919 resultados para Network Dynamics
It has long been recognised that statistical dependencies in neuronal activity need to be taken into account when decoding stimuli encoded in a neural population. Less studied, though equally pernicious, is the need to take account of dependencies between synaptic weights when decoding patterns previously encoded in an auto-associative memory. We show that activity-dependent learning generically produces such correlations, and failing to take them into account in the dynamics of memory retrieval leads to catastrophically poor recall. We derive optimal network dynamics for recall in the face of synaptic correlations caused by a range of synaptic plasticity rules. These dynamics involve well-studied circuit motifs, such as forms of feedback inhibition and experimentally observed dendritic nonlinearities. We therefore show how addressing the problem of synaptic correlations leads to a novel functional account of key biophysical features of the neural substrate.
Range and load play key roles in the problem of attacks on links in random scale-free (RSF) networks. In this paper we obtain the approximate relation between range and load in RSF networks by the generating function theory, and then give an estimation about the impact of attacks on the efficiency of the network. The results show that short-range attacks are more destructive for RSF networks, and are confirmed numerically.
My dissertation work integrates comparative transcriptomics and functional analyses to investigate gene expression changes underlying two significant aspects of sea urchin evolution and development: the dramatic developmental changes associated with an ecologically significant shift in life history strategy and the development of the unusual radial body plan of adult sea urchins.
In Chapter 2, I investigate evolutionary changes in gene expression underlying the switch from feeding (planktotrophic) to nonfeeding (lecithotrophic) development in sea urchins. In order to identify these changes, I used Illumina RNA-seq to measure expression dynamics across 7 developmental stages in three sea urchin species: the lecithotroph Heliocidaris erythrogramma, the closely related planktotroph Heliocidaris tuberculata, and an outgroup planktotroph Lytechinus variegatus. My analyses draw on a well-characterized developmental gene regulatory network (GRN) in sea urchins to understand how the ancestral planktotrophic developmental program was altered during the evolution of lecithotrophic development. My results suggest that changes in gene expression profiles occurred more frequently across the transcriptome during the evolution of lecithotrophy than during the persistence of planktotrophy. These changes were even more pronounced within the GRN than across the transcriptome as a whole, and occurred in each network territory (skeletogenic, endomesoderm and ectoderm). I found evidence for both conservation and divergence of regulatory interactions in the network, as well as significant changes in the expression of genes with known roles in larval skeletogenesis, which is dramatically altered in lecithotrophs. I further explored network dynamics between species using coexpression analyses, which allowed me to identify novel players likely involved in sea urchin neurogenesis and endoderm patterning.
In Chapter 3, I investigate developmental changes in gene expression underlying radial body plan development and metamorphosis in H. erythrogramma. Using Illumina RNA-seq, I measured gene expression profiles across larval, metamorphic, and post-metamorphic life cycle phases. My results present a high-resolution view of gene expression dynamics during the complex transition from pre- to post-metamorphic development and suggest that distinct sets of regulatory and effector proteins are used during different life history phases.
Collectively, my investigations provide an important foundation for future, empirical studies to investigate the functional role of gene expression change in the evolution of developmental differences between species and also for the generation of the unusual radial body plan of sea urchins.
Traditional Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) protocol provides deterministic periodic collision free data transmissions. However, TDMA lacks flexibility and exhibits low efficiency in dynamic environments such as wireless LANs. On the other hand contention-based MAC protocols such as the IEEE 802.11 DCF are adaptive to network dynamics but are generally inefficient in heavily loaded or large networks. To take advantage of the both types of protocols, a D-CVDMA protocol is proposed. It is based on the k-round elimination contention (k-EC) scheme, which provides fast contention resolution for Wireless LANs. D-CVDMA uses a contention mechanism to achieve TDMA-like collision-free data transmissions, which does not need to reserve time slots for forthcoming transmissions. These features make the D-CVDMA robust and adaptive to network dynamics such as node leaving and joining, changes in packet size and arrival rate, which in turn make it suitable for the delivery of hybrid traffic including multimedia and data content. Analyses and simulations demonstrate that D-CVDMA outperforms the IEEE 802.11 DCF and k-EC in terms of network throughput, delay, jitter, and fairness.
The increased capabilities (e.g., processing, storage) of portable devices along with the constant need of users to retrieve and send information have introduced a new form of communication. Users can seamlessly exchange data by means of opportunistic contacts among them and this is what characterizes the opportunistic networks (OppNets). OppNets allow users to communicate even when an end-to-end path may not exist between them. Since 2007, there has been a trend to improve the exchange of data by considering social similarity metrics. Social relationships, shared interests, and popularity are examples of such metrics that have been employed successfully: as users interact based on relationships and interests, this information can be used to decide on the best next forwarders of information. This Thesis work combines the features of today's devices found in the regular urban environment with the current social-awareness trend in the context of opportunistic routing. To achieve this goal, this work was divided into di erent tasks that map to a set of speci c objectives, leading to the following contributions: i) an up-to-date opportunistic routing taxonomy; ii) a universal evaluation framework that aids in devising and testing new routing proposals; iii) three social-aware utility functions that consider the dynamic user behavior and can be easily incorporated to other routing proposals; iv) two opportunistic routing proposals based on the users' daily routines and on the content traversing the network and interest of users in such content; and v) a structure analysis of the social-based network formed based on the approaches devised in this work.
Nowadays, communication environments are already characterized by a myriad of competing and complementary technologies that aim to provide an ubiquitous connectivity service. Next Generation Networks need to hide this heterogeneity by providing a new abstraction level, while simultaneously be aware of the underlying technologies to deliver richer service experiences to the end-user. Moreover, the increasing interest for group-based multimedia services followed by their ever growing resource demands and network dynamics, has been boosting the research towards more scalable and exible network control approaches. The work developed in this Thesis enables such abstraction and exploits the prevailing heterogeneity in favor of a context-aware network management and adaptation. In this scope, we introduce a novel hierarchical control framework with self-management capabilities that enables the concept of Abstract Multiparty Trees (AMTs) to ease the control of multiparty content distribution throughout heterogeneous networks. A thorough evaluation of the proposed multiparty transport control framework was performed in the scope of this Thesis, assessing its bene ts in terms of network selection, delivery tree recon guration and resource savings. Moreover, we developed an analytical study to highlight the scalability of the AMT concept as well as its exibility in large scale networks and group sizes. To prove the feasibility and easy deployment characteristic of the proposed control framework, we implemented a proof-of-concept demonstrator that comprehends the main control procedures conceptually introduced. Its outcomes highlight a good performance of the multiparty content distribution tree control, including its local and global recon guration. In order to endow the AMT concept with the ability to guarantee the best service experience by the end-user, we integrate in the control framework two additional QoE enhancement approaches. The rst employs the concept of Network Coding to improve the robustness of the multiparty content delivery, aiming at mitigating the impact of possible packet losses in the end-user service perception. The second approach relies on a machine learning scheme to autonomously determine at each node the expected QoE towards a certain destination. This knowledge is then used by di erent QoE-aware network management schemes that, jointly, maximize the overall users' QoE. The performance and scalability of the control procedures developed, aided by the context and QoE-aware mechanisms, show the advantages of the AMT concept and the proposed hierarchical control strategy for the multiparty content distribution with enhanced service experience. Moreover we also prove the feasibility of the solution in a practical environment, and provide future research directions that bene t the evolved control framework and make it commercially feasible.
Dissertação Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica no perfil de Manutenção e Produção
The ability to discriminate conspecific vocalizations is observed across species and early during development. However, its neurophysiologic mechanism remains controversial, particularly regarding whether it involves specialized processes with dedicated neural machinery. We identified spatiotemporal brain mechanisms for conspecific vocalization discrimination in humans by applying electrical neuroimaging analyses to auditory evoked potentials (AEPs) in response to acoustically and psychophysically controlled nonverbal human and animal vocalizations as well as sounds of man-made objects. AEP strength modulations in the absence of topographic modulations are suggestive of statistically indistinguishable brain networks. First, responses were significantly stronger, but topographically indistinguishable to human versus animal vocalizations starting at 169-219 ms after stimulus onset and within regions of the right superior temporal sulcus and superior temporal gyrus. This effect correlated with another AEP strength modulation occurring at 291-357 ms that was localized within the left inferior prefrontal and precentral gyri. Temporally segregated and spatially distributed stages of vocalization discrimination are thus functionally coupled and demonstrate how conventional views of functional specialization must incorporate network dynamics. Second, vocalization discrimination is not subject to facilitated processing in time, but instead lags more general categorization by approximately 100 ms, indicative of hierarchical processing during object discrimination. Third, although differences between human and animal vocalizations persisted when analyses were performed at a single-object level or extended to include additional (man-made) sound categories, at no latency were responses to human vocalizations stronger than those to all other categories. Vocalization discrimination transpires at times synchronous with that of face discrimination but is not functionally specialized.
Le fonctionnement du cortex cérébral nécessite l’action coordonnée de deux des sous-types majeurs de neurones, soient les neurones à projections glutamatergiques et les interneurones GABAergiques. Les interneurones GABAergiques ne constituent que 20 à 30% des cellules corticales par rapport au grand nombre de neurones glutamatergiques. Leur rôle est toutefois prépondérant puisqu’ils modulent fortement la dynamique et la plasticité des réseaux néocorticaux. Il n’est donc pas surprenant que les altérations de développement des circuits GABAergiques soient associées à plusieurs maladies du cerveau, incluant l’épilepsie, le syndrome de Rett et la schizophrénie. La compréhension des mécanismes moléculaires régissant le développement des circuits GABAergiques est une étape essentielle menant vers une meilleure compréhension de la façon dont les anormalités se produisent. Conséquemment, nous nous intéressons au rôle de l’acide polysialique (PSA) dans le développement des synapses GABAergiques. PSA est un homopolymère de chaînons polysialylés en α-2,8, et est exclusivement lié à la molécule d’adhésion aux cellules neuronales (NCAM) dans les cerveaux de mammifères. PSA est impliqué dans plusieurs processus développementaux, y compris la formation et la plasticité des synapses glutamatergiques, mais son rôle dans les réseaux GABAergiques reste à préciser. Les données générées dans le laboratoire du Dr. Di Cristo démontrent que PSA est fortement exprimé post- natalement dans le néocortex des rongeurs, que son abondance diminue au cours du développement, et, faits importants, que son expression dépend de l’activité visuelle i et est inversement corrélée à la maturation des synapses GABAergiques. La présente propose de caractériser les mécanismes moléculaires régulant l’expression de PSA dans le néocortex visuel de la souris. Les enzymes polysialyltransférases ST8SiaII (STX) et ST8SiaIV (PST) sont responsables de la formation de la chaîne de PSA sur NCAM. En contrôlant ainsi la quantité de PSA sur NCAM, ils influenceraient le développement des synapses GABAergiques. Mon projet consiste à déterminer comment l’expression des polysialyltransférases est régulée dans le néocortex visuel des souris durant la période post-natale; ces données sont à la fois inconnues, et cruciales. Nous utilisons un système de cultures organotypiques dont la maturation des synapses GABAergiques est comparable au modèle in vivo. L’analyse de l’expression génique par qPCR a démontré que l’expression des polysialyltransférases diminue au cours du développement; une baisse majeure corrélant avec l’ouverture des yeux chez la souris. Nous avons de plus illustré pour la première fois que l’expression de STX, et non celle de PST, est activité-dépendante, et que ce processus requiert l’activation du récepteur NMDA, une augmentation du niveau de calcium intracellulaire et la protéine kinase C (PKC). Ces données démontrent que STX est l’enzyme régulant préférentiellement le niveau de PSA sur NCAM au cours de la période post-natale dans le cortex visuel des souris. Des données préliminaires d’un second volet de notre investigation suggèrent que l’acétylation des histones et la méthylation de l’ADN pourraient également contribuer à la régulation de la transcription de cette enzyme durant le développement. Plus d’investigations seront toutefois nécessaires afin de confirmer cette hypothèse. En somme, la connaissance des mécanismes par lesquels l’expression des ii polysialyltransférases est modulée est essentielle à la compréhension du processus de maturation des synapses GABAergiques. Ceci permettrait de moduler pharmacologiquement l’expression de ces enzymes; la sur-expression de STX et/ou PST pourrait produire une plus grande quantité de PSA, déstabiliser les synapses GABAergiques, et conséquemment, ré-induire la plasticité cérébrale.
Les systèmes sensoriels encodent l’information sur notre environnement sous la forme d’impulsions électriques qui se propagent dans des réseaux de neurones. Élucider le code neuronal – les principes par lesquels l’information est représentée dans l’activité des neurones – est une question fondamentale des neurosciences. Cette thèse constituée de 3 études (E) s’intéresse à deux types de codes, la synchronisation et l’adaptation, dans les neurones du cortex visuel primaire (V1) du chat. Au niveau de V1, les neurones sont sélectifs pour des propriétés comme l’orientation des contours, la direction et la vitesse du mouvement. Chaque neurone ayant une combinaison de propriétés pour laquelle sa réponse est maximale, l’information se retrouve distribuée dans différents neurones situés dans diverses colonnes et aires corticales. Un mécanisme potentiel pour relier l’activité de neurones répondant à des items eux-mêmes reliés (e.g. deux contours appartenant au même objet) est la synchronisation de leur activité. Cependant, le type de relations potentiellement encodées par la synchronisation n’est pas entièrement clair (E1). Une autre stratégie de codage consiste en des changements transitoires des propriétés de réponse des neurones en fonction de l’environnement (adaptation). Cette plasticité est présente chez le chat adulte, les neurones de V1 changeant d’orientation préférée après exposition à une orientation non préférée. Cependant, on ignore si des neurones spatialement proches exhibent une plasticité comparable (E2). Finalement, nous avons étudié la dynamique de la relation entre synchronisation et plasticité des propriétés de réponse (E3). Résultats principaux — (E1) Nous avons montré que deux stimuli en mouvement soit convergent soit divergent élicitent plus de synchronisation entre les neurones de V1 que deux stimuli avec la même direction. La fréquence de décharge n’était en revanche pas différente en fonction du type de stimulus. Dans ce cas, la synchronisation semble coder pour la relation de cocircularité dont le mouvement convergent (centripète) et divergent (centrifuge) sont deux cas particuliers, et ainsi pourrait jouer un rôle dans l’intégration des contours. Cela indique que la synchronisation code pour une information qui n’est pas présente dans la fréquence de décharge des neurones. (E2) Après exposition à une orientation non préférée, les neurones changent d’orientation préférée dans la même direction que leurs voisins dans 75% des cas. Plusieurs propriétés de réponse des neurones de V1 dépendent de leur localisation dans la carte fonctionnelle corticale pour l’orientation. Les comportements plus diversifiés des 25% de neurones restants sont le fait de différences fonctionnelles que nous avons observé et qui suggèrent une localisation corticale particulière, les singularités, tandis que la majorité des neurones semblent situés dans les domaines d’iso-orientation. (E3) Après adaptation, les paires de neurones dont les propriétés de réponse deviennent plus similaires montrent une synchronisation accrue. Après récupération, la synchronisation retourne à son niveau initial. Par conséquent, la synchronisation semble refléter de façon dynamique la similarité des propriétés de réponse des neurones. Conclusions — Cette thèse contribue à notre connaissance des capacités d’adaptation de notre système visuel à un environnement changeant. Nous proposons également des données originales liées au rôle potentiel de la synchronisation. En particulier, la synchronisation semble capable de coder des relations entre objets similaires ou dissimilaires, suggérant l’existence d’assemblées neuronales superposées.
The thesis aims to understand the processes of entrepreneurship that try to create businesses or products with a high degree of complexity. This complexity comes from the fact that these products or initiatives can only be viable with the concurrence of a large number of heterogeneous actors (public, private, from different regions, etc..) which interact in a relational context. A case with these characteristics is the Camí dels Bons Homes. The thesis analyzes the evolution of the relational network from the point of view of its structure and content of its links. The results show and explain the observed changes in the network structure and the changes in the ties content. This analysis of the content of ties contributes to a new systematization and operationalization of ties’ content. Moreover this analysis takes in account negative ties, a less discussed issue in literature.
Working memory (WM) is not a unitary construct. There are distinct processes involved in encoding information, maintaining it on-line, and using it to guide responses. The anatomical configurations of these processes are more accurately analyzed as functionally connected networks than collections of individual regions. In the current study we analyzed event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data from a Sternberg Item Recognition Paradigm WM task using a multivariate analysis method that allowed the linking of functional networks to temporally-separated WM epochs. The length of the delay epochs was varied to optimize isolation of the hemodynamic response (HDR) for each task epoch. All extracted functional networks displayed statistically significant sensitivity to delay length. Novel information extracted from these networks that was not apparent in the univariate analysis of these data included involvement of the hippocampus in encoding/probe, and decreases in BOLD signal in the superior temporal gyrus (STG), along with default-mode regions, during encoding/delay. The bilateral hippocampal activity during encoding/delay fits with theoretical models of WM in which memoranda held across the short term are activated long-term memory representations. The BOLD signal decreases in the STG were unexpected, and may reflect repetition suppression effects invoked by internal repetition of letter stimuli. Thus, analysis methods focusing on how network dynamics relate to experimental conditions allowed extraction of novel information not apparent in univariate analyses, and are particularly recommended for WM experiments for which task epochs cannot be randomized.
Animal models of acquired epilepsies aim to provide researchers with tools for use in understanding the processes underlying the acquisition, development and establishment of the disorder. Typically, following a systemic or local insult, vulnerable brain regions undergo a process leading to the development, over time, of spontaneous recurrent seizures. Many such models make use of a period of intense seizure activity or status epilepticus, and this may be associated with high mortality and/or global damage to large areas of the brain. These undesirable elements have driven improvements in the design of chronic epilepsy models, for example the lithium-pilocarpine epileptogenesis model. Here, we present an optimised model of chronic epilepsy that reduces mortality to 1% whilst retaining features of high epileptogenicity and development of spontaneous seizures. Using local field potential recordings from hippocampus in vitro as a probe, we show that the model does not result in significant loss of neuronal network function in area CA3 and, instead, subtle alterations in network dynamics appear during a process of epileptogenesis, which eventually leads to a chronic seizure state. The model’s features of very low mortality and high morbidity in the absence of global neuronal damage offer the chance to explore the processes underlying epileptogenesis in detail, in a population of animals not defined by their resistance to seizures, whilst acknowledging and being driven by the 3Rs (Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of animal use in scientific procedures) principles.
Complex networks obtained from real-world networks are often characterized by incompleteness and noise, consequences of imperfect sampling as well as artifacts in the acquisition process. Because the characterization, analysis and modeling of complex systems underlain by complex networks are critically affected by the quality and completeness of the respective initial structures, it becomes imperative to devise methodologies for identifying and quantifying the effects of the sampling on the network structure. One way to evaluate these effects is through an analysis of the sensitivity of complex network measurements to perturbations in the topology of the network. In this paper, measurement sensibility is quantified in terms of the relative entropy of the respective distributions. Three particularly important kinds of progressive perturbations to the network are considered, namely, edge suppression, addition and rewiring. The measurements allowing the best balance of stability (smaller sensitivity to perturbations) and discriminability (separation between different network topologies) are identified with respect to each type of perturbation. Such an analysis includes eight different measurements applied on six different complex networks models and three real-world networks. This approach allows one to choose the appropriate measurements in order to obtain accurate results for networks where sampling bias cannot be avoided-a very frequent situation in research on complex networks.
This document represents a doctoral thesis held under the Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration of Getulio Vargas Foundation (EBAPE/FGV), developed through the elaboration of three articles. The research that resulted in the articles is within the scope of the project entitled “Windows of opportunities and knowledge networks: implications for catch-up in developing countries”, funded by Support Programme for Research and Academic Production of Faculty (ProPesquisa) of Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration (EBAPE) of Getulio Vargas Foundation.