929 resultados para Lopes, Manuel,1907-2005


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Standarização de um posto de trabalho não é mais que definir o melhor método de trabalho que vai ser seguido por todos os operadores que trabalham no mesmo. Uma vez definido esse método, é importante para uma empresa ter noção da produtividade que podem alcançar, dado que pode ser retirado a partir deste método, e é no seguimento disto que surge o estudo dos métodos e tempos, mais concretamente o estudo dos tempos por cronometragem. A aplicação deste estudo foi despoletada pela necessidade do IKEA Industry de Paços de Ferreira, em dar o próximo passo na standarização dos seus postos de trabalho, área a área, e da necessidade de terem uma pessoa em cada área que analisa-se o trabalho que estava a ser feito e calcula-se o tempo de cada rotina. Neste documento, é realizada uma interligação entre os conceitos teóricos que o método exige, como todo o conjunto de fórmulas, restrições, análises e ponderações, com o contexto laboral onde o mesmo foi aplicado e a estratégia desenvolvida pelo IKEA na realização do estudo. O estudo dos métodos e tempos por cronometragem, de todos os métodos existentes, pode ser considerado o mais completo e complexo, uma vez que é mais que observar, registar e retirar uma média ponderada das observações. Este método baseia-se num modelo matemático, que interliga uma série de conceitos e que tem sempre o operador em consideração, seja na avaliação e análise das tarefas que requerem mais esforço dos mesmos, físico ou psicológico, seja em termos de tempos de pausas pessoais que a lei obriga a que as empresas deem. Este detalhe, neste método, é de grande importância, uma vez que a standarização é sempre vista pelos operadores como uma punição. As desvantagens deste método estão no grau de conhecimento e capacidade de observação exigidas ao analista para o executar. Melhor dizendo, um analista que vá executar este trabalho necessita observar muito bem a rotina de trabalho e conhecer onde começa, acaba e tudo o que a ela não pertence, antes de começar a registar seja que tempos forem. Para além disso, é exigido ao analista que perceba o ritmo de trabalho dos operadores através da observação dos mesmos, de modo a que ninguém seja prejudicado. E por fim, é necessária uma grande disponibilidade da parte do analista para retirar o máximo de observações possíveis. Com o intuito de facilitar esta análise, o IKEA Industry criou um ficheiro que compila toda a informação relacionada com o método, e uma explicação de todos os parâmetros que o analista necessita ter em atenção. Esta folha de trabalho foi validada à luz do método, como é possível verificar no decorrer do documento. Um detalhe importante a referir, é que por muito fidedigno que seja este método, tal como qualquer método de standarização, a mínima alteração da rotina de trabalho invalida de imediato o tempo total da rotina, tornando necessário realizar o estudo novamente. Uma vantagem do documento criado pelo IKEA, está na rápida adaptação a estas alterações, uma vez que, caso seja acrescentado ou removido um elemento à rotina, basta alterar o documento, observar e cronometrar os operadores a executar esse novo elemento, e quase automaticamente é definido um novo tempo total padronizado na rotina. Este documento foi criado para fins académicos e de conclusão de um grau académico, mas o estudo quando aplicado na empresa deu origem a contratações, o que só por si mostra as vantagens e impacto que o mesmo pode ter em contexto laboral. Em termos de produtividade, uma vez que a sua aplicação não foi executada a tempo de ser estudada neste documento, não foi possível avaliar a mesma.


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En la propuesta de modelo de aprendizaje organizacional (AO), la segunda variable se denomina niveles del aprendizaje organizacional ; los niveles de aprendizaje que contemplamos para nuestra investigación son: individual, de equipo, organizacional e interorganizacional.


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Este artículo tiene como propósito presentar una concepción de administración que va más allá de la noción moderna en la que se considera como profesión justificada sólo en el marco de lo práctico y lo útil, negando sus posibilidades especulativas y filosóficas, así como su avance científico de manera autónoma y original. El influjo de este imaginario determinó para la administración serios vacíos epistémicos y éticos, que condujeron al surgimiento de un debate que actualmente ha llevado a repensar los sistemas de generación de saber y de procesos pedagógicos y andragógicos. La polémica ha permitido comprender que tal pragmatismo disciplinar debe ser reformulado, mediante la incorporación de la dirección y el pensamiento estratégico, como la base y el soporte de la disciplina.


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This research is focused on an exploratory study developed with Pymes managers and theirroles as intrapreneurs. Using their leadership to impel innovation into organizations.Looking to determined how Pymes employers incentive into organizations individuals or groupinnovations. Therefore, it is possible to think that managers lead the innovation process, whichis classified gradually according to companies needs in order to improve their competitiveness.Organization must have intrapreneuring and organized culture with flexible structure to generateindividual autonomy. A characteristic is the amount of capital risk needed; that is why it isnecessary encourage their work and their risk tolerance.


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Dar algunas luces sobre el ya viejo, aún irresuelto conflicto entre ciudadanía y nacionalidad3. Hemos escogido el caso europeo porque consideramos que las dinámicas transnacionales que afectan a Europa hacen visible la insuficiencia del concepto tradicional, atado al Estado nacional.


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En este trabajo monográfico exploro las formas como ocurrieron los procesos deevolución de las ideologías de izquierdas de manera conceptual a nivel general y enparticular la dinámica histórica de los partidos que representan significativamente lossectores de las izquierdas en Colombia


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Considering the theoretical and methodological presuppositions of Variationist Sociolinguistics (cf. WEINREICH; LABOV; HERZOG, 2006; LABOV, [1972] 2008), in this dissertation, we describe and analyze the process of variation/change involving the personal pronouns tu and você, and its extension in the pronominal paradigm in Brazilian Portuguese (BP), in three sets of personal letters written by people from Rio Grande do Norte (RN) along the 20th century. The discursive universe of those letters is news from the cities in which the informers lived and the themes from their everyday life (trade, jobs, trips, family and politics). Part of the analyzed letters integrate the written by hand minimum corpus of the Projeto de História do Português Brasileiro no Rio Grande do Norte (PHPB-RN). We are based on previous studies about the pronominal system in BP Menon (1995), Faraco (1996), Lopes e Machado (2005), Rumeu (2008), Lopes (2009), Lopes, Rumeu e Marcotulio (2011), Lopes e Marcotulio (2011) e Martins e Moura (2012) , which register the form você replaces tu from the end of the first half of 20th century and attest the following situation: while (a) the imperative verbal forms, (b) the explicit subjects and (c) prepositional complement pronouns are favorable contexts for você, the (d) non imperative verbal forms (with null subject), (e) the non prepositional complement pronoun and (f) the possessive pronoun are contexts of resistance of tu. The results got in this dissertation confirm, partially, the statements defended by the previous studies regarding the favorable contexts for the implementation of você in BP: (i) there are, in the letters from the first two decades of 20th century (1916 to 1925), high frequency of the usage of the form você (98%); (ii) in the personal letters of RN especially in the love letters, in which there are higher recurrence of intimate subjects the discursive universe proved to be itself very relevant in the determination/conditions of the forms of tu; (iii) the unique feminine informer of our sample uses, almost categorically, the forms of tu in letters of the period from 1946 to 1972; (iv) the letters corresponding to the period from 1992 to 1994 present a significant usage of the forms associated to the innovating você, letting appear the change is already implemented in the system of BP and there are, in that set of letters, strong evidences that make us state the pronominal forms of non prepositional complement (accusative/ dative) related to tu are also implemented in a system with an almost categorical usage of você


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Fil: Castro, Edgardo José Manuel. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.


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Fil: Castro, Edgardo José Manuel. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.


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Fil: Castro, Edgardo José Manuel. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.


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The implementation of abstract machines involves complex decisions regarding, e.g., data representation, opcodes, or instruction specialization levéis, all of which affect the final performance of the emulator and the size of the bytecode programs in ways that are often difficult to foresee. Besides, studying alternatives by implementing abstract machine variants is a time-consuming and error-prone task because of the level of complexity and optimization of competitive implementations, which makes them generally difficult to understand, maintain, and modify. This also makes it hard to genérate specific implementations for particular purposes. To ameliorate those problems, we propose a systematic approach to the automatic generation of implementations of abstract machines. Different parts of their definition (e.g., the instruction set or the infernal data and bytecode representation) are kept sepárate and automatically assembled in the generation process. Alternative versions of the abstract machine are therefore easier to produce, and variants of their implementation can be created mechanically, with specific characteristics for a particular application if necessary. We illustrate the practicality of the approach by reporting on an implementation of a generator of production-quality WAMs which are specialized for executing a particular fixed (set of) program(s). The experimental results show that the approach is effective in reducing emulator size.


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The relationship between abstract interpretation [2] and partial evaluation [5] has received considerable attention and (partial) integrations have been proposed starting from both the partial deduction (see e.g. [6] and its references) and abstract interpretation perspectives. Abstract interpretation-based analyzers (such as the CiaoPP analyzer [9,4]) generally compute a program analysis graph [1] in order to propagate (abstract) call and success information by performing fixpoint computations when needed. On the other hand, partial deduction methods [7] incorporate powerful techniques for on-line specialization including (concrete) call propagation and unfolding.


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The integration of powerful partial evaluation methods into practical compilers for logic programs is still far from reality. This is related both to 1) efficiency issues and to 2) the complications of dealing with practical programs. Regarding efnciency, the most successful unfolding rules used nowadays are based on structural orders applied over (covering) ancestors, i.e., a subsequence of the atoms selected during a derivation. Unfortunately, maintaining the structure of the ancestor relation during unfolding introduces significant overhead. We propose an efficient, practical local unfolding rule based on the notion of covering ancestors which can be used in combination with any structural order and allows a stack-based implementation without losing any opportunities for specialization. Regarding the second issue, we propose assertion-based techniques which allow our approach to deal with real programs that include (Prolog) built-ins and external predicates in a very extensible manner. Finally, we report on our implementation of these techniques in a practical partial evaluator, embedded in a state of the art compiler which uses global analysis extensively (the Ciao compiler and, specifically, its preprocessor CiaoPP). The performance analysis of the resulting system shows that our techniques, in addition to dealing with practical programs, are also significantly more efficient in time and somewhat more efficient in memory than traditional tree-based implementations.


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We propose an analysis for detecting procedures and goals that are deterministic (i.e. that produce at most one solution), or predicates whose clause tests are mutually exclusive (which implies that at most one of their clauses will succeed) even if they are not deterministic (because they cali other predicates that can produce more than one solution). Applications of such determinacy information include detecting programming errors, performing certain high-level program transformations for improving search efñciency, optimizing low level code generation and parallel execution, and estimating tighter upper bounds on the computational costs of goals and data sizes, which can be used for program debugging, resource consumption and granularity control, etc. We have implemented the analysis and integrated it in the CiaoPP system, which also infers automatically the mode and type information that our analysis takes as input. Experiments performed on this implementation show that the analysis is fairly accurate and efncient.


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Proof-Carrying Code (PCC) is a general approach to mobile code safety in which programs are augmented with a certifícate (or proof). The practical uptake of PCC greatly depends on the existence of a variety of enabling technologies which allow both to prove programs correct and to replace a costly verification process by an efñcient checking procedure on the consumer side. In this work we propose Abstraction-Carrying Code (ACC), a novel approach which uses abstract interpretation as enabling technology. We argüe that the large body of applications of abstract interpretation to program verification is amenable to the overall PCC scheme. In particular, we rely on an expressive class of safety policies which can be defined over different abstract domains. We use an abstraction (or abstract model) of the program computed by standard static analyzers as a certifícate. The validity of the abstraction on the consumer side is checked in a single-pass by a very efficient and specialized abstract-interpreter. We believe that ACC brings the expressiveness, flexibility and automation which is inherent in abstract interpretation techniques to the área of mobile code safety. We have implemented and benchmarked ACC within the Ciao system preprocessor. The experimental results show that the checking phase is indeed faster than the proof generation phase, and that the sizes of certificates are reasonable.