961 resultados para Multidimensional approach
Agricultural and forest productive diversification depends on multiple socioeconomic drivers—like knowledge, migration, productive capacity, and market—that shape productive strategies and influence their ecological impacts. Our comparison of indigenous and settlers allows a better understanding of how societies develop different diversification strategies in similar ecological contexts and how the related socioeconomic aspects of diversification are associated with land cover change. Our results suggest that although indigenous people cause less deforestation and diversify more, diversification is not a direct driver of deforestation reduction. A multidimensional approach linking sociocognitive, economic, and ecological patterns of diversification helps explain this contradiction.
In this academic library case study, the concept of a multidimensional approach to organizational assessment focuses on one of Kaplan and Norton’s four Balanced Scorecard dimensions, “Learning and Growth”, as its measurement target.
Back ground and Purpose. There is a growing consensus among health care researchers that Quality of Life (QoL) is an important outcome and, within the field of family caregiving, cost effectiveness research is needed to determine which programs have the greatest benefit for family members. This study uses a multidimensional approach to measure the cost effectiveness of a multicomponent intervention designed to improve the quality of life of spousal caregivers of stroke survivors. Methods. The CAReS study (Committed to Assisting with Recovery after Stroke) was a 5-year prospective, longitudinal intervention study for 159 stroke survivors and their spousal caregivers upon discharge of the stroke survivor from inpatient rehabilitation to their home. CAReS cost data were analyzed to determine the incremental cost of the intervention per caregiver. The mean values of the quality-of-life predictor variables of the intervention group of caregivers were compared to the mean values of usual care groups found in the literature. Significant differences were then divided into the cost of the intervention per caregiver to calculate the incremental cost effectiveness ratio for each predictor variable. Results. The cost of the intervention per caregiver was approximately $2,500. Statistically significant differences were found between the mean scores for the Perceived Stress and Satisfaction with Life scales. Statistically significant differences were not found between the mean scores for the Self Reported Health Status, Mutuality, and Preparedness scales. Conclusions. This study provides a prototype cost effectiveness analysis on which researchers can build. Using a multidimensional approach to measure QoL, as used in this analysis, incorporates both the subjective and objective components of QoL. Some of the QoL predictor variable scores were significantly different between the intervention and comparison groups, indicating a significant impact of the intervention. The estimated cost of the impact was also examined. In future studies, a scale that takes into account both the dimensions and the weighting each person places on the dimensions of QoL should be used to provide a single QoL score per participant. With participant level cost and outcome data, uncertainty around each cost-effectiveness ratio can be calculated using the bias-corrected percentile bootstrapping method and plotted to calculate the cost-effectiveness acceptability curves.^
Se presenta un modelo para decidir los contenidos curriculares de la Organización del Conocimiento en carreras de Bibliotecología, Documentación y Ciencia de la Información, orientado principalmente al Mercosur. Para el diseño del modelo se tuvieron en cuenta los contenidos mínimos recomendados por los encuentros de directores y docentes de escuelas de Bibliotecología del Mercosur, la llamada corriente de ISKO y los aportes de distintos autores relacionados con ambas fuentes. El modelo consta de tres categorías primarias: fundamentos, aplicaciones y ética de la Organización del Conocimiento. Los fundamentos se consideran desde un abordaje multidimensional. Las aplicaciones se dividen en tres categorías primarias: a) construcción de sistemas de organización del conocimiento, b) descripción de contenido y c) gestión de calidad de la Organización del Conocimiento. La ética también se divide en tres categorías secundarias: compromiso ético, valores éticos y problemas éticos. El modelo debe entenderse como un molde vacío que necesita llenarse con los contenidos que decida cada carrera o cada espacio curricular y se espera que facilite la evaluación, actualización y comparación de esos contenidos. Tiene la limitación de basarse en las recomendaciones del Mercosur y la corriente de ISKO, que no son aceptadas por todos los especialistas
Se presenta un modelo para decidir los contenidos curriculares de la Organización del Conocimiento en carreras de Bibliotecología, Documentación y Ciencia de la Información, orientado principalmente al Mercosur. Para el diseño del modelo se tuvieron en cuenta los contenidos mínimos recomendados por los encuentros de directores y docentes de escuelas de Bibliotecología del Mercosur, la llamada corriente de ISKO y los aportes de distintos autores relacionados con ambas fuentes. El modelo consta de tres categorías primarias: fundamentos, aplicaciones y ética de la Organización del Conocimiento. Los fundamentos se consideran desde un abordaje multidimensional. Las aplicaciones se dividen en tres categorías primarias: a) construcción de sistemas de organización del conocimiento, b) descripción de contenido y c) gestión de calidad de la Organización del Conocimiento. La ética también se divide en tres categorías secundarias: compromiso ético, valores éticos y problemas éticos. El modelo debe entenderse como un molde vacío que necesita llenarse con los contenidos que decida cada carrera o cada espacio curricular y se espera que facilite la evaluación, actualización y comparación de esos contenidos. Tiene la limitación de basarse en las recomendaciones del Mercosur y la corriente de ISKO, que no son aceptadas por todos los especialistas
Se presenta un modelo para decidir los contenidos curriculares de la Organización del Conocimiento en carreras de Bibliotecología, Documentación y Ciencia de la Información, orientado principalmente al Mercosur. Para el diseño del modelo se tuvieron en cuenta los contenidos mínimos recomendados por los encuentros de directores y docentes de escuelas de Bibliotecología del Mercosur, la llamada corriente de ISKO y los aportes de distintos autores relacionados con ambas fuentes. El modelo consta de tres categorías primarias: fundamentos, aplicaciones y ética de la Organización del Conocimiento. Los fundamentos se consideran desde un abordaje multidimensional. Las aplicaciones se dividen en tres categorías primarias: a) construcción de sistemas de organización del conocimiento, b) descripción de contenido y c) gestión de calidad de la Organización del Conocimiento. La ética también se divide en tres categorías secundarias: compromiso ético, valores éticos y problemas éticos. El modelo debe entenderse como un molde vacío que necesita llenarse con los contenidos que decida cada carrera o cada espacio curricular y se espera que facilite la evaluación, actualización y comparación de esos contenidos. Tiene la limitación de basarse en las recomendaciones del Mercosur y la corriente de ISKO, que no son aceptadas por todos los especialistas
During the last two decades, scholars from a variety of disciplines have argued that civil society is structurally deficient in post-communist countries. Yet why have the seemingly strong, active and mobilized civic movements of the transition period become so weak after democracy was established? And why have there been diverging political trajectories across the post-communist space if civil society structures were universally weak? This paper uses a wide range of data from various available sources to show that civil societies in Central and Eastern European countries are not as feeble as is commonly assumed. Some post-communist countries possess vigorous public spheres, and active civil society organizations strongly connected to transnational civic networks able to shape domestic policies. Following the calls by Anheier (2004) and Bernhard and Karakoç (2007) we adopt a multidimensional approach to the measurement of civil society. In a series of cross-section timeseries models, we show that our broader measures of civic and social institutions are able to predict the diverging transition paths among post-communist regimes, and in particular the growing gap between democratic East Central Europe and the increasingly authoritarian post-Soviet space.
Today, very few would doubt that there are plenty of reasons to liken Weber’s and Foucault’s theories of power. Nevertheless, their respective works have divergent ethical and ontological preoccupations which should be reconsidered. This paper explores Foucault’s account of a historical episode in Discipline and Punish and Weber’s theory of life spheres, uncovering evidence that there is a need to reassess the conceptual bridges which have been built so far. The exploration reveals a radical difference between a monological theory of power (Foucault) and a multidimensional approach to power (Weber). Yet by unbridging the two thinkers and focusing on other aspects of their theories along with their ideas about power, we also find that alternative links between the two frameworks may offer a more promising critical theory.
Na presença da estomia, o idoso pode apresentar maior grau de complicações e dificuldades no processo de adaptação, talvez porque a estomia envolva significados que dizem respeito à auto-imagem e à presença/aumento de dependência. Resgatar a necessidade do autocuidado do idoso em relação à saúde é fundamental para que, no cuidado, se obtenha sua participação e mobilização diária quanto à formulação do processo educativo em saúde. Este estudo tem como objetivos identificar as características do idoso estomizado, atendido em um serviço de estomaterapia e propor uma gerontotecnologia educativa que venha a contribuir no cuidado de idosos estomizados, à luz da Complexidade, de Edgar Morin. Foi realizada uma pesquisa, com abordagem qualitativa, do tipo estudo de caso, tendo como local um serviço de estomaterapia, o qual possibilitou contato com fichas cadastrais e via telefone com os sujeitos e, depois, com o domicílio do idoso, no Rio Grande, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Os sujeitos do estudo totalizaram 4 (quatro) idosos, sendo três mulheres e um homem. Foram utilizados, como instrumento, o formulário e o ecomapa, e como técnicas, a entrevista, a observação assistemática e a gravação. Foram respeitadas as normas éticas. A análise dos dados deu-se por: 1) leitura exaustiva dos dados; 2) apresentação dos casos e seus ecomapas tendo como suporte a Complexidade de Edgar Morin; 3) redescoberta de conceitos, a priori, que ilustraram a visão do idoso com estomia: ser humano idoso estomizado complexo, saúde complexa do idoso estomizado, cuidado complexo ao idoso estomizado e sua família. Por fim, elaborou-se uma cartilha educativa, junto ao idoso, como facilitadora para o autocuidado. Quanto aos resultados, verificou-se que cada idoso estomizado está permeado por situações pontuais e, a partir disso, percebeu-se diferentes concepções recursivas e formas de enfrentamento na adaptação. A aceitação da mudança corporal e psicológica mostrou-se mais fácil, quando se verificou apoio familiar, instrução técnica anterior ou presença de pessoas conhecidas. O enfrentamento da doença e a possibilidade da morte são aspectos presentes para os idosos e que limitam suas atividades de vida diária. Assim, surgiram conceitos que contemplaram o ser humano em sua totalidade, com incertezas e significados. A visão que transcende a complexidade da estomia engloba um cuidado que busca integrar a família do idoso com estomia, estimulando-o ao autocuidado e ao acolhimento diário, reforçando a auto-estima, como estratégia de recomeço em meio a desafios permanentes: ser idoso e ter uma estomia. Lançar um novo olhar sobre a temática idoso estomizado é complexo, exigindo abordagem multidimensional das características que o envolvem. Acreditase que mudanças favoráveis poderão advir após implementação de um programa de educação em saúde que contemple a singularidade das questões que envolvem o idoso estomizado e suas necessidades.
Nowadays, the topic of diversity is being studied, particularly in the field of the formation of future educators, where it is clearly evident in each one of the students. In order to understand this concept and meet the challenges it demands, this investigation, through the experience of action research, looks for a real picture of how this diversity is served in Guanacaste’s rural contexts. This is accomplished by identifying those ways to guide a better teachers’ work, and by taking into account the educational planning and the participation of the different sectors involved in the process of teaching and learning.
Multidimensional data are getting increasing attention from researchers for creating better recommender systems in recent years. Additional metadata provides algorithms with more details for better understanding the interaction between users and items. While neighbourhood-based Collaborative Filtering (CF) approaches and latent factor models tackle this task in various ways effectively, they only utilize different partial structures of data. In this paper, we seek to delve into different types of relations in data and to understand the interaction between users and items more holistically. We propose a generic multidimensional CF fusion approach for top-N item recommendations. The proposed approach is capable of incorporating not only localized relations of user-user and item-item but also latent interaction between all dimensions of the data. Experimental results show significant improvements by the proposed approach in terms of recommendation accuracy.
This research explored the feasibility of using multidimensional scaling (MDS) analysis in novel combination with other techniques to study comprehension of epistemic adverbs expressing doubt and certainty (e.g., evidently, obviously, probably) as they relate to health communication in clinical settings. In Study 1, Australian English speakers performed a dissimilarity-rating task with sentence pairs containing the target stimuli, presented as "doctors' opinions". Ratings were analyzed using a combination of cultural consensus analysis (factor analysis across participants), weighted-data classical-MDS, and cluster analysis. Analyses revealed strong within-community consistency for a 3-dimensional semantic space solution that took into account individual differences, strong statistical acceptability of the MDS results in terms of stress and explained variance, and semantic configurations that were interpretable in terms of linguistic analyses of the target adverbs. The results confirmed the feasibility of using MDS in this context. Study 2 replicated the results with Canadian English speakers on the same task. Semantic analyses and stress decomposition analysis were performed on the Australian and Canadian data sets, revealing similarities and differences between the two groups. Overall, the results support using MDS to study comprehension of words critical for health communication, including in future studies, for example, second language speaking patients and/or practitioners. More broadly, the results indicate that the techniques described should be promising for comprehension studies in many communicative domains, in both clinical settings and beyond, and including those targeting other aspects of language and focusing on comparisons across different speech communities.
As awareness of the limitations of relying solely on income to measure poverty has become more widespread, attention has been increasingly focused on multi-dimensional approaches, to the point where the EU has adopted a multidimensional poverty and social exclusion target for 2020. The rationale advanced is that the computation of a multidimensional poverty index is an effective way of communicating in a political environment, and a necessary tool in order to monitor 27 different national situations. By contrast with the rather ad hoc way in which the EU 2020 poverty target has been framed and rationalised, the adjusted head count ratio applied here has a number of desirable axiomatic properties. It constitutes a significant improvement on union and intersection approaches and allows for the decomposition of multidimensional poverty in terms of dimensions of deprivation and socio-economic attributes. Since understanding poverty as multidimensional does not necessarily require constructing a multidimensional poverty index, on the basis of our analysis we provide a more general consideration of the value of developing a multidimensional index of poverty for the European Union.
The present study investigates the usefulness of a multi-method approach to the measurement of reading motivation and achievement. A sample of 127 elementary and middle-school children aged 10 to 14 responded to measures of motivation, attributions, and achievement both longitudinally and in a challenging reading context. Novel measures of motivation and attributions were constructed, validated, and utilized to examine the relationship between ~ motivation, attributions, and achievement over a one-year period (Study I). The impact of classroom contexts and instructional practices was also explored through a study of the influence of topic interest and challenge on motivation, attributions, and persistence (Study II), as well as through interviews with children regarding motivation and reading in the classroom (Study III). Creation and validation of novel measures of motivation and attributions supported the use of a self-report measure of motivation in situation-specific contexts, and confirmed a three-factor structure of attributions for reading performance in both hypothetical and situation-specific contexts. A one-year follow up study of children's motivation and reading achievement demonstrated declines in all components of motivation beginning at age 10 through 12, and particularly strong decreases in motivation with the transition to middle school. Past perceived competence for reading predicted current achievement after controlling for past achievement, and showed the strongest relationships with reading-related skills in both elementary and middle school. Motivation and attributions were strongly related, and children with higher motivation Fulmer III displayed more adaptive attributions for reading success and failure. In the context of a developmentally inappropriate challenging reading task, children's motivation for reading, especially in terms of perceived competence, was threatened. However, interest in the story buffered some ofthe negative impacts of challenge, sustaining children's motivation, adaptive attributions, and reading persistence. Finally, children's responses during interviews outlined several emotions, perceptions, and aspects of reading tasks and contexts that influence reading motivation and achievement. Findings revealed that children with comparable motivation and achievement profiles respond in a similar way to particular reading situations, such as excessive challenge, but also that motivation is dynamic and individualistic and can change over time and across contexts. Overall, the present study outlines the importance of motivation and adaptive attributions for reading success, and the necessity of integrating various methodologies to study the dynamic construct of achievement motivation.
The concept of competitiveness, for a long time considered as strictly connected to economic and financial performances, evolved, above all in recent years, toward new, wider interpretations disclosing its multidimensional nature. The shift to a multidimensional view of the phenomenon has excited an intense debate involving theoretical reflections on the features characterizing it, as well as methodological considerations on its assessment and measurement. The present research has a twofold objective: going in depth with the study of tangible and intangible aspect characterizing multidimensional competitive phenomena by assuming a micro-level point of view, and measuring competitiveness through a model-based approach. Specifically, we propose a non-parametric approach to Structural Equation Models techniques for the computation of multidimensional composite measures. Structural Equation Models tools will be used for the development of the empirical application on the italian case: a model based micro-level competitiveness indicator for the measurement of the phenomenon on a large sample of Italian small and medium enterprises will be constructed.