999 resultados para Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei.


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Germany is planning to construct a new herring factory on the Island of Rügen. This factory will need about 50 000 t of herring per year. For the German fishery this would mean to increase the past 10w 1andings of less than 15 000 t per year to a level which had a1ready been reached by the GDR before the reunification. News of less herring in the Baltic and a decline of German landings in 1998 compared to the years before have led to discussions whether the planned increase in landings could be reached and kept in the future. Information is given in view of German fishery interests about: • the actual assessed herring stock units and the corresponding recent stock development in the Baltic Sea • the Total Allowable Catch (TAC) values for the western and central Baltic Sea in 1998 and in 1999 • the German landings during spring of the years 1993 to 1998 in the Greifswalder Bodden, main German fishery ground in the Baltic Sea


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Biological investigations were carried out onboard the German factory trawlers “Wiesbaden” and “Kiel” off the Norwegian coast and at Bear Island from December 1996 to June 1997. Data will be contributed to the assessments of the ICES “Arctic Fisheries Working Group”. Information on distribution and fishery of cod, haddock, saithe, redfish and Greenland halibut are given. Biological aspects of length- and age distributions, and stomach- and gonad investigations are represented. Some aspects of the function of sorting grids used in the Bear Island fishery are discussed.


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The international hydroacoustic herring survey in the North Sea is carried out since the early eighties with Dutch, Scottish, Danish und Norwegian contribution. Since 1994 Germany also participates in this survey on a regular basis and has taken over a sector in the easter part between the Dogger Bank and the Danish coast. This area is known for the abundance of chiefly juvenile herring and sprat. During the 1995 cruise some 420000 t of herring were found here, most of them being juveniles of age group I. Analyses of plankton hauls showed that planktonic echos were not caused by juvenile herring, instead the echos were apparently produced by small pelagic gastropodes of the genus Spiratella.


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Die Rotbarschfänge der deutschen Hochseefischerei in der Irminger See (ICES Gebiet XII und XIV) weisen in den beiden letzten Jahren, verglichen mit anderen kommerziellen Arten ( z.B. Kabeljau) hohe Steigerungsraten auf. Sie sind einerseits durch die Wiedervereinigung (Eingliederung der damaligen Rostocker Hochseefischerei in die BRD-Flotte), anderseits durch Fangsteigerungen der DFFU (Deutsche Fisch-Fang-Union) auf den historischen Fanggründen des Ostgrönlandschelf bedingt. Über diese Fischereien, sowie über ihre Zukunftsaussichten, soll im Folgenden berichtet werden.


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In the year of its foundation, in 1870, the German Fisheries Association proposed that a commission should be formed for the strengthening of the German coastal and high sea fisheries by research. The resulting Prussian "Commission zur Erforschung der Deutschen Meere" Commission for Scientific Research on German Seas) in Kiel started its work on July 13th, 1870. With 125 years of organization and scientific continuity, the original institutions were transformed by internal and external influences into the Bundesforschungsanstalt für Fischerei and the Deutsche Wissenschaftliche Kommission für Meeresforschung (Federal Research Center for Fisheries; German Scientific Commission for Marine Research) of today. Their actual fisheries research is of special importance due to the background of increased fisheries activities against decreasing fish stocks.


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Der vorliegende Artikel aktualisiert frühere Informationen zum gleichen Thema (NEUDECKER, 1989a). Alle verwendeten Daten stammen entweder vom Statistischen Bundesamt in Wiesbaden, das sämtliche deutsche Einfuhren registriert, die von den Zolldienststellen erfaßt werden, oder von den deutschen Austernproduzenten selbst.