956 resultados para Multi layer perceptron


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A dynamic mathematical model for simulating the coupled heat and moisture migration through multilayer porous building materials was proposed. Vapor content and temperature were chosen as the principal driving potentials. The discretization of the governing equations was done by the finite difference approach. A new experimental set-up was also developed in this study. The evolution of transient temperature and moisture distributions inside specimens were measured. The method for determining the temperature gradient coefficient was also presented. The moisture diffusion coefficient, temperature gradient coefficient, sorption–desorption isotherms were experimentally evaluated for some building materials (sandstone and lime-cement mortar). The model was validated by comparing with the experimental data with good agreement. Another advantage of the method lies in the fact that the required transport properties for predicting the non-isothermal moisture flow only contain the vapor diffusion coefficient and temperature gradient coefficient. They are relatively simple, and can be easily determined.


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Multiscale micro-mechanics theory is extensively used for the prediction of the material response and damage analysis of unidirectional lamina using a representative volume element (RVE). Th is paper presents a RVE-based approach to characterize the materi al response of a multi-fibre cross-ply laminate considering the effect of matrix damage and fibre-matrix interfacial strength. The framework of the homogenization theory for periodic media has been used for the analysis of a 'multi-fibre multi-layer representative volume element' (M2 RVE) representing cross-ply laminate. The non-homogeneous stress-strain fields within the M2RVE are related to the average stresses and strains by using Gauss theorem and the Hill-Mandal strain energy equivalence principle. The interfacial bonding strength affects the in-plane shear stress-strain response significantl y. The material response predicted by M2 RVE is in good agreement with the experimental results available in the literature. The maximum difference between the shear stress predicted using M2 RVE and the experimental results is ~15% for the bonding strength of 30MPa at the strain value of 1.1%


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A solvent-vapour thermoplastic bonding process is reported which provides high strength bonding of PMMA over a large area for multi-channel and multi-layer microfluidic devices with shallow high resolution channel features. The bond process utilises a low temperature vacuum thermal fusion step with prior exposure of the substrate to chloroform (CHCl3) vapour to reduce bond temperature to below the PMMA glass transition temperature. Peak tensile and shear bond strengths greater than 3 MPa were achieved for a typical channel depth reduction of 25 µm. The device-equivalent bond performance was evaluated for multiple layers and high resolution channel features using double-side and single-side exposure of the bonding pieces. A single-sided exposure process was achieved which is suited to multi-layer bonding with channel alignment at the expense of greater depth loss and a reduction in peak bond strength. However, leak and burst tests demonstrate bond integrity up to at least 10 bar channel pressure over the full substrate area of 100 mm x 100 mm. The inclusion of metal tracks within the bond resulted in no loss of performance. The vertical wall integrity between channels was found to be compromised by solvent permeation for wall thicknesses of 100 µm which has implications for high resolution serpentine structures. Bond strength is reduced considerably for multi-layer patterned substrates where features on each layer are not aligned, despite the presence of an intermediate blank substrate. Overall a high performance bond process has been developed that has the potential to meet the stringent specifications for lab-on-chip deployment in harsh environmental conditions for applications such as deep ocean profiling.


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Response surface methodology was used to develop models to predict the effect of tomato cultivar, juice pH, blanching temperature and time on colour change of tomato juice after blanching. The juice from three tomato cultivars with adjusted pH levels ranging from 3.9 to 4.6 were blanched at temperatures from 60-100 °C for 1-5 min using the central composite design (CCD). The colour change was assessed by calculating the redness (a/b) and total colour change (∆E) after measuring the Hunter L, a and b values. Developed models for both redness and ∆E were significant (p<0.0001) with satisfactory coefficient of determination (R2 = 0.99 and 0.97) and low coefficient of variation (CV% = 1.89 and 7.23), respectively. Multilevel validation that was implemented revealed that the variation between the predicted and experimental values obtained for redness and ∆E were within the acceptable error range of 7.3 and 22.4%, respectively


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In the scope of the current thesis we review and analyse networks that are formed by nodes with several attributes. We suppose that different layers of communities are embedded in such networks, besides each of the layers is connected with nodes' attributes. For example, examine one of a variety of online social networks: an user participates in a plurality of different groups/communities – schoolfellows, colleagues, clients, etc. We introduce a detection algorithm for the above-mentioned communities. Normally the result of the detection is the community supplemented just by the most dominant attribute, disregarding others. We propose an algorithm that bypasses dominant communities and detects communities which are formed by other nodes' attributes. We also review formation models of the attributed networks and present a Human Communication Network (HCN) model. We introduce a High School Texting Network (HSTN) and examine our methods for that network.


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In this paper, different recovery methods applied at different network layers and time scales are used in order to enhance the network reliability. Each layer deploys its own fault management methods. However, current recovery methods are applied to only a specific layer. New protection schemes, based on the proposed partial disjoint path algorithm, are defined in order to avoid protection duplications in a multi-layer scenario. The new protection schemes also encompass shared segment backup computation and shared risk link group identification. A complete set of experiments proves the efficiency of the proposed methods in relation with previous ones, in terms of resources used to protect the network, the failure recovery time and the request rejection ratio


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This paper focuses on QoS routing with protection in an MPLS network over an optical layer. In this multi-layer scenario each layer deploys its own fault management methods. A partially protected optical layer is proposed and the rest of the network is protected at the MPLS layer. New protection schemes that avoid protection duplications are proposed. Moreover, this paper also introduces a new traffic classification based on the level of reliability. The failure impact is evaluated in terms of recovery time depending on the traffic class. The proposed schemes also include a novel variation of minimum interference routing and shared segment backup computation. A complete set of experiments proves that the proposed schemes are more efficient as compared to the previous ones, in terms of resources used to protect the network, failure impact and the request rejection ratio


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En les xarxes IP/MPLS sobre WDM on es transporta gran quantitat d'informacio, la capacitat de garantir que el trafic arriba al node de desti ha esdevingut un problema important, ja que la fallada d'un element de la xarxa pot resultar en una gran quantitat d'informacio perduda. Per garantir que el trafic afectat per una fallada arribi al node desti, s'han definit nous algoritmes d'encaminament que incorporen el coneixement de la proteccio en els dues capes: l'optica (WDM) i la basada en paquets (IP/MPLS). D'aquesta manera s'evita reservar recursos per protegir el trafic a les dues capes. Els nous algoritmes resulten en millor us dels recursos de la xarxa, ofereixen rapid temps de recuperacio, eviten la duplicacio de recursos i disminueixen el numero de conversions del trafic de senyal optica a electrica.


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We present a novel kinetic multi-layer model that explicitly resolves mass transport and chemical reaction at the surface and in the bulk of aerosol particles (KM-SUB). The model is based on the PRA framework of gas-particle interactions (Poschl-Rudich-Ammann, 2007), and it includes reversible adsorption, surface reactions and surface-bulk exchange as well as bulk diffusion and reaction. Unlike earlier models, KM-SUB does not require simplifying assumptions about steady-state conditions and radial mixing. The temporal evolution and concentration profiles of volatile and non-volatile species at the gas-particle interface and in the particle bulk can be modeled along with surface concentrations and gas uptake coefficients. In this study we explore and exemplify the effects of bulk diffusion on the rate of reactive gas uptake for a simple reference system, the ozonolysis of oleic acid particles, in comparison to experimental data and earlier model studies. We demonstrate how KM-SUB can be used to interpret and analyze experimental data from laboratory studies, and how the results can be extrapolated to atmospheric conditions. In particular, we show how interfacial and bulk transport, i.e., surface accommodation, bulk accommodation and bulk diffusion, influence the kinetics of the chemical reaction. Sensitivity studies suggest that in fine air particulate matter oleic acid and compounds with similar reactivity against ozone (carbon-carbon double bonds) can reach chemical lifetimes of many hours only if they are embedded in a (semi-)solid matrix with very low diffusion coefficients (< 10(-10) cm(2) s(-1)). Depending on the complexity of the investigated system, unlimited numbers of volatile and non-volatile species and chemical reactions can be flexibly added and treated with KM-SUB. We propose and intend to pursue the application of KM-SUB as a basis for the development of a detailed master mechanism of aerosol chemistry as well as for the derivation of simplified but realistic parameterizations for large-scale atmospheric and climate models.


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We present a novel kinetic multi-layer model that explicitly resolves mass transport and chemical reaction at the surface and in the bulk of aerosol particles (KM-SUB). The model is based on the PRA framework of gas–particle interactions (P¨oschl et al., 5 2007), and it includes reversible adsorption, surface reactions and surface-bulk exchange as well as bulk diffusion and reaction. Unlike earlier models, KM-SUB does not require simplifying assumptions about steady-state conditions and radial mixing. The temporal evolution and concentration profiles of volatile and non-volatile species at the gas-particle interface and in the particle bulk can be modeled along with surface 10 concentrations and gas uptake coefficients. In this study we explore and exemplify the effects of bulk diffusion on the rate of reactive gas uptake for a simple reference system, the ozonolysis of oleic acid particles, in comparison to experimental data and earlier model studies. We demonstrate how KM-SUB can be used to interpret and analyze experimental data from laboratory stud15 ies, and how the results can be extrapolated to atmospheric conditions. In particular, we show how interfacial transport and bulk transport, i.e., surface accommodation, bulk accommodation and bulk diffusion, influence the kinetics of the chemical reaction. Sensitivity studies suggest that in fine air particulate matter oleic acid and compounds with similar reactivity against ozone (C=C double bonds) can reach chemical lifetimes of 20 multiple hours only if they are embedded in a (semi-)solid matrix with very low diffusion coefficients (10−10 cm2 s−1). Depending on the complexity of the investigated system, unlimited numbers of volatile and non-volatile species and chemical reactions can be flexibly added and treated with KM-SUB. We propose and intend to pursue the application of KM-SUB 25 as a basis for the development of a detailed master mechanism of aerosol chemistry as well as for the derivation of simplified but realistic parameterizations for large-scale atmospheric and climate models.


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We present a novel kinetic multi-layer model for gas-particle interactions in aerosols and clouds (KM-GAP) that treats explicitly all steps of mass transport and chemical reaction of semi-volatile species partitioning between gas phase, particle surface and particle bulk. KM-GAP is based on the PRA model framework (Pöschl-Rudich-Ammann, 2007), and it includes gas phase diffusion, reversible adsorption, surface reactions, bulk diffusion and reaction, as well as condensation, evaporation and heat transfer. The size change of atmospheric particles and the temporal evolution and spatial profile of the concentration of individual chemical species can be modelled along with gas uptake and accommodation coefficients. Depending on the complexity of the investigated system, unlimited numbers of semi-volatile species, chemical reactions, and physical processes can be treated, and the model shall help to bridge gaps in the understanding and quantification of multiphase chemistry and microphysics in atmo- spheric aerosols and clouds. In this study we demonstrate how KM-GAP can be used to analyze, interpret and design experimental investigations of changes in particle size and chemical composition in response to condensation, evaporation, and chemical reaction. For the condensational growth of water droplets, our kinetic model results provide a direct link between laboratory observations and molecular dynamic simulations, confirming that the accommodation coefficient of water at 270 K is close to unity. Literature data on the evaporation of dioctyl phthalate as a function of particle size and time can be reproduced, and the model results suggest that changes in the experimental conditions like aerosol particle concentration and chamber geometry may influence the evaporation kinetics and can be optimized for eðcient probing of specific physical effects and parameters. With regard to oxidative aging of organic aerosol particles, we illustrate how the formation and evaporation of volatile reaction products like nonanal can cause a decrease in the size of oleic acid particles exposed to ozone.