56 resultados para Microcontrollers


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Neste trabalho é proposta uma nova metodologia de projeto de estabilizadores de sistemas de potência baseada em teoria de sistemas de ordem fracionária (ESP-OF). A estratégia é baseada em uma generalização do projeto de compensadores do tipo rede avançoatraso (lead-lag) para o domínio de funções de transferência de ordem fracionária. Uma nova variável de projeto, a qual define a ordem da dinâmica fracionária do controlador, é sintonizada para se obter um compromisso entre um bom desempenho no amortecimento do modo eletromecânico dominante e uma robustez ampliada do ESP-OF. O desempenho do ESP-OF foi avaliado experimentalmente, em um sistema de potência em escala reduzida, localizado no Laboratório de Sistemas de Potência da Universidade Federal do Pará. A referida planta de teste apresenta uma estrutura típica do tipo gerador síncrono conectado a um barramento infinito e exibe um modo dominante de oscilação eletromecânica, de amortecimento extremamente reduzido, cujo valor da frequência natural é em torno de 1,2 Hz. O ESP-OF foi então projetado para ampliar o amortecimento relativo desse modo alvo, para toda a faixa de operação admissível. Para fins de implementação prática, primeiramente foram realizados testes experimentais para a identificação de um modelo nominal da planta, sob a forma de uma função de transferência pulsada, para uso na fase de projeto. O modelo obtido experimentalmente foi então validado e posteriormente utilizado tanto para o projeto do ESP-OF quanto para o projeto de um ESP convencional (utilizado para fins de comparação de desempenho). As leis de controle amortecedor do ESP-OF foram calculadas, convertidas para a forma de equações a diferenças e, subsequentemente, embarcadas em sistema digital baseado em microcontrolador DSPIC. Diversos testes de resposta ao impulso foram realizadas sob diferentes condições operacionais. As respectivas respostas dinâmicas dos sinais de saída da planta (desvio de potencia ativa) e do esforço de controle foram registradas para fins de análise. Os resultados experimentais mostraram que o ESP fracionário apresentou um desemprenho dinâmico e robustez similar em comparação com o desempenho obtido por um ESP convencional, para toda a faixa de operação investigada.


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The objective of this paper is show the development of an Eletronic Control Unit (ECU) for Baja-SAE vehicles from its requirements to final implementation. An ECU for Baja-SAE vehicles is made of electric and electronic circuits (appropriated to the hostile situations of an off-road competition) able to make important measurements for the running or stand-by vehicle performance. For this development, some concepts were studied: embedded electronics concepts (mainly microcontrollers and data acquisition circuits) and sensoring. Both the studies were made considering the off-road environment. After these initial studies, the elaboration of the basics hardware and software (under simulations) has begun, and this elaboration objectives maximum performance and low implementation cost. After the theorical studies, basic definition of the hardware and software’s architectures and simulations, the printed circuit boards (PCB) were made, as exhaustive tests in these boards for debugging and verify if the boards work well. Once the system was tested in the university, it ran into a regional Southeast competition in 2010, that definitely proved the efficiency of the whole system


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The objective of this project is to collaborate with the society, working on a subject that is directly linked to issues of sustainability and environmental preservation. For this, a survey is being developed in order to make possible the creation of an intelligent mechanism, with the use of wireless solutions for the control of energy consumption in order to meet the needs of quality of life and reduce the average consumption of electrical energy. An intelligent lighting system can be explained simply, as an interconnected network of lamps in order to meet needs such as light intensity, the location of it, the moment will turn on or turn off the lights, among other possibilities. This network of lamps is controlled by algorithms implemented using microcontrollers, which may or may not have changed its characteristics. This can be automatic (pre-programmed by the administrator) or manual (controlled via a remote control, phones, etc.), and will depend upon the manager himself and also the characteristics imposed on the project. However, it is important to note that after the search is complete, decisions will be consistent with the Brazilian reality, ie, this system can only be feasible if it has all the characteristics described above, but with an affordable price so that people can acquire it


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This monograph proposes the implementation of a low cost PID controller utilizing a PIC microcontroller, and its application in a positioning system previously controlled by a dedicated integrated circuit for a positioning system. Applying the closed-loop PID control, the system instability was reduced, and its response was smoother, eliminating vibrations and mechanical wear compared to its response with the dedicated integrated circuit, which has a very limited control action. The actuator of the system is a DC motor, whose speed is controlled by the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) technique, using a Full-Bridge circuit, allowing the shift of direction of rotation. The utilized microcontroller was the PIC16F684, which has an enhanced PWM module, with its analog converters used as reference and position feedback. The positioning sensor is a multiturn potentiometer coupled to the motor axis by gears. The possibility of programming the PID coefficients in the microcontroller, as well as the adjustment of the sampling rate, allows the implemented system achieving high level of versatility


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The present work develops a residential automation system controlled by PIC microcontroller connected to a domestic network using the TCP/IP protocol. This was motivated by the viability of building an automation system to control basic elements of a house with low cost, which cannot be found nowadays. Initially is presented a brief history of the automation systems and an introduction about PIC microcontrollers. Afterwards is presented an overview of the system to be implemented. Then it is shown a suggested circuit and the sensor and actuator elements as well as the software to manage the system, this was all build and test in the laboratory. In the end are the results obtained from the prototype, like the energy consumption, the cost, efficiency and reliability


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This paper presents a design and construct the system of data acquisition with wireless transmission of some important parameters like motor temperature, motor rotation and velocity of Unesp Racing´s formula car prototype from Universidade Estadual Paulista, Campus Guaratinguetá. This system development presents a contribution for the electrical technical features adding important points in the competition due car´s electric, in addition, enables preventive maintenance and fine adjustment of the car with the data obtained during training and racing


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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[EN] This project briefly analyzes the scope and applications of Industrial Robotics, as well as the importance that this technical discipline has gained in the past decades. In addition, it proposes a modern platform to assist in teaching this discipline in colleges and universities. This new educational platform for the teaching of Industrial Robotics is based on the robotic systems from Rhino Robotics Ltd., using the existing robotic arms and replacing the control electronics by a newer, modern and yet backwards-compatible controller. In addition to the controller, this platform also provides new, up-to-date software utilities that are more intuitive than those provided with the old system. The work to be done consists essentially in receiving commands from a personal computer which the controller must interpret in order to control the motors of the robotic arm. The controller itself will be implemented as an embedded system based on microcontrollers. This requires the implementation of a communication protocol between the personal computer and the microcontroller, the design of a command interpreter, the design of the electronics for motor control using PWM and H-bridges, and the implementation of control techniques (more precisely, PID control). Hence, this project combines software and hardware design and integration techniques with motor control techniques and feedback control methods from Control Engineering, along with the kinematic analysis of the Rhino XR-4 robotic arm. 


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TouCAN es una librería creada en su primera versión (v1) como Trabajos de Fin de Grado en Ingeniería Informática por John Wu Wu y Jose Lareo Domínguez bajo la tutorización de los profesores Antonio C. Domínguez Brito y Jorge Cabrera Gámez. Define un protocolo de comunicación para la interconexión de una red de microcontroladores basados en la plataforma de prototipado electrónico Arduino. Trabaja sobre el protocolo de comunicación CAN Bus (Controller Area Network), ampliamente utilizado por la industria desde la década de los 80. TouCAN destaca por ser una librería ligera, potente y amigable. El objetivo principal de este Trabajo Final de Grado en Ingeniería Informática consiste en proporcionar robustez a la librería incorporando mejoras y nuevas funcionalidades. Entre las principales mejoras destacar el control frente a fallos de comunicación, reinicio o reset de los microcontroladores, así como la caída de los mismos. Otra característica incluida en esta revisión consiste en la asignación dinámica deidentificadores de dispositivos que conforman un sistema empotrado distribuido. Permitiendo la posibilidad de “conexión en caliente” de nuevos nodos microcontroladores a la red de forma dinámica. A estos cambios, también se han añadido mejoras en la interfaz de la API que simplifica el uso y aprendizaje de la misma. Así como una nueva herramienta denominada TouCANSniffer que permite capturar y analizar todo el tráfico generado en la red. Las nuevas características y funcionalidades añadidas en TouCAN v2 proporcionan el potencial necesario para ser considerada seriamente como base de cualquier nuevo proyecto que integre una red distribuida de microcontroladores.


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Ambient Intelligence (AmI) envisions a world where smart, electronic environments are aware and responsive to their context. People moving into these settings engage many computational devices and systems simultaneously even if they are not aware of their presence. AmI stems from the convergence of three key technologies: ubiquitous computing, ubiquitous communication and natural interfaces. The dependence on a large amount of fixed and mobile sensors embedded into the environment makes of Wireless Sensor Networks one of the most relevant enabling technologies for AmI. WSN are complex systems made up of a number of sensor nodes, simple devices that typically embed a low power computational unit (microcontrollers, FPGAs etc.), a wireless communication unit, one or more sensors and a some form of energy supply (either batteries or energy scavenger modules). Low-cost, low-computational power, low energy consumption and small size are characteristics that must be taken into consideration when designing and dealing with WSNs. In order to handle the large amount of data generated by a WSN several multi sensor data fusion techniques have been developed. The aim of multisensor data fusion is to combine data to achieve better accuracy and inferences than could be achieved by the use of a single sensor alone. In this dissertation we present our results in building several AmI applications suitable for a WSN implementation. The work can be divided into two main areas: Multimodal Surveillance and Activity Recognition. Novel techniques to handle data from a network of low-cost, low-power Pyroelectric InfraRed (PIR) sensors are presented. Such techniques allow the detection of the number of people moving in the environment, their direction of movement and their position. We discuss how a mesh of PIR sensors can be integrated with a video surveillance system to increase its performance in people tracking. Furthermore we embed a PIR sensor within the design of a Wireless Video Sensor Node (WVSN) to extend its lifetime. Activity recognition is a fundamental block in natural interfaces. A challenging objective is to design an activity recognition system that is able to exploit a redundant but unreliable WSN. We present our activity in building a novel activity recognition architecture for such a dynamic system. The architecture has a hierarchical structure where simple nodes performs gesture classification and a high level meta classifiers fuses a changing number of classifier outputs. We demonstrate the benefit of such architecture in terms of increased recognition performance, and fault and noise robustness. Furthermore we show how we can extend network lifetime by performing a performance-power trade-off. Smart objects can enhance user experience within smart environments. We present our work in extending the capabilities of the Smart Micrel Cube (SMCube), a smart object used as tangible interface within a tangible computing framework, through the development of a gesture recognition algorithm suitable for this limited computational power device. Finally the development of activity recognition techniques can greatly benefit from the availability of shared dataset. We report our experience in building a dataset for activity recognition. Such dataset is freely available to the scientific community for research purposes and can be used as a testbench for developing, testing and comparing different activity recognition techniques.


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The term Ambient Intelligence (AmI) refers to a vision on the future of the information society where smart, electronic environment are sensitive and responsive to the presence of people and their activities (Context awareness). In an ambient intelligence world, devices work in concert to support people in carrying out their everyday life activities, tasks and rituals in an easy, natural way using information and intelligence that is hidden in the network connecting these devices. This promotes the creation of pervasive environments improving the quality of life of the occupants and enhancing the human experience. AmI stems from the convergence of three key technologies: ubiquitous computing, ubiquitous communication and natural interfaces. Ambient intelligent systems are heterogeneous and require an excellent cooperation between several hardware/software technologies and disciplines, including signal processing, networking and protocols, embedded systems, information management, and distributed algorithms. Since a large amount of fixed and mobile sensors embedded is deployed into the environment, the Wireless Sensor Networks is one of the most relevant enabling technologies for AmI. WSN are complex systems made up of a number of sensor nodes which can be deployed in a target area to sense physical phenomena and communicate with other nodes and base stations. These simple devices typically embed a low power computational unit (microcontrollers, FPGAs etc.), a wireless communication unit, one or more sensors and a some form of energy supply (either batteries or energy scavenger modules). WNS promises of revolutionizing the interactions between the real physical worlds and human beings. Low-cost, low-computational power, low energy consumption and small size are characteristics that must be taken into consideration when designing and dealing with WSNs. To fully exploit the potential of distributed sensing approaches, a set of challengesmust be addressed. Sensor nodes are inherently resource-constrained systems with very low power consumption and small size requirements which enables than to reduce the interference on the physical phenomena sensed and to allow easy and low-cost deployment. They have limited processing speed,storage capacity and communication bandwidth that must be efficiently used to increase the degree of local ”understanding” of the observed phenomena. A particular case of sensor nodes are video sensors. This topic holds strong interest for a wide range of contexts such as military, security, robotics and most recently consumer applications. Vision sensors are extremely effective for medium to long-range sensing because vision provides rich information to human operators. However, image sensors generate a huge amount of data, whichmust be heavily processed before it is transmitted due to the scarce bandwidth capability of radio interfaces. In particular, in video-surveillance, it has been shown that source-side compression is mandatory due to limited bandwidth and delay constraints. Moreover, there is an ample opportunity for performing higher-level processing functions, such as object recognition that has the potential to drastically reduce the required bandwidth (e.g. by transmitting compressed images only when something ‘interesting‘ is detected). The energy cost of image processing must however be carefully minimized. Imaging could play and plays an important role in sensing devices for ambient intelligence. Computer vision can for instance be used for recognising persons and objects and recognising behaviour such as illness and rioting. Having a wireless camera as a camera mote opens the way for distributed scene analysis. More eyes see more than one and a camera system that can observe a scene from multiple directions would be able to overcome occlusion problems and could describe objects in their true 3D appearance. In real-time, these approaches are a recently opened field of research. In this thesis we pay attention to the realities of hardware/software technologies and the design needed to realize systems for distributed monitoring, attempting to propose solutions on open issues and filling the gap between AmI scenarios and hardware reality. The physical implementation of an individual wireless node is constrained by three important metrics which are outlined below. Despite that the design of the sensor network and its sensor nodes is strictly application dependent, a number of constraints should almost always be considered. Among them: • Small form factor to reduce nodes intrusiveness. • Low power consumption to reduce battery size and to extend nodes lifetime. • Low cost for a widespread diffusion. These limitations typically result in the adoption of low power, low cost devices such as low powermicrocontrollers with few kilobytes of RAMand tenth of kilobytes of program memory with whomonly simple data processing algorithms can be implemented. However the overall computational power of the WNS can be very large since the network presents a high degree of parallelism that can be exploited through the adoption of ad-hoc techniques. Furthermore through the fusion of information from the dense mesh of sensors even complex phenomena can be monitored. In this dissertation we present our results in building several AmI applications suitable for a WSN implementation. The work can be divided into two main areas:Low Power Video Sensor Node and Video Processing Alghoritm and Multimodal Surveillance . Low Power Video Sensor Nodes and Video Processing Alghoritms In comparison to scalar sensors, such as temperature, pressure, humidity, velocity, and acceleration sensors, vision sensors generate much higher bandwidth data due to the two-dimensional nature of their pixel array. We have tackled all the constraints listed above and have proposed solutions to overcome the current WSNlimits for Video sensor node. We have designed and developed wireless video sensor nodes focusing on the small size and the flexibility of reuse in different applications. The video nodes target a different design point: the portability (on-board power supply, wireless communication), a scanty power budget (500mW),while still providing a prominent level of intelligence, namely sophisticated classification algorithmand high level of reconfigurability. We developed two different video sensor node: The device architecture of the first one is based on a low-cost low-power FPGA+microcontroller system-on-chip. The second one is based on ARM9 processor. Both systems designed within the above mentioned power envelope could operate in a continuous fashion with Li-Polymer battery pack and solar panel. Novel low power low cost video sensor nodes which, in contrast to sensors that just watch the world, are capable of comprehending the perceived information in order to interpret it locally, are presented. Featuring such intelligence, these nodes would be able to cope with such tasks as recognition of unattended bags in airports, persons carrying potentially dangerous objects, etc.,which normally require a human operator. Vision algorithms for object detection, acquisition like human detection with Support Vector Machine (SVM) classification and abandoned/removed object detection are implemented, described and illustrated on real world data. Multimodal surveillance: In several setup the use of wired video cameras may not be possible. For this reason building an energy efficient wireless vision network for monitoring and surveillance is one of the major efforts in the sensor network community. Energy efficiency for wireless smart camera networks is one of the major efforts in distributed monitoring and surveillance community. For this reason, building an energy efficient wireless vision network for monitoring and surveillance is one of the major efforts in the sensor network community. The Pyroelectric Infra-Red (PIR) sensors have been used to extend the lifetime of a solar-powered video sensor node by providing an energy level dependent trigger to the video camera and the wireless module. Such approach has shown to be able to extend node lifetime and possibly result in continuous operation of the node.Being low-cost, passive (thus low-power) and presenting a limited form factor, PIR sensors are well suited for WSN applications. Moreover techniques to have aggressive power management policies are essential for achieving long-termoperating on standalone distributed cameras needed to improve the power consumption. We have used an adaptive controller like Model Predictive Control (MPC) to help the system to improve the performances outperforming naive power management policies.


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Wireless sensor network is an emerging research topic due to its vast and ever-growing applications. Wireless sensor networks are made up of small nodes whose main goal is to monitor, compute and transmit data. The nodes are basically made up of low powered microcontrollers, wireless transceiver chips, sensors to monitor their environment and a power source. The applications of wireless sensor networks range from basic household applications, such as health monitoring, appliance control and security to military application, such as intruder detection. The wide spread application of wireless sensor networks has brought to light many research issues such as battery efficiency, unreliable routing protocols due to node failures, localization issues and security vulnerabilities. This report will describe the hardware development of a fault tolerant routing protocol for railroad pedestrian warning system. The protocol implemented is a peer to peer multi-hop TDMA based protocol for nodes arranged in a linear zigzag chain arrangement. The basic working of the protocol was derived from Wireless Architecture for Hard Real-Time Embedded Networks (WAHREN).


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In this paper the capabilities of ultra low power FPGAs to implement Wake-up Radios (WuR) for ultra low energy Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are analyzed. The main goal is to evaluate the utilization of very low power configurable devices to take advantage of their speed, flexibility and low power consumption instead of the more common approaches based on ASICs or microcontrollers. In this context, energy efficiency is a key aspect, considering that usually the instant power consumption is considered a figure of merit, more than the total energy consumed by the application.


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In this paper an implementation of a Wake up Radio(WuR) with addressing capabilities based on an ultra low power FPGA for ultra low energy Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is proposed. The main goal is to evaluate the utilization of very low power configurable devices to take advantage of their speed, flexibility and low power consumption instead of the traditional approaches based on ASICs or microcontrollers, for communication frame decoding and communication data control.