950 resultados para Management actions


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil - Área de Especialização de Edificações


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Climate change is emerging as one of the major threats to natural communities of the world’s ecosystems; and biodiversity hotspots, such as Madeira Island, might face a challenging future in the conservation of endangered land snails’ species. With this thesis, progresses have been made in order to properly understand the impact of climate on these vulnerable taxa; and species distribution models coupled with GIS and climate change scenarios have become crucial to understand the relations between species distribution and environmental conditions, identifying threats and determining biodiversity vulnerability. With the use of MaxEnt, important changes in the species suitable areas were obtained. Laurel forest species, highly dependent on precipitation and relative humidity, may face major losses on their future suitable areas, leading to the possible extinction of several endangered species, such as Leiostyla heterodon. Despite the complexity of the biological systems, the intrinsic uncertainty of species distribution models and the lack of information about land snails’ functional traits, this analysis contributed to a pioneer study on the impacts of climate change on endemic species of Madeira Island. The future inclusion of predictions of the effect of climate change on species distribution as part of IUCN assessments could contribute to species prioritizing, promoting specific management actions and maximizing conservation investment.


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La conca del riu Quiroz, al nord del Perú, està influenciada per dues zones d’endemisme d’aus i conté quatre àrees importants per a la conservació d’aus. Malgrat això, la informació sobre l’avifauna present a la conca és poc coneguda ja que no s’ha realitzat, fins al moment, cap estudi avifaunístic del global de la conca. En aquest estudi s’han mostrejat nou zones de la conca. A cadascuna s’ha valorat el potencial per al desenvolupament de l’aviturisme i la seva importància per a la conservació de les aus. A més, s’ha calculat un índex que permet valorar l’aviturisme i la conservació conjuntament. Els mostrejos realitzats a la conca demostren la seva riquesa avifaunística doncs, en una superfície mostrejada de 684ha, s’hi han reportat 151 espècies de les quals 34 són endèmiques i 7 estan catalogades com a amenaçades. Al llarg de la conca s’han identificat tres zones amb una importància ornitològica per damunt de la resta. Suyo és la zona de la conca amb un potencial aviturístic més elevat. ChinChin, el lloc amb més importància i possibilitats de dur a terme actuacions encaminades a la conservació. Yanta, destaca en ambdós sentits sent el desenvolupament de l’aviturisme la millor alternativa per garantir la conservació de la zona i, en especial, la seva diversitat avifaunistica.


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Quantifying the impacts of inbreeding and genetic drift on fitness traits in fragmented populations is becoming a major goal in conservation biology. Such impacts occur at different levels and involve different sets of loci. Genetic drift randomly fixes slightly deleterious alleles leading to different fixation load among populations. By contrast, inbreeding depression arises from highly deleterious alleles in segregation within a population and creates variation among individuals. A popular approach is to measure correlations between molecular variation and phenotypic performances. This approach has been mainly used at the individual level to detect inbreeding depression within populations and sometimes at the population level but without consideration about the genetic processes measured. For the first time, we used in this study a molecular approach considering both the interpopulation and intrapopulation level to discriminate the relative importance of inbreeding depression vs. fixation load in isolated and non-fragmented populations of European tree frog (Hyla arborea), complemented with interpopulational crosses. We demonstrated that the positive correlations observed between genetic heterozygosity and larval performances on merged data were mainly caused by co-variations in genetic diversity and fixation load among populations rather than by inbreeding depression and segregating deleterious alleles within populations. Such a method is highly relevant in a conservation perspective because, depending on how populations lose fitness (inbreeding vs. fixation load), specific management actions may be designed to improve the persistence of populations.


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OBJECTIVE Evaluate and correlate individual, work-related and organizational factors that influence adherence to standard precautions among nursing professionals of psychiatric hospitals in São Paulo. METHOD An exploratory cross-sectional study conducted with 35 nursing professionals, using the assessment tool for adherence to standard precautions through the Likert scale, ranging from 1 to 5. RESULTS Knowledge of the precautions received a high score (4.69); adherence received (3.86) and obstacles (3.78), while intermediaries and the scales of organizational factors received low scores (2.61). There was a strong correlation between the magnitude adherence scale and the personal protective equipment availability (r = 0.643; p = 0.000). The training scale for prevention of HIV exposure (p = 0.007) was statistically different between the nurses and nursing assistants. CONCLUSION The organizational factors negatively contributed to adherence to standard precautions, indicating that psychiatric institutions lack safe working conditions, ongoing training and management actions to control infections.


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Understanding tree recruitment is needed to forecast future forest distribution. Many studies have reported the relevant ecological factors that affect recruitment success in trees, but the potential for genetic-based differences in recruitment has often been neglected. In this study, we established a semi-natural reciprocal sowing experiment to test for local adaptation and microenvironment effects (evaluated here by canopy cover) in the emergence and early survival of maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Aiton), an emblematic Mediterranean forest tree. A novel application of molecular markers was also developed to test for family selection and, thus, for potential genetic change over generations. Overall, we did not find evidence to support local adaptation at the recruitment stage in our semi-natural experiment. Moreover, only weak family selection (if any) was found, suggesting that in stressful environments with low survival, stochastic processes and among-year climate variability may drive recruitment. Nevertheless, our study revealed that, at early stages of recruitment, microenvironments may favor the population with the best adapted life strategy, irrespectively of its (local or non-local) origin. We also found that emergence time is a key factor for seedling survival in stressful Mediterranean environments. Our study highlights the complexity of the factors influencing the early stages of establishment of maritime pine and provides insights into possible management actions aimed at environmental change impact mitigation. In particular, we found that the high stochasticity of the recruitment process in stressful environments and the differences in population-specific adaptive strategies may difficult assisted migration schemes.


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Increasing anthropogenic pressures urge enhanced knowledge and understanding of the current state of marine biodiversity. This baseline information is pivotal to explore present trends, detect future modifications and propose adequate management actions for marine ecosystems. Coralligenous outcrops are a highly diverse and structurally complex deep-water habitat faced with major threats in the Mediterranean Sea. Despite its ecological, aesthetic and economic value, coralligenous biodiversity patterns are still poorly understood. There is currently no single sampling method that has been demonstrated to be sufficiently representative to ensure adequate community assessment and monitoring in this habitat. Therefore, we propose a rapid non-destructive protocol for biodiversity assessment and monitoring of coralligenous outcrops providing good estimates of its structure and species composition, based on photographic sampling and the determination of presence/absence of macrobenthic species. We used an extensive photographic survey, covering several spatial scales (100s of m to 100s of km) within the NW Mediterranean and including 2 different coralligenous assemblages: Paramuricea clavata (PCA) and Corallium rubrum assemblage (CRA). This approach allowed us to determine the minimal sampling area for each assemblage (5000 cm² for PCA and 2500 cm²for CRA). In addition, we conclude that 3 replicates provide an optimal sampling effort in order to maximize the species number and to assess the main biodiversity patterns of studied assemblages in variability studies requiring replicates. We contend that the proposed sampling approach provides a valuable tool for management and conservation planning, monitoring and research programs focused on coralligenous outcrops, potentially also applicable in other benthic ecosystems


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Assessing in wild populations how fitness is impacted by inbreeding and genetic drift is a major goal for conservation biology. An approach to measure the detrimental effects of inbreeding on fitness is to estimate correlations between molecular variation and phenotypic performances within and among populations. Our study investigated the effect of individual multilocus heterozygosity on body size, body condition and reproductive investment of males (that is, chorus attendance) and females (that is, clutch mass and egg size) in both small fragmented and large non-fragmented populations of European tree frog (Hyla arborea). Because adult size and/or condition and reproductive investment are usually related, genetic erosion may have detrimental effects directly on reproductive investment, and also on individual body size and condition that in turn may affect reproductive investment. We confirmed that the reproductive investment was highly size-dependent for both sexes. Larger females invested more in offspring production, and larger males attended the chorus in the pond more often. Our results did not provide evidence for a decline in body size, condition and reproductive effort with decreased multilocus heterozygosity both within and among populations. We showed that the lack of heterozygosity-fitness correlations within populations probably resulted from low inbreeding levels (inferior to ca. 20% full-sib mating rate), even in the small fragmented populations. The detrimental effects of fixation load were either low in adults or hidden by environmental variation among populations. These findings will be useful to design specific management actions to improve population persistence.


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Se describe, en una zona de la vertiente norte de los Pirineos españoles, la estructura dasocrática de rodales irregulares de abeto excesivamente capitalizados en existencias volumétricas, así como la naturaleza de las intervenciones de entresaca que se les aplican al objeto de contrarrestar la tendencia hacia una indeseable uniformidad de la masa. La situación inicial revela una elevada espesura, con importantes excedentes de individuos pertenecientes a las clases diamétricas de madera gruesa, y que conduce a formas selvícolas tipológicas en avanzado proceso de regularización. Empero, la estabilidad mecánica de los pies se manifiesta alejada de sus umbrales críticos en todos los estratos, y la capacidad de regeneración del sistema resulta aceptable. El tratamiento de entresaca realizado, cuya severidad se centró fundamentalmente sobre los pies de diámetro superior a 30 cm, mantiene todavía una situación de espesura excesiva que impide la adscripción de los rodales a estructuras equilibradas, pero ha permitido la liberación de la competencia vertical de los pies en edad de latizal.


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Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena oli esittää menetelmä erääseen ohjelmistoon toteutettavista muutoksista aiheutuvien riskien hallintaan. Ohjelmistoa käyttää päivittäin useita satoja henkilöitä ja sen ongelmaton toiminta on ohjelmiston omistavalle asiakkaalle erittäin tärkeää. Ohjelmiston ja sen kehitystyön kannalta riski on asianomistajan tavoitteita uhkaava menetyksen mahdollisuus tai menetykseen liittyvä ominaisuus, tekijä tai toiminta. Tämän työn yhteydessä asianomistaja on yritys, joka on toteuttanut nykyisen ohjelmiston ja on vastuussa ohjelmiston jatkokehityksestä. Yrityksen riskienhallintatarpeita vastaava ratkaisu pyritään löytämään perehtymällä riskienhallinnan perusteisiin sekä kahteen erityisesti ohjelmistotuotantoon tarkoitettuun riskienhallintamenetelmään. Riskienhallinnan kehittämisen kannalta on tärkeää, että ohjelmistotuotannon tyypilliset virheet onnistutaan pääsääntöisesti välttämään. Riskienhallinnan yleisempien virheiden tiedostamisesta on suurta hyötyä omaa riskienhallintaa kehitettäessä. Ohjelmiston kehitysorganisaation systemaattinen tapa toteuttaa ohjelmistomuutoksia perustuu ohjelmistotuotantoon tarkoitetun tuotteenhallintaohjelman käyttöön. Tuotteenhallintaohjelmassa muutospyyntö on ohjelmiston kehitystyön perusyksikkö, johon riskienhallintatoimet on pyrittävä kohdistamaan. Yrityksen tarpeita vastaava riskienhallintamalli rakennetaan lisäämällä Riskit-menetelmän mukainen riskienhallintaprosessi osaksi muutospyynnön systemaattista käsittelyprosessia. Työn tuloksena aikaansaadun mallin mukaista riskienhallintaa voidaan käytännössä harjoittaa usealla eri tavalla. Arvioiden perusteella kaavionluonti- ja tekstinkäsittelyohjelma ovat riittävät työkalut riskienhallinnan käytännön toteutusta varten. Kokemukset uudesta riskienhallintamenetelmästä osoittivat sen käyttökelpoiseksi. Menetelmän käyttöönoton sujuvuuden varmistamiseksi, riskienhallintatoimet kannattaa kuitenkin aluksi kohdistaa yksittäistä muutospyyntöä suurempaan kokonaisuuteen.


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Coastal wetlands are characterized by high biodiversity, which is one of the main criteria considered when establishing protection policies or when proposing adequate management actions. In this study, the crustacean and aquatic insect composition of the Empord`a wetlands is described. These two faunal groups contribute highly to the total biodiversity in these wetlands but are seldom considered when managing natural areas. A selection (84 sampling points) of all water body types present in the Empord`a wetlands were sampled monthly (surber and dip net with a 250 μm mesh). Sampling was carried out during 3 surveys (1991-92, 1996-97 and 1999-2000). A rich fauna of 125 crustacean and 295 aquatic insect taxa was identified. We characterized each water body type using the most abundant species and the relative species richness of the taxonomic groups. A classification of the water body types, according to similarity between inventories, groups the brackish and hyperhaline systems in one cluster and the various freshwater systems in another one. Among freshwater systems, lotic waters and freshwater wetlands have a high similarity, whereas rice fields and freshwater springs have a low similarity


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In this paper a water quality index is developed to subsidize management actions in the Atibaia River for upon protection of aquatic organisms. This index is composed of two measurable environmental parameters normaly, ammonia and dissolved oxygen, the latter representing the contribution of organic matter. Concentrations of these two variables were normalized on a scale from 0 to 100 and translated into statements of quality (excellent, good, regular, bad and very bad). The index was applied to three monitoring points in the Atibaia River and compared to other indices used by the State of São Paulo Environmental Agency (CETESB). The results showed that the degradation in this watershed follows the urban population density. The developed index is more restricted than the other ones routinely used to infer water quality.


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Riskienhallinta auttaa yritystä toimittamaan sovitut tuotteet ja palvelut ajallaan sekä oikean laatuisina. Riskienhallinnassa on tärkeää ottaa huomioon koko toimitusketju, sekä sen hallinta ja kehittäminen, sillä tätä kautta riskienhallinnasta saadaan mahdollisimman kattava. Yrityksen ja riskienhallinnan kannalta liiketoimintariskit ovat erittäin merkityksellisiä, sillä ne ovat usein erittäin vaikeasti hahmotettavia ja hallittavia. Tämä koskee erityisesti pk-yrityksiä. Riskienhallintaa voidaan helpottaa riskienarviointityökalun ja -hallintaprosessin avulla. Riskienhallintaprosessin avulla voidaan suorittaa järjestelmällisesti riskien tunnistamista ja arviointia, sekä suunnitella ja toteuttaa tarvittavat riskienhallintatoimenpiteet. Riskien arvioinnin tarkoituksena on löytää kaikkein merkityksellisimmät riskit. Riskin merkittävyyden tärkeimmät osat ovat riskin vakavuus ja todennäköisyys. Riskienhallinnan tulisi olla osa yrityksen jokapäiväistä toimintaa, ja sitä tulisi tehdä järjestelmällisesti. Tässä voidaan käyttää apuna riskienarviointityökalua, jonka tarkoituksena on auttaa yritystä parantamaan riskienhallintatasoa ja yrityksen kykyä vastata paremmin asiakkaiden toiveisiin ja vaatimuksiin.


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ABSTRACTAs important as the establishment of projects of ecological restoration is its assessment post-implementation to know whether the area is becoming self-sustainable or need to be redirected. In this way, this study aimed to know the current situation of a 5-year-old rehabilitated riparian forest,inserted in an anthropogenic impacted region,at the das Velhas River, Minas Gerais State, studying the canopy openness and recruitment of seedlings as plant indicators. 15 plots were allocated in the forest, where hemispherical photographs were taken to analyze the canopy openness and evaluate all seedlings from 0.30 m to 1.30 m height.Canopy openness ranged from 23.7% to 38.8% between seasons and only 192 seedlings were found,from 13 species, five of them exotic and aggressive. Although canopy openness was low, it seems that lateral penetration of light has been favoring the development and dominancy of plants from invasive species, whereas few native ones have been recruited. The exotic/invasive plants may compromise the success of restoration mainly by competition with native planted species. The outcomes evidenced an unsustainability of the riparian forest and the requirement of some management actions to control exotic and invasive plants and ensure the preservation of the area and its ecological roles over time.


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ABSTRACT This study was conducted in a forest under restoration process, which belongs to the company Holcim Brasil S/A, in the municipality of Barroso, state of Minas Gerais (21º00'to 22º00'S and 43º00' to 44º00'W), where 40 plots (2 x 2 m) were set, spaced at 10 m, forming eight strata parallel to the watercourse present in the area. Floristic composition and natural regeneration stratum were characterized, and the formed strata allowed evaluating whether the riparian vegetation and watercourse influence on the local regeneration. It was found 162 individuals of 13 families, 18 genera and 22 species, and 10,125 individuals/ha were estimated. Successional classes from pioneer and early secondary and zoochory dispersion syndrome prevailed among species and individuals. The watercourse and riparian vegetation did not exercise significant influence (p> 0.05) on the number of species and regenerating individuals among the different strata of the forest. The diversity index of Shannon-Wiener (H') and equability of Pielou (J') were 2.691 and 0.870, respectively. The species Psidium guajava and Myrtaceae families presented the highest VI (value of importance). Natural regeneration analysis showed the low floristic diversity in the area, suggesting that corrective management actions should be adopted.