103 resultados para MPE


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Increasing worldwide terrorist attacks involving explosives presents a growing need for a rapid and ranged explosive detection method that can safely be deployed in the field. Stand-off Raman spectroscopy shows great promise; however, the radiant exposures of lasers required for adequate signal generation are often much greater than what is safe for the eye or the skin, restricting use of the technique to un-populated areas. Here, by determining the safe exposure levels for lasers typically used in Raman spectroscopy, optimal parameter values are identified, which produce the largest possible detection range using power densities that do not exceed the eye-safe limit. It is shown that safe ultraviolet pulse energies can be more than three orders of magnitude greater than equivalent safe visible pulse energies. Coupling this to the 16-fold increase in Raman signal obtained in the ultraviolet at 266 nm over that at 532 nm results in a 131 times larger detection range for the eye-safe 266-nm system over an equivalent eye-safe 532-nm laser system. For the Raman system described here, this translates to a maximum range of 42 m for detecting Teflon with a 266-nm laser emitting a 100-mm diameter beam of 23.5-mJ nanosecond pulses.


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Despite highly conserved core catalytic domains, members of the metallophosphoesterase (MPE) superfamily perform diverse and crucial functions ranging from nucleotide and nucleic acid metabolism to phospholipid hydrolysis. Unique structural elements outside of the catalytic core called ``cap domains'' are thought to provide specialization to these enzymes; however, no directed study has been performed to substantiate this. The cap domain of Rv0805, an MPE from Mycobacterium tuberculosis, is located C-terminal to its catalytic domain and is dispensable for the catalytic activity of this enzyme in vitro. We show here that this C-terminal extension (CTE) mediates in vivo localization of the protein to the cell membrane and cell wall as well as modulates expression levels of Rv0805 in mycobacteria. We also demonstrate that Rv0805 interacts with the cell wall of mycobacteria, possibly with the mycolyl-arabinogalactan-peptidoglycan complex, by virtue of its C terminus, a hitherto unknown property of this MPE. Using a panel of mutant proteins, we identify interactions between active site residues of Rv0805 and the CTE that determine its association with the cell wall. Finally, we show that Rv0805 and a truncated mutant devoid of the CTE produce different phenotypic effects when expressed in mycobacteria. Our study thus provides a detailed dissection of the functions of the cap domain of an MPE and suggests that the repertoire of cellular functions of MPEs cannot be understood without exploring the modulatory effects of these subdomains.


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We address the problem of designing an optimal pointwise shrinkage estimator in the transform domain, based on the minimum probability of error (MPE) criterion. We assume an additive model for the noise corrupting the clean signal. The proposed formulation is general in the sense that it can handle various noise distributions. We consider various noise distributions (Gaussian, Student's-t, and Laplacian) and compare the denoising performance of the estimator obtained with the mean-squared error (MSE)-based estimators. The MSE optimization is carried out using an unbiased estimator of the MSE, namely Stein's Unbiased Risk Estimate (SURE). Experimental results show that the MPE estimator outperforms the SURE estimator in terms of SNR of the denoised output, for low (0 -10 dB) and medium values (10 - 20 dB) of the input SNR.


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Calcineurin-like metallophosphoesterases (MPEs) form a large superfamily of binuclear metal-ion-centre-containing enzymes that hydrolyse phosphomono-, phosphodi-or phosphotri-esters in a metal-dependent manner. The MPE domain is found in Mre11/SbcD DNA-repair enzymes, mammalian phosphoprotein phosphatases, acid sphingomyelinases, purple acid phosphatases, nucleotidases and bacterial cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases. Despite this functional diversity, MPEs show a remarkably similar structural fold and active-site architecture. In the present review, we summarize the available structural, biochemical and functional information on these proteins. We also describe how diversification and specialization of the core MPE fold in various MPEs is achieved by amino acid substitution in their active sites, metal ions and regulatory effects of accessory domains. Finally, we discuss emerging roles of these proteins as non-catalytic protein-interaction scaffolds. Thus we view the MPE superfamily as a set of proteins with a highly conserved structural core that allows embellishment to result in dramatic and niche-specific diversification of function.


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This paper discusses the development of the CU-HTK Mandarin Broadcast News (BN) transcription system. The Mandarin BN task includes a significant amount of English data. Hence techniques have been investigated to allow the same system to handle both Mandarin and English by augmenting the Mandarin training sets with English acoustic and language model training data. A range of acoustic models were built including models based on Gaussianised features, speaker adaptive training and feature-space MPE. A multi-branch system architecture is described in which multiple acoustic model types, alternate phone sets and segmentations can be used in a system combination framework to generate the final output. The final system shows state-of-the-art performance over a range of test sets. ©2006 British Crown Copyright.


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Nuclear fusion has arisen as an alternative energy to avoid carbon dioxide emissions, being the tokamak a promising nuclear fusion reactor that uses a magnetic field to confine plasma in the shape of a torus. However, different kinds of magnetohydrodynamic instabilities may affect tokamak plasma equilibrium, causing severe reduction of particle confinement and leading to plasma disruptions. In this sense, numerous efforts and resources have been devoted to seeking solutions for the different plasma control problems so as to avoid energy confinement time decrements in these devices. In particular, since the growth rate of the vertical instability increases with the internal inductance, lowering the internal inductance is a fundamental issue to address for the elongated plasmas employed within the advanced tokamaks currently under development. In this sense, this paper introduces a lumped parameter numerical model of the tokamak in order to design a novel robust sliding mode controller for the internal inductance using the transformer primary coil as actuator.


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The 2009/28/EC Directive requires Member States of the European Union to adopt a National Action Plan for Renewable Energy. In this context, the Basque Energy Board, EVE, is committed to research activities such as the Mutriku Oscillating Water Column plant, OWC. This is an experimental facility whose concept consists of a turbine located in a pneumatic energy collection chamber and a doubly fed induction generator that converts energy extracted by the turbine into a form that can be returned to the network. The turbo-generator control requires a precise knowledge of system parameters and of the rotor angular velocity in particular. Thus, to remove the rotor speed sensor implies a simplification of the hardware that is always convenient in rough working conditions. In this particular case, a Luenberger based observer is considered and the effectiveness of the proposed control is shown by numerical simulations. Comparing these results with those obtained using a traditional speed sensor, it is shown that the proposed solution provides better performance since it increases power extraction in the sense that it allows a more reliable and robust performance of the plant, which is even more relevant in a hostile environment as the ocean.


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This study developed a framework for the shape optimization of aerodynamics profiles using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and genetic algorithms. Agenetic algorithm code and a commercial CFD code were integrated to develop a CFD shape optimization tool. The results obtained demonstrated the effectiveness of the developed tool. The shape optimization of airfoils was studied using different strategies to demonstrate the capacity of this tool with different GA parameter combinations.


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Computer vision algorithms that use color information require color constant images to operate correctly. Color constancy of the images is usually achieved in two steps: first the illuminant is detected and then image is transformed with the chromatic adaptation transform ( CAT). Existing CAT methods use a single transformation matrix for all the colors of the input image. The method proposed in this paper requires multiple corresponding color pairs between source and target illuminants given by patches of the Macbeth color checker. It uses Delaunay triangulation to divide the color gamut of the input image into small triangles. Each color of the input image is associated with the triangle containing the color point and transformed with a full linear model associated with the triangle. Full linear model is used because diagonal models are known to be inaccurate if channel color matching functions do not have narrow peaks. Objective evaluation showed that the proposed method outperforms existing CAT methods by more than 21%; that is, it performs statistically significantly better than other existing methods.


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This paper deals with the convergence of a remote iterative learning control system subject to data dropouts. The system is composed by a set of discrete-time multiple input-multiple output linear models, each one with its corresponding actuator device and its sensor. Each actuator applies the input signals vector to its corresponding model at the sampling instants and the sensor measures the output signals vector. The iterative learning law is processed in a controller located far away of the models so the control signals vector has to be transmitted from the controller to the actuators through transmission channels. Such a law uses the measurements of each model to generate the input vector to be applied to its subsequent model so the measurements of the models have to be transmitted from the sensors to the controller. All transmissions are subject to failures which are described as a binary sequence taking value 1 or 0. A compensation dropout technique is used to replace the lost data in the transmission processes. The convergence to zero of the errors between the output signals vector and a reference one is achieved as the number of models tends to infinity.


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This paper is aimed at designing a robust vaccination strategy capable of eradicating an infectious disease from a population regardless of the potential uncertainty in the parameters defining the disease. For this purpose, a control theoretic approach based on a sliding-mode control law is used. Initially, the controller is designed assuming certain knowledge of an upper-bound of the uncertainty signal. Afterwards, this condition is removed while an adaptive sliding control system is designed. The closed-loop properties are proved mathematically in the nonadaptive and adaptive cases. Furthermore, the usual sign function appearing in the sliding-mode control is substituted by the saturation function in order to prevent chattering. In addition, the properties achieved by the closed-loop system under this variation are also stated and proved analytically. The closed-loop system is able to attain the control objective regardless of the parametric uncertainties of the model and the lack of a priori knowledge on the system.


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Computer vision algorithms that use color information require color constant images to operate correctly. Color constancy of the images is usually achieved in two steps: first the illuminant is detected and then image is transformed with the chromatic adaptation transform ( CAT). Existing CAT methods use a single transformation matrix for all the colors of the input image. The method proposed in this paper requires multiple corresponding color pairs between source and target illuminants given by patches of the Macbeth color checker. It uses Delaunay triangulation to divide the color gamut of the input image into small triangles. Each color of the input image is associated with the triangle containing the color point and transformed with a full linear model associated with the triangle. Full linear model is used because diagonal models are known to be inaccurate if channel color matching functions do not have narrow peaks. Objective evaluation showed that the proposed method outperforms existing CAT methods by more than 21%; that is, it performs statistically significantly better than other existing methods.


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One of the main problems of fusion energy is to achieve longer pulse duration by avoiding the premature reaction decay due to plasma instabilities. The control of the plasma inductance arises as an essential tool for the successful operation of tokamak fusion reactors in order to overcome stability issues as well as the new challenges specific to advanced scenarios operation. In this sense, given that advanced tokamaks will suffer from limited power available from noninductive current drive actuators, the transformer primary coil could assist in reducing the power requirements of the noninductive current drive sources needed for current profile control. Therefore, tokamak operation may benefit from advanced control laws beyond the traditionally used PID schemes by reducing instabilities while guaranteeing the tokamak integrity. In this paper, a novel model predictive control (MPC) scheme has been developed and successfully employed to optimize both current and internal inductance of the plasma, which influences the L-H transition timing, the density peaking, and pedestal pressure. Results show that the internal inductance and current profiles can be adequately controlled while maintaining the minimal control action required in tokamak operation.


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This paper describes recent improvements to the Cambridge Arabic Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition (LVCSR) Speech-to-Text (STT) system. It is shown that wordboundary context markers provide a powerful method to enhance graphemic systems by implicit phonetic information, improving the modelling capability of graphemic systems. In addition, a robust technique for full covariance Gaussian modelling in the Minimum Phone Error (MPE) training framework is introduced. This reduces the full covariance training to a diagonal covariance training problem, thereby solving related robustness problems. The full system results show that the combined use of these and other techniques within a multi-branch combination framework reduces the Word Error Rate (WER) of the complete system by up to 5.9% relative. Copyright © 2011 ISCA.