985 resultados para Lobo reservoir
Angiostrongylus costaricensis is a parasitic nematode of wild rodents. Several other vertebrate species including man may become infected by ingestion of the third stage larvae produced by the intermediate hosts, usually slugs from the family Veronicellidae. There is a report of the diagnosis of abdominal angiostrongyliasis in Canis familiaris with lesions resembling those found in human disease. As a preliminar evaluation of the adequacy of a canine model for pathogenetic studies, a dog was inoculated with 75 L3 of A. costaricensis. Infection was established and fist stage larvae were found in feces up to 88 days post infection, sometimes in very large numbers (9.5 x 10(4) L1/g). No clinical manifestations or significant lesions were detected. These are indications that dog may play a role as a reservoir host for A. costaricensis.
The importance of hydroelectric dams beside the human interchange in the maintenance of malarious foci and the occurrence of the Anopheles genus on the Binational Itaipu Reservoir were the main points of this retrospective study. Data were collected from existing registrations at National, State and Municipal Health Departments and literature systematic overview, from January 1984 to December 2003. The occurrence of some outbreak of malaria, mainly by Plasmodium vivax, and the prevalence of species of the Anopheles genus different from Anopheles darlingi in the region are discussed. The malaria in the left bank of Paraná River is a focal problem, which must be approached locally through health, educational and social actions to prevent the continuity of outbreaks in the area. Concomitantly, it is necessary to plan and apply effective surveillance measures in the influence area of the Itaipu Reservoir.
Jorge Lobo's disease is a cutaneous and subcutaneous mycosis that affects patients in the Amazon region. The number of patients is relatively small, but the real situation of the disease as public health problem is not known, because Jorge Lobo's disease is not a notifiable disease. This study aims to report the clinical evolution in patients affected and to determine the prevalence and areas of occurrence of the disease. A retrospective study was carried out based on the analysis of the clinical records, which included a collection of photographs of patients in the Department of Sanitary Dermatology, in Rio Branco, and patients seen in the interior of the state. In a decade, in Rio Branco, 249 cases of the disease were reported, 30 were females and 219 males. Of these patients, 153 had localized lesions, 94 of them were on one ear, 55 had multifocal lesions and 41 had disseminated lesions. The average time between the onset of symptoms and diagnosis was 19 years. The average age at the time of diagnosis was 53 years, and ages ranged from 14 to 96 years.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Geológica (Georrecursos)
O A. estuda a Micose de Lobo, acentuando as características especiais. Trata-se de uma doença própria da região amazônica. Discute os aspectos clínicos, discordando da designação de blastomicose queloídiara, usada freqüetemente, pois em sita vasta casuística no Departamento de Dermatologia do Centro Bío Medico da Universidade Federal do Pará foi possível distinguir 5 formas clinicas da doença: infiltrativa (forma inicial), queloidiforme (tipo mais frequente), gomosa, ulcerada, verruciforme. Propõe por isto uma classificação clínica da Micose.
Tese apresentada e reformulada de acordo com as orientações do Júri (19 de Dezembro de 2012), para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em Estudos Portugueses, Especialidade de Literatura Comparatista.
Studies on host-parasite interaction in Jorge Lobo's disease are scarce, with no report in the literature on the phagocytosis of Lacazia loboi by phagocytic mononuclear cells. Thus, the objective of the present study was to assess the phagocytic activity of blood monocytes in the presence of L. loboi in patients with the disease and in healthy subjects (controls) over 3 and 24 hours of incubation. Statistical analyses of the results showed no significant difference in percent phagocytosis of the fungus between patient and control monocytes. With respect to incubation time, however, there was a significant difference, in that percent phagocytosis was higher at 3 hours than at 24 hours (p <0.01). These results suggest that monocytes from patients with the mycosis are able to phagocyte the fungus, as also observed in control individuals.
A doença de Jorge Lobo é uma micose cutânea/subcutânea de evolução crônica, causada pelo fungo Lacazia loboi. Devido às características epidemiológicas e poucos estudos relacionados aos aspectos imunológicos dessa doença, o objetivo do trabalho foi investigar uma possível associação das especificidades HLA de classe II em 21 pacientes portadores da doença de Jorge Lobo, comparando com indivíduos sadios de mesma etnia. As tipificações HLA foram realizadas pelo método de PCR-SSP. O resultado não revelou qualquer tipo de associação entre os antígenos HLA e doença de Jorge Lobo. Embora sem significância estatística, foi observada a diminuição da freqüência do antígeno HLA-DR7 no grupo dos pacientes em relação aos controles (0% x 18%), sugerindo uma associação negativa (protetora) entre HLA-DR7 e doença de Jorge Lobo. Contudo, estudos devem ser continuados, objetivando melhor entendimento nos mecanismos envolvidos na suscetibilidade e/ou proteção dessa doença.
Longe das premissas de «objectividade» e «cientificidade» positivistas, que promoviam a Arquivística como «ciência auxiliar» da História, os arquivistas como “guardiães passivos” 2 da documentação ao ser- viço dos historiadores e os arquivos como “resíduos naturais e orgânicos da actividade humana” 3 virginal- mente conservados ao longo dos séculos, as últimas décadas trouxeram novos pressupostos lançados por uma, também ela, «Nova Arquivística», progressivamente sintonizada com os desafios pós-modernistas com as exigências da Era da Informação. Autónoma, metamorfoseada e ao abrigo de um novo paradigma, esta «ciência» arquivística renovada depressa contaminou a sua antiga disciplina-mãe ao chamar particular atenção para a necessidade de rever algumas das tendências - ou “resíduos tóxicos” 5 para usar uma expressão de Patrick Geary – de herança positivista. Dessa contaminação resultaram dois movimentos essenciais que marcam o compasso de diversas das principais discussões hoje tecidas acerca da metodologia e da teoria da História: o archival turn (“viragem arquivística”), sobretudo animado pela produção científica ligada aos EUA, Inglaterra e Canáda; e o tournant documentaire (“viragem documental”), propagado por autores oriundos de França, Bélgica, Espanha, Itália e, em menor medida, Portugal. Apesar de cada uma destas viragens apresentar características específicas ambas partilham, no entanto, uma mesma essência que aponta precisamente para a concepção dos arquivos (tanto os conjuntos documentais como as instituições) não só como “place of study”, isto é, como espaços e repositórios de informação passível de ser recolhida para a análise de dado objecto de estudo mas também como objectos de estudo em si mesmos, per se merecedores de um esforço problematizante. Esta centralidade ocupada pelos conjuntos documentais, pelos arquivos-instituição e, consequentemente, pelo trabalho desenvolvido pelos arquivistas provocou, por seu turno, um intenso questionamento de algumas das mais enraizadas «evidências» cultivadas no seio da Historiografia.
Corte na Aldeia (1619), de Francisco Rodrigues Lobo, é o primeiro manual de cortesania em língua portuguesa, inspirado por Il Cortegiano (1528), de Baldesar Castiglione, a obra-matriz do género. Em tempo de usurpação do trono português por Castela, é necessário “resgatar” a glória da antiga corte, que servirá de base à escrita de um manual destinado a formar o cortesão do futuro, o “discreto”, na sua expressão mais exigente. Este, investido da devida doutrina, poderá entretanto brilhar numa corte política e simbolicamente dispersa “pelas aldeias”. Ora, o domínio da eloquência e a adopção de uma retórica apropriada ao trato cortesão, assente numa língua portuguesa “renascida”, constituem as ferramentas essenciais de que importa munir o aspirante a cortesão, que, neste início do século XVII, poderá até ser originário da burguesia.
Introduction The Pampulha reservoir has long been a focus of schistosomiasis transmission in Belo Horizonte, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The last malacological study conducted in this urban reservoir was more than two decades ago, and thus, an update on the distribution of the species of Biomphalaria as well as new data on the presence of Schistosoma mansoni in this water body are required. Methods The current distribution of Biomphalaria spp. in the Pampulha reservoir and their infection with S. mansoni was evaluated during 55 malacological surveys conducted between 2009 and 2012. Results Biomphalaria straminea displayed a high population density and distribution, and 13.7% (2,233/16,235) of the specimens collected were infected with larval trematodes other than Schistosoma mansoni. Biomphalaria tenagophila and Biomphalaria glabrata, species currently presenting a restricted distribution and small populations, displayed trematode infection rates of 15.2% (98/644) and 13% (83/640), respectively. Thirteen (2%) specimens of B. glabrata were found to be infected with S. mansoni. In addition, a historical review based on previous and new data on the occurrence patterns of Biomphalaria species in this reservoir is presented. Conclusions The results indicate that the Pampulha reservoir remains a potential focus of urban schistosomiasis in Brazil, and significant changes in the occurrence patterns of Biomphalaria species were verified.
The purpose of this work is to understand the internal and external structure in which the company operates to provide an idea of the strategic actions needed to accomplish their organizational objectives. A strategic software was employed to build up phase one and phase two, phase one involved analysing internal and external factors that influence the company, comprehending their core competences, factors that influence the market and identification of strengths and weaknesses. Phase two consisted on providing an idea of their real competitive position and the suggestion of a development strategy, given the possible limitations in the external factors, the company should carefully analyse some of the opportunities present in the industry overseas to continue to develop their business and increase its profitability. Furthermore, a source of competitive advantage was found in their outbound logistics which could serve a differentiator between their competitors.
IntroductionLeishmania major is the causative agent of zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis (ZCL), and great gerbils are the main reservoir hosts in Iran. Abarkouh in central Iran is an emerging focal point for which the reservoir hosts of ZCL are unclear. This research project was designed to detect any Leishmania parasites in different wild rodent species.MethodsAll rodents captured in 2011 and 2012 from Abarkouh district were identified based on morphological characteristics and by amplification of the rodent cytochrome b (Cyt b) gene. To detect Leishmania infection in rodents, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) of each ear was extracted. Internal transcribed spacer-ribosomal deoxyribonucleic acid (ITS-rDNA), microsatellites, kinetoplast deoxyribonucleic acid (kDNA) and cytochrome b genes of Leishmania parasites were amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and sequencing were employed to confirm the Leishmania identification.ResultsOf 68 captured rodents in the region, 55 Rhombomys opimus were identified and nine Leishmaniainfections (9/55) were found. In addition, eight Meriones libycus and two Tatera indicawere sampled, and one of each was confirmed to be infected. Two Meriones persicus and one Mus musculuswere sampled with no infection.ConclusionsThe results showed that all 11 unambiguously positive Leishmania infections were Leishmania major. Only one haplotype of L. major(GenBank access No. EF413075) was found and at least three rodents R. opimus, M. libycus and T. indica—appear to be the main and potential reservoir hosts in this ZCL focus. The reservoir hosts are variable and versatile in small ZCL focal locations.
INTRODUCTION: Bioecological aspects of anophelines (Diptera: Culicidae) near areas under the direct influence of the hydroelectric plant reservoir of Serra da Mesa in Goiás, Brazil, were analyzed. METHODS: Samples were collected at the surrounding dam area during the phases before and after reservoir impoundment. The influence of climatic and environmental factors on the occurrence of Anopheles darlingi, Anopheles albitarsis, Anopheles triannulatus, Anopheles oswaldoi and Anopheles evansae was assessed using Pearson's correlations with indicators for richness and diversity as well as the index of species abundance (ISA) and the standardized index of species abundance (SISA). RESULTS: The highest anopheline density occurred during the phase after filling the tank; however, no direct correlation with the climatic factors was observed during this stage. The reservoir formation determined the incidence of the anopheline species. An. darlingi was the predominant species (SISA = 1.00). CONCLUSIONS: The significant difference (p < 0.05) observed between the species incidence during the different reservoir phases demonstrates the environmental effect of the reservoir on anophelines.
Abstract:INTRODUCTION:The frequency of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) has increased in the community. This study evaluated the prevalence of MRSA and community-acquired (CA)-MRSA in 120 healthy elderly.METHODS:The MRSA were evaluated for the presence of the IS256, mecA, agr, icaA, icaD, fnbB , and pvl genes with PCR. Results: Frequency of S. aureus and MRSA colonization was 17.8% and 19%, respectively. CA-MRSA isolate showed SCC mec IV, fnbB+ , and icaD+ .CONCLUSIONS:CA-MRSA was detected, with genotype determined as SCC mec type IV/IS256/ fnbB+ / icaA / icaD+ / bbp-/agr2 / bap / pvl, characterizing this population as a possible reservoir of this organism in the community.