179 resultados para MSE
The goal of speech enhancement algorithms is to provide an estimate of clean speech starting from noisy observations. The often-employed cost function is the mean square error (MSE). However, the MSE can never be computed in practice. Therefore, it becomes necessary to find practical alternatives to the MSE. In image denoising problems, the cost function (also referred to as risk) is often replaced by an unbiased estimator. Motivated by this approach, we reformulate the problem of speech enhancement from the perspective of risk minimization. Some recent contributions in risk estimation have employed Stein's unbiased risk estimator (SURE) together with a parametric denoising function, which is a linear expansion of threshold/bases (LET). We show that the first-order case of SURE-LET results in a Wiener-filter type solution if the denoising function is made frequency-dependent. We also provide enhancement results obtained with both techniques and characterize the improvement by means of local as well as global SNR calculations.
Bilateral filters perform edge-preserving smoothing and are widely used for image denoising. The denoising performance is sensitive to the choice of the bilateral filter parameters. We propose an optimal parameter selection for bilateral filtering of images corrupted with Poisson noise. We employ the Poisson's Unbiased Risk Estimate (PURE), which is an unbiased estimate of the Mean Squared Error (MSE). It does not require a priori knowledge of the ground truth and is useful in practical scenarios where there is no access to the original image. Experimental results show that quality of denoising obtained with PURE-optimal bilateral filters is almost indistinguishable with that of the Oracle-MSE-optimal bilateral filters.
We address the problem of speech enhancement using a risk- estimation approach. In particular, we propose the use the Stein’s unbiased risk estimator (SURE) for solving the problem. The need for a suitable finite-sample risk estimator arises because the actual risks invariably depend on the unknown ground truth. We consider the popular mean-squared error (MSE) criterion first, and then compare it against the perceptually-motivated Itakura-Saito (IS) distortion, by deriving unbiased estimators of the corresponding risks. We use a generalized SURE (GSURE) development, recently proposed by Eldar for MSE. We consider dependent observation models from the exponential family with an additive noise model,and derive an unbiased estimator for the risk corresponding to the IS distortion, which is non-quadratic. This serves to address the speech enhancement problem in a more general setting. Experimental results illustrate that the IS metric is efficient in suppressing musical noise, which affects the MSE-enhanced speech. However, in terms of global signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), the minimum MSE solution gives better results.
This paper considers the design of a power-controlled reverse channel training (RCT) scheme for spatial multiplexing (SM)-based data transmission along the dominant modes of the channel in a time-division duplex (TDD) multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) system, when channel knowledge is available at the receiver. A channel-dependent power-controlled RCT scheme is proposed, using which the transmitter estimates the beamforming (BF) vectors required for the forward-link SM data transmission. Tight approximate expressions for 1) the mean square error (MSE) in the estimate of the BF vectors, and 2) a capacity lower bound (CLB) for an SM system, are derived and used to optimize the parameters of the training sequence. Moreover, an extension of the channel-dependent training scheme and the data rate analysis to a multiuser scenario with M user terminals is presented. For the single-mode BF system, a closed-form expression for an upper bound on the average sum data rate is derived, which is shown to scale as ((L-c - L-B,L- tau)/L-c) log logM asymptotically in M, where L-c and L-B,L- tau are the channel coherence time and training duration, respectively. The significant performance gain offered by the proposed training sequence over the conventional constant-power orthogonal RCT sequence is demonstrated using Monte Carlo simulations.
This paper considers the problem of channel estimation at the transmitter in a spatial multiplexing-based Time Division Duplex (TDD) Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) system with perfect CSIR. A novel channel-dependent Reverse Channel Training (RCT) sequence is proposed, using which the transmitter estimates the beamforming vectors for forward link data transmission. This training sequence is designed based on the following two metrics: (i) a capacity lower bound, and (ii) the mean square error in the estimate. The performance of the proposed training scheme is analyzed and is shown to significantly outperform the conventional orthogonal RCT sequence. Also, in the case where the transmitter uses water-filling power allocation for data transmission, a novel RCT sequence is proposed and optimized with respect to the MSE in estimating the transmit covariance matrix.
An important question in kernel regression is one of estimating the order and bandwidth parameters from available noisy data. We propose to solve the problem within a risk estimation framework. Considering an independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) Gaussian observations model, we use Stein's unbiased risk estimator (SURE) to estimate a weighted mean-square error (MSE) risk, and optimize it with respect to the order and bandwidth parameters. The two parameters are thus spatially adapted in such a manner that noise smoothing and fine structure preservation are simultaneously achieved. On the application side, we consider the problem of image restoration from uniform/non-uniform data, and show that the SURE approach to spatially adaptive kernel regression results in better quality estimation compared with its spatially non-adaptive counterparts. The denoising results obtained are comparable to those obtained using other state-of-the-art techniques, and in some scenarios, superior.
We address the problem of reconstructing a sparse signal from its DFT magnitude. We refer to this problem as the sparse phase retrieval (SPR) problem, which finds applications in tomography, digital holography, electron microscopy, etc. We develop a Fienup-type iterative algorithm, referred to as the Max-K algorithm, to enforce sparsity and successively refine the estimate of phase. We show that the Max-K algorithm possesses Cauchy convergence properties under certain conditions, that is, the MSE of reconstruction does not increase with iterations. We also formulate the problem of SPR as a feasibility problem, where the goal is to find a signal that is sparse in a known basis and whose Fourier transform magnitude is consistent with the measurement. Subsequently, we interpret the Max-K algorithm as alternating projections onto the object-domain and measurement-domain constraint sets and generalize it to a parameterized relaxation, known as the relaxed averaged alternating reflections (RAAR) algorithm. On the application front, we work with measurements acquired using a frequency-domain optical-coherence tomography (FDOCT) experimental setup. Experimental results on measured data show that the proposed algorithms exhibit good reconstruction performance compared with the direct inversion technique, homomorphic technique, and the classical Fienup algorithm without sparsity constraint; specifically, the autocorrelation artifacts and background noise are suppressed to a significant extent. We also demonstrate that the RAAR algorithm offers a broader framework for FDOCT reconstruction, of which the direct inversion technique and the proposed Max-K algorithm become special instances corresponding to specific values of the relaxation parameter.
We address the problem of designing an optimal pointwise shrinkage estimator in the transform domain, based on the minimum probability of error (MPE) criterion. We assume an additive model for the noise corrupting the clean signal. The proposed formulation is general in the sense that it can handle various noise distributions. We consider various noise distributions (Gaussian, Student's-t, and Laplacian) and compare the denoising performance of the estimator obtained with the mean-squared error (MSE)-based estimators. The MSE optimization is carried out using an unbiased estimator of the MSE, namely Stein's Unbiased Risk Estimate (SURE). Experimental results show that the MPE estimator outperforms the SURE estimator in terms of SNR of the denoised output, for low (0 -10 dB) and medium values (10 - 20 dB) of the input SNR.
The effect of multiplicative noise on a signal when compared with that of additive noise is very large. In this paper, we address the problem of suppressing multiplicative noise in one-dimensional signals. To deal with signals that are corrupted with multiplicative noise, we propose a denoising algorithm based on minimization of an unbiased estimator (MURE) of meansquare error (MSE). We derive an expression for an unbiased estimate of the MSE. The proposed denoising is carried out in wavelet domain (soft thresholding) by considering time-domain MURE. The parameters of thresholding function are obtained by minimizing the unbiased estimator MURE. We show that the parameters for optimal MURE are very close to the optimal parameters considering the oracle MSE. Experiments show that the SNR improvement for the proposed denoising algorithm is competitive with a state-of-the-art method.
Local polynomial approximation of data is an approach towards signal denoising. Savitzky-Golay (SG) filters are finite-impulse-response kernels, which convolve with the data to result in polynomial approximation for a chosen set of filter parameters. In the case of noise following Gaussian statistics, minimization of mean-squared error (MSE) between noisy signal and its polynomial approximation is optimum in the maximum-likelihood (ML) sense but the MSE criterion is not optimal for non-Gaussian noise conditions. In this paper, we robustify the SG filter for applications involving noise following a heavy-tailed distribution. The optimal filtering criterion is achieved by l(1) norm minimization of error through iteratively reweighted least-squares (IRLS) technique. It is interesting to note that at any stage of the iteration, we solve a weighted SG filter by minimizing l(2) norm but the process converges to l(1) minimized output. The results show consistent improvement over the standard SG filter performance.
The impulse response of wireless channels between the N-t transmit and N-r receive antennas of a MIMO-OFDM system are group approximately sparse (ga-sparse), i.e., NtNt the channels have a small number of significant paths relative to the channel delay spread and the time-lags of the significant paths between transmit and receive antenna pairs coincide. Often, wireless channels are also group approximately cluster-sparse (gac-sparse), i.e., every ga-sparse channel consists of clusters, where a few clusters have all strong components while most clusters have all weak components. In this paper, we cast the problem of estimating the ga-sparse and gac-sparse block-fading and time-varying channels in the sparse Bayesian learning (SBL) framework and propose a bouquet of novel algorithms for pilot-based channel estimation, and joint channel estimation and data detection, in MIMO-OFDM systems. The proposed algorithms are capable of estimating the sparse wireless channels even when the measurement matrix is only partially known. Further, we employ a first-order autoregressive modeling of the temporal variation of the ga-sparse and gac-sparse channels and propose a recursive Kalman filtering and smoothing (KFS) technique for joint channel estimation, tracking, and data detection. We also propose novel, parallel-implementation based, low-complexity techniques for estimating gac-sparse channels. Monte Carlo simulations illustrate the benefit of exploiting the gac-sparse structure in the wireless channel in terms of the mean square error (MSE) and coded bit error rate (BER) performance.
We propose optimal bilateral filtering techniques for Gaussian noise suppression in images. To achieve maximum denoising performance via optimal filter parameter selection, we adopt Stein's unbiased risk estimate (SURE)-an unbiased estimate of the mean-squared error (MSE). Unlike MSE, SURE is independent of the ground truth and can be used in practical scenarios where the ground truth is unavailable. In our recent work, we derived SURE expressions in the context of the bilateral filter and proposed SURE-optimal bilateral filter (SOBF). We selected the optimal parameters of SOBF using the SURE criterion. To further improve the denoising performance of SOBF, we propose variants of SOBF, namely, SURE-optimal multiresolution bilateral filter (SMBF), which involves optimal bilateral filtering in a wavelet framework, and SURE-optimal patch-based bilateral filter (SPBF), where the bilateral filter parameters are optimized on small image patches. Using SURE guarantees automated parameter selection. The multiresolution and localized denoising in SMBF and SPBF, respectively, yield superior denoising performance when compared with the globally optimal SOBF. Experimental validations and comparisons show that the proposed denoisers perform on par with some state-of-the-art denoising techniques. (C) 2015 SPIE and IS&T
The bilateral filter is known to be quite effective in denoising images corrupted with small dosages of additive Gaussian noise. The denoising performance of the filter, however, is known to degrade quickly with the increase in noise level. Several adaptations of the filter have been proposed in the literature to address this shortcoming, but often at a substantial computational overhead. In this paper, we report a simple pre-processing step that can substantially improve the denoising performance of the bilateral filter, at almost no additional cost. The modified filter is designed to be robust at large noise levels, and often tends to perform poorly below a certain noise threshold. To get the best of the original and the modified filter, we propose to combine them in a weighted fashion, where the weights are chosen to minimize (a surrogate of) the oracle mean-squared-error (MSE). The optimally-weighted filter is thus guaranteed to perform better than either of the component filters in terms of the MSE, at all noise levels. We also provide a fast algorithm for the weighted filtering. Visual and quantitative denoising results on standard test images are reported which demonstrate that the improvement over the original filter is significant both visually and in terms of PSNR. Moreover, the denoising performance of the optimally-weighted bilateral filter is competitive with the computation-intensive non-local means filter.
We address the problem of denoising images corrupted by multiplicative noise. The noise is assumed to follow a Gamma distribution. Compared with additive noise distortion, the effect of multiplicative noise on the visual quality of images is quite severe. We consider the mean-square error (MSE) cost function and derive an expression for an unbiased estimate of the MSE. The resulting multiplicative noise unbiased risk estimator is referred to as MURE. The denoising operation is performed in the wavelet domain by considering the image-domain MURE. The parameters of the denoising function (typically, a shrinkage of wavelet coefficients) are optimized for by minimizing MURE. We show that MURE is accurate and close to the oracle MSE. This makes MURE-based image denoising reliable and on par with oracle-MSE-based estimates. Analogous to the other popular risk estimation approaches developed for additive, Poisson, and chi-squared noise degradations, the proposed approach does not assume any prior on the underlying noise-free image. We report denoising results for various noise levels and show that the quality of denoising obtained is on par with the oracle result and better than that obtained using some state-of-the-art denoisers.
A finite element analysis associated with an asymptotic solution method for the harmonic flexural vibration of viscoelastically damped unsymmetrical sandwich plates is given. The element formulation is based on generalization of the discrete Kirchhoff theory (DKT) element formulation. The results obtained with the first order approximation of the asymptotic solution presented here are the same as those obtained by means of the modal strain energy (MSE) method. By taking more terms of the asymptotic solution, with successive calculations and use of the Padé approximants method, accuracy can be improved. The finite element computation has been verified by comparison with an analytical exact solution for rectangular plates with simply supported edges. Results for the same plates with clamped edges are also presented.