999 resultados para Log P


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Lactobacillus sakei 1 is a food isolate that produces a heat-stable antimicrobial peptide (sakacin 1, a class ha bacteriocin) inhibitory to the opportunistic pathogen Listeria monocytogenes. Bacterial isolates with antimicrobial activity may be useful for food biopreservation and also for developing probiotics. To evaluate the probiotic potential of L. sakei I, it was tested for (i) in vitro gastric resistance (with synthetic gastric juice adjusted to pH 2.0, 2.5, or 3.0); (ii) survival and bacteriocin production in the presence of bile salts and commercial prebiotics (inulin and oligofructose); (iii) adhesion to Caco-2 cells; and (iv) effect on the adhesion of L. monocytogenes to Caco-2 cells and invasion of these cells by the organism. The results showed that L. sakei I survival in gastric environment varied according to pH, with the maximum survival achieved at pH 3.0, despite a 4-log reduction of the population after 3 h. Regarding the bile salt tolerance and influence of prebiotics, it was observed that L. sakei 1 survival rates were similar (P > 0.05) for all de Man Rogosa Shame (MRS) broth formulations when tests were done after 4 h of incubation. However, after incubation for 24 h, the survival of L. sakei 1 in MRS broth was reduced by 1.8 log (P < 0.001), when glucose was replaced by either inulin or oligofructose (without Oxgall). L. sakei 1 was unable to deconjugate bile salts, and there was a significant decrease (1.4 log) of the L. sakei 1 population in regular MRS broth plus Oxgall (P < 0.05). In spite of this, tolerance levels of L. sakei 1 to bile salts were similar in regular MRS broth and in MRS broth with oligofructose. Lower bacteriocin production was observed in MRS broth when inulin (3,200 AU/ml) or oligofructose (2,400 AU/ml) was used instead of glucose (6,400 AU/ml). L. sakei I adhered to Caco-2 cells, and its cell-free pH-neutralized supernatant containing sakacin I led to a significant reduction of in vitro listerial invasion of human intestinal Caco-2 cells.


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Peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptors are a class of nuclear receptors with three subtypes: a, ? and d. Their main function is regulating gene transcription related to lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. Currently, there are no peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptors d drugs being marketed. In this work, we studied a data set of 70 compounds with a and d activity. Three partial least square models were created, and molecular docking studies were performed to understand the main reasons for peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptors d selectivity. The obtained results showed that some molecular descriptors (log P, hydration energy, steric and polar properties) are related to the main interactions that can direct ligands to a particular peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptors subtype.


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Das Ziel der Dissertation war die Synthese und pharmakologische Charakterisierung von COX-1-, COX-2- und 5-LOX-Inhibitoren, die zur Behandlung entzündlicher Dermatosen für die topische Anwendung geeignet sein sollten. Hierfür wurden zwei Strukturklassen - die sogenannten Imidazothiazole und die Chalcone-Derivate - entworfen und synthetisiert sowie in verschiedenen in vitro-Testsystemen auf ihre pharmakologische Wirksamkeit untersucht. rnDie Leitsubstanz der ersten Strukturklasse wurde in Anlehnung an die Struktur von Licofelon entworfen. Licofelon ist ein dualer COX/LOX-Inhibitor, der für die Indikation Osteoarthritis eingesetzt werden soll. Durch den Austausch einzelner Substituenten an den Phenylringen wurde die Leitstruktur schrittweise verändert, um die Wirksamkeit zu optimieren. Die Substituentenvariation erfolgte anhand des sogenannten Topliss-Schemas. Bei der zweiten Substanzklasse wurde durch Kombination zweier antiinflammatorisch wirksamer Molekülgruppen - mit dem Ziel eines synergistischen Effekts - eine Grundstruktur entwickelt, die zur Optimierung der Wirksamkeit derivatisiert wurde. Als Komponenten dienten 4,5-Bis(4-methoxyphenyl)-1H-imidazol-2-thiol (Z11) und ein Chalcon. Z11 ist sowohl in der Literatur als auch in vorangegangen Arbeiten des Arbeitskreises als dualer COX/LOX-Inhibitor beschrieben. Chalcone besitzen eine 1,3-Diphenylpropenon-Partialstruktur und können über einen der beiden Phenylringe mit Z11 verknüpft werden. In der Literatur wurde vielfach über die vielfältigen pharmakologischen Eigenschaften der Chalcone berichtet; im Rahmen dieser Arbeit stand deren antiinflammatorische Eigenschaft im Vordergrund. rnZur Beurteilung der Effektivität und Toxizität der Substanzen wurden diese anschließend pharmakologisch charakterisiert werden. Hierfür standen verschiedene in vitro-Testsysteme zur Verfügung, die Aufschluss über die COX-1-, COX-2- und 5-LOX-Inhibition der synthetisierten Substanzen gaben. Des Weiteren wurden die Substanzen auf eine mögliche inhibitorische Aktivität gegenüber TNF- untersucht. Da die Entwicklung der Testverbindungen mit dem Ziel der topischen Anwendung erfolgte, wurde eine log P-Wert-Bestimmung durchgeführt, um eine Aussage über die Lipophilie der Verbindungen treffen zu können.rn


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Die exzitatorische Neurotransmission erfolgt über ionotrope Glutamat-Rezeptoren von denen dem NMDA-(N-Methyl-D-aspartat)-Rezeptor durch seine hohe Leitfähigkeit für Ca2+-Ionen eine besondere Rolle zugesprochen wird. Bei seiner Überaktivierung kommt es zu exzitotoxischen Prozessen, die direkt mit neurodegenerativen Erkrankungen einhergehen und nach einem Schlaganfall, bei akuten Epilepsien, Morbus Parkinson, Alzheimer Demenz aber auch im Bereich der neuropathischen Schmerzentstehung eine wichtige Rolle spielen.rnDurch das Eingreifen in die glutamatvermittelten pathologischen Prozesse verspricht man sich daher die Möglichkeit einer Neuroprotektion bei der Therapie verschiedener neurodegenerativer Erkrankungen, die primär auf völlig unterschiedliche Ursachen zurückzuführen sind.rnAusgehend von in früheren Arbeiten synthetisierten Hydantoin-substituierten Dichlor-indol-2-carbonsäure-Derivaten, die hochaffine Eigenschaften zur Glycin-Bindungsstelle des NMDA-Rezeptors aufweisen, sollten neue Derivate entwickelt und untersucht werden, die hinsichtlich ihrer Affinität zur Glycin-Bindungsstelle des NMDA-Rezeptors, ihrer Pharmakokinetik sowie physikochemischen Parameter in pparativ-organischen, radiopharmazeutischen und zell- bzw. tierexperimentellen Studien in vitro sowie in vivo charakterisiert werden sollten. Von besonderem Interesse war dabei die Evaluierung der synthetisierten Verbindungen in einem Verdrängungsassay mit dem Radioliganden [3H]MDL105,519 mit dem der Einfluss der strukturellen Modifikationen auf die Affinität zur Glycin-Bindungsstelle des Rezeptors untersucht wurde, sowie die Selektivität und die Potenz der Liganden abgeschätzt wurde.rnIm Rahmen der Struktur-Wirkungs-Untersuchungen mit Hilfe der Bindungsexperimente konnten bestimmte Strukturmerkmale als essentiell herausgestellt bzw. bekräftigt werden. Die Testverbindungen zeigten dabei IC50-Werte im Bereich von 0,0028 bis 51,8 μM. Die entsprechenden Ester dagegen IC50-Werte von 23,04 bis >3000 μM. Als vielversprechende Strukturen mit Affinitäten im niedrigen nanomolaren Bereich stellten sich Derivate mit einer 4,6-Dichlor-oder Difluor-Substitution am Indolgrundgerüst (2,8 bis 4,6 nM) heraus. Auch die Substitution des Phenylhydantoin-Teils durch das bioisostere Thienylhydantoin führte zu einer gleichbleibenden ausgeprägten Affinität (3,1 nM). rnZur Abschätzung der Bioverfügbarkeit, insbesondere der Fähigkeit zur Überwindung der Blut-Hirn-Schranke, wurden die Lipophilien bei einer Auswahl der Testverbindungen durch Bestimmung ihrer log P-Werte ermittelt. Neben dem Verfahren der potentiometrischen Titration wurde eine HPLC-Methode an einer RP-Phase verwendet.rnUm das Zytotoxizitätsprofil der synthetisierten Strukturen frühzeitig abschätzen zu können, wurde ein schnell durchführbares, zellbasiertes in vitro-Testsystem, der kommerziell erhältliche „Cell Proliferation Kit II (XTT-Test)“, eingesetzt. rnIm Rahmen von Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie-Experimenten an Ratten wurde eine Aussage bezüglich der Aufnahme und Verteilung eines radioaktiv markierten, hochaffinen Liganden an der Glycinbindungsstelle des NMDA-Rezeptors im Gehirn getroffen. Dabei wurden sowohl ein Carbonsäure-Derivat sowie der korrespondierende Ethylester dieser Testung unterworfen.rn


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The synthesis, radiolabeling, and initial evaluation of new silicon-fluoride acceptor (SiFA) derivatized octreotate derivatives is reported. So far, the main drawback of the SiFA technology for the synthesis of PET-radiotracers is the high lipophilicity of the resulting radiopharmaceutical. Consequently, we synthesized new SiFA-octreotate analogues derivatized with Fmoc-NH-PEG-COOH, Fmoc-Asn(Ac?AcNH-?-Glc)-OH, and SiFA-aldehyde (SIFA-A). The substances could be labeled in high yields (38 ± 4%) and specific activities between 29 and 56 GBq/?mol in short synthesis times of less than 30 min (e.o.b.). The in vitro evaluation of the synthesized conjugates displayed a sst2 receptor affinity (IC?? = 3.3 ± 0.3 nM) comparable to that of somatostatin-28. As a measure of lipophilicity of the conjugates, the log P(ow) was determined and found to be 0.96 for SiFA-Asn(AcNH-?-Glc)-PEG-Tyr³-octreotate and 1.23 for SiFA-Asn(AcNH-?-Glc)-Tyr³-octreotate, which is considerably lower than for SiFA-Tyr³-octreotate (log P(ow) = 1.59). The initial in vivo evaluation of [¹?F]SiFA-Asn(AcNH-?-Glc)-PEG-Tyr³-octreotate revealed a significant uptake of radiotracer in the tumor tissue of AR42J tumor-bearing nude mice of 7.7% ID/g tissue weight. These results show that the high lipophilicity of the SiFA moiety can be compensated by applying hydrophilic moieties. Using this approach, a tumor-affine SiFA-containing peptide could successfully be used for receptor imaging for the first time in this proof of concept study.


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OBJECTIVE: To identify systemic sclerosis (SSc) susceptibility loci via a genome-wide association study. METHODS: A genome-wide association study was performed in 137 patients with SSc and 564 controls from Korea using the Affymetrix Human SNP Array 5.0. After fine-mapping studies, the results were replicated in 1,107 SSc patients and 2,747 controls from a US Caucasian population. RESULTS: The single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) (rs3128930, rs7763822, rs7764491, rs3117230, and rs3128965) of HLA-DPB1 and DPB2 on chromosome 6 formed a distinctive peak with log P values for association with SSc susceptibility (P=8.16x10(-13)). Subtyping analysis of HLA-DPB1 showed that DPB1*1301 (P=7.61x10(-8)) and DPB1*0901 (P=2.55x10(-5)) were the subtypes most susceptible to SSc in Korean subjects. In US Caucasians, 2 pairs of SNPs, rs7763822/rs7764491 and rs3117230/rs3128965, showed strong association with SSc patients who had either circulating anti-DNA topoisomerase I (P=7.58x10(-17)/4.84x10(-16)) or anticentromere autoantibodies (P=1.12x10(-3)/3.2x10(-5)), respectively. CONCLUSION: The results of our genome-wide association study in Korean subjects indicate that the region of HLA-DPB1 and DPB2 contains the loci most susceptible to SSc in a Korean population. The confirmatory studies in US Caucasians indicate that specific SNPs of HLA-DPB1 and/or DPB2 are strongly associated with US Caucasian patients with SSc who are positive for anti-DNA topoisomerase I or anticentromere autoantibodies.


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I developed a new model for estimating annual production-to-biomass ratio P/B and production P of macrobenthic populations in marine and freshwater habitats. Self-learning artificial neural networks (ANN) were used to model the relationships between P/B and twenty easy-to-measure abiotic and biotic parameters in 1252 data sets of population production. Based on log-transformed data, the final predictive model estimates log(P/B) with reasonable accuracy and precision (r2 = 0.801; residual mean square RMS = 0.083). Body mass and water temperature contributed most to the explanatory power of the model. However, as with all least squares models using nonlinearly transformed data, back-transformation to natural scale introduces a bias in the model predictions, i.e., an underestimation of P/B (and P). When estimating production of assemblages of populations by adding up population estimates, accuracy decreases but precision increases with the number of populations in the assemblage.


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The effect of region of application on the percutaneous penetration of solutes with differing lipophilicity was investigated in canine skin. Skin from the thorax, neck, back, groin, and axilla regions was harvested from Greyhound dogs and placed in Franz-type diffusion cells. Radiolabelled (C-14) ethanol (Log P 0.19) or hexanol (Log P 1.94) was applied to each skin section for a total of 5 h. The permeability coefficient (k(P), cm h(-1)) and residue of alcohol remaining in the skin were significantly (P = 0.001) higher for hexanol compared to ethanol. In contrast, ethanol had a far greater maximum flux (J(max), mol (cm(2))(-1) h(-1)) than hexanol (P = 0.001). A comparison of regional differences shows the k(P) and Jmax for ethanol in the groin was significantly lower (P = 0.035) than the back. The k(P) and Jmax for hexanol were significantly higher (P = 0.001) in the axilla than the other four skin sites. An understanding of factors influencing percutaneous drug movement is important when formulating topical preparations for the dog. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this work is to investigate the various parameters that could control the encapsulation of lipophilic drugs and investigate the influence of the physical properties of poorly water-soluble drugs on bilayer loading. Initial work investigated on the solubilisation of ibuprofen, a model insoluble drug. Drug loading was assessed using HPLC and UV spectrophotometric analysis. Preliminary studies focused on the influence of bilayer composition on drug loading to obtain an optimum cholesterol concentration. This was followed up by studies investigating the effect of longer alkyl chain lipids, unsaturated alkyl chain lipids and charged lipids. The studies also focused on the effects of pH of the hydration medium and addition of the single chain surfactant a-tocopherol. The work was followed up by investigation of a range of insoluble drugs including flurbiprofen, indomethacin, sulindac, mefenamic acid, lignocaine and progesterone to investigate the influence of drugs properties and functional group on liposomal loading. The results show that no defined trend could be obtained linking the drug loading to the different drug properties including molecular weight, log P and other drug specific characteristics. However, the presence of the oppositely charged lipids improved the encapsulation of all the drugs investigated with a similar effect obtained with the substitution of the longer chain lipids. The addition of the single chain surfactant a-tocopherol resulted in enhancement of drug loading and possibly is governed by the log P of the drug candidate. Environmental scanning-electron microscopy (ESEM) was used to dynamically follow the changes in liposome morphology in real time during dehydration thereby providing a alternative assay of liposome formulation and stability. The ESEM analysis clearly demonstrated ibuprofen incorporation enhanced the stability of PC:Chol liposomes.


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Assessment of oral drug bioavailability is an important parameter for new chemical entities (NCEs) in drug development cycle. After evaluating the pharmacological response of these new molecules, the following critical stage is to investigate their in vitro permeability. Despite the great success achieved by prodrugs, covalent linking the drug molecule with a hydrophobic moiety might result in a new entity that might be toxic or ineffective. Therefore, an alternative that would improve the drug uptake without affecting the efficacy of the drug molecule would be advantageous. The aim of the current study is to investigate the effect of ion-pairing on the permeability profile of a model drug: indomethacin (IND) to understand the mechanism behind the permeability improvement across Caco-2 monolayers. Arginine and lysine formed ion-pairs with IND at various molar ratios 1:1, 1:2, 1:4 and 1:8 as reflected by the double reciprocal graphs. The partitioning capacities of the IND were evaluated using octanol/water partitioning studies and the apparent permeabilities (P app) were measured across Caco-2 monolayers for the different formulations. Partitioning studies reflected the high hydrophobicity of IND (Log P = 3) which dropped upon increasing the concentrations of arginine/lysine in the ion pairs. Nevertheless, the prepared ion pairs improved IND permeability especially after 60 min of the start of the experiment. Coupling partitioning and permeability results suggest a decrease in the passive transcellular uptake due to the drop in IND portioning capacities and a possible involvement of active carriers. Future work will investigate which transport gene might be involved in the absorption of the ion paired formulations using molecular biology technologies. © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The momentum distribution of electrons from semileptonic decays of charm and bottom quarks for midrapidity |y|< 0.35 in p+p collisions at s=200 GeV is measured by the PHENIX experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider over the transverse momentum range 2 < p(T)< 7 GeV/c. The ratio of the yield of electrons from bottom to that from charm is presented. The ratio is determined using partial D/D -> e(+/-)K(-/+)X (K unidentified) reconstruction. It is found that the yield of electrons from bottom becomes significant above 4 GeV/c in p(T). A fixed-order-plus-next-to-leading-log perturbative quantum chromodynamics calculation agrees with the data within the theoretical and experimental uncertainties. The extracted total bottom production cross section at this energy is sigma(bb)=3.2(-1.1)(+1.2)(stat)(-1.3)(+1.4)(syst)mu b.