223 resultados para MSP


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The aim of the study was to evaluate long-term results of operative treatment for Hirschsprung's disease(HD) and internal anal sphincter achalasia. Fecal continence and quality of life were evaluated by a questionnaire in 100 adult patients who had undergone surgery for HD, during 1950-75. Fecal continence was evaluated using a numerical scoring described by Holschneider. Fifty-four of the 100 patients underwent clinical examination, rigid sigmoidoscopy and manometric evaluation. In anorectal manometry basal resting pressure(BRP)and maximal squeeze pressure(MSP) were measured and voluntary sphincter force(VSF) was calculated by subtracting the BRP from MSP. The results of operative treatment for adult HD were compared with the results of the patients operated in childhood. In adult HD the symptoms are such mild that the patients attain adolescence or even adulthood. The patients with HD and cartilage-hair-hypoplasia were specifically evaluated. The outcome of the patients with internal anal sphincter achalasia operated on by myectomy was evaluated by a questionnaire and continence was evaluated using a numerical scoring described by Holschneider. Of the 100 patients operated on for HD 38 patients had completely normal bowel habits. A normal or good continence score was found in 91 our of 100 patients. Nine patients had fair continence. One of the patients with fair continence had Down's syndrome and two were mentally retarded for other reasons. Only one patient suffered from constipation. In anorectal manometry the difference in BRP between patients with normal and good continence was statistically significant, whereas the difference between good and fair continence groups was not statistically significant. The differences on MSP and VSF between patient groups with different continence outcome were not statistically significant. The differences between patient groups and normal controls were statistically significant in BRP and MSP. In VSF there was not statistically significant difference between the patients and the normal controls. The VSF reflects the working power of the muscles including external sphincter, levator ani and gluteal muscles. The patients operated at adult age had as good continence as patients operated in childhood. The patients with HD and cartilage-hair-hypoplasia had much more morbidity and mortality than non-cartilage-hair-hypoplasia HD patients. The mortality was as high as 38%. In patients with internal anal sphincter achalasia the constipation was cured or alleviated by myectomy whereas a significant number suffered from soiling-related social problems.


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Voltage dependent membrane channels are formed by the zervamicins, a group of α-aminoisobutyric acid containing peptides. The role of polar residues like Thr, Gln and Hyp in promoting helical bundle formation is established by dramatically reduced channel lifetimes for a synthetic apolar analog. Crystal structures of Leu1-zervamicin reveal association of bent helices. Polar contacts between convex faces result in an ‘hour glass’ like arrangement of an aqueous channel with a central constriction. The structure suggests that gating mechanisms may involve movement of the Gln11 carboxamide group. Gln3 may play a role in modulating the size of the channel mouth.


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We describe the use of poly(alpha-methylstyrene peroxide) (P alpha MSP), an alternating copolymer of alpha-methylstyrene and oxygen, as initiator for the radical polymerization of vinyl monomers. Thermal decomposition of P alpha MSP in 1,4-dioxane follows first-order kinetics with an activation energy (E(a)) of 34.6 kcal/mol. Polymerization of methyl methacrylate (MMA) and styrene using P alpha MSP as an initiator was carried out in the temperature range 60-90 degrees C. The kinetic order with respect to the initiator and the monomer was close to 0.5 and 1.0, respectively, for both monomers. The E(a) for the polymerization was 20.6 and 22.9 kcal/mol for MMA and styrene, respectively. The efficiency of P alpha MSP was found to be in the range 0.02-0.04. The low efficiency of P alpha MSP was explained in terms of the unimolecular decomposition of the alkoxy radicals which competes with primary radical initiation. The presence of peroxy segments in the main chain of PMMA and polystyrene was confirmed from spectroscopic and DSC studies. R(i)'/2I values for P alpha MSP compared to that of BPO at 80 degrees C indicate that P alpha MSP can be used as an effective high-temperature initiator.


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Authentication protocols are very much essential for secure communication in mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs). A number of authentication protocols for MANETs have been proposed in the literature which provide the basic authentication service while trying to optimize their performance and resource consumption parameters. A problem with most of these protocols is that the underlying networking environment on which they are applicable have been left unspecified. As a result, lack of specifications about the networking environments applicable to an authentication protocol for MANETs can mislead about the performance and the applicability of the protocol. In this paper, we first characterize networking environment for a MANET as its 'Membership Model' which is defined as a set of specifications related to the 'Membership Granting Server' (MGS) and the 'Membership Set Pattern' (MSP) of the MANET. We then identify various types of possible membership models for a MANET. In order to illustrate that while designing an authentication protocol for a MANET, it is very much necessary to consider the underlying membership model of the MANET, we study a set of six representative authentication protocols, and analyze their applicability for the membership models as enumerated in this paper. The analysis shows that the same protocol may not perform equally well in all membership models. In addition, there may be membership models which are important from the point of view of users, but for which no authentication protocol is available.


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As lesões impalpáveis da mama que muitas das vezes são assintomáticas, podem corresponder à um estágio de progressão de câncer difícil de ser detectado, durante os exames de rotina de palpação da mulher. O único método possível para a descoberta dessas lesões é através dos exames de imagem da mama, de modo geral, através da mamografia, que geralmente ocorre após os 45 anos. Devido a esses fatores, lesões impalpáveis, são frequentemente, descobertas apenas quando o estágio de desenvolvimento da doença já está avançado e as intervenções terapêuticas são menos reparadoras. Com a finalidade de iniciar a caracterização de tumores impalpáveis iniciais, objetivamos analisar o perfil genético (mutação) e epigenético (metilação de região promotora) de regiões do DNA relacionadas ao gene supressor tumoral TP53, provenientes de biópsias de mulheres residentes do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Neste trabalho, foram investigadas 34 amostras de tecido de tumor de mama, por sequenciamento de DNA, nos exons de 5 a 8 do gene TP53. Nesta região, não foi encontrada nenhuma mutação. Este resultado pode estar relacionado ao tipo inicial de lesão, de acordo com os dados radiológicos das lesões de categorias 3 e 4 da escala BIRADS. Para verificar o estado de metilação da região promotora do gene TP53, analisamos 30 pares de amostras (sangue e tumor) de pacientes com suspeita de câncer de mama, pela técnica MSP-PCR. Nenhuma amostra tumoral apresentou alteração no estado de metilação na região promotora do gene TP53, quando comparada à amostra normal. Um motivo possível para a disparidade de resultados em relação à outros trabalhos pode ter sido a utilização da técnica. A caracterização das lesões impalpáveis apenas foi iniciada neste trabalho, no qual pudemos constatar que a mutação em TP53 pode ser um evento mais tardio. Portanto, a lesão mamária, em suas diferentes formas, continuará a ser o assunto investigado por nosso grupo, ampliando o número de amostras e alcançando melhor conexão da conduta e dos métodos clínicos já existentes, com as novas possibilidades de diagnóstico via marcadores moleculares em tumores e fluidos biológicos


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This report summarises the routine monitoring surveys carried out in the River Lune and River Duddon estuaries during 1992. Data includes salinity, chloride, pH, nutrients and heavy metals.


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The Ribble estuary (North West England) is sampled for water quality twelve times a year. The suite of parameters used for baseline monitoring is only analysed four times a year on the designated sampling sites. The sampling locations are shown in Figure 1, and their descriptions are found in Appendix 1. The baseline monitoring stations have been chosen to respond to regional, national and European requirements. The suite of parameters to be analysed in the laboratory is listed in Tables 1 and 2. Appendix 2 lists the environmental quality objectives (EQOs) and standards (EQSs) for estuaries and coastal waters. These values will help in interpreting the collected data from the Ribble surveys.


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This is the Cheshire Meres 1995, May – June Surveys Report from the National Rivers Authority, 1995. The report focuses on the surveys of ten Cheshire Meres in November 1994 and then again in May-June 1995 as part of a rolling program examining the water quality of this group of still waters. The ten meres surveyed were: Betley, Budworth, Combermere, Hatchmere, Oak mere, Pick mere, Redes, Rostheme, Tabley, and Tatton. This report discusses the results of the May-June survey before making a comparison between these and the November survey results. The section on results contains information about suspended solids (S.S.) and volatile suspended solids (V.S.S.); Nitrate and Nitrite; Ammonia; ortho-Phosphate; Silicate and Soluble reactive Silica; and total Phosphorus.


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This is the South Area still waters 1995 November surveys from the National Rivers Authority, 1996. The report focuses on the surveys of ten Cheshire Meres (Betley, Budworth, Combermere, Hatchmere, Oak mere, Pick mere, Redes, Rostherne, Tabley, and Tatton) previously surveyed in November 1994 and May 1995. Eight others (Chapel Mere, Little Mere, Marbury Mere, Mere Mere, Oss Mere, Petty Pool, Quoisley Big Mere and Tabley Moat) were surveyed for the first time. Two other lakes, Carr Mill Dam and Pennington Flash, were surveyed. Neither of these are considered to be part of the Cheshire meres group of lakes but are of a Regional interest. This report discusses the results of the November 1995 survey before making a comparison between these and the November 1994 survey results. The section on results contains information about water column profile; nutrients (chlorophyll a; Phaeophytin; Nitrate and Nitrite; Ammonia; ortho-Phosphate; Silicate; and total Phosphorus.


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This is the Cheshire stillwaters. Summary results of 1997 data Oak Mere, Betley Mere and Marbury Big from the National Rivers Authority, June 1998. In May 1997, a Stillwaters meeting was held to discuss the way forward in stillwaters monitoring. It decided upon the establishment of a three year rolling programme, in which three stillwaters would be monitored three times a year, every third year. The stillwaters where chosen due to water quality (i.e potential polluted / sensitive waters), fisheries and ecological interests. The Still waters chosen for the first year (1997) were Oak Mere, Betley Mere and Marbury Big Mere. The surveys were aimed to produce a comprehensive study of the still water through monitoring a variety of parameters. Algal, zooplankton and water chemical samples were taken three times a year, (April, July and September). In addition, fisheries surveys were taken in July and marginal invertebrate surveys taken in September.


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This is the Cheshire stillwaters. Summary results of September 1998 from the Environment Agency, 1998. In May 1997, a Stillwaters meeting was held to discuss the way forward in stillwaters monitoring. It decided upon the establishment of a three year rolling programme, in which three stillwaters would be monitored three times a year, every third year. Oak Mere, Tatton Park Mere and Hatch Mere were surveyed between the 29th - 30th September as part of the three year rolling programme. Betley Mere, Petty Pool, Scotman's Flash and Pearson's Flash were also surveyed. Surveys also included algal and zooplankton samples, which are to be analysed by APEM and presented in the end of year report. The section on results contains information about water column profile; and nutrients (chlorophyll a; Phaeophytin; Nitrate and Nitrite; Ammonia; ortho-Phosphate; Silicate; and total Phosphorus).


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This is the Stillwaters monitoring programme summary results 2000 from the Environment Agency. In May 1997, a Stillwaters meeting was held to discuss the way forward in stillwaters monitoring. It decided upon the establishment of a three year rolling programme, in which three stillwaters would be monitored three times a year, every third year. During 2000, stillwaters monitored for the fourth year of the Stillwaters Monitoring Programme were Hatch Mere, Marbury Big Mere, Comber Mere, Tabley Mere, Tatton Mere and Melchett Mere. Algal, zooplankton and water chemical samples were taken on all meres. Surveys of Tabley Mere and Comber Mere continued on from last year when water quality concerns were highlighted. Continuous monitoring in Oak Mere, including water level data continued in 2000. Fish surveys were carried out in Tatton Mere and Comber Mere. Tabley Mere survey was abandoned due to the awkward bathymetry of the mere. No invertebrate samples were taken in 2000 due to lack of resources.


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This is the Cheshire stillwaters summary results 1999 from the Environment Agency North West. In May 1997, a Stillwaters meeting was held to discuss the way forward in stillwaters monitoring. It decided upon the establishment of a three year rolling programme, in which three stillwaters would be monitored three times a year, every third year. During 1999, stillwaters monitored for the third year of the Stillwaters Monitoring Programme were Tabley Mere, Comber Mere and Norbury Mere. Surveys of Petty Pool and Betley Mere continued for a second and third year respectively after water quality concerns were highlighted in previous end-of-year reports. Oak Mere was also surveyed for the third year running due to its unusual ecology. This year, the variety of parameters monitored was limited to algal, zooplankton and water chemical samples. Fisheries and marginal invertebrate surveys were not completed due to lack of resources.


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This is the Stillwaters monitoring programme. Summary results 2001 and 2002 from the Environment Agency North West. Until January 2001 the South Area Stillwaters Sampling Programme consisted of a rolling programme where five to six stillwaters were sampled three times a year (spring, summer and autumn). However, this method was not yielding the water quality information required for long term monitoring. Local weather conditions influence short-term water quality events, e.g. algal blooms, nutrient consumption, stratification, super-saturation etc, so results from one day sampling could only be regarded as individual ‘spot’ samples. Therefore year-on-year comparisons could not be made. It was decided that long-term water quality monitoring of the stillwaters would benefit more from sampling nutrient abundance over winter months. This would give an insight into the carry-over of nutrients available for algal growth the following year and so year-on-year productivity could be assessed. Survey results shown in this report were from: The Mere, Rostherne Mere, Melchett Mere, Tabley Mere, Tatton Mere, Hatchmere, Oak Mere, Black Lake, Chapel Mere, Bar Mere, Oss Mere, Marbury Big Mere, Comber Mere and Betley Mere.


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This is the Stillwaters monitoring programme. Summary results 2003 and 2004 from the Environment Agency North West. This report is focuses in The Winter Monitoring of Stillwaters Programme, which began in January 2001 with the aim of gathering long term data on nutrient abundance over winter months. This allows assessment of nutrient ‘carry-over’ available for algal growth in the following year, plus year-on-year productivity. 14 stillwaters are monitored each year. The environmental issues associated with each Stillwater are summarised in the table below. Bank-side water samples are taken for nutrients (N, P and S) and chlorophyll. A YSI multi-parameter sonde measures temperature, pH, specific conductivity and dissolved oxygen (% saturation). Survey results shown in this report came from: Oak Mere and Bar mere.