995 resultados para Manpower planning


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Shipping list no.: 93-0279-P.


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Counties are divided into Prime [CETA] Sponsor Areas, and Balance of State.


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This thesis considers management decision making at the ward level in hospitals especially by ward sisters, and the effectiveness of the intervention of a decision support system. Nursing practice theories were related to organisation and management theories in order to conceptualise a decision making framework for nurse manpower planning and deployment at the ward level. Decision and systems theories were explored to understand the concepts of decision making and the realities of power in an organisation. In essence, the hypothesis was concerned with changes in patterns of decision making that could occur with the intervention of a decision support system and that the degree of change would be governed by a set of `difficulty' factors within wards in a hospital. During the course of the study, a classification of ward management decision making was created, together with the development and validation of measuring instruments to test the research hypothesis. The decision support system used was rigorously evaluated to test whether benefits did accrue from its implementation. Quantitative results from sample wards together with qualitative information collected, were used to test this hypothesis and the outcomes postulated were supported by these findings. The main conclusion from this research is that a more rational approach to management decision making is feasible, using information from a decision support system. However, wards and ward sisters that need the most assistance, where the `difficulty' factors in the organisation are highest, benefit the least from this type of system. Organisational reviews are needed on these identified wards, involving managers and doctors, to reduce the levels of un-coordinated activities and disruption.


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There are two types of work typically performed in services which differ in the degree of control management has over when the work must be done. Serving customers, an activity that can occur only when customers are in the system is, by its nature, uncontrollable work. In contrast, the execution of controllable work does not require the presence of customers, and is work over which management has some degree of temporal control. This paper presents two integer programming models for optimally scheduling controllable work simultaneously with shifts. One model explicitly defines variables for the times at which controllable work may be started, while the other uses implicit modeling to reduce the number of variables. In an initial experiment of 864 test problems, the latter model yielded optimal solutions in approximately 81 percent of the time required by the former model. To evaluate the impact on customer service of having front-line employees perform controllable work, a second experiment was conducted simulating 5,832 service delivery systems. The results show that controllable work offers a useful means of improving labor utilization. Perhaps more important, it was found that having front-line employees perform controllable work did not degrade the desired level of customer service.


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"Retención del talento humano en tiempos de cambio” tiene como principal objetivo encontrar los factores más importantes en este aspecto que tienen nueve empresas representativas de Antioquia con presencia en Colombia y otros lugares de la geografía mundial; además, abordar estas empresas para conocer el estado actual de los procesos de gestión del talento humano como motor para fortalecer la retención y encontrar tendencias en las prácticas de estas organizaciones -- Se parte de una revisión bibliográfica, que considera variables intrínsecas y extrínsecas (que analizan los impactos hacia el ser y el hacer, respectivamente) -- Posteriormente se realizan entrevistas con los líderes de gestión humana de esas empresas, de las cuales se puede concluir que: primero, la gestión continua y de muchos años para fortalecer el liderazgo de los jefes redunda en un clima laboral que permite la retención de sus trabajadores; segundo, es importante permitir al trabajador desarrollarse dentro de la organización entendiendo la transición que empiezan a afrontar estas empresas por la necesidad de contratar jóvenes a los que motivan la alta exposición y el asumir retos evitando trabajos monótonos y repetitivos; tercero, se deben considerar aspectos como la diversidad y la inclusión, los beneficios que ofrece la empresa, y los paquetes de beneficios que cada día son más dinámicos e intentan ser totalmente flexibles para todos los trabajadores, y en menor escala el factor salarial -- Se hace claridad en que cada una de las compañías abordadas ofrecen a sus trabajadores salarios competitivos acordes a los cargos, roles y el sector en el cual trabajan, además de un salario emocional que los impacta directamente y también beneficia sus familias -- El presente estudio se realizó sobre una población de nueve empresas: Grupo Argos, Grupo Bancolombia, Grupo EPM, Organización Corona, Protección, Servicios Nutresa, Sura Asset Management, Sofasa-Renault y la Universidad Eafit -- Todas ellas generan un impacto alto en la tasa de empleo de la ciudad de Medellín y de Colombia, son altamente reconocidas en Colombia, América Latina y otras partes del mundo


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Bibliography: p. [1]-2 (2nd group).


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Manpower is a basic resource. It is the indispensable means of converting other resources to mankind '.s use and benefit. As a process· of increasing the knowledge, skills, and dexterity of the people of a society, manpower development is the most fundamental means of enabling a nation to acquire the capacities to bring about its desired future state of affairs -- a more mighty and wealthier nation. Singapore's brief nation-building history justifies the emphasis accorded to the importance of good quality human resources and manpower development in economic and socio-political developments. As a tiny island-state with a poor natural resource base, Singapore's long-term survival and development depend ultimately upon the quality and the creative energy of her people. In line with the nation-building goals and strategies of the Republic, as conditioned by her objective setting, Singapore's basic manpower development premise has been one of "quality and not quantity". While implementing the "stop-at-two" family planning and population control programs and the relevant immigration measures to guard against the prospect of a "population explosion", the Government has energetically fostered various educational programs, including vocational training schemes, adult education programs, the youth movement, and the national service scheme to improve the quality of Singaporeans. There is no denying that some of the manpower development measures taken by the Government have imposed sacrifice and hardship on the Singapore citizens. Nevertheless, they are the basic conditions for the island-Republic's long-term survival and development. It is essential iii to note that Singapore's continuing existence and phenomenal-success are largely attributable to the will, capacities and efforts of her leaders and people. In the final analysis, the wealth and the strength of a nation are based upon its ability to conserve, develop and utilize effectively the innate capacities of its people. This is true not only of Singapore but necessarily of other developing nations. It can be safely presumed that since most developing states' concerns about the quality of their human resources and the progress of their nation-building work are inextricably bound to those about the quantity of their population, the "quality and not quantity" motto of Singapore's manpower development programs can also be their guiding principle.


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Description based on: 1979.


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"November 1970."


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On cover: Cycle three report, occupational training information system, supplement I.


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Description based on: Fiscal year 1981.