858 resultados para Mentally ill homeless persons
Cover title.
"B-242958"--P. 1.
The Illinois Department of Human Services' (DHS) Homeless Prevention Program works to stabilize individuals and families in their existing homes, shorten the amount of time that individuals and families stay in shelters and assist individuals and families with securing affordable housing. The program provides rental assistance, utility assistance and supportive services directly related to the prevention of homelessness or repeated episodes of homelessness.
"Las cinco cartas imaginarias a Freud recogidas en este libro son su columna vertebral y los efectos que producirán en la comunidad psicoanalítica están aún por verse. Pero las cartas no agotan los aportes de esta obra. Alberto Fergusson, médico, psiquiatra y psicoanalista, tiene toda una historia vital dedicada al estudio y el tratamiento de pacientes psicóticos. En los años ochenta creó el Instituto de Autorrehabilitación Acompañada, inspirado en las premisas del freudomarxismo de la Escuela de Frankfurt y en el mal llamado "movimiento antipsiquiátrico" (mal llamado en la medida en que no se opone a la psiquiatría, sino más bien a una mala práctica psiquiátrica) y en los trabajos y experiencias de Laing, Cooper, Basaglia y Szasz. La materialización de los conceptos del Instituto se produjo en una singular experiencia denominada Fungrata, pero conocida en el mundo académico y profesional como "La granja". Esa institución, pionera en nuestro país, sigue produciendo asombro en varias partes del mundo por haber llegado, desde ya hace décadas, adonde muchos otros dispositivos dedicados a la intervención psicosocial con pacientes psicóticos hoy aspiran llegar". (Extracto del "prólogo") Miguel Gutiérrez-Peláez
The homeless have been subject to considerable scrutiny, historically and within current social, political and public discourse. The aetiology of homelessness has been the focus of a large body of economic, sociological, historical and political investigation. Importantly, efforts to conceptualise, explain and measure, the phenomenon of homelessness and homeless people has occurred largely within the context of defining “the problem of the homeless” and the generation of solutions to the ‘problem’. There has been little consideration of how and why homelessness has come to be seen, or understood, as a problem, or how this can change across time and/or place. This alternative stream of research has focused on tracing and analysing the relationship between how people experiencing homeless have become a matter of government concern and the manner in which homelessness itself has been problematised. With this in mind this study has analysed the discourses - political, social and economic rationalities and knowledges - which have provided the conditions of possibility for the identification of the homeless and homelessness as a problem needing to be governed and the means for translating these discourses into the applied domain. The aim of this thesis has been to contribute to current knowledge by developing a genealogy of the conditions and rationalities that have underpinned the problematisation of homelessness and the homeless. The outcome of this analysis has been to open up the opportunity to consider alternative governmental possibilities arising from the exposure of the way in which contemporary problematisation and responses have been influenced by the past. An understanding of this process creates an ability to appreciate the intended and unintended consequences for the future direction of public policy and contemporary research.
In the recent decision of Hunter and New England Local Health District v McKenna; Hunter and New England Local Health District v Simon, the High Court of Australia held that a hospital and its medical staff owed no common law duty of care to third parties claiming for mental harm, against the background of statutory powers to detain mentally ill patients. This conclusion was based in part on the statutory framework and in part on the inconsistency which would arise if such a duty was imposed. If such a duty was imposed in these circumstances, the consequence may be that doctors would generally detain rather than discharge mentally ill persons to avoid the foreseeable risk of harm to others. Such an approach would be inconsistent with the policy of the mental health legislation , which favours personal liberty and discharge rather than detention unless no other care of a less restrictive kind is appropriate and reasonably available.
We report research implicating nostalgia as an intrapersonal means of warding off the stigmatization of persons with mental illness. We hypothesized and found that nostalgia about an encounter with a person with mental illness improves attitudes toward the mentally ill. In Experiment 1, undergraduates who recalled an encounter with a mentally ill person while focusing on central (vs. peripheral) features of the nostalgia prototype reported a more positive outgroup attitude. This beneficial effect of nostalgia was mediated by greater inclusion of the outgroup in the self (IOGS). In Experiment 2, undergraduates who recalled a nostalgic (vs. ordinary) interaction with a mentally ill person subsequently showed a more positive outgroup attitude. Results supported a serial mediation model whereby nostalgia increased social connectedness, which predicted greater IOGS and outgroup trust. IOGS and outgroup trust, in turn, predicted more positive outgroup attitudes. We ruled out alternative explanations for the results (i.e., mood, perceived positivity, and typicality of the recalled outgroup member). The findings speak to the intricate psychological processes underlying the prejudice-reduction function of nostalgia and their interventional potential. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
RESUMO: A Nigéria tem uma população estimada em cerca de 170 milhões de pessoas. O número de profissionais de saúde mental é muito diminuto, contando apenas com 150 psiquiatras o que perfaz aproximadamente um rácio de psiquiatra: população de mais de 1:1 milhão de pessoas. O Plano Nacional de Saúde Mental de 1991 reconheceu esta insuficiência e recomendou a integração dos serviços de saúde mental nos cuidados de saúde primários (CSP). Depois de mais de duas décadas, essa política não foi ainda implementada. Este estudo teve como objetivos mapear a estrutura organizacional dos serviços de saúde mental da Nigéria, e explorar os desafios e barreiras que impedem a integração bem-sucedida dos serviços de saúde mental nos cuidados de saúde primários, isto segundo a perspectiva dos profissionais dos cuidados de saúde primários. Com este objetivo, desenvolveu-se um estudo exploratório sequencial e utilizou-se um modelo misto para a recolha de dados. A aplicação em simultâneo de abordagens qualitativas e quantitativas permitiram compreender os problemas relacionados com a integração dos serviços de saúde mental nos CSP na Nigéria. No estudo qualitativo inicial, foram realizadas entrevistas com listagens abertas a 30 profissionais dos CSP, seguidas de dois grupos focais com profissionais dos CSP de duas zonas governamentais do estado de Oyo de forma a obter uma visão global das perspectivas destes profissionais locais sobre os desafios e barreiras que impedem uma integração bem-sucedida dos serviços de saúde mental nos CSP. Subsequentemente, foram realizadas entrevistas com quatro pessoas-chave, especificamente coordenadores e especialistas em saúde mental. Os resultados do estudo qualitativo foram utilizados para desenvolver um questionário para análise quantitativa das opiniões de uma amostra maior e mais representativa dos profissionais dos CSP do Estado de Oyo, bem como de duas zonas governamentais locais do Estado de Osun. As barreiras mais comummente identificadas a partir deste estudo incluem o estigma e os preconceitos sobre a doença mental, a formação inadequada dos profissionais dos CPS sobre saúde mental, a perceção pela equipa dos CSP de baixa prioridade de ação do Governo, o medo da agressão e violência pela equipa dos CSP, bem como a falta de disponibilidade de fármacos. As recomendações para superar estes desafios incluem a melhoria sustentada dos esforços da advocacia à saúde mental que vise uma maior valorização e apoio governamental, a formação e treino organizados dos profissionais dos cuidados primários, a criação de redes de referência e de apoio com instituições terciárias adjacentes, e o engajamento da comunidade para melhorar o acesso aos serviços e à reabilitação, pelas pessoas com doença mental. Estes resultados fornecem indicações úteis sobre a perceção das barreiras para a integração bem sucedida dos serviços de saúde mental nos CSP, enquanto se recomenda uma abordagem holística e abrangente. Esta informação pode orientar as futuras tentativas de implementação da integração dos serviços de saúde mental nos cuidados primários na Nigéria.------------ABSTRACT: Nigeria has an estimated population of about 170 million people but the number of mental health professionals is very small, with about 150 psychiatrists. This roughly translates to a psychiatrist:population ratio of more than 1:1 million people. The National Mental Health Policy of 1991 recognized this deficiency and recommended the integration of mental health into primary health care (PHC) delivery system. After more than two decades, this policy has yet to be implemented. This study aimed to map out the organizational structure of the mental health systems in Nigeria, and to explore the challenges and barriers preventing the successful integration of mental health into primary health care, from the perspective of the primary health care workers. A mixed methods exploratory sequential study design was employed, which entails the use of sequential timing in the combined methods of data collection. A combination of qualitative and uantitative approaches in sequence, were utilized to understand the problems of mental health services integration into PHC in Nigeria. The initial qualitative phase utilized free listing interviews with 30 PHC workers, followed by two focus group discussions with primary care workers from two Local Government Areas (LGA) of Oyo State to gain useful insight into the local perspectives of PHC workers about the challenges and barriers preventing successful integration of mental health care services into PHC. Subsequently, 4 key informant interviews with PHC co-ordinators and mental health experts were carried out. The findings from the qualitative study were utilized to develop a quantitative study questionnaire to understand the opinions of a larger and more representative sample of PHC staff in two more LGAs of Oyo State, as well as 2 LGAs from Osun State. The common barriers identified from this study include stigma and misconceptions about mental illness, inadequate training of PHC staff about mental health, low government priority, fear of aggression and violence by the PHC staff, as well as non-availability of medications. Recommendations for overcoming these challenges include improved and sustained efforts at mental health advocacy to gain governmental attention and support, organized training and retraining for primary care staff, establishment of referral and supportive networks with neighbouring tertiary facilities and community engagement to improve service utilization and rehabilitation of mentally ill persons. These findings provide useful insight into the barriers to the successful integration of mental health into PHC, while recommending a holistic and comprehensive approach. This information can guide future attempts to implement the integration of mental health into primary care in Nigeria.
RESUMO - Apresenta-se a caracterização e a descrição das novas respostas, bem como dos dispositivos que as permitiram organizar, quanto à prevenção terciária em saúde mental em Portugal. Detalha-se a Região de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo por ser a que mais estruturas criou e que foi alvo do estudo das autoras. Até ao final de 2001 beneficiavam 754 pessoas desta oferta de serviços no nosso país, das quais 473 na Região de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo. A maior parte destes beneficiários, 299, participa em actividades de fórum sócio-ocupacional, estando 99 pessoas inseridas em estruturas residenciais. Daí que se entenda que houve uma melhoria quanto à cobertura de necessidades em termos de prevenção terciária/ reabilitação no nosso país. Considera-se, contudo, que ainda muito está por fazer, uma vez que se continua muito aquém dos ratios de oferta de serviços internacionalmente recomendados. Considera-se desejável que se alargue e aprofunde este projecto, enquadrado com mais rigor em termos de diagnóstico de necessidades nacionais e com uma coordenação mais centralizada que potencie uma melhor gestão do seu quadro de exigências.
O processo da reforma psiquiátrica requer a implementação de políticas públicas que garantam a inserção laboral de portadores de transtorno mental. Para tal, é necessário que o trabalho seja compreendido como promotor de autonomia, de emancipação e de cidadania. O objetivo deste estudo é refletir acerca de concepções teóricas relacionadas à inserção social pelo trabalho, a fim de explorar o campo da inclusão de portadores de transtorno mental no mundo do trabalho. Foram escolhidos os conceitos de empresa social e de economia solidária como fundamentais para o estudo. Na empresa social, o sujeito é entendido como ser social, enfocando-se seu processo de formação no sentido da emancipação. Na economia solidária, objetiva-se o desenvolvimento de uma forma de economia mais justa que tem como característica a igualdade e a solidariedade. Sugerimos que a discussão desses conceitos possa contribuir para embasar a implantação de projetos de inclusão social pelo trabalho.
Uma revisão dirigida foi realizada nas bases de dados IBECS, LILACS e MEDLINE, até fevereiro/2011, para identificar intervenções farmacêuticas (IF) na atenção farmacêutica em saúde mental e os seus resultados. Para a busca utilizaram-se os descritores em saúde: Pharmaceutical Care, Pharmaceutical Services, Medication Adherence, Pharmacists, Mental Health, Mental Health Services, Mental Health Assistance, Community Mental Health Services, Mentally Ill Persons andMental Disorders. Identificaram-se 1686 publicações, das quais 21 contemplaram os critérios de inclusão. Após exploração do material, apenas cinco estudos tratavam-se de IF. Todos foram conduzidos no nível secundário de atenção, com abordagem individual, por meio do acompanhamento da terapia (3), intervenção educativa por cartas a médicos e pacientes (1), aconselhamento farmacêutico presencial e remoto e inserção de terapia com sistema transdérmico de nicotina (1). Os resultados, tais como promoção da adesão e resolução de problemas relacionados a medicamentos foram positivos para a terapêutica. No entanto, é necessário que as IF monitorem os parâmetros clínicos, as mudanças de hábitos, a melhora na qualidade de vida e os aspectos farmacoeconômicos a fim de avaliar os seus impactos. Palavras-chave:Atenção Farmacêutica. Assistência Farmacêutica. Adesão à Medicação. Farmacêuticos. Saúde Mental. ABSTRACT Pharmaceutical interventions in mental health services: a review A directed review was performed in IBECS, LILACS and MEDLINE databases, until February/2011, in order to identify the studies which developed pharmaceutical interventions (PI) in pharmaceutical care in mental health services and estimated their results. The search was carried out using the follow health science descriptors: Pharmaceutical Care, Pharmaceutical Services, Medication Adherence, Pharmacists, Mental Health, Mental Health Services, Mental Health Assistance, Community Mental Health Services, Mentally Ill Persons andMental Disorders. It was identified 1686 manuscripts, of whose 21 contemplated the inclusion criteria. After the content analysis of the eligible manuscripts, only five developed PI. All of them were conducted in the second level of health care, with individual approach, through: therapy follow-up (3), educational interventions by letters to physicians and patients (1), presence or remote pharmaceutical counseling and inclusion of therapy with nicotine transdermal patch (1). The data, such as adherence promotion and solving drug related problems, were positive for the therapeutic. However, it is necessary that the PI monitor the clinical parameters, the habit changes, the improvement in the quality of life and the pharmacoeconomic aspects, in order to assess their impacts. Keywords: Pharmaceutical Care. Pharmaceutical Services. Medication Adherence. Pharmacists. Mental Health. Mental Disorders.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the prevalence and vulnerability of homeless people to HIV infection. METHODS: Cross-sectional study conducted with a non-probabilistic sample of 1,405 homeless users of shelters in the city of Sao Paulo, southeastern Brazil, from 2006 to 2007. They were all tested for HIV and a structured questionnaire was applied. Their vulnerability to HIV was determined by the frequency of condom use: those who reported using condoms only occasionally or never were considered the most vulnerable. Multinomial and logistic regression models were used to estimate effect measures and 95% confidence intervals. RESULTS: There was a predominance of males (85.6%), with a mean age of 40.9 years, 72.0% had complete elementary schooling, and 71.5% were non-white. Of all respondents, 15.7% reported being homosexual or bisexual and 62,0% reported having casual sex. The mean number of sexual partners in the last 12 months was 5.4. More than half (55.7%) of the respondents reported lifetime drug use, while 25.7% reported frequent use. Sexually-transmitted disease was reported by 39.6% of the homeless and 38.3% reported always using condoms. The prevalence of HIV infection was 4.9% (17.4% also tested positive for syphilis) and about half of the respondents (55.4%) had access to prevention programs. Higher HIV prevalence was associated with younger age (18-29 years, OR = 4.0 [95% CI 1.54; 10.46]); past history of sexually-transmitted disease (OR = 3.3 [95% CI 1.87; 5.73]); homosexual sex (OR = 3.0 [95% CI 1.28; 6.92]); and syphilis (OR = 2.4 [95% CI 1.13; 4.93]). Increased vulnerability to HIV infection was associated with being female; young; homosexual sex; having few partners or a steady partner; drug and alcohol use; not having access to prevention programs and social support. CONCLUSIONS: The HIV epidemic has a major impact on homeless people reflecting a cycle of exclusion, social vulnerability, and limited access to prevention.
Bioethics can be included in the context of psychiatric patients' recovery of dignity and rights, creating a therapeutic interface of social rehabilitation, respect and closeness between professionals and the treated persons. The completion of the analysis of the facts occurred by reviewing 22 articles dated between 1999-2011, from a prior reading, selecting the ones that mention bioethics and mental health. Before the Psychiatric Reform, often, a lack of commitment to the mentally ill was noticed, isolating the patient from a social life. Before the Psychiatric Reform, often, a lack of commitment to the mentally ill was noticed by isolating the patient from a social life. After the Reform, the person with mental illness began to receive a more attentive care. It can be concluded that the Reform tried to bring life to those who had no respect and attention, these patients who needed to be included in a social and urban interaction.