992 resultados para Muscat of Alexandria


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This essay reexamines the great contributions made by Dr. Ali Al-Gritly to Egypt. He was the finance minister for a short period at the beginning of the 1950s and later was appointed as chairman of the Bank of Alexandria. In 1966, he completed a book (Al-Gritly [1966 (1974)]) on the economic history of Egypt. However, the book was banned from publication due to irresistible circumstances. At that time, with Arab Socialism on the ascendance, his views on certain policies were not welcomed by the top political hierarchy. In 1974, the book was finally allowed to be published, and he wrote and published another book in 1977 (Al-Gritly [1977]) on the development of the Open Door Policy and the new economic policies accompanying it.


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The fons primarius of Plutarch's life of Fabius Maximus. -- The common Greek sources of Plutarch and Appianus for Roman history. -- King Juba's Historia romana.


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Includes index.


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Preface signed: J.H.N.


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... And the probability of its success considered. To which is added a brief sketch of the present state of Egypt; an historical account of Alexandria; the two harbours of that city accurately delineated, its former splendor and present state contrasted; with some remarks on its local importance should it become the mart of the East: together with a few particulars relating to the navigation of the Red Sea. By the editor of the History of Peter III. and Catharine II. of Russia.


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Imprint of v. 2: Richmond : Drinker and Morris, 1848.


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First published under title: Ante-Nicene Christian library, Edinburgh, 1867-97.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Al evaluar los contactos de Plutarco con otras culturas contemporáneas, los investigadores todavía no han llegado a un consenso acerca de la relación entre el queronense y la literatura cristiano-primitiva. Un buen ejemplo de esto aparece al atender al motivo de la creación del alma humana. La intención de las próximas páginas es, tras un análisis de los textos plutarqueos, atender a estos posibles contactos con NHC, los heresiólogos y el Corpus Hermeticum a fin de dilucidar sus similitudes y diferencias.


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Con el presente estudio hemos intentado rastrear a través de la fuentes literarias e historiográficas la fundación de Alejandría, su desarrollo urbano, la creación de sus monumentos más icónicos y su transformación en una ciudad mítica. El trabajo concluye con el análisis de la visión que el cine contemporáneo ha ofrecido de su perfil desde la época ptolemaica hasta el final del Bajo Imperio Romano.


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This thesis is an assessment of the hoax hypothesis, mainly propagated in Stephen C. Carlson's 2005 monograph "The Gospel Hoax: Morton Smith's Invention of Secret Mark", which suggests that professor Morton Smith (1915-1991) forged Clement of Alexandria's letter to Theodore. This letter Smith claimed to have discovered as an 18th century copy in the monastery of Mar Saba in 1958. The Introduction narrates the discovery story of Morton Smith and traces the manuscript's whereabouts up to its apparent disappearance in 1990 following with a brief history of scholarship of the MS and some methodological considerations. Chapters 2 and 3 deal with the arguments for the hoax (mainly by Stephen C. Carlson) and against it (mainly Scott G. Brown). Chapter 2 looks at the MS in its physical aspects, and chapter 3 assesses its subject matter. I conclude that some of the details fit reasonably well with the hoax hypothesis, but on the whole the arguments against it are more persuasive. Especially Carlson's use of QDE-analysis (Questioned Document Examination) has many problems. Comparing the handwriting of Clement's letter to Morton Smith's handwriting I conclude that there are some "repeated differences" between them suggesting that Smith is not the writer of the disputed letter. Clement's letter to Theodore derives most likely from antiquity though the exact details of its character are not discussed in length in this thesis. In Chapter 4 I take a special look at Stephen C. Carlson's arguments which propose that Morton Smith hid clues of his identity to the MS and the materials surrounding it. Comparing these alleged clues to known pseudoscientific works I conclude that Carlson utilizes here methods normally reserved for building a conspiracy theory; thus Carlson's hoax hypothesis has serious methodological flaws in respect to these hidden clues. I construct a model of these questionable methods titled "a boisterous pseudohistorical method" that contains three parts: 1) beginning with a question that from the beginning implicitly contains the answer, 2) considering everything will do as evidence for the conspiracy theory, and 3) abandoning probability and thinking literally that everything is connected. I propose that Stephen C. Carlson utilizes these pseudoscientific methods in his unearthing of Morton Smith's "clues". Chapter 5 looks briefly at the literary genre I title "textual puzzle -thriller". Because even biblical scholarship follows the signs of the times, I propose Carlson's hoax hypothesis has its literary equivalents in fiction in titles like Dan Brown's "Da Vinci Code" and in academic works in titles like John Dart's "Decoding Mark". All of these are interested in solving textual puzzles, even though the methodological choices are not acceptable for scholarship. Thus the hoax hypothesis as a whole is alternatively either unpersuasive or plain bad science.


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Resumen: El trabajo propone una reflexión acerca de la problemática de la traducción en la Antigüedad tal como se plantea en la Carta de Aristeas a Filócrates, narración compuesta en el siglo II a.C. que relata los sucesos en torno a la traducción al griego del Pentateuco, la Septuaginta. El autor, anónimo, narra en primera persona y se describe como integrante de la corte real de Ptolomeo Filadelfo, aunque en realidad se trata de un judío alejandrino, conocedor de las leyes mosaicas. La obra presenta ciertas incongruencias y pasajes de difícil interpretación, pero su mensaje es claro: por medio de la traducción, el original hebreo alcanza la dignidad suficiente como para formar parte de la biblioteca de Alejandría, junto con otras obras prestigiosas del mundo helenístico.


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Resumen: En este artículo, el autor expone la ética de san Clemente de Alejandría recurriendo principalmente a El Pedagogo y al Protréptico. Da especial importancia a conceptos como salvación, libre albedrío, consejo, imitación, entre otros. Después, el autor realiza una crítica buscando retomar algunas tesis que pueden mantener cierta vigencia para el planteamiento de una ética hodierna, buscando que esta última sea filosófica. Pero es importante tener presente que la ética por naturaleza recurre a la tradición, de la cual se alimenta para elaborar su reflexión filosófica. En otras palabras, la ética no parte desde el vacío, sino en el seno de una tradición, uno de cuyos representantes y constructores, en el contexto del mundo occidental, es Clemente de Alejandría.