986 resultados para MiR-29b
Genomic rearrangements at chromosome 13q31.3q32.1 have been associated with digital anomalies, dysmorphic features, and variable degree of mental disability. Microdeletions leading to haploinsufficiency of miR17∼92, a cluster of micro RNA genes closely linked to GPC5 in both mouse and human genomes, has recently been associated with digital anomalies in the Feingold like syndrome. Here, we report on a boy with familial dominant post-axial polydactyly (PAP) type A, overgrowth, significant facial dysmorphisms and autistic traits who carries the smallest germline microduplication known so far in that region. The microduplication encompasses the whole miR17∼92 cluster and the first 5 exons of GPC5. This report supports the newly recognized role of miR17∼92 gene dosage in digital developmental anomalies, and suggests a possible role of GPC5 in growth regulation and in cognitive development.
Der am ehesten um 1200 entstandene ,Mauritius von Craûn' gilt als Forschungsproblem. Als gemeinsamen Nenner der kontroversen Zugänge zum Text konstatiert der Aufsatz das Bemühen um eine Verbindung der rätselhaften Erzählung mit einem durch die historische Distanz verlorenen oder verwischten Sinnzusammenhang über einen textexternen missing link. Demgegenüber wird ein themen- und handlungsanalytischer Zugriff vorgeschlagen: Thema der Erzählung ist die im 12. Jahrhundert vorrangig in der Lyrik entwickelte strukturelle Figur der Hohen Minne, die ihre Ästhetik aus einem Paradox gewinnt: Die Möglichkeitsbedingung dieser in beständigem Werben bestehenden Liebe, die niemals erfüllt werden darf, ist ihre Unmöglichkeit. Seine ideelle Füllung erhält das Modell durch eine darin vernetzte Ordnung höfischer Werte wie stæte, triuwe, milte oder mâze. Diese Werte, so die These, ,,erzählt" die Handlung des ,Mauritius': Hier wird nicht nur der Versuch unternommen, lyrische Struktur in narrative Struktur zu verwandeln, sondern auch der, eine ins lyrische Modell eingebettete Ordnung ethischen Wissens zu narrativieren. Einzelne Figurenhandlungen erscheinen aus dieser Perspektive weniger als Bestandteile eines inhaltlichen Entwurfs mit dem Anspruch übergreifender Stimmmigkeit und dem Fluchtpunkt eines Deutungsangebots, sondern als Ausdruck verschieden graduierter Negierungen oder Positivierungen eines bestimmtes Wertes. Hierfür sprechen auch die konstanten Über- oder Unterzeichnungen der Figurenhandlungen, die als markantestes Merkmal der narrativen Faktur des Textes beschrieben werden. Die Mikroanalyse einer einzelnen Szene zeigt ferner, wie die Dichotomie von Statik und Dynamik, die schon dem lyrischen Entwurf der Hohen Minne eingeschrieben ist und die durch die Narrativierung des lyrischen Konzepts im ,Mauritius' zunehmend virulent wird, in Sequenzen aufeinanderfolgender Doppelungen von Bewegung und Zustand auserzählt wird. Insgesamt lässt sich der ,Mauritius' als Erprobung von Verfahren verstehen, eine idealisierte höfische Welt in Analogie zum lyrischen Modus auch im narrativen Modus zu literarisieren: als ein Stück Erzählkasuistik.
Temps de parole: 30 minutes
Similar to human chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), the de novo New Zealand Black (NZB) mouse model has a genetically determined age-associated increase in malignant B-1 clones and decreased expression of microRNAs miR-15a and miR-16 in B-1 cells. In the present study, lentiviral vectors were employed in vivo to restore miR-15a/16, and both the short-term single injection and long-term multiple injection effects of this delivery were observed in NZB. Control lentivirus without the mir-15a/16 sequence was used for comparison. We found that in vivo lentiviral delivery of mir-15a/16 increased miR-15a/16 expression in cells that were transduced (detected by GFP expression) and in sera when compared with control lentivirus treatment. More importantly, mice treated with the miR-expressing lentivirus had decreased disease. The lentivirus had little systemic toxicity while preferentially targeting B-1 cells. Short-term effects on B-1 cells were direct effects, and only malignant B-1 cells transduced with miR-15a/16 lentivirus had decreased viability. In contrast, long-term studies suggested both direct and indirect effects resulting from miR-15a/16 lentivirus treatment. A decrease in B-1 cells was found in both the transduced and non-transduced populations. Our data support the potential use of systemic lentiviral delivery of miR-15a/16 to ameliorate disease manifestations of CLL.
El dos de noviembre de 1935 se inauguró el Museo Arqueológico de Barcelona, sito en el antiguo edificio del Palacio de las Artes Gráficas construido para la Exposición Universal de 1929. Era el resultado de una ardua trayectoria iniciada por Pere Bosch Gimpera en 1916 por la que intentaba aplicar en Cataluña el esquema tripartito de protección del patrimonio histórico-artístico y arqueológico que había aprendido durante su estancia en Alemania como becario de la JAE entre 1911 y 1914, basado en la suma de tres conceptos: investigación, docencia y difusión. El nuevo equipamiento nacía bajo los auspicios de la Generalitat republicana y tras haber superado múltiples obstáculos derivados de la concepción clasista y winckelmaniana que ejercían tanto los responsables del museo del parque de la Ciudadela, como los integrantes de la Junta de Museos de Barcelona, más preocupados por el goce artístico de las obras de arte que por su inclusión como documentos en el ámbito del estudio de los procesos históricos.
A partir d'un plantejament inicial de la metodología de les "històries de vida", s'analitza la vida de María Teresa codina des d'una perspectiva biobibliogràfica. Com s'intenta demostrar, la seva trajectoria professional en el món de l'educació l'ha portat a jugar un paper important en la renovació pedagògica a Catalunya a partir dels anys cincuanta. Entre d'altres aportacions, ha fundat l'escola Talitha, l'escola de Mestres Rosa Sensat (junt a altres persones), varies institucions educatives al barri de Can Tunis de Barcelona, etc., sempre a partir d'un compromís vital en l'educació.
Hypoxia-inducible miR-210 regulates the susceptibility of tumor cells to lysis by cytotoxic T cells.
Hypoxia in the tumor microenvironment plays a central role in the evolution of immune escape mechanisms by tumor cells. In this study, we report the definition of miR-210 as a miRNA regulated by hypoxia in lung cancer and melanoma, documenting its involvement in blunting the susceptibility of tumor cells to lysis by antigen-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). miR-210 was induced in hypoxic zones of human tumor tissues. Its attenuation in hypoxic cells significantly restored susceptibility to autologous CTL-mediated lysis, independent of tumor cell recognition and CTL reactivity. A comprehensive approach using transcriptome analysis, argonaute protein immunoprecipitation, and luciferase reporter assay revealed that the genes PTPN1, HOXA1, and TP53I11 were miR-210 target genes regulated in hypoxic cells. In support of their primary importance in mediating the immunosuppressive effects of miR-210, coordinate silencing of PTPN1, HOXA1, and TP53I11 dramatically decreased tumor cell susceptibility to CTL-mediated lysis. Our findings show how miR-210 induction links hypoxia to immune escape from CTL-mediated lysis, by providing a mechanistic understanding of how this miRNA mediates immunosuppression in oxygen-deprived regions of tumors where cancer stem-like cells and metastatic cellular behaviors are known to evolve.
Background: In recent years, microRNA (miRNA) pathways have emerged as a crucial system for the regulation of tumorogenesis. miR-SNPs are a novel class of single nucleotide polymorphisms that can affect miRNA pathways. Design and Methods: We analyzed eight miR-SNPs by allelic discrimination in 141 patients with Hodgkin lymphoma and correlated the results with treatment-related toxicity, response, disease-free survival (DFS) and overall survival (OS). Results: The KRT81 (rs3660) GG genotype was associated with an increased risk of neurological toxicity (P=0.016), while patients with XPO5 (rs11077) AA or CC genotypes had a higher rate of bleomycin-associated pulmonary toxicity (P=0.048). Both miR-SNPs emerged as independent factors in the multivariate analysis. The XPO5 AA and CC genotypes were also associated with a lower response rate (P=0.036). XPO5 (P=0.039) and TRBP (rs784567) (P=0.022) genotypes emerged as prognostic markers for DFS, and XPO5 was also associated with OS (P=0.033). In the multivariate analysis, only XPO5 emerged as an independent prognostic factor for DFS (HR: 2.622; 95%CI 1.039-6.620; P=0.041). Given the influence of XPO5 and TRBP as individual markers, we then investigated the combined effect of these miR-SNPs. Patients with both the XPO5 AA/CC and TRBP TT/TC genotypes had the shortest DFS (P=0.008) and OS (P=0.008). Conclusion: miR-SNPs can add useful prognostic information on treatment-related toxicity and clinical outcome in Hodgkin lymphoma and can be used to identify patients likely to be chemoresistant or to relapse.