996 resultados para Magnetic Suspension Balance


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At the Chair of Logistics Engineering, TU Dresden, a particular focus is research and development of magnetic traction sheaves. Therein the main fundamentals of these special sheaves are determined for applications in different fields such as elevators, several kinds of winches, hoists and cranes. In the current research project “energy balance of magnetic traction sheaves”, the dynamic behaviour of systems with magnetic traction sheaves was investigated. The research focused on theoretical and practical examinations of energy balance. Moreover, a new approach for dimensioning magnetic traction sheave systems is presented. It is a project of the Research Foundation Intralogistics / Material Handling and Logistics (IFL), which is funded through the AiF under the program of Industrial Collective Research for SMEs (IGF) by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi).


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Decisions require careful weighing of the risks and benefits associated with a choice. Some people need to be offered large rewards to balance even minimal risks, whereas others take great risks in the hope for an only minimal benefit. We show here that risk-taking is a modifiable behavior that depends on right hemisphere prefrontal activity. We used low-frequency, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation to transiently disrupt left or right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) function before applying a well known gambling paradigm that provides a measure of decision-making under risk. Individuals displayed significantly riskier decision-making after disruption of the right, but not the left, DLPFC. Our findings suggest that the right DLPFC plays a crucial role in the suppression of superficially seductive options. This confirms the asymmetric role of the prefrontal cortex in decision-making and reveals that this fundamental human capacity can be manipulated in normal subjects through cortical stimulation. The ability to modify risk-taking behavior may be translated into therapeutic interventions for disorders such as drug abuse or pathological gambling.


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Magnetic properties of doleritic and some metamorphic basement rocks underlying Catoche Knoll are studied. Doleritic rocks show a high saturation magnetic moment (2-5 emu/g) compared to metamorphic rocks (0.1-1 emu/g). Magnetic minerals of rocks from this hole show a high stability when heated in vacuo up to 600°C at a fixed rate of heating. Curie temperatures are distributed close to 550°C. These properties differ markedly from those of common submarine basalts observed before. X-ray microprobe analysis techniques were used to determine internal structures of ferromagnetic minerals; in most of ferromagnetic minerals there exist two different types of magnetic phases (i.e., products of high-temperature and low-temperature oxidations). Interpretations on the coexisting, seemingly contradictory, phases can be made based upon present analyses.


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The sedimentary archive from Laguna Potrok Aike is the only continuous record reaching back to the last Glacial period in continental southeastern Patagonia. Located in the path of the Southern Hemisphere westerly winds and in the source region of dust deposited in Antarctica during Glacial periods, southern Patagonia is a vantage point to reconstruct past changes in aeolian activity. Here we use high-resolution rock-magnetic and physical grain size data from site 2 of the International Continental scientific Drilling Program (ICDP) Potrok Aike maar lake Sediment Archive Drilling prOject (PASADO) in order to develop magnetic proxies of dust and wind intensity at 52°S since 51,200 cal BP. Rock-magnetic analysis indicate the magnetic mineral assemblage is dominated by detrital magnetite. Based on the estimated flux of magnetite to the lake and comparison with distal dust records from the Southern Ocean and Antarctica, kLF is interpreted as a dust indicator in the dust source of southern Patagonia at the millennial time scale, when ferrimagnetic grain size and coercivity influence is minimal. Comparison to physical grain-size data indicates that the median destructive field of isothermal remanent magnetisation (MDFIRM) mostly reflects medium to coarse magnetite bearing silts typically transported by winds for short-term suspension. Comparison with wind-intensity proxies from the Southern Hemisphere during the last Glacial period and with regional records from Patagonia since the last deglaciation including marine, lacustrine and peat bog sediments as well as speleothems reveals similar variability with MDFIRM up to the centennial time scale. MDFIRM is interpreted as a wind-intensity proxy independent of moisture changes for southeastern Patagonia, with stronger winds capable of transporting coarser magnetite bearing silts to the lake.


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Heavy (magnetic & non-magnetic) minerals are found concentrated by natural processes in many fluvial, estuarine, coastal and shelf environments with a potential to form economic placer deposits. Understanding the processes of heavy mineral transport and enrichment is prerequisite to interpret sediment magnetic properties in terms of hydro- and sediment dynamics. In this study, we combine rock magnetic and sedimentological laboratory measurements with numerical 3D discrete element models to investigate differential grain entrainment and transport rates of magnetic minerals in a range of coastal environments (riverbed, mouth, estuary, beach and near-shore). We analyzed grain-size distributions of representative bulk samples and their magnetic mineral fractions to relate grain-size modes to respective transport modes (traction, saltation, suspension). Rock magnetic measurements showed that distribution shapes, population sizes and grain-size offsets of bulk and magnetic mineral fractions hold information on the transport conditions and enrichment process in each depositional environment. A downstream decrease in magnetite grain size and an increase in magnetite concentration was observed from riverine source to marine sink environments. Lower flow velocities permit differential settling of light and heavy mineral grains creating heavy mineral enriched zones in estuary settings, while lighter minerals are washed out further into the sea. Numerical model results showed that higher heavy mineral concentrations in the bed increased the erosion rate and enhancing heavy mineral enrichment. In beach environments where sediments contained light and heavy mineral grains of equivalent grain sizes, the bed was found to be more stable with negligible amount of erosion compared to other bed compositions. Heavy mineral transport rates calculated for four different bed compositions showed that increasing heavy mineral content in the bed decreased the transport rate. There is always a lag in transport between light and heavy minerals which increases with higher heavy mineral concentration in all tested bed compositions. The results of laboratory experiments were validated by numerical models and showed good agreement. We demonstrate that the presented approach bears the potential to investigate heavy mineral enrichment processes in a wide range of sedimentary settings.


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Dark gray and black mud turbidites cored on ODP Leg 116 commonly yielded large magnetic susceptibility peaks. What is more, these peaks displayed different shapes suggesting variations in sedimentological processes. Consequently, a detailed study of the magnetic properties of two of these turbidites was undertaken to better understand the source of their unusual magnetism. Physical properties were measured as was the demagnetization behavior of sample natural remanent magnetizations (NRMs). Subsequently, an anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM) and saturation isothermal remanent magnetization (SIRM) were imparted to the samples, demagnetized, and various grain size tests based on the behavior of these remanences were applied. Finally, magnetic concentrates from two samples were examined with a scanning electron microscope with the capability to do energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis. The turbidites stand out from surrounding layers because of their high susceptibilities, NRMs, ARMs, SIRMs, and ratios of ARM and SIRM to susceptibility. Their alternating field and thermal demagnetization properties and IRM acquisition curves are consistent with titanomagnetite grains as the primary magnetic mineral with some amount of hematite present. These properties are very similar to those published for samples from the Deccan flood basalts and suggest this formation as a possible source of the magnetic grains. Magnetic granulometry tests implied that the magnetic particles behave dominantly as single-domain and pseudo-single-domain grains. Moreover, they also implied that the large variation in susceptibility observed in the black mud turbidites results from a tenfold increase in the concentration of titanomagnetite grains. Electron microscope, EDX, and SIRM analyses revealed detrital titanomagnetites with typical sizes around 8-10 µm, but as large as 20-25 µm. These are probably the dominant magnetic grains in the black mud turbidites; however, ARM and susceptibility frequency-dependence suggested that there may also be a submicrometer fraction present. Most of the observed titanomagnetite grains are tabular and some display exsolution lamellae, accounting for the pseudo-single-domain behavior despite their moderate sizes. We hypothesize that the magnetic mineral concentration variations are brought about by sedimentological factors. The heavier magnetic minerals may tend to sink to the bottom of a turbidite; however, sometimes turbidite turbulence may act to keep these tabular, medium-size grains in suspension longer than some other larger or more equidimensional grains. Consequently, the susceptibility peak shape may reflect the turbidite current velocities as well as other sedimentological factors.


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We present a first combined environmental magnetic and geochemical investigation of a loess-paleosol sequence (<55 ka) from the Chuanxi Plateau on the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Detailed comparison between the Ganzi section and the Luochuan section from the Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP) allows quantification of the effects of provenance and climate on pedogenic magnetic enhancement in Chinese loess. Rare earth element patterns and clay mineral compositions indicate that the Ganzi loess originates from the interior of the Tibetan Plateau. The different Ganzi and CLP loess provenances add complexity to interpretation of magnetic parameters in terms of the concentration and grain size of eolian magnetic minerals. Enhanced paleosol magnetism via pedogenic formation of ferrimagnetic nanoparticles is observed in both sections, but weaker ferrimagnetic contributions, finer superparamagnetic (SP) particles and stronger chemical weathering are found in the Ganzi loess, which indicates the action of multiple pedogenic processes that are dominated by the combined effects of mean annual precipitation (MAP), potential evapotranspiration (PET), organic matter and aluminium content. Under relatively high MAP and low PET conditions, high soil moisture favours transformation of ferrimagnetic minerals to hematite, which results in a relatively higher concentration of hematite but weaker ferrimagnetism of Ganzi loess. Initial growth of superparamagnetic (SP) particles is also documented in the incipient loess at Ganzi, which directly reflects the dynamic formation of nano-sized pedogenic ferrimagnets. A humid pedogenic environment with more organic matter and higher Al content also helps to form finer SP particles. We therefore propose that soil water balance, rather than solely rainfall, dominates the type, concentration and grain size of secondary ferrimagnetic minerals produced by pedogenesis.


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Diagenesis has extensively affected the magnetic mineral inventory of organic-rich late Quaternary sediments in the Niger deep-sea fan. Changes in concentration, grain size, and coercivity document modifications of the primary magnetic mineral assemblages at two horizons. The first front, the modern iron redox boundary, is characterized by a drastic decline in magnetic mineral content, coarsening of the grain size spectrum, and reduction in coercivity. Beneath a second front, the transition from the suboxic to the sulfidic anoxic domain, a further but less pronounced decrease in concentration and bulk grain size occurs. Finer grains and higher coercive magnetic constituents substantially increase in the anoxic environment. Low- and high-temperature experiments were performed on bulk sediments and on extracts which have also been examined by X-ray diffraction. Thermomagnetic analyses proved ferrimagnetic titanomagnetites of terrigenous provenance as the principal primary magnetic mineral components. Their broad range of titanium contents reflects the volcanogenic traits of the Niger River drainage areas. Diagenetic alteration is not only a grain size selective process but also critically depends on titanomagnetite composition. Low-titanium compounds are less resistant to diagenetic dissolution. Intermediate titanium content titanomagnetite thus persists as the predominant magnetic mineral fraction in the sulfidic anoxic sediments. At the Fe redox boundary, precipitation of authigenic, possibly bacterial, magnetite is documented. The presence of hydrogen sulfide in the pore water suggests a formation of secondary magnetic iron sulfides in the anoxic domain. Grain size-specific data argue for a gradual development of a superparamagnetic and single-domain iron sulfide phase in this milieu, most likely greigite.


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El principal objetivo de la tesis es estudiar el acoplamiento entre los subsistemas de control de actitud y de control térmico de un pequeño satélite, con el fin de buscar la solución a los problemas relacionados con la determinación de los parámetros de diseño. Se considera la evolución de la actitud y de las temperaturas del satélite bajo la influencia de dos estrategias de orientación diferentes: 1) estabilización magnética pasiva de la orientación (PMAS, passive magnetic attitude stabilization), y 2) control de actitud magnético activo (AMAC, active magnetic attitude control). En primer lugar se presenta el modelo matemático del problema, que incluye la dinámica rotacional y el modelo térmico. En el problema térmico se considera un satélite cúbico modelizado por medio de siete nodos (seis externos y uno interno) aplicando la ecuación del balance térmico. Una vez establecido el modelo matemático del problema, se estudia la evolución que corresponde a las dos estrategias mencionadas. La estrategia PMAS se ha seleccionado por su simplicidad, fiabilidad, bajo coste, ahorrando consumo de potencia, masa coste y complejidad, comparado con otras estrategias. Se ha considerado otra estrategia de control que consigue que el satélite gire a una velocidad requerida alrededor de un eje deseado de giro, pudiendo controlar su dirección en un sistema inercial de referencia, ya que frecuentemente el subsistema térmico establece requisitos de giro alrededor de un eje del satélite orientado en una dirección perpendicular a la radiación solar incidente. En relación con el problema térmico, para estudiar la influencia de la velocidad de giro en la evolución de las temperaturas en diversos puntos del satélite, se ha empleado un modelo térmico linealizado, obtenido a partir de la formulación no lineal aplicando un método de perturbaciones. El resultado del estudio muestra que el tiempo de estabilización de la temperatura y la influencia de las cargas periódicas externas disminuye cuando aumenta la velocidad de giro. Los cambios de temperatura se reducen hasta ser muy pequeños para velocidades de rotación altas. En relación con la estrategia PMAC se ha observado que a pesar de su uso extendido entre los micro y nano satélites todavía presenta problemas que resolver. Estos problemas están relacionados con el dimensionamiento de los parámetros del sistema y la predicción del funcionamiento en órbita. Los problemas aparecen debido a la dificultad en la determinación de las características magnéticas de los cuerpos ferromagnéticos (varillas de histéresis) que se utilizan como amortiguadores de oscilaciones en los satélites. Para estudiar este problema se presenta un modelo analítico que permite estimar la eficiencia del amortiguamiento, y que se ha aplicado al estudio del comportamiento en vuelo de varios satélites, y que se ha empleado para comparar los resultados del modelo con los obtenidos en vuelo, observándose que el modelo permite explicar satisfactoriamente el comportamiento registrado. ABSTRACT The main objective of this thesis is to study the coupling between the attitude control and thermal control subsystems of a small satellite, and address the solution to some existing issues concerning the determination of their parameters. Through the thesis the attitude and temperature evolution of the satellite is studied under the influence of two independent attitude stabilization and control strategies: (1) passive magnetic attitude stabilization (PMAS), and (2) active magnetic attitude control (AMAC). In this regard the mathematical model of the problem is explained and presented. The mathematical model includes both the rotational dynamics and the thermal model. The thermal model is derived for a cubic satellite by solving the heat balance equation for 6 external and 1 internal nodes. Once established the mathematical model of the problem, the above mentioned attitude strategies were applied to the system and the temperature evolution of the 7 nodes of the satellite was studied. The PMAS technique has been selected to be studied due to its prevalent use, simplicity, reliability, and cost, as this strategy significantly saves the overall power, weight, cost, and reduces the complexity of the system compared to other attitude control strategies. In addition to that, another control law that provides the satellite with a desired spin rate along a desired axis of the satellite, whose direction can be controlled with respect to the inertial reference frame is considered, as the thermal subsystem of a satellite usually demands a spin requirement around an axis of the satellite which is positioned perpendicular to the direction of the coming solar radiation. Concerning the thermal problem, to study the influence of spin rate on temperature evolution of the satellite a linear approach of the thermal model is used, which is based on perturbation theory applied to the nonlinear differential equations of the thermal model of a spacecraft moving in a closed orbit. The results of this study showed that the temperature stabilization time and the periodic influence of the external thermal loads decreases by increasing the spin rate. However, the changes become insignificant for higher values of spin rate. Concerning the PMAS strategy, it was observed that in spite of its extended application to micro and nano satellites, still there are some issues to be solved regarding this strategy. These issues are related to the sizing of its system parameters and predicting the in-orbit performance. The problems were found to be rooted in the difficulties that exist in determining the magnetic characteristics of the ferromagnetic bodies (hysteresis rods) that are applied as damping devices on-board satellites. To address these issues an analytic model for estimating their damping efficiency is proposed and applied to several existing satellites in order to compare the results with their respective in-flight data. This model can explain the behavior showed by these satellites.


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In vivo pyruvate synthesis by malic enzyme (ME) and pyruvate kinase and in vivo malate synthesis by phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase and the Krebs cycle were measured by 13C incorporation from [1-13C]glucose into glucose-6-phosphate, alanine, glutamate, aspartate, and malate. These metabolites were isolated from maize (Zea mays L.) root tips under aerobic and hypoxic conditions. 13C-Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry were used to discern the positional isotopic distribution within each metabolite. This information was applied to a simple precursor-product model that enabled calculation of specific metabolic fluxes. In respiring root tips, ME was found to contribute only approximately 3% of the pyruvate synthesized, whereas pyruvate kinase contributed the balance. The activity of ME increased greater than 6-fold early in hypoxia, and then declined coincident with depletion of cytosolic malate and aspartate. We found that in respiring root tips, anaplerotic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase activity was high relative to ME, and therefore did not limit synthesis of pyruvate by ME. The significance of in vivo pyruvate synthesis by ME is discussed with respect to malate and pyruvate utilization by isolated mitochondria and intracellular pH regulation under hypoxia.