230 resultados para Ludzie jako infrastruktura


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Includes bibliographical references.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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"Wyjątek z Fundamentów Budowy Społecznej."


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Vol. 2 includes indexes.


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Dedikaatio: Ruobertti Henrikki Rehbinder.


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Artykuł dotyka problemu polityczności z punktu widzenia komunikacji, która – jako subdyscyplina politologii – stanowi integralną część programów nauczania przyszłych absolwentów tego kierunku, przez co konieczną wydaje się być dyskusja na temat umiejscowienia tego zagadnienia w ramach dyscypliny. Co ciekawe, dyskurs naukowy zdominowany przez zagadnienia związane z mediami i przesyłaniem danych kanałami informacyjnymi, często pomija kwestie komunikowania bezpośredniego i poziomego; tym odbywającą się między obywatelami, ale – przede wszystkim – samymi politykami. Informacja – jako podstawowa jednostka komunikacyjna – staje się tu jednym z elementów relacji o cesze polityczności oraz środkiem osiągania celów, wpisując się tym samym w dyskusję o podstawach teoretycznych dyscypliny i o granicach badań nad zjawiskami tradycyjnie podejmowanymi w swoich rozważaniach przez przedstawicieli nauk politycznych. The article takes up a problem of " the political " from communication point of view, which-as a sub-discipline of political science-is an integral part of the curriculum for future graduates of this discipline. It seems to be necessary to locate this issue in the branch of studies. Interestingly, scientific discourse dominated by media and information channels, often ignores direct and horizontal communication, especially between citizens and-above all-politicians themselves. Information, as the basic unit of communication, becomes the part of " political relations " and the specific form of meeting a political aim. Therefore, it " fits in " the discussion of theoretical foundations of this discipline and scope of research in the area of phenomenons traditionally analysed by representatives of political science.


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The aim of this article is to investigate how the European university education sector is being internationalized. The authors test „European Studies” programs, assuming that due to their peculiar character they are the forerunners of change, which results, among other things, from Europeanization processes. The field of „Teaching Europe” is mapped in the European Union and then a more detailed analysis is conducted in Poland and Germany. These allow the authors to formulate three models describing how universities in Europe are answering the challenges created by the integration process. The Polish and German cases further illustrate the dynamics of „European Studies” development, as well as differences in general aims, disciplinary construction as well as level of internationalization. Various geographical patterns of enhanced collaboration are revealed by the research when checking Double Degree programs.


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The research aims to answer a fundamental question: which of the disability models currently in use is optimal for creating “accessible tourism-oriented” amenities, as well as more detailed problems: (1) what is disability and what determines different disability models? (2) what types of tourism market supply available for the disabled do the different disability models suggest? (3) are the disability models complementary or mutually exclusive? (4) is the idea of social integration and inclusion of people with disabilities (PWD) while on tourist trips supported of the society? Data sources comprise selected literature and results of a survey conducted using the face-to-face method and the SurveyMonkey website from May 2013 to July 2014. The surveyed group included 619 people (82% were Polish, the other 18% were foreigners from: Russia, Germany, Portugal, Slovakia, Canada, Tunisia and the United Kingdom). The research showed that the different disability models – medical, social, geographical and economic – are useful when creating the tourism supply for the PWD. Using the research results, the authors suggested a model of “diversification of tourism market supply structure available for the disabled”, which includes different types of supply – from specialist to universal. This model has practical usage and can help entrepreneurs with the segmentation of tourism offers addressed to the PWD. The work is innovative, both in its theoretical approach (the review of disability models and their practical application in creating tourism supply) and empirical values – it provides current data for the social attitude towards the development of PWD tourism. Especially the presentation of a wide range of perception of disability as well as the simple classification of tourism supply that meets the varied needs of PWD, is a particular novelty of this chapter.


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The quality of life (QOL) is currently one of the main fields of study for researchers around the world. Its complex nature makes it a topic of interest for many different fields, such as philosophy, ethics, medicine, economics, sociology and physical culture sciences. Despite the differences in the way various researches define the QOL, the general agreement is that any measurement of QOL should encompass the following dimensions: objective QOL and subjective QOL (well-being). Particularly noteworthy, for any complex research is the mutual relationship between the QOL and tourism and recreation. The increase of tourism and recreation should entail a simultaneous development of local communities, as emphasized by Crouch and Ritchie this implies that the inhabitants of an area that serves a function of tourism and recreation should profit from the increased number of tourists. This benefits should be reflected in the objective QOL conditions and the subjective sense of satisfaction of the residents. The city of Leszno and it’s tourism and recreation-oriented development strategy were used to form a basis for theoretical study on QOL and to calculate the Tourism-Recreation QOL Index.


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Artykuł przedstawia news telewizyjny jako akt retoryczny. News telewizyjny rozumiany jest jako relacja o wydarzeniu zbudowana zazwyczaj z zapowiedzi i krótkiego kilkuminutowego materiału filmowego (nazywanego czasem felietonem), będącego rezultatem pracy reporter-skiej, wyemitowana w telewizji, zazwyczaj jako jeden z elementów w strukturze magazynu informacyjnego, ale również jako element bloków programowych telewizji informacyjnych. Newsy telewizyjne funkcjonują w mediach jako jeden z elementów działań strategicznych nadawców medialnych nastawionych na określone cele, w tym cele wizerunkowe, polityczne i ekonomiczne. Newsy powstają jako reakcja na konkretne wydarzenia, zaspokajają potrzebę informacji, ale służą też kreowaniu obrazu świata, skupianiu uwagi na pewnych aspektach rze-czywistości, wartościowaniu jej, przekonywaniu o ważności lub nieważności pewnych zda-rzeń. Pełnią funkcje informacyjne, ale też kreacyjne, wzorcotwórcze, stymulacyjne, wartościu-jące, i w końcu estetyczne. Dla osiągnięcia tych celów są odpowiednio konstruowane, z uwzględnieniem specyfiki i potrzeb odbiorcy oraz ethosu nadawcy. W tym sensie są więc ak-tami „retorycznymi”, a więc zamierzonymi, celowymi, będącymi odpowiedzią na określoną sytuację (uwarunkowane są historycznie, społecznie i politycznie) i adresowanymi do określo-nych odbiorców.


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Item as a pass: Lonely escape from Ravensbrück, in: B. Walęciuk-Dejneka (ed.) Patterns of women’s loneliness – maidens, widows, divorced, Kraków, pp. 77-86. This research represents a case study of Eugenia Kocwa's escape from Ravensbrück concentration camp in 1944, in which she was incarcerated for her activity in the resistance movement in 1941. Flights from the camps belonged to an extremely rare instances and almost always would have taken a form of group organized break-outs with an additional support from the outer world. The analyzed phenomenon is the only successful individual escape from Ravensbrück, and deserves therefore meticulous attention. In the analysis author lays strong emphasis on a material aspect of the escape and objects incorporated into it, which properly managed, had a decisive influence on fugitive's success. The article is based on testimonies of Eugenia Kocwa and other Ravensbrück prisoners, and adopts theoretical framework of Erving Goffman's total institutions and dramaturgical model