981 resultados para Metastabiles optisches Pumpen He-3 Helium-3 Polarisator


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A brief account of the basic principle and methodologies of MRI technique, right from its beginning, are outlined. The final pulse sequence used for MRI using Fourier Imaging (phase encoding), Echo-Planar Imaging (EPI) for detection of a whole plane in a single excitation and T-1 and T-2 contrast enhancement is explained. The various associated methods such as, MR-spectroscopy, flow measurement (MRI-angiography), Lung-imaging using hyperpolarized Xe-129 and He-3 and functional imaging (f-MRI) are described.


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In 1990 JET operated with a number of technical improvements which led to advances in performance and permitted the carrying out of experiments specifically aimed at improving physics understanding of selected topics relevant to the "NEXT STEP". The new facilities include beryllium antenna screens, a prototype lower hybrid current drive system, and modification of the NI system to enable the injection of He-3 and He-4. Continued investigation of the hot-ion H-mode produced a value of n(D)(0)tau-E(T)(i)(0) = 9 x 10(20)m-3s keV, which is near conditions required for Q(DT) = 1, while a new peaked density profile H-mode was developed with only slightly lower performance. Progress towards steady state operation has been made by achieving ELMy H-modes under certain operating conditions, while maintaining good tau-E values. Experimental simulation of He ash transport indicates effective removal of alpha-particles from the plasma core for both L and H mode plasmas. Detailed analyses of particle and energy transport have helped establish a firmer link between particle and energy transport, and have suggested a connection between reduced energy transport and reversed shear. Numerical and analytic studies of divertor physics carried out for the pumped divertor phase of JET have helped clarify the key parameters governing impurity retention, and an intensive model validation effort has begun. Experimental simulation of alpha-particle effects with beta-fast up to 8% have shown that the slowing down processes are classical, and have given no evidence of deleterious collective effects.


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During its 1990 operation, 2 large RF systems were available on JET. The Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating (ICRH) system was equipped with new beryllium screens and with feedback matching systems. Specific impurities generated by ICRH were reduced to negligible levels even in the most stringent H-mode conditions. A maximum power of 22 MW was coupled to L-mode plasmas. High quality H-modes (tau-E greater-than-or-equal-to 2.5 tau-EG) were achieved using dipole phasing. A new high confinement mode was discovered. It combines the properties of the H-mode regime to the low central diffusivities obtained by pellet injection. A value of n(d) tau-E T(i) = 7.8 x 10(20) m-3 s keV was obtained in this mode with T(e) approximately T(i) approximately 11 keV. In the L-mode regime, a regime, a record (140 kW) D-He-3 fusion power was generated with 10 - 14 MW of ICRH at the He-3 cyclotron frequency. Experiments were performed with the prototype launcher of the Lower Hybrid Current Drive (LHCD) systems with coupled power up to 1.6 MW with current drive efficiencies up to < n(e) > R I(CD)/P = 0.4 x 10(20) m-2 A/W. Fast electrons are driven by LHCD to tail temperatures of 100 keV with a hollow radial profile. Paradoxically, LHCD induces central heating particularly in combination with ICRH. Finally we present the first observations of the synergistic acceleration of fast electrons by Transit Time Magnetic Pumping (TTMP) (from ICRH) and Electron Landau Damping (ELD) (from LHCD). The synergism generates TTMP current drive even without phasing the ICRH antennae.


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This thesis examines several examples of systems in which non-Abelian magnetic flux and non-Abelian forms of the Aharonov-Bohm effect play a role. We consider the dynamical consequences in these systems of some of the exotic phenomena associated with non-Abelian flux, such as Cheshire charge holonomy interactions and non-Abelian braid statistics. First, we use a mean-field approximation to study a model of U(2) non-Abelian anyons near its free-fermion limit. Some self-consistent states are constructed which show a small SU(2)-breaking charge density that vanishes in the fermionic limit. This is contrasted with the bosonic limit where the SU(2) asymmetry of the ground state can be maximal. Second, a global analogue of Chesire charge is described, raising the possibility of observing Cheshire charge in condensedmatter systems. A potential realization in superfluid He-3 is discussed. Finally, we describe in some detail a method for numerically simulating the evolution of a network of non-Abelian (S3) cosmic strings, keeping careful track of all magnetic fluxes and taking full account of their non-commutative nature. I present some preliminary results from this simulation, which is still in progress. The early results are suggestive of a qualitatively new, non-scaling behavior.


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稻属(Oryza L.)隶属于禾本科(Gramineae)Ehrhartoideae亚科的稻族(Oryzeae),包括两个栽培种(亚洲栽培稻O. sativa和非洲栽培稻O. glaberrima)和大约20多个野生种,广布于热带亚洲、非洲、大洋洲、中美洲和南美洲。药用野生稻复合体(O. officinalis complex)是稻属中最大、也是最复杂的一个复合体,共包括9个种,含有5种染色体组类型(B、C、BC、CD 和E)。作为栽培稻品质改良的重要基因库,药用野生稻复合体在稻属中具有重要的地位。但是,相似的形态和重叠的地理分布使部分物种的分类和鉴定一直较为困难;种内染色体组构成和倍性的不同更增加了分类鉴定的复杂性。这种情况阻碍了对这些野生稻遗传优势的有效利用。另外,由于物种间断分布和缺乏明确的二倍体亲本等原因,药用野生稻复合体内的异源多倍体起源一直存在争议。本文通过细胞核乙醇脱氢酶基因(Adh)和nrDNA的内转录间隔区(ITS)限制性片段长度多态性(RFLP)分析;叶绿体matK 基因、trnL 内含子和trnL-trnF 基因间隔区、核基因Adh和GPA1以及核糖体DNA ITS片段等序列比较的方法,对药用野生稻复合体中染色体组和物种的鉴定、种间系统发育关系,以及异源多倍体CCDD物种的起源和多倍体ITS的分子进化等进行了研究。主要研究结果如下: 1. 利用核Adh 基因限制性片段长度多态性,检测了来自国际水稻研究所基因库的64份药用野生稻复合体的样品。结果证明,所有O. rhizomatis样品都是含C染色体组的二倍体,所有O. minuta样品都是含BC 染色体组的四倍体。但是,种子库中鉴定为O. officinalis、O. punctata和O. eichingeri的样品中,同时都发现了含C染色体组的二倍体和含BC染色体组的四倍体。四倍体的O. officinalis只在印度分布,而且曾被描述为另一个种O. malampuzhaensis。 四倍体的O. punctata,也被一些学者称为O. schweinfurthiana,被发现和其二倍体一样分布广泛。值得注意的是,有两个曾被作为O. officinalis 四倍体的样品实际上是含有CD染色体组的物种O. latifolia。我们的结果增进了对国际水稻研究所种子库中部分野生稻样品染色体组构成的理解, 纠正了以往对药用野生稻复合体样品的错误鉴定,为今后进一步研究和利用这部分资源提供了种质编目的重要基础。 2. 对稻属中代表不同地理分布区的、含CD染色体组的11个样品(包括77个克隆)的ITS片段进行了测序。基于这些ITS序列的限制性片段长度多态性,提出一个快速而可靠的区分稻属CD 染色体组物种的方法。这个方法的具体步骤是:(1)利用通用引物扩增ITS 片段;(2)利用限制性内切酶FokI和/或DraⅢ消化PCR扩增产物;(3)用1%的琼脂糖胶电泳并根据消化产物的片段长度多态性来区分不同物种。 3. 利用包括两个叶绿体片段(matK和 trnL-trnF)、nrDNA内转录间隔区(ITS)和三个核基因(Adh1、Adh2和GPA1)的同源序列分析,探讨了药用野生稻复合体中二倍体物种和它们所代表的染色体组之间的系统发育关系。独立和合并的基因系统发育树都显示了一致的结果,即C染色体组和B染色体组的亲缘关系要比它们和E染色体组的近。三个含C染色体组的二倍体中,O. officinalis 和O. rhizomatis表现出较近的亲缘关系。值得注意的是,在O. eichingeri种内,尽管基于多基因的数据支持来自斯里兰卡的样品和来自非洲的样品聚成一个分支,但是较低的支持率表明, 两个地区的样品之间存在着较高的遗传分化。 4. 稻属中含CD染色体组的物种特产于拉丁美洲,包括O. alta、 O. grandiglumis 和O. latifolia。由于具有相同的染色体组类型、相似的形态特征和重叠的地理分布,这3个物种间的系统发育关系一直存在争论。另外,因为美洲大陆上没有含C和D染色体组的二倍体物种存在,对这些含CD染色体组物种的可能起源也有不同的假设被提出。使这个问题更具挑战性的是,尽管开展了世界范围的收集,至今仍没有找到含D 染色体组的二倍体物种。在本研究中,代表含C、CD和E染色体组以及含G染色体组的外类群共7个物种,共15份样品的2个叶绿体片段(matK和trnL-trnF)和3个核基因(Adh1,Adh2 和 GPA1)部分片段被测序。基于简约法、距离法和最大似然法的系统发育分析都充分支持含CD染色体组的物种起源于一次杂交事件的推论,并且显示,在物种形成时,含C染色体组的物种(O. officinalis 或O. rhizomatis 而非O. eichingeri)可能承担了母本,而含E染色体组的物种(O. australiensis)则可能承担了父本。另外,CCDD物种间非常一致的系统发育关系表明,非常大的分歧存在于 O. latifolia 和其它两个种(O. alta和O. grandiglumis)之间,这个结果倾向于将后两个种处理为同种或同种下不同分类群。 5. 基于178个克隆序列比较,探讨了ITS在稻属多倍体中的致同进化及其系统学意义。研究发现稻属异源四倍体的ITS存在不同形式的进化方式:首先,非洲BBCC四倍体O. eichingeri和O. punctata 的ITS片段同时保留了双亲拷贝,而且系统发育研究表明,二倍体的O. eichingeri和O. punctata 可能是这两个四倍体的直接祖先;其次,亚洲四倍体O. malampuzhaensis和O. minuta 的ITS仅定向保留母本ITS拷贝;另外,美洲CCDD四倍体的ITS序列发生了双向致同进化,即O. alta和O. grandiglumis的ITS位点一致化成C染色体组类型,而O. latifolia一致化成 D/E 染色体组类型。我们的研究进一步表明在利用ITS片段进行系统发育分析时,特别是涉及异源多倍体时必须慎重。 6. 利用栽培稻的微卫星引物,对含B/C染色体组的6个物种,157个体的SSR位点进行扩增。结果在这些亲缘关系稍远的野生稻中得到7个SSR位点,其中5个位点表现出多态性。比较BB、CC和BBCC物种SSR位点的每位点平均等位基因数A、多态位点百分率P和期望杂合度He ,3项指标发现,四倍体物种的遗传多样性,总体上要高于二倍体物种;二倍体物种内部,O. officnalis的遗传变异最大。另外,以遗传相关性为标准,讨论了B/C染色体组物种间的系统发育关系,同时推测了现存二倍体物种和4个BBCC四倍体物种的遗传关系。


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We discuss the non-Abelian topological objects, in particular the non-Abrikosov vortex and the magnetic knot made of the twisted non-Abrikosov vortex, in two-gap superconductor. We show that there are two types of non-Abrikosov vortex in Ginzburg-Landau theory of two-gap superconductor, the D-type which has no concentration of the condensate at the core and the N-type which has a non-trivial profile of the condensate at the core, under a wide class of realistic interaction potential. We prove that these non-Abrikosov vortices can have either integral or fractional magnetic flux, depending on the interaction potential. We show that they are described by the non-Abelian topology pi(2)(S-2) and pi(1)(S-1), in addition to the well-known Abelian topology pi(1)(S-1). Furthermore, we discuss the possibility to construct a stable magnetic knot in two-gap superconductor by twisting the non-Abrikosov vortex and connecting two periodic ends together, whose knot topology pi(3)(S-2) is described by the Chern-Simon index of the electromagnetic potential. We argue that similar topological objects may exist in multi-gap or multi-layer superconductors and multi-component Bose-Einstein condensates and superfluids, and discuss how these topological objects can be constructed in MgB2, Sr2RuO4, He-3, and liquid metallic hydrogen.


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We present a numerical study of shear viscosity and thermal conductivity of symmetric nuclear matter, pure neutron matter, and beta-stable nuclear matter, in the framework of the Brueckner theory. The calculation of in-medium cross sections and nucleon effective masses is performed with a consistent two- and three-body interaction. The investigation covers a wide baryon density range as needed in the applications to neutron stars. The results for the transport coefficients in beta-stable nuclear matter are used to make preliminary predictions on the damping time scales of nonradial modes in neutron stars.


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We discuss experimental evidence for a nuclear phase transition driven by the different concentrations of neutrons to protons. Different ratios of the neutron to proton concentrations lead to different critical points for the phase transition. This is analogous to the phase transitions occurring in He-4-He-3 liquid mixtures. We present experimental results that reveal the N/A (or Z/A) dependence of the phase transition and discuss possible implications of these observations in terms of the Landau free energy description of critical phenomena.


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Nuclear collisions recreate conditions in the universe microseconds after the Big Bang. Only a very small fraction of the emitted fragments are light nuclei, but these states are of fundamental interest. We report the observation of antihypertritons-comprising an antiproton, an antineutron, and an antilambda hyperon-produced by colliding gold nuclei at high energy. Our analysis yields 70 +/- 17 antihypertritons (3/Lambda(H) over bar) and 157 +/- 30 hypertritons (H-3(Lambda)). The measured yields of H-3(Lambda) (3/Lambda(H) over bar) and He-3 ((3)(He) over bar) are similar, suggesting an equilibrium in coordinate and momentum space populations of up, down, and strange quarks and antiquarks, unlike the pattern observed at lower collision energies. The production and properties of antinuclei, and of nuclei containing strange quarks, have implications spanning nuclear and particle physics, astrophysics, and cosmology.


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The experimental results reveal the isospin dependence of the nuclear phase transition in terms of the Landau Free Energy description of critical phenomena. Near the critical point, different ratios of the neutron to proton concentrations lead to different critical points for the phase transition which is analogous to the phase transitions in He-4-He-3 liquid mixtures. The antisymmetrized molecular dynamics (AMD) and GEMINI models calculations were also performed and the results will be discussed as well.


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反应显微成像谱仪能够对离子-原子碰撞反应中的末态产物进行运动学完 全测量。本论文基于反应显微成像谱仪对70-400keV He 2+ -He 碰撞中转移电离机 制进行了实验研究。 通过对不同出射角度电子的能谱研究表明, ECC电子和速度分布在0和入射 炮弹速度之间的“分子化”特征电子是出射电子能谱的主要贡献,前者是动力学 两步过程的作用,后者可由“准分子”激发模型给予定性解释,“鞍点电子”仅 是后者的一部分。通过对不同平面内出射电子的速度分布研究发现出射电子主要 集中在散射平面内,而且其速度分布介于0与炮弹速度之间且前向出射,同时在 炮弹与靶核核间轴处有一极小值;在入射离子能量较低时,出射电子空间分布较 为对称,随着入射离子能量的增加,出射电子逐渐靠近炮弹或靶核;与此同时, 由于 态电子与 态电子相互干涉,出射电子在散射平面内的分布还与碰撞参数 相关,在大碰撞参数下, 态电子的作用更加明显,而在小碰撞参数下 态电子 的作用更加显著。实验结果表明准分子激发和动力学两步过程是中低能He2+ -He 转移电离过程的两种主要机制。


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华南是中国最重要的铀矿产区之一。按赋矿围岩的不同,该区主要产出花岗岩型、火山岩型和碳硅泥岩型3类铀矿床。铀矿区都分布有比铀成矿超前形成的富铀岩石;铀矿床成矿热液中的水主要为大气成因地下水,成矿温度约为120~250 C,成矿热液的δ13C值主要为~4‰~ 一8‰ ,表明幔源Co2参与了成矿作用;矿床的N(。He)/N( He)为0.10~2.02 R ,显示成矿热液中大量幔源He的存在。这些铀矿床的成矿时代与赋矿围岩的岩性和时代无关,都集中在该区地壳受到强烈拉张因而断陷盆地广泛发育并伴有幔源基性岩浆活动(基性脉岩、玄武岩)的白垩一第三纪。研究表明,白垩一第三纪导致了地幔与地壳表层沟通的地壳拉张,把该区3大类型的铀矿床串联成了一个有机的整体:(1)地壳拉张通过控制向大气成因的贫C 热液提供铀成矿必不可少的幔源Co2,而与铀成矿发生联系;(2)同一机制形成的富Co2热液浸取同一或不同铀源岩石中的铀并在不同围岩中成矿,形成了按赋矿围岩划分的各种矿床类型(花岗岩型、火山岩型和碳硅泥岩型)。


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Environmental (222)radon exposure is a human health concern, and many studies demonstrate that very low doses of high LET alpha-particle irradiation initiate deleterious genetic consequences in both radiated and non-irradiated bystander cells. One consequence, radiation-induced genomic instability (RIGI), is a hallmark of tumorigenesis and is often assessed by measuring delayed chromosomal aberrations We utilised a technique that facilitates transient immobilization of primary lymphocytes for targeted microbeam irradiation and have reported that environmentally relevant doses, e.g. a single He-3(2+) particle traversal to a single cell, are sufficient to Induce RIGI Herein we sought to determine differences in radiation response in lymphocytes isolated from five healthy male donors Primary lymphocytes were irradiated with a single particle per cell nucleus. We found evidence for inter-individual variation in radiation response (Rid, measured as delayed chromosome aberrations) Although this was not highly significant, it was possibly masked by high levels of intra-individual variation While there are many studies showing a link between genetic predisposition and RIGI, there are few studies linking genetic background with bystander effects in normal human lymphocytes In an attempt to investigate inter-individual variation in the induction of bystander effects, primary lymphocytes were irradiated with a single particle under conditions where fractions of the population were traversed We showed a marked genotype-dependent bystander response in one donor after exposure to 15% of the population The findings may also be regarded as a radiation-induced genotype-dependent bystander effect triggering an instability phenotype (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Exposure to ionizing radiation can increase the risk of cancer, which is often characterized by genomic instability. In environmental exposures to high-LET radiation (e.g. Ra-222), it is unlikely that many cells will be traversed or that any cell will be traversed by more than one alpha particle, resulting in an in vivo bystander situation, potentially involving inflammation. Here primary human lymphocytes were irradiated with precise numbers of He-3(2+) ions delivered to defined cell population fractions, to as low as a single cell being traversed, resembling in vivo conditions. Also, we assessed the contribution to genomic instability of the pro-inflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFA). Genomic instability was significantly elevated in irradiated groups ( greater than or equal totwofold over controls) and was comparable whether cells were traversed by one or two He-3(2+) ions. Interestingly, substantial heterogeneity in genomic instability between experiments was observed when only one cell was traversed. Genomic instability was significantly reduced (60%) in cultures in which all cells were irradiated in the presence of TNFA antibody, but not when fractions were irradiated under the same conditions, suggesting that TNFA may have a role in the initiation of genomic instability in irradiated cells but not bystander cells. These results have implications for low-dose exposure risks and cancer. (C) 2005 by Radiation Research Society.


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In most applications helium-based plasma jets operate in an open-air environment. The presence of humid air in the plasma jet will influence the plasma chemistry and can lead to the production of a broader range of reactive species. We explore the influence of humid air on the reactive species in radio frequency (rf)-driven atmospheric-pressure helium-oxygen mixture plasmas (He-O, helium with 5000 ppm admixture of oxygen) for wide air impurity levels of 0-500 ppm with relative humidities of from 0% to 100% using a zero-dimensional, time-dependent global model. Comparisons are made with experimental measurements in an rf-driven micro-scale atmospheric pressure plasma jet and with one-dimensional semi-kinetic simulations of the same plasma jet. These suggest that the plausible air impurity level is not more than hundreds of ppm in such systems. The evolution of species concentration is described for reactive oxygen species, metastable species, radical species and positively and negatively charged ions (and their clusters). Effects of the air impurity containing water humidity on electronegativity and overall plasma reactivity are clarified with particular emphasis on reactive oxygen species. © 2013 IOP Publishing Ltd.