905 resultados para Lipid Nanoparticles


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Alzheimer's disease is a neurological disorder that results in cognitive and behavioral impairment. Conventional treatment strategies, such as acetylcholinesterase inhibitor drugs, often fail due to their poor solubility, lower bioavailability, and ineffective ability to cross the blood-brain barrier. Nanotechnological treatment methods, which involve the design, characterization, production, and application of nanoscale drug delivery systems, have been employed to optimize therapeutics. These nanotechnologies include polymeric nanoparticles, solid lipid nanoparticles, nanostructured lipid carriers, microemulsion, nanoemulsion, and liquid crystals. Each of these are promising tools for the delivery of therapeutic devices to the brain via various routes of administration, particularly the intranasal route. The objective of this study is to present a systematic review of nanotechnology-based drug delivery systems for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Despite the efficacy of topical retinoic acid, skin reactions have limited its acceptance by patients. Other retinoids, like Retinyl Palmitate (RP), are considerably less irritating, but they are also less effective. In order to enhance the performance of retinoids, in this work RP has been added to cosmetic formulations such as nanoemulsions, which can provide better penetration of this active substance. Because the vehicle can directly influence the skin penetration and the effectiveness of RP, two skin care products containing 5000 UI RP have been developed and investigated, namely a nanoemulsifying system and a classic gel cream. In vitro penetration tests were conducted by using Franz diffusion cells and placing porcine ear skin and iso-propanol in the receptor compartment. The RP concentration in the skin layers was analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography, and a Zeta-Sizer system was employed for measurement of the the particle size distribution. The penetration tests revealed a large difference between the vehicles in terms of the RP concentrations in each skin layer. The classic gel cream furnished better RP penetration in both the stratum corneum and the epidermis without stratum corneum + dermis, as compared to the self-nanoemulsifying system. The two vehicles displayed the same particle size (between 100 and 200 nm). Better understanding of RP skin delivery using different vehicles has been acquired, and the importance of evaluating the efficacy of nanocosmetics. Results from the present study should also contribute to the assessment of commercial self-nanoemulsifying systems with potential application in the facile production of nanoemulsions.


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O trabalho apresentado foi realizado em duas etapas independentes e baseou-se no estudo de diferentes sistemas nanométricos para viabilizar a aplicação da ftalocianina de cloro alumínio (ClAlPc) na terapia fotodinâmica (TFD) para o tratamento do câncer de pele do tipo melanoma. O fármaco fotossensibilizante (FS) utilizado apresenta propriedades físico-químicas que lhe permitem exercer sua atividade fotodinâmica com excelência, sem a interferência do cromóforo endógeno melanina existente nas células melanocíticas. Para driblar sua elevada hidrofobicidade, ClAlPc foi encapsulada em sistemas nanométricos para administração em meio fisiológico. Inicialmente nanopartículas lipídicas sólidas (NLS) foram desenvolvidas por emulsificação direta, após um estudo de elaboração do diagrama de fases. O compritol foi o lipídio sólido escolhido para compor as NLS, com diferentes concentrações de ClAlPc. Todas as formulações desenvolvidas foram devidamente caracterizadas, com tamanho médio entre 100 e 200 nm, baixa polidispersão, potencial zeta adequadamente negativo (~|30| mV), drug loading de ClAlPc entre 76-94% (com pequena redução após 24 meses) e alta eficiência de encapsulação (E.E.). A morfologia arredondada das nanopartículas foi confirmada por microscopia eletrônica de transmissão e de força atômica. A estabilidade das NLS foi de 24 meses. A avaliação da cristalinidade do lipídio revelou a integração da ClAlPc à matriz lipídica da NLS, presença de estruturas polimórficas e grau de cristalinidade adequado, sem alterações após 24 meses. Nos estudos de difusão in vitro, observou-se que ftalocianina encapsulada nas NLS acumulam-se preferencialmente na epiderme e derme do que no estrato córneo, sem traços de permeação do ativo. Foi confirmado o caráter biocompatível das NLS sobre fibroblastos NIH-3T3. A ftalocianina encapsulada nas NLS não foi tóxica na linhagem de melanoma B16-F10 na ausência de luz, porém, apresentou excelente efeito fototóxico (0,75 ?g mL-1 de ClAlPc nanoencapsulada e irradiação entre 0,5 e 2,0 J cm-2), com redução da viabilidade celular de 87%. O segundo sistema de veiculação estudado foram as vesículas cataniônicas (VesCat), que se formam espontaneamente em água com o tensoativo TriCat 12. A obtenção das vesículas contendo ClAlPc envolve uma etapa adicional, para remoção de solvente orgânico, que foi aprimorada, reduzindo o tempo de produção em 55%. As VesCat/ClAlPc obtidas mantiveram suas propriedades físico-químicas e morfologia arredondada (confirmada por microscopia eletrônica de varredura), drug loading de 47% e alta E.E. Os resultados comprovaram que a aplicação desses dois sistemas nanométricos é altamente eficiente para aplicação da TFD no tratamento do câncer de pele do tipo melanoma ou outras doenças cutâneas, apresentando características favoráveis para avanços nos estudos de fase clínica e pré-clínica.


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Do ponto de vista clínico, o remodelamento ventricular está associado a um pior prognóstico. Pacientes com remodelamento já diagnosticado, ou com alto risco de desenvolvê-lo, devem ser tratados de forma intensiva, a fim de prevenir, atenuar ou mesmo reverter esse processo. O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar os efeitos da vitamina E associada a nanopartículas lipídicas no remodelamento cardíaco, em ratos. Medidas ecocardiográficas foram determinadas 24 horas pós infarto e seis semanas após tratamento. Cortes teciduais do coração foram submetidos a coloração com Hematoxilina eosina e Picrosirius red. Duas regiões distintas do ventrículo esquerdo remotas ao infarto foram examinadas: subendocárdica e não subendocárdica. A extensão do infarto, o diâmetro dos miócitos, a fração de variação da área e o índice de expansão do ventrículo esquerdo foram determinados. No ecocardiograma observamos que os grupos infartados apresentaram um aumento no diâmetro diastólico e sistólico, uma diminuição da fração de encurtamento e da fração de variação da área quando comparados ao grupo controle. Na análise morfométrica, foi observado que nos animais infartados houve um aumento do diâmetro dos miócitos, da expansão do ventrículo esquerdo e da fração de volume do colágeno, principalmente na região subendocárdica, quando comparado ao grupo controle. A vitamina E associada a nanopartículas lipídicas, não apresentou efeitos protetores e nem atenuantes no remodelamento cardíaco nesse modelo experimental


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As nanopartículas lipídicas foram desenvolvidas no início dos anos 90 e, atendendo às vantagens que apresentam comparativamente a outros sistemas coloidais, têm-se demonstrado muito promissoras, tanto para uso cosmético como farmacêutico. No entanto, atualmente apenas existem comercializados produtos cosméticos à base de nanopartículas lipídicas, o que pode ser justificado pelas restrições regulamentares relacionadas com a introdução de medicamentos no mercado. Existem dois tipos de nanopartículas lipídicas, as nanopartículas de lípidos sólidos (Solid Lipid Nanoparticles, SLN) e os vetores lipídicos nanoestruturados (Nanostructured Lipid Carriers, NLC), consistindo ambos em dispersões aquosas de nanopartículas sólidas. A baixa viscosidade destes sistemas dificulta a sua aplicação tópica. Neste contexto, têm sido desenvolvidas várias formulações semissólidas à base de nanopartículas lipídicas para aplicação tópica, nomeadamente cutânea, ocular, nasal e vaginal. A primeira parte desta dissertação consiste na revisão bibliográfica relativa ao estado da arte dos sistemas semissólidos à base de nanopartículas lipídicas, para uso farmacêutico e cosmético, baseada nos estudos realizados por diversos autores, entre 2012 e 2016. Na segunda parte, são apresentados resultados do trabalho experimental relativo ao desenvolvimento e caraterização de uma formulação semissólida à base de nanopartículas lipídicas.


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BACKGROUND: Transthyretin-mediated amyloidosis is an inherited, progressively debilitating disease caused by mutations in the transthyretin gene. This study evaluated the safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics of multiple doses of patisiran (ALN-TTR02), a small interfering RNA encapsulated within lipid nanoparticles, in patients with transthyretin-mediated familial amyloid polyneuropathy (FAP).


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Orange juice (OJ) is regularly consumed worldwide, but its effects on plasma lipids have rarely been explored. This study hypothesized that consumption of OJ concentrate would improve lipid levels and lipid metabolism, which are important in high-density lipoprotein (HDL) function in normolipidemic (NC) and hypercholesterolemic (HCH) subjects. Fourteen HCH and 31 NC adults consumed 750 mL/day OJ concentrate (1:6 OJ/water) for 60 days. Eight control subjects did not consume OJ for 60 days. Plasma was collected before and on the last clay for biochemical analysis and an in vitro as


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Manganese ferrite nanoparticles with a size distribution of 26 ± 7 nm (from TEM measurements) were synthesized by the coprecipitation method. The obtained nanoparticles exhibit a superparamagnetic behaviour at room temperature with a magnetic squareness of 0.016 and a coercivity field of 6.3 Oe. These nanoparticles were either entrapped in liposomes (aqueous magnetoliposomes, AMLs) or covered with a lipid bilayer, forming solid magnetoliposomes (SMLs). Both types of magnetoliposomes, exhibiting sizes below or around 150 nm, were found to be suitable for biomedical applications. Membrane fusion between magnetoliposomes (both AMLS and SMLs) and GUVs (giant unilamellar vesicles), the latter used as models of cell membranes, was confirmed by F¨orster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) assays, using a NBD labeled lipid as the energy donor and Nile Red or rhodamine B-DOPE as the energy acceptor. A potential antitumor thienopyridine derivative was successfully incorporated into both aqueous and solid magnetoliposomes, pointing to a promising application of these systems in oncological therapy, simultaneously as hyperthermia agents and nanocarriers for antitumor drugs.


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Publicado em "NanoPT2016 book of abstracts"


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Drug-nanoparticle conjugates: The anticancer drug camptothecin (CPT) was covalently linked at the surface of ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (USPIOs) via a linker, allowing drug release by cellular esterases. Nanoparticles were hierarchically built to achieve magnetically-enhanced drug delivery to human cancer cells and antiproliferative activity.The linking of therapeutic drugs to ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (USPIOs) allowing intracellular release of the active drug via cell-specific mechanisms would achieve tumor-selective magnetically-enhanced drug delivery. To validate this concept, we covalently attached the anticancer drug camptothecin (CPT) to biocompatible USPIOs (iron oxide core, 9-10 nm; hydrodynamic diameter, 52 nm) coated with polyvinylalcohol/polyvinylamine (PVA/aminoPVA). A bifunctional, end-differentiated dicarboxylic acid linker allowed the attachment of CPT to the aminoPVA as a biologically labile ester substrate for cellular esterases at one end, and as an amide at the other end. These CPT-USPIO conjugates exhibited antiproliferative activity in vitro against human melanoma cells. The intracellular localization of CPT-USPIOs was confirmed by transmission electron microscopy (iron oxide core), suggesting localization in lipid vesicles, and by fluorescence microscopy (CPT). An external static magnetic field applied during exposure increased melanoma cell uptake of the CPT-USPIOs.


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Therapeutic engineered nanoparticles (NPs), including ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide (USPIO) NPs, may accumulate in the lower digestive tract following ingestion or injection. In order to evaluate the reaction of human colon cells to USPIO NPs, the effects of non-stabilized USPIO NPs (NS-USPIO NPs), oleic-acid-stabilized USPIO NPs (OA-USPIO NPs), and free oleic acid (OA) were compared in human HT29 and CaCo2 colon epithelial cancer cells. First the biophysical characteristics of NS-USPIO NPs and OA-USPIO NPs in water, in cell culture medium supplemented with fetal calf serum, and in cell culture medium preconditioned by HT29 and CaCo₂ cells were determined. Then, stress responses of the cells were evaluated following exposure to NS-USPIO NPs, OA-USPIO NPs, and free OA. No modification of the cytoskeletal actin network was observed. Cell response to stress, including markers of apoptosis and DNA repair, oxidative stress and degradative/autophagic stress, induction of heat shock protein, or lipid metabolism was determined in cells exposed to the two NPs. Induction of an autophagic response was observed in the two cell lines for both NPs but not free OA, while the other stress responses were cell- and NP-specific. The formation of lipid vacuoles/droplets was demonstrated in HT29 and CaCo₂ cells exposed to OA-USPIO NPs but not to NS-USPIO NPs, and to a much lower level in cells exposed to equimolar concentrations of free OA. Therefore, the induction of lipid vacuoles in colon cells exposed to OA utilized as a stabilizer for USPIO NPs is higly amplified compared to free OA, and is not observed in the absence of this lipid in NS-USPIO NPs.


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Quetiapine is an atypical antipsychotic used to treat schizophrenia. However, despite great interest for its chronic therapeutic use, quetiapine has some important side effects such as weight gain induction. The development of a quetiapine nanocarrier can potentially target the drug into central nervous system, resulting in a reduction of systemic side effects and improved patient treatment. In the present work, a simple liquid chromatography/ultraviolet detection (LC/UV) analytical method was developed and validated for quantification of total quetiapine content in lipid core nanocapsules as well as for determination of incorporation efficiency. An algorithm proposed by Oliveira et al. (2012) was applied to characterize the distribution of quetiapine in the pseudo-phases of the nanocarrier, leading to a better understanding of the quetiapine nanoparticles produced. The analytical methodology developed was specific, linear in the range of 0.5 to 100 µg mL−1 (r2 > 0,99), and accurate and precise (R.S.D < ±5%). The absolute recovery of quetiapine from the nanoparticles was approximately 98% with an incorporation efficiency of approximately 96%. The results indicated that quetiapine was present in a type III distribution according to the algorithm, and was mainly located in the core of the nanoparticle because of its logD in the formulation pH (6.86 ± 0.4).


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Lipid micro and nanoparticles have been extensively investigated as carriers for hydrophobic bioactives in food systems because they can simultaneously increase the dispersibility of these lipophilic substances and help improve their bioavailability. In this study, lipid microparticles of babacu oil and denatured whey protein isolate were produced, and their ability to protect quercetin against degradation was evaluated over 30 days of storage. Additionally, the lipid microparticles were subjected to the typical stress conditions of food processing (presence of sucrose, salt, and thermal stresses), and their physico-chemical stability was monitored. The data show that the babacu microparticles efficiently avoided the oxidation of quercetin because 85% of the initial amount of the flavonoid was preserved after 30 days. The particles were notably stable up to a temperature of 70 °C for 10 minutes at relatively high concentrations of salt and sucrose. The type of stirring (mechanical or magnetic) also strongly affected the stability of the dispersions.


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Hybrid nanoparticles from cationic lipid and polymers were prepared and characterized regarding physical properties and antimicrobial activity. Carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) and polydiallyldimethylammonium chloride (PDDA) were sequentially added to cationic bilayer fragments (BF) prepared from ultrasonic dispersion in water of the synthetic and cationic lipid dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide (DODAB). Particles thus obtained were characterized by dynamic light-scattering for determination of z-average diameter (Dz) and zeta-potential (zeta). Antimicrobial activity of the DODAB BF/CMC/PDDA particles against Pseudomonas aeruginosa or Staphylococcus aureus was determined by plating and CFU counting over a range of particle compositions. DODAB BF/CMC/PDDA particles exhibited sizes and zeta-potentials strictly dependent on DODAB, CM C, and PDDA concentrations. At 0.1 mM DODAB, 0.1 mg/mL CMC, and 0.1 mg/mL PDDA, small cationic particles with Dz = 100 nm and zeta = 30 mV were obtained. At 0.5 mM DODAB, 0.5 mg/mL CMC and 0.5 mg/mL PDDA, large cationic particles with Dz = 470 nm and zeta= 50 mV were obtained. Both particulates were highly reproducible regarding physical properties and yielded 0% of p. aeruginosa viability (10(7) CFU/mL) at 1 or 2 mu g/mL PDDA dissolved in solution or in form of particles, respectively. 99% of S. aureus cells died at 10 mu g/mL PDDA alone or in small or large DODAB BF/CMC/PDDA particles. The antimicrobial effect was dependent on the amount of positive charge on particles and independent of particle size. A high microbicide potency for PDDA over a range of nanomolar concentrations was disclosed. P. aeruginosa was more sensitive to all cationic assemblies than S. aureus.