53 resultados para NSA"s
After two decades advertising and defending the synthetic method, João Köpke became active disseminator of analytical method for teaching reading. In five te xts published between 1896 and 1917, produced in different circumstance s for different publics readers, Köpke seeks the support of American and European authors, for their principles as well as for the education experience, to his analytical method. as by theirs principles as by theirs educational experiences. Among those authors: J. Jacotot, A. Bain, A. Meiklejohn, J. Froebel, C. Parker, G. Stanley Hall and J. Chubb. In this article, attention is given to repeated American references with special emphasis on the psychology of Stanley Hall and the method of teaching reading of Meiklejohn, highlighted and placed on convergence by Köpke in his final writings.
We prove that any two Poisson dependent elements in a free Poisson algebra and a free Poisson field of characteristic zero are algebraically dependent, thus answering positively a question from Makar-Limanov and Umirbaev (2007) [8]. We apply this result to give a new proof of the tameness of automorphisms for free Poisson algebras of rank two (see Makar-Limanov and Umirbaev (2011) [9], Makar-Limanov et al. (2009) [10]). (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Il lavoro è stato suddiviso in tre macro-aree. Una prima riguardante un'analisi teorica di come funzionano le intrusioni, di quali software vengono utilizzati per compierle, e di come proteggersi (usando i dispositivi che in termine generico si possono riconoscere come i firewall). Una seconda macro-area che analizza un'intrusione avvenuta dall'esterno verso dei server sensibili di una rete LAN. Questa analisi viene condotta sui file catturati dalle due interfacce di rete configurate in modalità promiscua su una sonda presente nella LAN. Le interfacce sono due per potersi interfacciare a due segmenti di LAN aventi due maschere di sotto-rete differenti. L'attacco viene analizzato mediante vari software. Si può infatti definire una terza parte del lavoro, la parte dove vengono analizzati i file catturati dalle due interfacce con i software che prima si occupano di analizzare i dati di contenuto completo, come Wireshark, poi dei software che si occupano di analizzare i dati di sessione che sono stati trattati con Argus, e infine i dati di tipo statistico che sono stati trattati con Ntop. Il penultimo capitolo, quello prima delle conclusioni, invece tratta l'installazione di Nagios, e la sua configurazione per il monitoraggio attraverso plugin dello spazio di disco rimanente su una macchina agent remota, e sui servizi MySql e DNS. Ovviamente Nagios può essere configurato per monitorare ogni tipo di servizio offerto sulla rete.
As accurate discrimination between Staphylococcus (S.) aureus and NSA (non-S. aureus staphylococci) involved in bovine mastitis is essential in terms of clinical prognosis and outcome, the aim of this study was to reevaluate the classical bacteriological procedures to identify these agents. Various media and the coagulase tube test were investigated using 116 strains of S. aureus and 115 of NSA, all isolated from cows with spontaneous intramammary infections (IMI). Furthermore, 25 NSA reference strains were analyzed. The study demonstrated that a few media were appropriate for differentiating S. aureus from NSA, provided that the staphylococci were isolated from bovine IMI. Evaluation of hemolysis further revealed that double or incomplete hemolysis are specific for S. aureus and are, therefore, a decisive diagnostic criterion. For strains showing complete hemolysis, maximal discrimination between S. aureus and NSA was observed by subculturing them on CHROMagar Staph. aureus.
In the wake of the disclosures surrounding PRISM and other US surveillance programmes, this paper assesses the large-scale surveillance practices by a selection of EU member states: the UK, Sweden, France, Germany and the Netherlands. Given the large-scale nature of these practices, which represent a reconfiguration of traditional intelligence gathering, the paper contends that an analysis of European surveillance programmes cannot be reduced to a question of the balance between data protection versus national security, but has to be framed in terms of collective freedoms and democracy. It finds that four of the five EU member states selected for in-depth examination are engaging in some form of large-scale interception and surveillance of communication data, and identifies parallels and discrepancies between these programmes and the NSA-run operations. The paper argues that these programmes do not stand outside the realm of EU intervention but can be analysed from an EU law perspective via i) an understanding of national security in a democratic rule of law framework where fundamental human rights and judicial oversight constitute key norms; ii) the risks posed to the internal security of the Union as a whole as well as the privacy of EU citizens as data owners and iii) the potential spillover into the activities and responsibilities of EU agencies. The paper then presents a set of policy recommendations to the European Parliament.
While the initial Commission Communication on Wider Europe (March 2003) did not include Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan in the forthcoming policy for the EU’s new neighbourhood, the Southern Caucasus region has now gained considerable attention in the framework of the ENP and beyond, not least because of security considerations. The ENP undoubtedly represents a step forward in the EU’s policy towards Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia, yet its implementation highlights major differences between the three countries and important weaknesses in all three of them. The Eastern Partnership addresses some of these weaknesses and it also significantly strengthens the EU’s offer to South Caucasus countries, which is now fully in line with the perspectives proposed to the Western NIS. The paper highlights five main conclusions and recommendations: • Political, economic, social and diplomatic developments in the South Caucasus in the 2000's highlight both diverging trends and the persistence of tensions between the three countries. They also have different aspirations vis-à-vis the EU and different records in ENP implementation. The EU should therefore mainly rely upon an individual approach towards each country. • While bilateral relations should form the basis of the EU's approach, most of the challenges faced by Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan are not confined to national borders and require regional solutions. This applies primarily, but not exclusively, to the unresolved conflicts. The EU should promote targeted regional cooperation including, inter alia, confidence-building measures to address indirectly the protracted conflicts and measures supporting drivers of change, which play a critical role in the confidence-building process; • Under the ENP, especially since the opening of negotiations for association agreements and with the perspective of DCFTA, trade-related issues, market and regulatory reform have become prominent in the EU's relations with all three Caucasus countries. At the same time, the priorities identified when the ENP was launched, i.e. good governance and the rule of law, still correspond to major challenges in the South Caucasus. The EU should more clearly prioritise good governance and the rule of law as the basis of both the ENP and successful reforms; • In all partner countries (but even more so in the South Caucasus), ENP implementation has been adversely affected by poor administrative capacities and weak institutional coordination. The EU should increasingly focus on institutional reform/capacity building in its support to partner countries and ensure that the link between the ENP and domestic reform processes is strengthened; • In the South Caucasus the EU has recently concentrated on a few assistance tools such as budget support, Twinning and TAIEX. While these instruments undoubtedly bring an added value, they should be better combined with tools allowing for greater flexibility and targeting non-governmental actors, e.g. EIDHR/NSA.
This search, containing 128 references, was prepared to serve as a guide to the report literature on the fabrication and joining of beryllium. Studies on compacts and powder metallurgy are included. Articles selected from scientific journals and which appear in Nuclear Science Abstracts (NSA) are included. Reports are listed alpha-numerically under the issuing agency.
This search, containing 126 references, was prepared to serve as a guide to the report literature on the design and construction of hot laboratories. These reports are listed alpha-numerically. Articles selected from scientific journals and which appear in the 1951 thru 1959 issues of Nuclear Science Abstracts (NSA) are included. These articles are listed under Published References according to NSA reference number, and therefore chronologically.
This literature search consisting of 240 references to unclassified reports and published literature has been taken from Nuclear Science Abstracts, the official abstract journal of the United States Atomic Energy Commission. The period covered is January 1951 through May 31, 1961. Abstracts for the references can be found by use of the NSA abstract numbers provided.
Included are 372 references on developments in the production of potable water from saline or brackish waters. This literature search is a revision of a previous search, NAA-SR-3737, compiled by Frank G. Bennett IV and contains all references included in the search named above. The report references are arranged alpha-numerically under the corporate authors. The journal references are arranged alphabetically by title following the report references. The literature searched includes: Nuclear Science Abstracts (NSA) through September 1961; Chemical Abstracts through October 2, 1961; Applied Science and Technology Index through September 1961; Engineering Index through 1960; and Monthly Catalog through September 1961.
This literature search consisting of 187 references to report and published literature taken from Nuclear Science Abstracts (NSA). The period covered is January, 1951 - November 15, 1960. Abstracts for the references can be found in NSA by the abstract numbers provided.
Included are 344 unclassified references on devices utilizing nuclear energy in the production of auxiliary power. The coverage includes nuclear batteries, thermoelectric cells, thermionic cells, and all phases of the SNAP program, although not all SNAP devices employ direct conversion. References from Nuclear Science Abstracts (NSA) through December 15, 1961, are included.
This compilation contains 958 references to report and published literature. The references pertain primarily to reactor grade graphite, although information on the manufacture and uses of graphite in other fields is included. The references were selected from Nuclear Science Abstracts (NSA), covering the period 1948 through mid-1961. Subject, author, and availability indexes are provided.
"Project No. 9-38-01-000 Task 902. Contract No. DA 44-177-TC-439. U.S. Army Transportation Research and Development Command, Transportation Corps, Fort Eustis, Virginia. NSA TRECOM Control No. CRD 1759."
Vol. 1 Tales, customs, names and dirges of the Tigrē tribes: Tigrē text. xvii, 287 p.--vol. 2. English translation. xvii, [2], 344 p. 17 pl.--vol. 3. Lieder der Tigrē-Stämme: Tigrē text. 1913. xxiv, 541 p.--vol. 4. Lieder der Tigrē-Stämme: Deutsche Übersetzung und Commentar. A. Lieder der Mänsa', Bēt-Ǵūk und Māryā. 1913. x, 587 p. B. Lieder der ʻAd-Temāryām, ʻAd-Hebtēs (Habāb), ʻAd-Taklēs und kleinerer Stämme. 1915. [4] p., p. [591]-1097, [1] p.