157 resultados para Mimesis
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This is a review of painter Andrzej Zielinski's exhibition at gallery 9 in Sydney. It highlights the artist's expressionistic style and strong colour sense as well as his association with American painterly traditions. The artist application of acrylic modelling paste and his paintings also gives them a sculptural and architectural dimension, and on a conceptual level play with notions of mimesis and material form.
In contemporary game development circles the ‘game making jam’ has become an important rite of passage and baptism event, an exploration space and a central indie lifestyle affirmation and community event. Game jams have recently become a focus for design researchers interested in the creative process. In this paper we tell the story of an established local game jam and our various documentation and data collection methods. We present the beginnings of the current project, which seeks to map the creative teams and their process in the space of the challenge, and which aims to enable participants to be more than the objects of the data collection. A perceived issue is that typical documentation approaches are ‘about’ the event as opposed to ‘made by’ the participants and are thus both at odds with the spirit of the jam as a phenomenon and do not really access the rich playful potential of participant experience. In the data collection and visualisation projects described here, we focus on using collected data to re-include the participants in telling stories about their experiences of the event as a place-based experience. Our goal is to find a means to encourage production of ‘anecdata’ - data based on individual story telling that is subjective, malleable, and resists collection via formal mechanisms - and to enable mimesis, or active narrating, on the part of the participants. We present a concept design for data as game based on the logic of early medieval maps and we reflect on how we could enable participation in the data collection itself.
"I still dream of my grandfather's red roses" is an online audio documentary. Asking people from her community to make a statement beginning with the words "I dream of", Australian documentarist Phoebe Hart curates these fragments and creatively envisages the literal and figurative world of dreams, arresting our collective hopes, desires and fears.
The cliché about modern architecture being the fairy-tale fulfillment of every fantasy ceases to be a cliché only when it is accompanied by the fairy tale’s moral: that the fulfillment of the wishes rarely engenders goodness in the one doing the wishing (Adorno). Wishing for the right things in architecture and the city is the most difficult art of all: since the grim childhood-tales of the twentieth century we have been weaned from dreams and utopias, the stuff of modernism’s bad conscience. For Adorno writing in 1953, Hollywood cinema was a medium of “regression” based on infantile wish fulfillment manufactured by the industrial repetition (mimesis) of the filmic image that he called a modern “hieroglyphics,” like the archaic language of pictures in Ancient Egypt which guaranteed immortality after death in Egyptian burial rites. Arguably, today the iconic architecture industry is the executor of archaic images of modernity linked to rituals of death, promises of omnipotence and immortality. As I will argue in this symposium, such buildings are not a reflection of external ‘reality,’ but regression to an internal architectural polemic that secretly carries out the rituals of modernism’s death and seeks to make good on the liabilities of architectural history.
Theodor Adorno was opposed to the cinema because he felt it was too close to reality, and ipso facto an extension of ideological Capital, as he wrote in 1944 in Dialectic of Enlightenment. What troubled Adorno was the iconic nature of cinema – the semiotic category invented by C. S. Peirce where the signifier (sign) does not merely signify, in the arbitrary capacity attested by Saussure, but mimics the formal-visual qualities of its referent. Iconicity finds its perfect example in the film’s ingenuous surface illusion of an unmediated reality – its genealogy (the iconic), since classical antiquity, lay in the Greek term eikōn which meant “image,” to refer to the ancient portrait statues of victorious athletes which were thought to bear a direct similitude with their parent divinities. For the postwar, Hollywood-film spectator, Adorno said, “the world outside is an extension of the film he has just left,” because realism is a precise instrument for the manipulation of the mass spectator by the culture industry, for which the filmic image is an advertisement for the world unedited. Mimesis, or the reproduction of reality, is a “mere reproduction of the economic base.” It is precisely film’s iconicity, then, its “realist aesthetic . . . [that] makes it inseparable from its commodity character.”...
This is a theoretical investigation seeking to learn more about architecture by looking at architectural practice through another discipline. In this research architecture is investigated by examining its relationship with bodies through performance and theatre set design. This thesis aims to build on existing architectural theory, in which an absence of discourse on the body has been identified, by analysing representations of architecture and the body in performance. The research specifically examines the relationship between the body, architecture and authority in performance through the analysis of several performance works.
Dissertation considers the birth of modernist and avant-gardist authorship as a reaction against mass society and massculture. Radical avant-gardism is studied as figurative violence done against the human form. The main argument claims avant-gardist authorship to be an act of masculine autogenesis. This act demands human form to be worked to an elementary state of disarticulateness, then to be reformed to the model of the artist's own psychophysical and idiosyncratic vision and experience. This work is connected to concrete mass, mass of pigment, charcoal, film, or flesh. This mass of the figure is worked to create a likeness in the nervous system of the spectator. The act of violence against the human figure is intended to shock the spectator. This shock is also a state of emotional and perceptional massification. I use theatrical image as heuristic tool and performance analysis, connecting figure and spectator into a larger image, which is constituted by relationships of mimesis, where figure presents the likeness of the spectator and spectator the likeness of the figure. Likeness is considered as both gestural - social mimetic - and sensuous - kinesthetically mimetic. Through this kind of construction one can describe and contextualize the process of violent autogenesis using particular images as case studies. Avant-gardist author is the author of theatrical image, not particular figure, and through act of massification the nervous system of the spectator is also part of this image. This is the most radical form and ideology of avant-gardist and modernist authorship or imagerial will to power. I construct a model of gestural-mimic performer to explicate the nature of violence done for human form in specific works, in Mann's novella Death in Venice, in Schiele's and Artaud's selfportaits, in Francis Bacon's paintings, in Beckett's shortplat NOT I, in Orlan's chirurgical performance Operation Omnipresense, in Cindy Sherman's Film/Stills, in Diamanda Galás's recording Vena Cava and in Hitchcock's Psycho. Masspsychology constructed a phobic picture of human form's plasticity and capability to be constituted by influencies coming both inside and outside - childhood, atavistic organic memories, urban field of nervous impulses, unconsciousness, capitalist (image)market and democratic masspolitics. Violence is then antimimetic and antitheatrical, a paradoxical situation, considering that massmedias and massaudiences created an enormous fascination about possibilities of theatrical and hypnotic influence in artistic elites. The problem was how to use theatrical image without coming as author under influence. In this work one possible answer is provided: by destructing the gestural-mimetic performer, by eliminating representations of mimic body techniques from the performer of human (a painted figure, a photographed figure, a filmed figure or an acted figure, audiovisual or vocal) figure. This work I call the chirurgical operation, which also indicates co-option with medical portraitures or medico-cultural diagnoses of human form. Destruction of the autonomy of the performer was a parallel process to constructing the new mass media audience as passive, plastic, feminine. The process created an image of a new kind of autotelic masculine author-hero, freed from human form in its bourgeois, aristocratic, classical and popular versions.
Luce Irigaray is a Belgian-born philosopher, psychoanalyst and linguist. Irigaray s concept of woman is crucial for understanding her own work but also for examining and developing the theoretical and methodological basis of feminist theory. This thesis argues that, ultimately, Irigaray s exploration of woman s being challenges our traditional notion of philosophy as a neutral discourse and the traditional notion of ourselves as philosophizing persons or human beings. However, despite its crucial role, Irigaray s idea of woman still lacks a comprehensive explication. This is because the discourse of sexual difference is blurred by the ideas of essentialism and biologism. --- Irigaray s concept of woman has been interpreted and criticized from the perspectives of metaphysical essentialism, strategic essentialism, realist essentialism and deconstructionism. This thesis argues that a reinterpretation is necessary to account for Irigaray s claims about the the traditional woman , mimesis, the specificity of the feminine body, feminine expression and sexual difference. Moreover, any reading should account for the differences between women and avoid giving a prescriptive function to the essence of woman. --- My thesis develops a new interpretation of Irigaray s concept of woman on the basis of the phenomenology of the body. It argues that Irigaray s discourse on woman can and must be understood by an idea of existential style. Existential style is embodied, affective and spiritual and it is constituted in relation to oneself, to others and to the world. It is temporal, it evolves and changes but preserves its open unity in its transformations. Stylistic unities, such as femininity or philosophy, are constituted in and by the singulars. -- This study discusses and analyses feminine existential style as a central theme and topic of Irigaray s works and shows how her work operates as a primary and paradigmatic example of the feminine style. These tasks are performed by studying the mimetic positions available for women and by explicating the phenomenological background of Irigaray s conceptions of the philosophical method, and the lived, expressive and affective body. The critical occupation and transformation of these mimetic positions, the inquiry into the first-person pre-discursive experience, and the cultivation of feminine expressivity open up the possibility of becoming a woman writer, a woman lover and a woman philosopher. The appearance of these new feminine figures is a precondition for the realization of sexual difference. So Irigaray opens up the possibility of sexual difference by instituting and constituting a feminine subject of love and wisdom, and by problematizing the idea of a neutral and absolute subject.
Uma constante no trabalho plural de Haroldo de Campos é o apreço pela intertextualidade. Em um percurso que toca as mais distantes e distintas galáxias, destacamos uma constelação: quatro textos literários (Finismundo: a última viagem, Signância quase céu, Galáxias e A máquina do mundo repensada) que entram em diálogo com a Commedia, de Dante Alighieri, e uma tradução de Haroldo de seis cantos do paraíso. Desdobrando o interesse de Haroldo de Campos pelo concreto da obra, partimos de algumas soluções formais dos textos em questão para pensar a experiência estética e a diferença entre as visões de mundo das obras comparadas.O estudo da Commedia permite perceber configurações formais que aproximam o leitor da experiência mística da personagem ao apresentá-la como experiência estética. O interesse de Haroldo de Campos está no potencial estético da obra de Dante. Confrontando o texto do poeta italiano com a tradução e com os quatro poemas citados acima, mostramos as semelhanças e diferenças dos processos de tradução e mimesis nas diversas metamorfoses pelas quais a Commedia passa nas criações de Haroldo de Campos
Mar me quer, do escritor moçambicano Mia Couto, é uma narrativa cuja edição que se tem disponível para compra no mercado editorial 24,5cm de altura por 17,3cm de largura; capa dura, em fundo verde vibrante, com ilustração colorida; oito ilustrações de João Nasi Pereira, ao longo de seus oito capítulos; sessenta e oito páginas totais, contando, dentre elas, as páginas de ilustrações e as em branco inscreve-se, desde sua apresentação física, no entrelugar da literatura destinada ao público infantil ou juvenil. Ao seu formato dissimulador, acresce a manifestação, em variados momentos e em diferentes categorias da narrativa ações, personagens, espaços e tempos , do insólito ficcional traço desestabilizador da mimeses realista, comprometida com a realidade empírica, senso comum , realçando um caráter fantasista de ordenação metaempírica da realidade, no plano do discurso ficcional que permite situar a obra tanto no universo já prenunciado das literaturas infantil ou juvenil, quanto no seio das vertentes literárias do fantástico sentido lato. Um percurso pelos fios das histórias de Zeca Perpétuo e Luarmina, personagens centrais da narrativa, conduz a um passeio pelos mares dessas literaturas em que irrompe o insólito, levando a que leiam as tensões emergentes de um mundo repleto de mitos, lendas e crenças, terra telúrica de África, Moçambique
O presente trabalho visa a contribuir com as pesquisas sobre histórias em quadrinhos, mais especificamente na área aplicada à articulação e codificação de sentidos presentes nesse gênero discursivo. Como arcabouço teórico pertinente à análise do discurso de base enunciativa, emprego nesta pesquisa os conceitos de semântica global, práticas intersemióticas e competências, presentes nas obras Gênese dos discursos (2008) e Análise de textos de comunicação (2011), de Maingueneau, além de retomar a reflexão de Foucault sobre as relações entre palavras e imagens, apresentada em Isto não é um cachimbo (2008). Do campo dos estudos aplicados às HQs, ressalto aqueles realizados por Will Eisner (2010) e Sonia Luyten (2000 e 2001), entre outros. A partir desses referenciais teóricos o presente estudo propõe investigar a materialidade do discurso verbo-imagético das histórias em quadrinhos, tendo como referencial verbal as onomatopeias e as mímesis contidas no corpus selecionado, o primeiro volume da primeira edição brasileira do mangá Cavaleiros do Zodíaco (2000), e compreender como a relação entre esses elementos e os planos discursivos do estrato imagético produz sentidos a serem decodificados pelos leitores. Por meio de tal análise, procuro evidenciar a necessidade de que seja considerada a existência e relevância de uma competência imagética no ato da leitura de histórias em quadrinhos, referindo-se especificamente à decodificação dos dispositivos de produção de sentidos sistematicamente empregados no estrato imagético desse gênero discursivo
The thesis was prompted by a simple clinical observation. Seriously ill children returning from Barretstown Holiday Camp appeared changed. Barretstown ‘magic’ confuses the issue but indicates real and clinically evident transformations. The project sought to understand the experience and place it in a recognisable framework. The data was collected by interviews, observations as camp Paediatrician, memberships of the Child Advisory Committee and the Association’s criteria assessment team, participation in volunteer training and visits to international camps. The research presents evidence that the concepts of rite of passage, graceful mimesis and salutogenesis clarify operative social processes. The passage stages of separation, transition and reaggregation can be identified. Passage rites reorder personal and social upsets to fresh arrangements that facilitate change. Interviews confirm the reordering impact of achievements in play activities. These are challenging experiences closely guided by their Masters of Ceremonies – the Caras. The Cara/camper relationship is crucial and compatible with Girard’s theory of external mimesis. Visits to four camps confirm an inspirational process in contrast to a reported camp with a predetermined formative influence. Charismatic Caras/Councillors inspire playful mimesis and salutogenic transformations. Health is more than correction of pathogenic deficits and restoration of homeostasis. Salutogenic health promotes heterostasis – a desire for optimal experiences underpinned by a sense of coherence and adequate resources. Some evidence is presented that children have an improved sense of coherence after camp, which enables them to cope better with the demands of ill health. The camps enable sick children to up regulate risk taking towards more heterostatic experiences rather than down regulate their expectations. The heterostatic impulse can explain the disability paradox of good quality of life in the presence of severe disability. The salutogenic power of Barretstown can trump the pathogenic effects of childhood cancer and other serious illnesses.