and plurality of political life which sees the dignity of "really-existing" others, whatever their metaphysical creeds, as an inalienable first datum of ethical conduct and reflection. After tracking these arguments in Montaigne, Voltaire, and Camus, the essay closes by reflecting on, and contesting, one more powerful theological argument against modern agnosticism's allegedly deleterious effects on ethical culture: that acknowledging ignorance concerning the highest things robs us of the basis for awe or wonder, the wellspring of human beings' highest ethical, aesthetic, and spiritual achievements.


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This work aims give evidence of that The hope principle, the philosophical system devised by the German philosopher Ernst Bloch, in which hope assumes an ontological character, offers cognitive support that allows overcoming the void imposed by nihilism today, especially in the field of education. But while it offers cognitive support, it also presents a need that is fulfilled by an educational proposal based on a not-yet-conscious being. An education based on hope has four essential pillars: learning to know, learning to do, learning to be, learning to live together and, most of all, immerging into in the seas of uncertainty. In times when school is a promoter of certainties at the expense of uncertainties, education must not forsake the notion of the unpredictable and immeasurable, nor the need to find ways to enable better understanding of aspect related to the not-yet-be. The employed theoretical and methodological elements in this work paint a corpus through an interactive process in which layers of additional texts are subjected to analysis