38 resultados para Megaceryle torquata


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We examine the quantitative composition of benthic foraminiferal assemblages of Rose Bengal-stained surface samples from 37 stations in the Laptev Sea, and combine this data set with an existing data set along a transect from Spitsbergen to the central Arctic Ocean. Foraminiferal test accumulation rates, diversity, faunal composition and statistically defined foraminiferal associations are analysed for living (Rose Bengal-stained) and dead foraminifers. We compare the results of several benthic foraminiferal diversity indices and statistically defined foraminiferal associations, including Fisher's alpha and Shannon-Wiener diversity indices, Q-mode principal component analysis and correspondence analysis. Diversity and faunal density (standing stock) of living benthic foraminifers are positively correlated to trophic resources. In contrast, the accumulation rate of dead foraminifers (BFAR) shows fluctuating values depending on test disintegration processes. Foraminiferal associations defined by Q-mode principal component analysis and correspondence analysis are comparable. The factor values of the correspondence analysis allow a quantitative correlation between the foraminiferal fauna and the local carbon flux, which may be used as a tool to estimate changes in primary productivity.


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The known moss flora of Terra Nova National Park, eastern Newfoundland, comp~ises 210 species. Eighty-two percent of the moss species occurring in Terra Nova are widespread or widespread-sporadic in Newfoundland. Other Newfoundland distributional elements present in the Terra Nova moss flora are the northwestern, southern, southeastern, and disjunct elements, but four of the mosses occurring in Terra Nova appear to belong to a previously unrecognized northeastern element of the Newfoundland flora. The majority (70.9%) of Terra Nova's mosses are of boreal affinity and are widely distributed in the North American coniferous forest belt. An additional 10.5 percent of the Terra Nova mosses are cosmopolitan while 9.5 percent are temperate and 4.8 percent are arctic-montane species. The remaining 4.3 percent of the mosses are of montane affinity, and disjunct between eastern and western North America. In Terra Nova, temperate species at their northern limit are concentrated in balsam fir stands, while arctic-montane species are restricted to exposed cliffs, scree slopes, and coastal exposures. Montane species are largely confined to exposed or freshwater habitats. Inability to tolerate high summer temperatures limits the distributions of both arctic-montane and montane species. In Terra Nova, species of differing phytogeographic affinities co-occur on cliffs and scree slopes. The microhabitat relationships of five selected species from such habitats were evaluated by Discriminant Functions Analysis and Multiple Regression Analysis. The five mosses have distinct and different microhabitats on cliffs and scree slopes in Terra Nova, and abundance of all but one is associated with variation in at least one microhabitat variable. Micro-distribution of Grimmia torquata, an arctic-montane species at its southern limit, appears to be deterJ]lined by sensitivity to high summer temperatures. Both southern mosses at their northern limit (Aulacomnium androgynum, Isothecium myosuroides) appear to be limited by water availability and, possibly, by low winter temperatures. The two species whose distributions extend both north and south or the study area (Encalypta procera, Eurhynchium pulchellum) show no clear relationship with microclimate. Dispersal factors have played a significant role in the development of the Terra Nova moss flora. Compared to the most likely colonizing source (i .e. the rest of the island of Newfoundland), species with small diaspores have colonized the study area to a proportionately much greater extent than have species with large diaspores. Hierarchical log-linear analysis indicates that this is so for all affinity groups present in Terra Nova. The apparent dispersal effects emphasize the comparatively recent glaciation of the area, and may also have been enhanced by anthropogenic influences. The restriction of some species to specific habitats, or to narrowly defined microhabitats, appears to strengthen selection for easily dispersed taxa.


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Fifty short sediment cores collected with a multiple corer and five box cores from the central Arctic Ocean were analysed to study the ecology and distribution of benthic foraminifers. To work out living faunal associations, standing stock and diversity, separate analyses of living (Rose Bengal stained) and dead foraminifers were carried out for the sediment surface. The size fractions between 63 and 125 µm and >125 µm were counted separately to allow comparison with former Arctic studies and with studies from the adjacent Norwegian-Greenland Sea, Barents Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean. Benthic foraminiferal associations are mainly controlled by the availability of food, and competition for food, while water mass characteristics, bottom current activity, substrate composition, and water depth are of minor importance. Off Spitsbergen in seasonally ice-free areas, high primary production rates are reflected by high standing stocks, high diversities, and foraminiferal associations (>125 µm) that are similar to those of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea. Generally, in seasonally ice-free areas standing stock and diversity increase with increasing food supply. In the central Arctic Ocean, the oligotrophic permanently ice-covered areas are dominated by epibenthic species. The limited food availability is reflected by very low standing stocks and low diversities. Most of these foraminiferal associations do not correspond to those of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea. The dominant associations include simple agglutinated species such as Sorosphaerae, Placopsilinellae, Komokiacea and Aschemonellae, as well as small calcareous species such as Stetsonia horvathi and Epistominella arctica. Those of the foraminiferal species that usually thrive under seasonally ice-free conditions in middle bathyal to lower bathyal water depth are found under permanently ice-covered conditions in water depths about 1000 m shallower, if present at all.