943 resultados para Mobile video quality


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FM Marjo Mäenpään Turun yliopiston Humanistisen tiedekunnan Kulttuurituotannon ja maisemantutkimuksen digitaalisen kulttuurin oppialalle valmistunut väitöskirja Co-created Mobile Narratives tarkastetaan Porin yliopistokeskuksessa 27. huhtikuuta 2013. Marjo Mäenpää tutkii, kuinka ihmiset tarinallistavat elämänsä, kuvittavat ja jakavat kokemuksiaan toisten ihmisten kanssa mobiilin median avulla. Elämänjulkaisemisesta on tullut ihmisten arkista toimintaa. Mäenpää lähestyy jaettuja kännykkävideotarinoita kolmesta eri näkökulmasta. Hän tutkii tarinoiden rakennetta, julkaisemista ja julkaisevia yhteisöjä narratologian, yhteisöjen toiminnan ja mediantutkimuksen valossa. Teoreetikot aina Aristoteleesta klassisen narratologian tutkijoihin ovat esittäneet erilaisia tarinallisuuden kaavoja ja rakenteita, joita on havaittavissa myös yhteisössä tuotetuista videotarinoista. Myöhemmän alan tutkimustradition, mm. kognitiivisen narratologian mukaan ihmiset hahmottavat tarinallisia kokonaisuuksia pienemmistäkin fragmenteista ja vihjeistä. Elämän tarinaa, käännekohtia ja elämyksiä kerrotaan usein – esimerkiksi Facebookissa – yksittäisillä, sattumanvaraisilla kuvilla. Yhteisöllinen tuotanto edellyttää luottamusta. Yhteisö jakaa tarinoita, jotka voivat olla hyvinkin fragmentaarisia, mutta saavat merkityksensä yhteisestä kokemusmaailmasta ja kulttuurista. Julkaiseminen on sattumanvaraista, luovaa toimintaa, jonka lopputulos voi olla ennalta arvaamaton. Kuitenkin julkaiseminen edellyttää jonkinlaista aktiivista toimijaa tai tuottajaa. Rakenteen julkaisemiselle voi antaa tuottaja, moderaattori tai hyvin rakennettu teknologinen julkaisualusta. Monitieteisen väitöstutkimuksen aineisto on peräisin Turun yliopiston, Tampereen teknillisen yliopiston ja Aalto- yliopiston Porin yksiköiden yhteisestä Mobile Social Media -tutkimushankkeesta. Vuosina 2008-2010 hankkeessa suunniteltiin MoViE (Mobile Video Experience) -sovellusta, jonka avulla ihmiset voivat julkaista omia lyhyitä videoitaan ja jakaa niitä toisten käyttäjien kanssa. MoViE-sovelluksen avulla käyttäjät voivat editoida omia ja toisten kuvaamia videoita sekä julkaista kuvallisia tarinoita yhteisöllisistä kokemuksista. MoViE-sovellusta kokeiltiin mm. Pori Jazz -konserteissa. Samasta konsertista taltioitui kännykkävideoille useita näkökulmia, ja testikäyttäjäryhmä koosti useita erilaisia videotarinoita yhteisestä konserttikokemuksestaan. Marjo Mäenpää (1959) työskentelee opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriössä kulttuuriasiainneuvoksena. Hän on toiminut mm. kustantajana, multimedian dramaturgian opettajana Teatterikorkeakoulussa, digitaalisen mediatuotannon professorina Aalto-yliopiston Taiteen ja suunnittelun korkeakoulussa vuosina 2006-2012 sekä Taiteen edistämiskeskuksen väliaikaisena johtajana vuonna 2013.


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Ce document présente les résultats d’une étude empirique sur l’utilisation de la vidéoconférence mobile selon le contexte de l’usager afin de proposer des lignes directrices pour la conception des interfaces des dispositifs de communication vidéo mobile. Grâce à un échange riche d’informations, ce type de communication peut amener un sentiment de présence fort, mais les interfaces actuelles manquent de flexibilité qui permettrait aux usagers d’être créatifs et d’avoir des échanges plus riches lors d’une vidéoconférence. Nous avons mené une recherche avec seize participants dans trois activités où leurs conversations, leurs réactions et leurs comportements ont été observés. Deux groupes de discussion ont aussi servi à identifier les habitudes développées à partir de leur utilisation régulière de la vidéoconférence. Les résultats suggèrent une différence importante entre l’utilisation de la caméra avant et la caméra arrière de l’appareil mobile, et la nécessité de fournir des outils qui offrent plus de contrôle sur l’échange dans la conversation. L’étude propose plusieurs lignes directrices de conception pour les interfaces de communication vidéo mobiles, concernant la construction du contexte mobile de l’utilisateur.


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Distributed multimedia supports a symbiotic infotainment duality, i.e. the ability to transfer information to the user, yet also provide the user with a level of satisfaction. As multimedia is ultimately produced for the education and / or enjoyment of viewers, the user’s-perspective concerning the presentation quality is surely of equal importance as objective Quality of Service (QoS) technical parameters, to defining distributed multimedia quality. In order to extensively measure the user-perspective of multimedia video quality, we introduce an extended model of distributed multimedia quality that segregates quality into three discrete levels: the network-level, the media-level and content-level, using two distinct quality perspectives: the user-perspective and the technical-perspective. Since experimental questionnaires do not provide continuous monitoring of user attention, eye tracking was used in our study in order to provide a better understanding of the role that the human element plays in the reception, analysis and synthesis of multimedia data. Results showed that video content adaptation, results in disparity in user video eye-paths when: i) no single / obvious point of focus exists; or ii) when the point of attention changes dramatically. Accordingly, appropriate technical- and user-perspective parameter adaptation is implemented, for all quality abstractions of our model, i.e. network-level (via simulated delay and jitter), media-level (via a technical- and user-perspective manipulated region-of-interest attentive display) and content-level (via display-type and video clip-type). Our work has shown that user perception of distributed multimedia quality cannot be achieved by means of purely technical-perspective QoS parameter adaptation.


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The introduction of multimedia on pervasive and mobile communication devices raises a number of perceptual quality issues. However, limited work has been done examining the 3-way interaction between use of equipment, user perceptual quality and quality of service. Our work measures user perceptual quality with the quality of perception (QoP) metrics which comprises levels of informational transfer (objective) and user satisfaction (subjective) when users are presented with multimedia video clips at three different frame rates, using four different display devices. Finally, our results will show that variation in frame-rate does not impact a user’s level of information assimilation (IA), however, does impact a users’ perception of multimedia videoquality’.


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The pervasive and ubiquitous computing has motivated researches on multimedia adaptation which aims at matching the video quality to the user needs and device restrictions. This technique has a high computational cost which needs to be studied and estimated when designing architectures and applications. This paper presents an analytical model to quantify these video transcoding costs in a hardware independent way. The model was used to analyze the impact of transcoding delays in end-to-end live-video transmissions over LANs, MANs and WANs. Experiments confirm that the proposed model helps to define the best transcoding architecture for different scenarios.


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Recentemente a sociedade está vivendo em meio a um aglomerado de dispositivos móveis com múltiplas interfaces sem fio que permitem que clientes móveis domésticos e corporativos solucionem problemas rotineiros no menor espaço de tempo e em diversas localizações. Por outro lado, a disponibilidade de diversas tecnologias de acesso sem fio como: Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity), WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) e LTE (Long Term Evolution), proporcionam um cenário heterogêneo com diversas oportunidades de conectividade para o usuário de dispositivos com múltiplas interfaces. Alguns dos desafios atuais no contexto da concepção da então denominada NGN (Next Generation Networks) são o desenvolvimento de arcabouços e mecanismos que viabilizem tanto o suporte adequado à Qualidade de Serviço (QoS – Quality of Service) e à Qualidade de Experiência (QoE – Quality of Experience) para aplicações multimídia, quanto a garantia de equidade entre vazões de diferentes aplicações em ambiente heterogêneo. Esta dissertação propõe um arcabouço para o aprovisionamento de QoS e QoE em redes sem fio heterogêneas formada por redes WiMAX e Wi-Fi. Especificamente, nossa solução provê mapeamento estático de QoS entre as classes de serviços WiMAX e categorias de acesso Wi-Fi. Além disso, nossa proposta também combina funcionalidades de equidade entre vazões com a solução de mapeamento, a fim de alcançar um bom compromisso tanto para o operador da rede, quanto para o usuário, através de uma nova metodologia de coleta e calculo de vazão agregada e algoritmo de decisão de handover vertical. A avaliação quantitativa da proposta foi realizada através de modelos de simulação no ns-2 (Network Simulator). Os resultados de desempenho demonstram a eficiência da arquitetura em termos de métricas de QoS (vazão, vazão média e atraso) e QoE (PSRN - Peak Signal to Noise Ratio, SSIM - Structural Similarity Index e VQM - Video Quality Metric).


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The proliferation of multimedia content and the demand for new audio or video services have fostered the development of a new era based on multimedia information, which allowed the evolution of Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (WMSNs) and also Flying Ad-Hoc Networks (FANETs). In this way, live multimedia services require realtime video transmissions with a low frame loss rate, tolerable end-to-end delay, and jitter to support video dissemination with Quality of Experience (QoE) support. Hence, a key principle in a QoE-aware approach is the transmission of high priority frames (protect them) with a minimum packet loss ratio, as well as network overhead. Moreover, multimedia content must be transmitted from a given source to the destination via intermediate nodes with high reliability in a large scale scenario. The routing service must cope with dynamic topologies caused by node failure or mobility, as well as wireless channel changes, in order to continue to operate despite dynamic topologies during multimedia transmission. Finally, understanding user satisfaction on watching a video sequence is becoming a key requirement for delivery of multimedia content with QoE support. With this goal in mind, solutions involving multimedia transmissions must take into account the video characteristics to improve video quality delivery. The main research contributions of this thesis are driven by the research question how to provide multimedia distribution with high energy-efficiency, reliability, robustness, scalability, and QoE support over wireless ad hoc networks. The thesis addresses several problem domains with contributions on different layers of the communication stack. At the application layer, we introduce a QoE-aware packet redundancy mechanism to reduce the impact of the unreliable and lossy nature of wireless environment to disseminate live multimedia content. At the network layer, we introduce two routing protocols, namely video-aware Multi-hop and multi-path hierarchical routing protocol for Efficient VIdeo transmission for static WMSN scenarios (MEVI), and cross-layer link quality and geographical-aware beaconless OR protocol for multimedia FANET scenarios (XLinGO). Both protocols enable multimedia dissemination with energy-efficiency, reliability and QoE support. This is achieved by combining multiple cross-layer metrics for routing decision in order to establish reliable routes.


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Indirect laryngoscopy allows practitioners to “see around the corner” of a patient’s airway during intubation. Inadequate airway management is a major contributor to patient injury, morbidity and mortality. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the video quality of commercially available video laryngoscopy systems. A team of four investigators at the University of Nebraska at Omaha and the Peter Kiewit Institute performed intubation simulations using a number of video laryngoscopy systems. Testing was done with a Laerdal Difficult Airway Manikin (Laerdal Medical Corp., Wappingers Falls, NY) in a setting that simulated difficult airways, adverse lighting conditions and various system configurations (e.g., maximizing screen contrast, minimizing screen brightness, maximizing screen color hue, etc.).


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For smart applications, nodes in wireless multimedia sensor networks (MWSNs) have to take decisions based on sensed scalar physical measurements. A routing protocol must provide the multimedia delivery with quality level support and be energy-efficient for large-scale networks. With this goal in mind, this paper proposes a smart Multi-hop hierarchical routing protocol for Efficient VIdeo communication (MEVI). MEVI combines an opportunistic scheme to create clusters, a cross-layer solution to select routes based on network conditions, and a smart solution to trigger multimedia transmission according to sensed data. Simulations were conducted to show the benefits of MEVI compared with the well-known Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) protocol. This paper includes an analysis of the signaling overhead, energy-efficiency, and video quality.


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Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (WMSNs) promise a wide scope of emerging potential applications in both civilian and military areas, which require visual and audio information to enhance the level of collected information. The transmission of multimedia content requires a minimal video quality level from the user’s perspective. However, links in WMSN communi- cations are typically unreliable, as they often experience fluctuations in quality and weak connectivity, and thus, the routing protocol must evaluate the routes by using end-to-end link quality information to increase the packet delivery ratio. Moreover, the use multiple paths together with key video metrics can enhance the video quality level. In this paper, we propose a video-aware multiple path hierarchical routing protocol for efficient multimedia transmission over WMSN, called video-aware MMtransmission. This protocol finds node-disjoint multiple paths, and implements an end-to-end link quality estimation with minimal over- head to score the paths. Thus, our protocol assures multimedia transmission with Quality of Experience (QoE) and energy-efficiency support. The simula- tion results show the benefits of video-aware MMtransmission for disseminating video content by means of energy-efficiency and QoE analysis.


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We study state-based video communication where a client simultaneously informs the server about the presence status of various packets in its buffer. In sender-driven transmission, the client periodically sends to the server a single acknowledgement packet that provides information about all packets that have arrived at the client by the time the acknowledgment is sent. In receiver-driven streaming, the client periodically sends to the server a single request packet that comprises a transmission schedule for sending missing data to the client over a horizon of time. We develop a comprehensive optimization framework that enables computing packet transmission decisions that maximize the end-to-end video quality for the given bandwidth resources, in both prospective scenarios. The core step of the optimization comprises computing the probability that a single packet will be communicated in error as a function of the expected transmission redundancy (or cost) used to communicate the packet. Through comprehensive simulation experiments, we carefully examine the performance advances that our framework enables relative to state-of-the-art scheduling systems that employ regular acknowledgement or request packets. Consistent gains in video quality of up to 2B are demonstrated across a variety of content types. We show that there is a direct analogy between the error-cost efficiency of streaming a single packet and the overall rate-distortion performance of streaming the whole content. In the case of sender-driven transmission, we develop an effective modeling approach that accurately characterizes the end-to-end performance as a function of the packet loss rate on the backward channel and the source encoding characteristics.


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The widespread deployment of wireless mobile communications enables an almost permanent usage of portable devices, which imposes high demands on the battery of these devices. Indeed, battery lifetime is becoming one the most critical factors on the end-users satisfaction when using wireless communications. In this work, the optimized power save algorithm for continuous media applications (OPAMA) is proposed, aiming at enhancing the energy efficiency on end-users devices. By combining the application specific requirements with data aggregation techniques, {OPAMA} improves the standard {IEEE} 802.11 legacy Power Save Mode (PSM) performance. The algorithm uses the feedback on the end-user expected quality to establish a proper tradeoff between energy consumption and application performance. {OPAMA} was assessed in the OMNeT++ simulator, using real traces of variable bitrate video streaming applications, and in a real testbed employing a novel methodology intended to perform an accurate evaluation concerning video Quality of Experience (QoE) perceived by the end-users. The results revealed the {OPAMA} capability to enhance energy efficiency without degrading the end-user observed QoE, achieving savings up to 44 when compared with the {IEEE} 802.11 legacy PSM.


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The proliferation of multimedia content and the demand for new audio or video services have fostered the development of a new era based on multimedia information, which allowed the evolution of Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (WMSNs) and also Flying Ad-Hoc Networks (FANETs). In this way, live multimedia services require real-time video transmissions with a low frame loss rate, tolerable end-to-end delay, and jitter to support video dissemination with Quality of Experience (QoE) support. Hence, a key principle in a QoE-aware approach is the transmission of high priority frames (protect them) with a minimum packet loss ratio, as well as network overhead. Moreover, multimedia content must be transmitted from a given source to the destination via intermediate nodes with high reliability in a large scale scenario. The routing service must cope with dynamic topologies caused by node failure or mobility, as well as wireless channel changes, in order to continue to operate despite dynamic topologies during multimedia transmission. Finally, understanding user satisfaction on watching a video sequence is becoming a key requirement for delivery of multimedia content with QoE support. With this goal in mind, solutions involving multimedia transmissions must take into account the video characteristics to improve video quality delivery. The main research contributions of this thesis are driven by the research question how to provide multimedia distribution with high energy-efficiency, reliability, robustness, scalability, and QoE support over wireless ad hoc networks. The thesis addresses several problem domains with contributions on different layers of the communication stack. At the application layer, we introduce a QoE-aware packet redundancy mechanism to reduce the impact of the unreliable and lossy nature of wireless environment to disseminate live multimedia content. At the network layer, we introduce two routing protocols, namely video-aware Multi-hop and multi-path hierarchical routing protocol for Efficient VIdeo transmission for static WMSN scenarios (MEVI), and cross-layer link quality and geographical-aware beaconless OR protocol for multimedia FANET scenarios (XLinGO). Both protocols enable multimedia dissemination with energy-efficiency, reliability and QoE support. This is achieved by combining multiple cross-layer metrics for routing decision in order to establish reliable routes.


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Multimedia distribution through wireless networks in the home environment presents a number of advantages which have fueled the interest of industry in recent years, such as simple connectivity and data delivery to a variety of devices. Together with High-Definition (HD) contents, multimedia wireless networks have been proposed for several applications, such as IPTV and Digital TV distribution for multiple devices in the home environment. For these scenarios, we propose a multicast distribution system for High-Definition video over 802.11 wireless networks based on rate-limited packet retransmission. We develop a limited rate ARQ system that retransmits packets according to the importance of their content (prioritization scheme) and according to their delay limitations (delay control). The performance of our proposed ARQ system is evaluated and compared with a similarly rate-limited ARQ algorithm. The results show a higher packet recovery rate and improvements in video quality for our proposed system.


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Hoy en día el uso de dispositivos portátiles multimedia es ya una realidad totalmente habitual. Además, estos dispositivos tienen una capacidad de cálculo y unos recursos gráficos y de memoria altos, tanto es así que por ejemplo en un móvil se pueden reproducir vídeos de muy alta calidad o tener capacidad para manejar entornos 3D. El precio del uso de estos recursos es un mayor consumo de batería que en ocasiones es demasiado alto y acortan en gran medida la vida de la carga útil de la batería. El Grupo de Diseño Electrónico y Microelectrónico de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid ha abierto una línea de trabajo que busca la optimización del consumo de energía en este tipo de dispositivos, concretamente en el ámbito de la reproducción de vídeo. El enfoque para afrontar la solución del problema se basa en obtener un mayor rendimiento de la batería a costa de disminuir la experiencia multimedia del usuario. De esta manera, cuando la carga de la batería esté por debajo de un determinado umbral mientras el dispositivo esté reproduciendo un vídeo de alta calidad será el dispositivo quien se autoconfigure dinámicamente para consumir menos potencia en esta tarea, reduciendo la tasa de imágenes por segundo o la resolución del vídeo que se descodifica. Además de lo citado anteriormente se propone dividir la descodificación y la representación del vídeo en dos procesadores, uno de propósito general y otro para procesado digital de señal, con esto se consigue que tener la misma capacidad de cálculo que con un solo procesador pero a una frecuencia menor. Para materializar la propuesta se usará la tarjeta BeagleBoard basada en un procesador multinúcleo OMAP3530 de Texas Instrument que contiene dos núcleos: un ARM1 Cortex-A8 y un DSP2 de la familia C6000. Este procesador multinúcleo además permite modificar la frecuencia de reloj y la tensión de alimentación dinámicamente para conseguir reducir de este modo el consumo del terminal. Por otro lado, como reproductor de vídeos se utilizará una versión de MPlayer que integra un descodificador de vídeo escalable que permite elegir dinámicamente la resolución o las imágenes por segundo que se decodifican para posteriormente mostrarlas. Este reproductor se ejecutará en el núcleo ARM pero debido a la alta carga computacional de la descodificación de vídeos, y que el ARM no está optimizado para este tipo de procesado de datos, el reproductor debe encargar la tarea de la descodificación al DSP. El objetivo de este Proyecto Fin de Carrera consiste en que mientras el descodificador de vídeo está ejecutándose en el núcleo DSP y el Mplayer en el núcleo ARM del OMAP3530 se pueda elegir dinámicamente qué parte del vídeo se descodifica, es decir, seleccionar en tiempo real la calidad o capa del vídeo que se quiere mostrar. Haciendo esto, se podrá quitar carga computacional al núcleo ARM y asignársela al DSP el cuál puede procesarla a menor frecuencia para ahorrar batería. 1 ARM: Es una arquitectura de procesadores de propósito general basada en RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer). Es desarrollada por la empresa inglesa ARM holdings. 2 DSP: Procesador Digital de Señal (Digital Signal Processor). Es un sistema basado en procesador, el cual está orientado al cálculo matemático a altas velocidad. Generalmente poseen varias unidades aritmético-lógicas (ALUs) para conseguir realizar varias operaciones simultáneamente. SUMMARY. Nowadays, the use of multimedia devices is a well known reality. In addition, these devices have high graphics and calculus performance and a lot of memory as well. In instance, we can play high quality videos and 3D environments in a mobile phone. That kind of use may increase the device's power consumption and make shorter the battery duration. Electronic and Microelectronic Design Group of Technical University of Madrid has a research line which is looking for optimization of power consumption while these devices are playing videos. The solution of this trouble is based on taking more advantage of battery by decreasing multimedia user experience. On this way, when battery charge is under a threshold while device is playing a high quality video the device is going to configure itself dynamically in order to decrease its power consumption by decreasing frame per second rate, video resolution or increasing the noise in the decoded frame. It is proposed splitting decoding and representation tasks in two processors in order to have the same calculus capability with lower frecuency. The first one is specialized in digital signal processing and the other one is a general purpose processor. In order to materialize this proposal we will use a board called BeagleBoard which is based on a multicore processor called OMAP3530 from Texas Instrument. This processor includes two cores: ARM Cortex-A8 and a TMS320C64+ DSP core. Changing clock frequency and supply voltage is allowed by OMAP3530, we can decrease the power consumption on this way. On the other hand, MPlayer will be used as video player. It includes a scalable video decoder which let us changing dynamically the resolution or frames per second rate of the video in order to show it later. This player will be executed by ARM core but this is not optimized for this task, for that reason, DSP core will be used to decoding video. The target of this final career project is being able to choose which part of the video is decoded each moment while decoder is executed by DSP and Mplayer by ARM. It will be able to change in real time the video quality, resolution and frames per second that user want to show. On this way, reducing the computational charge within the processor will be possible.