98 resultados para Míkel de Epalza


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Aux origines de l'adoptianisme espagnol, selon l'A., il y a des doctrines islamiques «occultées» par des doctrines chrétiennes antérieures ou des erreurs judaïques parallèles. Il en souligne d'abord les éléments islamiques dus aux relations entre chrétiens et musulmans à Cordoue, à la doctrine islamisante de Migetius, à la culture profane d'Elipand de Tolède et aux efforts catéchétiques de Félix d'Urgel auprès des juifs et des musulmans: tout est réductible aux exigences de compromis de la polémique islamo--chrétienne où on incline à réduire l'importance de la divinité du Christ. Les erreurs musulmanes sont, par suite, condamnées comme étant judaïques et le recours à d'antiques doctrines chrétiennes légitime les thèses de l'adoptianisme, non sans subir des influences ariennes, sabelliennes et nestoriennes: le contexte socio-politique exigeait une telle «occultation» et favorisait de telles déviations.


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This dissertation, based on material from Stenman s vast private archive, examines the role played by Swedish-speaking Finnish art dealer Gösta Stenman (1888-1947) and his art gallery, Stenmans Konstsalong, in the Finnish and Swedish art worlds from 1911 to 1947. This archive is examined here for the first time. The analytical framework used for this empirical study derives from Pierre Bourdieu s sociological theories. An art-sociological approach allows for the inclusion of more mechanisms at work in the art world than are typically embraced in such inquiries. This approach provides a fuller understanding of how Stenman attained his standing and central role in the art world in Finland as well as Sweden; enabling us to appreciate how he came to occupy such a prominent position in current art historical writing. All of these issues constitute new areas of research. Taking his cues from the contemporary art world of Paris, Stenman became the year 1914 a modern art dealer like no other in the Nordic countries. This dissertation represents the first academic investigation into his operations, strategies, and objectives, offering insight into not only the art dealer himself but also the functioning of the art market one of the most vital aspects of the art world. A by-product of this work, is that the modern art market in Finland is portrayed, including essential issues related to its growth and development as well as how it altered the conditions under which art could be produced, exhibited and promoted and what this entailed for the art world at large, artists and patrons alike. This first systematic analysis of the operations of Stenman s Konstsalong offers greater understanding of the art worlds of Sweden and Finland in the early twentieth century. The work also looks at how an agent of the art market could move between the fields of art in Sweden and Finland. The manner in which Stenman promoted individual artists, including his relationships with Tyko Sallinen, Helene Schjerfbeck, Juho Mäkelä, Jalmari Ruokokoski, Siri Derkert, Esther Kjerner, Eva Bagge, and many others, also falls within this purview. Stenman s contract with Sallinen from 1913 stands out as a new phenomenon in Finnish art promotion, whereby an artistic career became established via a far-sighted, strategic promotional program. The case study of Stenman s promotion of Schjerfbeck in Sweden provides evidence of the increasingly advanced nature of Stenman s strategies. The title of the dissertation, The Promoter of Modernism, attempts to convey that Stenman was the consummate modernist, modern in his thoughts, his actions, and his approach to art. Keywords: Gösta Stenman, Stenmans konstsalong, Stenmans dotter, art market, modernism, collecting, Novembergruppen, Helene Schjerfbeck, Tyko Sallinen, Juho Mäkelä, Jalmari Ruokokoski, Wäinö Aaltonen, Siri Derkert, Åke Göransson, Esther Kjerner, Eva Bagge.


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The dissertation deals with the prose texts of the Finnish writer Timo K. Mukka, renowned for his depictions of his native Lapland. This research concerns the creation of world view in Mukka s prose, which is approached by studying what Mikhail Bakhtin calls generic change. Such genre change is the most characteristic feature of Mukka s prose. His prose is permeated with two genres in particular and changes between them: the ballad-like, archaistic and romantic prose-poem style and naturalistic, even grotesque expressions. In addition, these genres are associated with sublime and grotesque styles so that generic change tends to involve also stylistic changes in Mukka s prose. This study probes the tension-filled interrelationships between the ballad and naturalistic prose by examining the discourse of Mukka s characters. It is shown that these characters invariably find themselves in what Bakhtin calls the chronotope of the threshold; that is, the plots of Mukka s novels and short stories depict situations in which the characters are faced with decisions and deeds that will profoundly impact their lives. The discourse of the threshold affects the characters speech by filling it with dialogical dimensions. This makes their communication ethically loaded and polyphonic. This study is based on Mikhail Bakhtin s theory of the novel and international Bakhtin s studies. I also take into consideration the theoretical developments of Bakhtin s work; for example, the concept of ressentiment, adapted from the Bakhtin scholar Michel André Bernstein, plays an important role. In order to explicate on the psychology of Mukka s characters such as melancholy, abjection, sadism, and taboo I use the concepts familiar from Freudian psychoanalysis. The corpus of my research consists of the following texts: the long prose texts Maa on syntinen laulu. Balladi (1964), Tabu (1965), Täältä jostakin. Romaani (1965), Laulu Sipirjan lapsista. Romaani (1966), Ja kesän heinä kuolee. Kertomus sairaudesta (1968) ja Kyyhky ja unikko (1970) and the short story collections Koiran kuolema (1967) ja Lumen pelko (1970), and with Tabu published short story Sankarihymni , the short story Katkelma laajemmasta laulelmasta from the collection Rakastaa: Kaksitoista novellia rakkaudesta (1965) and also the short stories which were published in various Finnish journals: Yöt (1965), Liisa (1967), Tyttö (1967) ja Näin hetki sitten ketun (1970). I pay particular attention to the novel Maa on syntinen laulu, because it expresses the generic change characteristic of Mukka s world view in a specifically clear and lively way. The dissertation is in Finnish. Key words: Timo K. Mukka, world view, genre change, ballad, naturalism, grotesque realism, Mikhail Bakhtin, dialogism, polyphony, chronotope, sublime, grotesque, ressentiment, Sigmund Freud, melancholy, taboo, abject, sadism, reduced laughter, modern parody.


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Basidiomycetous white-rot fungi are the only organisms that can efficiently decompose all the components of wood. Moreover, white-rot fungi possess the ability to mineralize recalcitrant lignin polymer with their extracellular, oxidative lignin-modifying enzymes (LMEs), i.e. laccase, lignin peroxidase (LiP), manganese peroxidase (MnP), and versatile peroxidase (VP). Within one white-rot fungal species LMEs are typically present as several isozymes encoded by multiple genes. This study focused on two effi cient lignin-degrading white-rot fungal species, Phlebia radiata and Dichomitus squalens. Molecular level knowledge of the LMEs of the Finnish isolate P. radiata FBCC43 (79, ATCC 64658) was complemented with cloning and characterization of a new laccase (Pr-lac2), two new LiP-encoding genes (Pr-lip1, Pr-lip4), and Pr-lip3 gene that has been previously described only at cDNAlevel. Also, two laccase-encoding genes (Ds-lac3, Ds-lac4) of D. squalens were cloned and characterized for the first time. Phylogenetic analysis revealed close evolutionary relationships between the P. radiata LiP isozymes. Distinct protein phylogeny for both P. radiata and D. squalens laccases suggested different physiological functions for the corresponding enzymes. Supplementation of P. radiata liquid culture medium with excess Cu2+ notably increased laccase activity and good fungal growth was achieved in complex medium rich with organic nitrogen. Wood is the natural substrate of lignin-degrading white-rot fungi, supporting production of enzymes and metabolites needed for fungal growth and the breakdown of lignocellulose. In this work, emphasis was on solid-state wood or wood-containing cultures that mimic the natural growth conditions of white-rot fungi. Transcript analyses showed that wood promoted expression of all the presently known LME-encoding genes of P. radiata and laccase-encoding genes of D. squalens. Expression of the studied individual LME-encoding genes of P. radiata and D. squalens was unequal in transcript quantities and apparently time-dependent, thus suggesting the importance of several distinct LMEs within one fungal species. In addition to LMEs, white-rot fungi secrete other compounds that are important in decomposition of wood and lignin. One of these compounds is oxalic acid, which is a common metabolite of wood-rotting fungi. Fungi produce also oxalic-acid degrading enzymes of which the most widespread is oxalate decarboxylase (ODC). However, the role of ODC in fungi is still ambiguous with propositions from regulation of intra and extracellular oxalic acid levels to a function in primary growth and concomitant production of ATP. In this study, intracellular ODC activity was detected in four white-rot fungal species, and D. squalens showed the highest ODC activity upon exposure to oxalic acid. Oxalic acid was the most common organic acid secreted by the ODC-positive white-rot fungi and the only organic acid detected in wood cultures. The ODC-encoding gene Ds-odc was cloned from two strains of D. squalens showing the first characterization of an odc-gene from a white-rot polypore species. Biochemical properties of the D. squalens ODC resembled those described for other basidiomycete ODCs. However, the translated amino acid sequence of Ds-odc has a novel N-terminal primary structure with a repetitive Ala-Ser-rich region of ca 60 amino acid residues in length. Expression of the Ds-odc transcripts suggested a constitutive metabolic role for the corresponding ODC enzyme. According to the results, it is proposed that ODC may have an essential implication for the growth and basic metabolism of wood-decaying fungi.


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