The objective of this work is the study of the existing correlations between the strategical use of the information and the joint and implementation of defense politics and national security in the Legal Amazonian. For in such a way, the proposal was developed from the analysis of the systems of protection and monitoring of the Amazonian (SIPAM/SIVAM), where we search to inquire as these systems have contributed for the definition and implantation of these politics. For the Amazonian, with its natural wealth, threats and vulnerabilities, the perspectives of integration, security and national defense and of sustainable development constitute great challenges to be faced, where the efficient use of the technology is a basic reference that must be incorporated in the strategies and public politics in these areas. One is about a strategical project, conceived with vision of future, protection and development of the . The objective SIPAM/SIVAM the defense and the guarantee of the Brazilian sovereignty in the Legal Amazonian, beyond the systematization and accomplishment of the governmental actions in the region, by means of the intensive use of technological apparatus. In turn, they reflect the priority that the Amazon region has in terms of defense and security for the Country, and symbolize the strategy of the State to protect it. The SIPAM/SIVAM if finds in a boarding line in which the guarantee of the national sovereignty also involves the care with the development of the local population, inside of a proposal educative and integrator. Like conclusion we affirm that of the SIPAM/SIVAM creates a new paradigm for the public administration, where the organizations work with a shared set of information, beyond starting to act of integrated form. Thus, when searching permanently the rationalization of efforts and resources, trying an unknown form of institution relationship where infrastructure and products are shared, the SIPAM/SIVAM creates a new premise for the Brazilian public administration and contributes to give a new direction to the development of the Amazonian.
Há uma crescente preocupação em relação à temática dos resíduos sólidos entre acadêmicos, governos, empresas e indivíduos, embora pouco se conheça sobre os motivos que direcionam as escolhas pessoais no descarte de itens recicláveis dentro do domicílio. As pessoas participam ou não de programas de coleta seletiva por motivos que não são aparentes e nem diretamente identificados. Assim, o problema desta tese foi: Que determinantes influenciam o comportamento para reciclagem? Quais implicações disso para formulação de políticas públicas direcionadas ao comportamento para reciclagem? Em torno desta questão, o objetivo foi entender o quanto os modelos cognitivo-comportamentais predizem e explicam o comportamento para reciclagem (CR), buscando examinar a relação cognição-comportamento proposta pela sua fundamentação teórica. Nesta Tese parte-se da premissa de que existe uma lacuna entre a pose de uma atitude pró-ambiental e a demonstração do comportamento, o que tem sido conhecido como hiato atitude-comportamento. Para isso, optou-se pela análise comparativa do poder preditivo de modelos de escolha racional (Teoria do Comportamento Planejado e Teoria do Comportamento Interpessoal) e do Modelo Atitude-Comportamento-Contexto. Considerou-se uma amostra não probabilística (N=400) de responsáveis por domicílios paulistanos que constavam na lista de assinantes de telefones fixos da Telefônica. Posteriormente os dados coletados foram submetidos à Modelagem de Equações Estruturais. Os resultados empíricos comprovaram a premissa que fundamenta esta Tese, mostrando efeito nulo da variável atitude na predição do comportamento para reciclagem. Os dados também revelaram que a melhor preditora de comportamento para reciclagem foi o hábito, seguido das influências sociais de grupos primários, controle percebido e da conveniência da coleta seletiva. Emergem daí a importância dos determinantes externos (contexto) como característica-chave para intervenções em políticas públicas direcionadas às mudanças comportamentais, conforme pressupostos do modelo ABC.
Trata da questão dos problemas ambientais do ponto de vista econômico. Faz uma abordagem do conceito teórico de externalidades e discute os modos pelos quais a teoria econômica se propõe a solucionar os problemas ambientais, fazendo um apanhado geral sobre os métodos de regulação (subsídios e multas) e os mecanismos de mercado (taxas, tarifas e certificados de propriedade). A ênfase é dada a estes últimos, devido à sua aplicação recente nestas questões. Tenta mostrar resumidamente alguns casos destas aplicações.
Os esforços de conservação ambiental têm enfrentado muitos desafios, dentre os quais a dificuldade para implementar áreas protegidas. As evidências sugerem que a criação legal de uma área protegida não é condição suficiente para sua efetiva implementação. O presente trabalho adota uma abordagem institucionalista para entender as condições que poderiam levar ao sucesso ou ao fracasso de tais áreas. O arcabouço teórico é composto por trabalhos de Direito Ambiental, Biologia da Conservação e, principalmente, da Nova Economia Institucional. Inicialmente, busca-se reunir estes diversos campos do conhecimento sob um mesmo corpo de conhecimento, a Governança ambiental. Em seguida, formula-se uma hipótese de complementaridade institucional, i.e., a possibilidade de que exista sinergia na interação entre determinadas instituições. Esta discussão é utilizada para analisar a legislação brasileira referente às Unidades de Conservação. E, por fim, as hipóteses teóricas são examinadas em um estudo de caso da região de Mata Atlântica no Vale do Ribeira, São Paulo.
O presente trabalho visa analisar a ascensão das políticas públicas relacionadas ao meio ambiente no contexto internacional e nacional, e como a negociação de ativos ambientais como mecanismos de mercado contribuem para a implementação de tais políticas públicas de forma economicamente eficiente. Os principais pontos levantados são acerca da regulamentação dos ativos ambientais no Brasil, se estes devem ser enquadrados no conceito de valores mobiliários e consequentemente se devem ser analisados e/ou pela Comissão de Valores Mobiliários.
Some protected special spaces on behalf of fundamental rights to the environment and the housing at the city of Natal are fragile by facing actions and attempts to suppress and changing (or omission in the implementation) of standards in furtherance of those rights at the local level, which seems to reflect a situation that goes beyond the context of the city. Based on integrated approach of the housing rights and the environment and its protection of special spaces on the field of fundamental rights, the thesis seeks to understand the weaknesses that affect the legal state duty under the realization/implementation of fundamental rights to the environment and housing in cities, focusing on the issues of flexibility of the founding legislation of special spaces to the detriment of the attributes they protected and the lack of implementation of the legal system that allows their effectiveness. So, it looks initially to understand the environment and housing rights and their special protected areas in the brazilian legal system, looking forward the evolution of its legal protection, as well as the weaknesses that emerge in the field of their effectiveness. Analyzing the trajectory of the environment and housing rights and their special protected areas in Natal, considering its standards, attributes, protection indicators, weaknesses and negative evidence within its legal protections and their enforcement by state entity, this thesis proposes to verify the existence of forms to confronting the weaknesses founded in the maintenance of legal protection and its implementation. At this point it discusses the legal basis and safeguard instruments of protection, especially within the juridical field, as part of a (re)discussion about issues of legislative and administrative discretion in the face of objective legal state duty to realization/implementation of fundamental rights in the urban space. With all these issues together the thesis does not ignore the scenario where the dividing line between public and private (economic) are becoming ever more tenuous in the field of state action and where the city stands as a special commodity to the reproduction of real estate, according to the interests of capitalist logic
This research proposes a study about the interpretative techniques application that are compatible with the national legal system under the principles for Sustainable Development characterized in Brazilian Constitution. It verifies the actual possibility of reconciliation between national development and environment protection, with reflections under the water legal protection. It was proposed, therefore, to point subsidies for jurisdictional decisions involving development and the environmental goods, protected as constitutionally guaranteed principles. It was assumed that, both development and environment protection represents basic rights that are eventually placed in conflict situations, considering the many legitimate economic activities within the Brazilian State. A representative case analysis was elected within the current national scene, detailing the judicial and political conflict involving the Transboundery water Project from the São Francisco River Basin to another Northeastern river basin in Brazil. The implementation of several constitutional principles with elements from legal hermeneutics provides subsidies for the legal analysis about the conflict between development and environmental protection. It was assumed that the main discussion item about rights due to development today is the institutions influence and their results, among them the rules, laws and interpretative elements for the constitutional text objectivity, as the institutions credibility and the Supreme Courts interpretations. The use of interpretative resources for specific conflict situations about constitutional principles by Superior Courts, on the search, would bring a contributory factor for decision safety, related to sustainable development principles, elimination of inequalities and regional protecting for the environment. Specific aspects of Law No. 9.433/97 that introduced the National Water Resources Policy were examined, with its instruments, in order to specifically contextualize aspects of the Brazilian water resources management politics
The World Trade Organization (WTO) was established in 1994 as a result of the Uruguay Round, and has as its principal aim advocate for the maintenance of free trade between nations. The preamble of its Constitutive Agreement specifically cites as an institution the goal of achieving sustainable development and the pursuit of protecting and preserving the environment, bringing into the sphere of world trade the idea that concern for the environmental cause is not restricted only the group of environmentalists, but rather has entered the economic landscape in a way not only ideological, but also pragmatic. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) 1947, part of the GATT 1994, contains a device that allows the adoption of trade restrictive measures, provided that such measures aimed at protecting the environment - Article XX. The Settlement Body (DSB) is part of the WTO and acts in dissolving disputes between the countries motivated by trade. It examines two cases where countries have imposed restrictive trade measures with environmental justification. The first case was closed in 1996, with award of damages given to Brazil, on the breakdown of U.S. environmental legislation imposed on imported gasoline from Brazil - and the second, begun in 2005 and closed in 2007, coming out victorious again Brazil is on the import ban on retreaded tires to Brazil. The objective is to answer the question: how the environment is treated in the midst of trade discussions - which is aimed at its protection or its use with economic objectives in disguise? For the preparation of this work, extensive documentary research was undertaken with the virtual site of the WTO to review the entire production of legal cases and subsequent analysis of the key issue for the work, and literature of authors who have studied the tense relationship between trade international environment. The first case, it could be seen that the political movement performed by the U.S. with the aim of achieving acceptable standards of air quality was an institutional effort to ensure the quality of air, and thus would be inappropriate to say that the regulation of gasoline was merely a disguised trade barrier.However, a careful analysis of the implementation and operation of gasoline regulation may reveal intentions disguised trade and U.S. environmental argument did not hold. The weight of this environment was relegated, since there were clearly outside interests to the environmental cause. The second case, it was realized that, despite clear attempts by the EC to promote ecological dumping, send when brought to Brazil, supposedly a country with weaker environmental structure on surveillance, a residue that, pursuant to internal policies, as could not be sent to their own landfills, the Brazilian discourse remained focused on the environmental cause, and this sort there was the existence of disguised trade barriers, but of importance, at least a priori, the discussion of foreign forces on the environment environment because there is no way to legally justify the reversal of the total understanding of the first judging body, the sight of all the arguments presented by Brazil and the nonsubmission of new facts upon appeal. Still, quite heartening to reflect on the role of trade liberalization on the environment in general, because, while they do not reach a definitive conclusion will reveal positions in both directions, both for and against, the that only adds to the discussions and makes this a very fertile topic for future research
Projetos de educação ambiental da Universidade Livre do Meio Ambiente (UMASQ): concepções e práticas
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR
Ecologia, educação ambiental, ambiente e meio ambiente: modelos conceituais e representações mentais
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC