921 resultados para Multivariate wavelet analysis
Transportation Department, Office of University Research, Washington, D.C.
The sources of covariation among cognitive measures of Inspection Time, Choice Reaction Time, Delayed Response Speed and Accuracy, and IQ were examined in a classical twin design that included 245 monozygotic (MZ) and 298 dizygotic (DZ) twin pairs. Results indicated that a factor model comprising additive genetic and unique environmental effects was the most parsimonious. In this model, a general genetic cognitive factor emerged with factor loadings ranging from 0.28 to 0.64. Three other genetic factors explained the remaining genetic covariation between various speed and Delayed Response measures with IQ. However, a large proportion of the genetic variation in verbal (54%) and performance (25%) IQ was unrelated to these lower order cognitive measures. The independent genetic IQ variation may reflect information processes not captured by the elementary cognitive tasks, Inspection Time and Choice Reaction Time, nor our working memory task, Delayed Response. Unique environmental effects were mostly nonoverlapping, and partly represented test measurement error.
This study examined the genetic and environmental relationships among 5 academic achievement skills of a standardized test of academic achievement, the Queensland Core Skills Test (QCST; Queensland Studies Authority, 2003a). QCST participants included 182 monozygotic pairs and 208 dizygotic pairs (mean 17 years +/- 0.4 standard deviation). IQ data were included in the analysis to correct for ascertainment bias. A genetic general factor explained virtually all genetic variance in the component academic skills scores, and accounted for 32% to 73% of their phenotypic variances. It also explained 56% and 42% of variation in Verbal IQ and Performance IQ respectively, suggesting that this factor is genetic g. Modest specific genetic effects were evident for achievement in mathematical problem solving and written expression. A single common factor adequately explained common environmental effects, which were also modest, and possibly due to assortative mating. The results suggest that general academic ability, derived from genetic influences and to a lesser extent common environmental influences, is the primary source of variation in component skills of the QCST.
This paper presents the results of a multivariate spatial analysis of 38 vowel formant variables in the language of 402 informants from 236 cities from across the contiguous United States, based on the acoustic data from the Atlas of North American English (Labov, Ash & Boberg, 2006). The results of the analysis both confirm and challenge the results of the Atlas. Most notably, while the analysis identifies similar patterns as the Atlas in the West and the Southeast, the analysis finds that the Midwest and the Northeast are distinct dialect regions that are considerably stronger than the traditional Midland and Northern dialect region indentified in the Atlas. The analysis also finds evidence that a western vowel shift is actively shaping the language of the Western United States.
This dissertation presents a unique research opportunity by using recordings which provide electrocardiogram (ECG) plus a reference breathing signal (RBS). ECG derived breathing (EDR) is measured and correlated against RBS. Standard deviations of multiresolution wavelet analysis coefficients (SDMW) are obtained from heart rate and classified using RBS. Prior works by others used select patients for sleep apnea scoring with EDR but no RBS. Another prior work classified select heart disease patients with SDMW but no RBS. This study used randomly chosen sleep disorder patient recordings; central and obstructive apneas, with and without heart disease.^ Implementation required creating an application because existing systems were limited in power and scope. A review survey was created to choose a development environment. The survey is presented as a learning tool and teaching resource. Development objectives were rapid development using limited resources (manpower and money). Open Source resources were used exclusively for implementation. ^ Results show: (1) Three groups of patients exist in the study. Grouping RBS correlations shows a response with either ECG interval or amplitude variation. A third group exists where neither ECG intervals nor amplitude variation correlate with breathing. (2) Previous work done by other groups analyzed SDMW. Similar results were found in this study but some subjects had higher SDMW, attributed to a large number of apneas, arousals and/or disconnects. SDMW does not need RBS to show apneic conditions exist within ECG recordings. (3) Results in this study support the assertion that autonomic nervous system variation was measured with SDMW. Measurements using RBS are not corrupted due to breathing even though respiration overlaps the same frequency band.^ Overall, this work becomes an Open Source resource which can be reused, modified and/or expanded. It might fast track additional research. In the future the system could also be used for public domain data. Prerecorded data exist in similar formats in public databases which could provide additional research opportunities. ^
This study subdivides the Weddell Sea, Antarctica, into seafloor regions using multivariate statistical methods. These regions are categories used for comparing, contrasting and quantifying biogeochemical processes and biodiversity between ocean regions geographically but also regions under development within the scope of global change. The division obtained is characterized by the dominating components and interpreted in terms of ruling environmental conditions. The analysis uses 28 environmental variables for the sea surface, 25 variables for the seabed and 9 variables for the analysis between surface and bottom variables. The data were taken during the years 1983-2013. Some data were interpolated. The statistical errors of several interpolation methods (e.g. IDW, Indicator, Ordinary and Co-Kriging) with changing settings have been compared for the identification of the most reasonable method. The multivariate mathematical procedures used are regionalized classification via k means cluster analysis, canonical-correlation analysis and multidimensional scaling. Canonical-correlation analysis identifies the influencing factors in the different parts of the cove. Several methods for the identification of the optimum number of clusters have been tested. For the seabed 8 and 12 clusters were identified as reasonable numbers for clustering the Weddell Sea. For the sea surface the numbers 8 and 13 and for the top/bottom analysis 8 and 3 were identified, respectively. Additionally, the results of 20 clusters are presented for the three alternatives offering the first small scale environmental regionalization of the Weddell Sea. Especially the results of 12 clusters identify marine-influenced regions which can be clearly separated from those determined by the geological catchment area and the ones dominated by river discharge.
Multivariate statistical analysis on the kaolinite/chlorite ratios from 20 South Atlantic sediment cores allowed for the extraction of two processes controlling the fluctuations of the kaolinite/chlorite ratio during the last 130,000 yrs, (1) the relative strength of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) inflow into the South Atlantic Ocean and (2) the influx of aeolian sediments from the south African continent. The NADW fluctuation can be traced in the entire deep South Atlantic while the dust signal is restricted to the vicinity of South Africa. Our data indicate that NADW formation underwent significant changes in response to glacial/interglacial climate changes with enhanced export to the Southern Hemisphere during interglacials. The most pronounced phases with Enhanced South African Dust Export (ESADE) occurred during cold Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5d and across the Late Glacial/Holocene transition from 16 ka to 4 ka (MIS 2 to 1). This particular pattern is attributed to the interaction of Antarctic Sea Ice extent, the position of the westerlies and the South African monsoon system.
In this work we compare Grapholita molesta Busck (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) populations originated from Brazil, Chile, Spain, Italy and Greece using power spectral density and phylogenetic analysis to detect any similarities between the population macro- and the molecular micro-level. Log-transformed population data were normalized and AR(p) models were developed to generate for each case population time series of equal lengths. The time-frequency/scale properties of the population data were further analyzed using wavelet analysis to detect any population dynamics frequency changes and cluster the populations. Based on the power spectral of each population time series and the hierarchical clustering schemes, populations originated from Southern America (Brazil and Chile) exhibit similar rhythmic properties and are both closer related with populations originated from Greece. Populations from Spain and especially Italy, have higher distance by terms of periodic changes on their population dynamics. Moreover, the members within the same cluster share similar spectral information, therefore they are supposed to participate in the same temporally regulated population process. On the contrary, the phylogenetic approach revealed a less structured pattern that bears indications of panmixia, as the two clusters contain individuals from both Europe and South America. This preliminary outcome will be further assessed by incorporating more individuals and likely employed a second molecular marker.
In order to obtain a high-resolution Pleistocene stratigraphy, eleven continuouslycored boreholes, 100 to 220m deep were drilled in the northern part of the PoPlain by Regione Lombardia in the last five years. Quantitative provenanceanalysis (QPA, Weltje and von Eynatten, 2004) of Pleistocene sands was carriedout by using multivariate statistical analysis (principal component analysis, PCA,and similarity analysis) on an integrated data set, including high-resolution bulkpetrography and heavy-mineral analyses on Pleistocene sands and of 250 majorand minor modern rivers draining the southern flank of the Alps from West toEast (Garzanti et al, 2004; 2006). Prior to the onset of major Alpine glaciations,metamorphic and quartzofeldspathic detritus from the Western and Central Alpswas carried from the axial belt to the Po basin longitudinally parallel to theSouthAlpine belt by a trunk river (Vezzoli and Garzanti, 2008). This scenariorapidly changed during the marine isotope stage 22 (0.87 Ma), with the onset ofthe first major Pleistocene glaciation in the Alps (Muttoni et al, 2003). PCA andsimilarity analysis from core samples show that the longitudinal trunk river at thistime was shifted southward by the rapid southward and westward progradation oftransverse alluvial river systems fed from the Central and Southern Alps.Sediments were transported southward by braided river systems as well as glacialsediments transported by Alpine valley glaciers invaded the alluvial plain.Kew words: Detrital modes; Modern sands; Provenance; Principal ComponentsAnalysis; Similarity, Canberra Distance; palaeodrainage
In this paper, we propose a multispectral analysis system using wavelet based Principal Component Analysis (PCA), to improve the brain tissue classification from MRI images. Global transforms like PCA often neglects significant small abnormality details, while dealing with a massive amount of multispectral data. In order to resolve this issue, input dataset is expanded by detail coefficients from multisignal wavelet analysis. Then, PCA is applied on the new dataset to perform feature analysis. Finally, an unsupervised classification with Fuzzy C-Means clustering algorithm is used to measure the improvement in reproducibility and accuracy of the results. A detailed comparative analysis of classified tissues with those from conventional PCA is also carried out. Proposed method yielded good improvement in classification of small abnormalities with high sensitivity/accuracy values, 98.9/98.3, for clinical analysis. Experimental results from synthetic and clinical data recommend the new method as a promising approach in brain tissue analysis.
Multispectral analysis is a promising approach in tissue classification and abnormality detection from Magnetic Resonance (MR) images. But instability in accuracy and reproducibility of the classification results from conventional techniques keeps it far from clinical applications. Recent studies proposed Independent Component Analysis (ICA) as an effective method for source signals separation from multispectral MR data. However, it often fails to extract the local features like small abnormalities, especially from dependent real data. A multisignal wavelet analysis prior to ICA is proposed in this work to resolve these issues. Best de-correlated detail coefficients are combined with input images to give better classification results. Performance improvement of the proposed method over conventional ICA is effectively demonstrated by segmentation and classification using k-means clustering. Experimental results from synthetic and real data strongly confirm the positive effect of the new method with an improved Tanimoto index/Sensitivity values, 0.884/93.605, for reproduced small white matter lesions