999 resultados para Moving Interface


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The orientational relaxation dynamics of water confined between mica surfaces is investigated using molecular dynamics simulations. The study illustrates the wide heterogeneity that exists in the dynamics of water adjacent to a strongly hydrophilic surface such as mica. Analysis of the survival probabilities in different layers is carried out by normalizing the corresponding relaxation times with bulk water layers of similar thickness. A 10-fold increase in the survival times is observed for water directly in contact with the mica surface and a non-monotonic variation in the survival times is observed moving away from the mica surface to the bulk-like interior. The orientational relaxation time is highest for water in the contact layer, decreasing monotonically away from the surface. In all cases the ratio of the relaxation times of the 1st and 2nd rank Legendre polynomials of the HH bond vector is found to lie between 1.5 and 1.9 indicating that the reorientational relaxation in the different water layers is governed by jump dynamics. The orientational dynamics of water in the contact layer is particularly novel and is found to undergo distinct two-dimensional hydrogen bond jump reorientational dynamics with an average waiting time of 4.97 ps. The waiting time distribution is found to possess a long tail extending beyond 15 ps. Unlike previously observed jump dynamics in bulk water and other surfaces, jump events in the mica contact layer occur between hydrogen bonds formed by the water molecule and acceptor oxygens on the mica surface. Despite slowing down of the water orientational relaxation near the surface, life-times of water in the hydration shell of the K ion are comparable to that observed in bulk salt solutions. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4717710]


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A numerical 2D method for simulation of two-phase flows including phase change under microgravity conditions is presented in this paper, with a level set method being coupled with the moving mesh method in the double-staggered grid systems. When the grid lines bend very much in a curvilinear grid, great errors may be generated by using the collocated grid or the staggered grid. So the double-staggered grid was adopted in this paper. The level set method is used to track the liquid-vapor interface. The numerical analysis is fulfilled by solving the Navier-Stokes equations using the SIMPLER method, and the surface tension force is modeled by a continuum surface force approximation. A comparison of the numerical results obtained with different numerical strategies shows that the double-staggered grid moving-mesh method presented in this paper is more accurate than that used previously in the collocated grid system. Based on the method presented in this paper, the condensation of a single bubble in the cold water under different level of gravity is simulated. The results show that the condensation process under the normal gravity condition is different from the condensation process under microgravity conditions. The whole condensation time is much longer under the normal gravity than under the microgravity conditions.


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An augmented immersed interface method (IIM) is proposed for simulating one-phase moving contact line problems in which a liquid drop spreads or recoils on a solid substrate. While the present two-dimensional mathematical model is a free boundary problem, in our new numerical method, the fluid domain enclosed by the free boundary is embedded into a rectangular one so that the problem can be solved by a regular Cartesian grid method. We introduce an augmented variable along the free boundary so that the stress balancing boundary condition is satisfied. A hybrid time discretization is used in the projection method for better stability. The resultant Helmholtz/Poisson equations with interfaces then are solved by the IIM in an efficient way. Several numerical tests including an accuracy check, and the spreading and recoiling processes of a liquid drop are presented in detail. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Mishuris, G; Kuhn, G., (2001) 'Asymptotic behaviour of the elastic solution near the tip of a crack situated at a nonideal interface', Zeitschrift f?r Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 81(12) pp.811-826 RAE2008


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia de redes de Comunicação e Multimédia


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L'interface cerveau-ordinateur (ICO) décode les signaux électriques du cerveau requise par l’électroencéphalographie et transforme ces signaux en commande pour contrôler un appareil ou un logiciel. Un nombre limité de tâches mentales ont été détectés et classifier par différents groupes de recherche. D’autres types de contrôle, par exemple l’exécution d'un mouvement du pied, réel ou imaginaire, peut modifier les ondes cérébrales du cortex moteur. Nous avons utilisé un ICO pour déterminer si nous pouvions faire une classification entre la navigation de type marche avant et arrière, en temps réel et en temps différé, en utilisant différentes méthodes. Dix personnes en bonne santé ont participé à l’expérience sur les ICO dans un tunnel virtuel. L’expérience fut a était divisé en deux séances (48 min chaque). Chaque séance comprenait 320 essais. On a demandé au sujets d’imaginer un déplacement avant ou arrière dans le tunnel virtuel de façon aléatoire d’après une commande écrite sur l'écran. Les essais ont été menés avec feedback. Trois électrodes ont été montées sur le scalp, vis-à-vis du cortex moteur. Durant la 1re séance, la classification des deux taches (navigation avant et arrière) a été réalisée par les méthodes de puissance de bande, de représentation temporel-fréquence, des modèles autorégressifs et des rapports d’asymétrie du rythme β avec classificateurs d’analyse discriminante linéaire et SVM. Les seuils ont été calculés en temps différé pour former des signaux de contrôle qui ont été utilisés en temps réel durant la 2e séance afin d’initier, par les ondes cérébrales de l'utilisateur, le déplacement du tunnel virtuel dans le sens demandé. Après 96 min d'entrainement, la méthode « online biofeedback » de la puissance de bande a atteint une précision de classification moyenne de 76 %, et la classification en temps différé avec les rapports d’asymétrie et puissance de bande, a atteint une précision de classification d’environ 80 %.


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A distributed Lagrangian moving-mesh finite element method is applied to problems involving changes of phase. The algorithm uses a distributed conservation principle to determine nodal mesh velocities, which are then used to move the nodes. The nodal values are obtained from an ALE (Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian) equation, which represents a generalization of the original algorithm presented in Applied Numerical Mathematics, 54:450--469 (2005). Having described the details of the generalized algorithm it is validated on two test cases from the original paper and is then applied to one-phase and, for the first time, two-phase Stefan problems in one and two space dimensions, paying particular attention to the implementation of the interface boundary conditions. Results are presented to demonstrate the accuracy and the effectiveness of the method, including comparisons against analytical solutions where available.


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The challenge of moving past the classic Window Icons Menus Pointer (WIMP) interface, i.e. by turning it ‘3D’, has resulted in much research and development. To evaluate the impact of 3D on the ‘finding a target picture in a folder’ task, we built a 3D WIMP interface that allowed the systematic manipulation of visual depth, visual aides, semantic category distribution of targets versus non-targets; and the detailed measurement of lower-level stimuli features. Across two separate experiments, one large sample web-based experiment, to understand associations, and one controlled lab environment, using eye tracking to understand user focus, we investigated how visual depth, use of visual aides, use of semantic categories, and lower-level stimuli features (i.e. contrast, colour and luminance) impact how successfully participants are able to search for, and detect, the target image. Moreover in the lab-based experiment, we captured pupillometry measurements to allow consideration of the influence of increasing cognitive load as a result of either an increasing number of items on the screen, or due to the inclusion of visual depth. Our findings showed that increasing the visible layers of depth, and inclusion of converging lines, did not impact target detection times, errors, or failure rates. Low-level features, including colour, luminance, and number of edges, did correlate with differences in target detection times, errors, and failure rates. Our results also revealed that semantic sorting algorithms significantly decreased target detection times. Increased semantic contrasts between a target and its neighbours correlated with an increase in detection errors. Finally, pupillometric data did not provide evidence of any correlation between the number of visible layers of depth and pupil size, however, using structural equation modelling, we demonstrated that cognitive load does influence detection failure rates when there is luminance contrasts between the target and its surrounding neighbours. Results suggest that WIMP interaction designers should consider stimulus-driven factors, which were shown to influence the efficiency with which a target icon can be found in a 3D WIMP interface.


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The present paper discusses a conceptual, methodological and practical framework within which the limitations of the conventional notion of natural resource management (NRM) can be overcome. NRM is understood as the application of scientific ecological knowledge to resource management. By including a consideration of the normative imperatives that arise from scientific ecological knowledge and submitting them to public scrutiny, ‘sustainable management of natural resources’ can be recontextualised as ‘sustainable governance of natural resources’. This in turn makes it possible to place the politically neutralising discourse of ‘management’ in a space for wider societal debate, in which the different actors involved can deliberate and negotiate the norms, rules and power relations related to natural resource use and sustainable development. The transformation of sustainable management into sustainable governance of natural resources can be conceptualised as a social learning process involving scientists, experts, politicians and local actors, and their corresponding scientific and non-scientific knowledges. The social learning process is the result of what Habermas has described as ‘communicative action’, in contrast to ‘strategic action’. Sustainable governance of natural resources thus requires a new space for communicative action aiming at shared, intersubjectively validated definitions of actual situations and the goals and means required for transforming current norms, rules and power relations in order to achieve sustainable development. Case studies from rural India, Bolivia and Mali explore the potentials and limitations for broadening communicative action through an intensification of social learning processes at the interface of local and external knowledge. Key factors that enable or hinder the transformation of sustainable management into sustainable governance of natural resources through social learning processes and communicative action are discussed.


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Selective expression of opsins in genetically defined neurons makes it possible to control a subset of neurons without affecting nearby cells and processes in the intact brain, but light must still be delivered to the target brain structure. Light scattering limits the delivery of light from the surface of the brain. For this reason, we have developed a fiber-optic-based optical neural interface (ONI), which allows optical access to any brain structure in freely moving mammals. The ONI system is constructed by modifying the small animal cannula system from PlasticsOne. The system for bilateral stimulation consists of a bilateral cannula guide that has been stereotactically implanted over the target brain region, a screw cap for securing the optical fiber to the animal's head, a fiber guard modified from the internal cannula adapter, and a bare fiber whose length is customized based on the depth of the target region. For unilateral stimulation, a single-fiber system can be constructed using unilateral cannula parts from PlasticsOne. We describe here the preparation of the bilateral ONI system and its use in optical stimulation of the mouse or rat brain. Delivery of opsin-expressing virus and implantation of the ONI may be conducted in the same surgical session; alternatively, with a transgenic animal no opsin virus is delivered during the surgery. Similar procedures are useful for deep or superficial injections (even for neocortical targets, although in some cases surface light-emitting diodes or cortex-apposed fibers can be used for the most superficial cortical targets).


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We present a quasi-monotone semi-Lagrangian particle level set (QMSL-PLS) method for moving interfaces. The QMSL method is a blend of first order monotone and second order semi-Lagrangian methods. The QMSL-PLS method is easy to implement, efficient, and well adapted for unstructured, either simplicial or hexahedral, meshes. We prove that it is unconditionally stable in the maximum discrete norm, � · �h,∞, and the error analysis shows that when the level set solution u(t) is in the Sobolev space Wr+1,∞(D), r ≥ 0, the convergence in the maximum norm is of the form (KT/Δt)min(1,Δt � v �h,∞ /h)((1 − α)hp + hq), p = min(2, r + 1), and q = min(3, r + 1),where v is a velocity. This means that at high CFL numbers, that is, when Δt > h, the error is O( (1−α)hp+hq) Δt ), whereas at CFL numbers less than 1, the error is O((1 − α)hp−1 + hq−1)). We have tested our method with satisfactory results in benchmark problems such as the Zalesak’s slotted disk, the single vortex flow, and the rising bubble.


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This dissertation introduces the design of a multimodal, adaptive real-time assistive system as an alternate human computer interface that can be used by individuals with severe motor disabilities. The proposed design is based on the integration of a remote eye-gaze tracking system, voice recognition software, and a virtual keyboard. The methodology relies on a user profile that customizes eye gaze tracking using neural networks. The user profiling feature facilitates the notion of universal access to computing resources for a wide range of applications such as web browsing, email, word processing and editing. ^ The study is significant in terms of the integration of key algorithms to yield an adaptable and multimodal interface. The contributions of this dissertation stem from the following accomplishments: (a) establishment of the data transport mechanism between the eye-gaze system and the host computer yielding to a significantly low failure rate of 0.9%; (b) accurate translation of eye data into cursor movement through congregate steps which conclude with calibrated cursor coordinates using an improved conversion function; resulting in an average reduction of 70% of the disparity between the point of gaze and the actual position of the mouse cursor, compared with initial findings; (c) use of both a moving average and a trained neural network in order to minimize the jitter of the mouse cursor, which yield an average jittering reduction of 35%; (d) introduction of a new mathematical methodology to measure the degree of jittering of the mouse trajectory; (e) embedding an onscreen keyboard to facilitate text entry, and a graphical interface that is used to generate user profiles for system adaptability. ^ The adaptability nature of the interface is achieved through the establishment of user profiles, which may contain the jittering and voice characteristics of a particular user as well as a customized list of the most commonly used words ordered according to the user's preferences: in alphabetical or statistical order. This allows the system to successfully provide the capability of interacting with a computer. Every time any of the sub-system is retrained, the accuracy of the interface response improves even more. ^


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To gain a better understanding of the fluid–structure interaction and especially when dealing with a flow around an arbitrarily moving body, it is essential to develop measurement tools enabling the instantaneous detection of moving deformable interface during the flow measurements. A particularly useful application is the determination of unsteady turbulent flow velocity field around a moving porous fishing net structure which is of great interest for selectivity and also for the numerical code validation which needs a realistic database. To do this, a representative piece of fishing net structure is used to investigate both the Turbulent Boundary Layer (TBL) developing over the horizontal porous moving fishing net structure and the turbulent flow passing through the moving porous structure. For such an investigation, Time Resolved PIV measurements are carried out and combined with a motion tracking technique allowing the measurement of the instantaneous motion of the deformable fishing net during PIV measurements. Once the two-dimensional motion of the porous structure is accessed, PIV velocity measurements are analyzed in connection with the detected motion. Finally, the TBL is characterized and the effect of the structure motion on the volumetric flow rate passing though the moving porous structure is clearly demonstrated.