489 resultados para Ligas de niquel


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Ligas da classe HP40 e similares são empregados em ambientes petroquímicos on-de a agressividade do meio provém da atividade do carbono a altas temperaturas. Normal-mente a pirólise de metano, etileno ou nafta apresentam como subproduto formação de carbono na forma de coque. Com a elevação de temperatura local, ocasionada pela baixa condutividade térmica do coque, a camada de óxido de cromo interna torna-se instável, eliminando a barreira à difusão de carbono. O carbeto de cromo criado pela difusão de car-bono apresenta dilatação térmica diferente da matriz causando tensões internas que em caso extremo ocasiona o rompimento do tubo. Este rompimento pode comprometer a ativi-dade do forno e a segurança da unidade petroquímica.. Neste trabalho foram criados transdutores magnéticos capazes de medir espessura de camada cementada. A determinação da porcentagem de material cementado, através de instrumentos precisos é primordial ao planejamento da manutenção e estudo de custo-benefício à substituição destes materiais. Sua confecção visou empregar materiais de baixo custo, facilidade de manuseio e adequação ao ambiente petroquímico.


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Este trabalho apresenta um estudo da liga zinco-níquel obtida a partir de um banho ácido de cloretos, de formulação sugerida pela Boeing. A liga zinco níquel é uma proposta atual para a substituição de revestimentos de cádmio eletrodepositados, tanto na industria aeronáutica como na indústria automobilística. O interesse nesta substituição surge da necessidade de se encontrar um processo menos poluente ao meio ambiente e ao operador que aplica o revestimento, economicamente viável e que também atenda legislação ambiental, cada vez mais restritiva. As ligas zinco-níquel são de especial interesse, porque além de apresentarem as características descritas anteriormente, também conferem ao substrato ferroso, uma proteção do tipo catódico. O estudo aqui apresentado avaliou uma faixa de densidade de corrente de deposição, entre 0,5 e 5 A.dm-2 quanto aos teores de níquel das ligas formadas, a resistência a corrosão e outras características das ligas, através de curvas de polarização, voltametrias e ensaios de impedância eletroquímica e ensaios de névoa salina e outros ensaios . Especial atenção foi dada para a faixa de densidade de corrente considerada como ótima pela Boeing, entre 2 e 3 A.dm-2.


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Este trabalho apresenta um estudo de camada “duplex” em aços para trabalho à quente da classe AISI H13, com enfoque em matrizes de injeção de ligas de alumínio, visando otimizar a vida das matrizes atuando tanto sobre os mecanismos de ataque superficial da matriz pelo alumínio como sobre a formação de trincas por fadiga térmica. O tratamento duplex consistiu em nitretação à plasma, com gás contendo 5% de nitrogênio e diferentes parâmetros de tempos e temperaturas, sendo as amostras posteriormente revestidas com nitreto de titânio (TiN) ou nitreto de cromo (CrN). As camadas nitretadas foram avaliadas através de análises metalográficas, perfis de dureza e difração de raios X, buscando caracterizar e qualificar a camada nitretada. Tendo sido observado na difração de raios X a presença de camada de compostos (nitretos de ferro ε e γ’) mesmo com a utilização de gás pobre em nitrogênio, foram também avaliados substratos nitretados sem a remoção mecânica dos nitretos e com um polimento para remoção destes antes da deposição. A rugosidade dos substratos nitretados com e sem a realização do polimento mecânico também foram determinados, buscando relação deste parâmetro com os resultados obtidos. O conjunto camada nitretada e depósitos (TiN ou CrN) com e sem o polimento mecânico após-nitretação foram avaliados em termos de adesão com ensaios de indentação Rockwell C com análise em microscopia eletrônica de varredura (qualitativamente) e com o teste do risco (quantitativamente) avaliando tanto as cargas críticas para a falha do filme como o modo de falha também em microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Além disso, foram realizados testes de fadiga térmica em banho de alumínio para simulação e avaliação do desempenho da camada “duplex” em condições de trabalho, bem como foram testadas duas condições de nitretação com TiN ou CrN em regime industrial. Os resultados mostram ganhos de adesão crescentes com o aumento dos tempos e das temperaturas de nitretação, além de maiores ganhos com a remoção mecânica (polimento) do substrato nitretado antes da deposição dos filmes. O comportamento, frente às condições de trabalho também foi superior para condições de nitretação com maiores tempos e temperaturas, tanto nos ensaios de laboratório com nos testes em regime industrial.


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Esta pesqUisa objetiva desenvolver, testar e demonstrar a aplicabilidade de um modelo infonnacional que possibilite a gestão integrada das operações da cadeia de suprimentos para indústrias geograficamente dispersas, também denominadas indústrias multi planta. Para tanto, serão aplicadas metodologias de estudo de caso e pesquisa-ação, em uma empresa representativa dos setores mineral e metalúrgico, o Departamento de Manganês e Ferro-Ligas da CVRD - Cia. Vale do Rio Doce. A pesquisa pretende demonstrar que o modelo de sistema infonnacional proposto, por meio da automatização dos processos transacionais e gerenciais, é capaz de prover recursos de planejamento e controle nos níveis operacional, tático e estratégico, devido a sua capacidade de incrementar a velocidade e a qualidade dos processos de análise e decisão. A pesquisa pretende conduzir, após análise dos resultados e avaliação das contribuições à empresa estudada, a um modelo informacional adequado para gerir as operações de outras empresas de mineração e metalurgia com características semelhantes.


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A formação interna da estrutura de uma peça fundida deve determinar as características mecânicas dessa peça, quando em serviço. Dessa forma, torna-se fundamental conhecer e parametrizar os elementos que influem na formação da estrutura do componente sólido, para o desenvolvimento adequado de sistemas de solidificação que permitam conduzir a melhoria da qualidade de uma peça no processo de solidificação. Modelos numéricos podem ser empregados para a determinação da formação estrutural, entretanto estes devem ser aferidos adequadamente para garantir sua aplicabilidade. No trabalho em questão, desenvolveu-se uma metodologia que permitiu a aferição de um modelo numérico para a previsão das condições de resfriamento de ligas de alumínio. Elaborou-se um conjunto de coquilhas e moldes que permitiram o acoplamento e verificação da estrutura formada na solidificação em diferentes situações de resfriamento, observando principalmente a direção de extração de calor e a taxa de resfriamento associada. O modelo numérico aplicado respondeu coerentemente aos resultados obtidos permitindo a previsão da estrutura solidificada pela observação dos resultados de evolução das isotermas solidus e liquidus no interior dos sistemas.


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The cobalt-chromium alloy is extensively used in the Odontology for the confection of metallic scaffolding in partial removable denture. During the last few years, it has been reported an increasing number of premature imperfections, with a few months of prosthesis use. The manufacture of these components is made in prosthetic laboratories and normally involves recasting, using parts of casting alloy and parts of virgin alloy. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to analyze the mechanical properties of a commercial cobalt-chromium alloy of odontological use after successive recasting, searching information to guide the dental prosthesis laboratories in the correct manipulation of the cobalt-chromium alloy in the process of casting and the possible limits of recasting in the mechanical properties of this material. Seven sample groups were confectioned, each one containing five test bodies, divided in the following way: G1: casting only with virgin alloy; G2: casting with 50% of the alloy of the G1 + 50% of virgin alloy; G3: casting with 50% of the alloy of the G2 + 50% of virgin alloy; G4: casting with 50% of the alloy of the G3 + 50% of virgin alloy; G5: 50% of alloy of the G4 + 50% of virgin alloy; G6: 50% of alloy of the G5 + 50% of virgin alloy and finally the G7, only with recasting alloy. The modifications in the mechanical behavior of the alloy were evaluated. Moreover, it was carried the micro structural characterization of the material by optic and electronic scanning microscopy, and X ray diffraction.and fluorescence looking into the correlatation of the mechanical alterations with structural modifications of the material caused by successive recasting process. Generally the results showed alterations in the fracture energy of the alloy after successive recasting, resulting mainly of the increasing presence of pores and large voids, characteristic of the casting material. Thus, the interpretation of the results showed that the material did not reveal significant differences with respect to the tensile strength or elastic limit, as a function of successive recasting. The elastic modulus increased from the third recasting cycle on, indicating that the material can be recast only twice. The fracture energy of the material decreased, as the number of recasting cycles increased. With respect to the microhardness, the statistical analyses showedno significant differences. Electronic scanning microscopy revealed the presence of imperfections and defects, resulting of the recasting process. X ray diffraction and fluorescence did not show alterations in the composition of the alloy or the formation of crystalline phases between the analyzed groups. The optical micrographs showed an increasing number of voids and porosity as the material was recast. Therefore, the general conclusion of this study is that the successive recasting of of Co-Cr alloys affects the mechanical properties of the material, consequently leading to the failure of the prosthetic work. Based on the results, the best recommendadition is that the use of the material should be limited to two recasting cycles


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Nickel alloys are frequently used in applications that require resistance at high temperatures associated with resistance to corrosion. Alloys of Ni-Si-C can be obtained by means of powder metallurgy in which powder mixtures are made of metallic nickel powders with additions of various alloying carriers for such were used in this study SiC, Si3N4 or Si metal with graphite. Carbonyl Ni powder with mean particle size of 11 mM were mixed with 3 wt% of SiC powders with an average particle size of 15, 30 and 50 μm and further samples were obtained containing 4 to 5% by mass of SiC with average particle size of 15 μm. Samples were also obtained by varying the carrier alloy, these being Si3N4 powder with graphite, with average particle size of 1.5 and 5 μm, respectively. As a metallic Si graphite with average particle size of 12.5 and 5 μm, respectively. The reference material used was nickel carbonyl sintered without adding carriers. Microstructural characterization of the alloys was made by optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy with semi-quantitative chemical analysis. We determined the densities of the samples and measurement of microhardness. We studied the dissociation of carriers alloy after sintering at 1200 ° C for 60 minutes. Was evaluated also in the same sintering conditions, the influence of the variation of average particle size of the SiC carrier to the proportion of 3% by mass. Finally, we studied the influence of variation of the temperatures of sintering at 950, 1080 and 1200 ° C without landing and also with heights of 30, 60, 120 and 240 minutes for sintering where the temperature was 950 °C. Dilatometry curves showed that the SiC sintered Ni favors more effectively than other carriers alloy analyzed. SiC with average particle size of 15 μm active sintering the alloy more effectively than other SiC used. However, with the chemical and morphological analyzes for all leagues, it was observed that there was dissociation of SiC and Si3N4, as well as diffusion of Si in Ni matrix and carbon cluster and dispersed in the matrix, which also occurred for the alloys with Si carriers and metallic graphite. So the league that was presented better results containing Si Ni with graphite metallic alloy as carriers, since this had dispersed graphite best in the league, reaching the microstructural model proposed, which is necessary for material characteristic of solid lubricant, so how we got the best results when the density and hardness of the alloy


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The metalceramic crowns are usually used in dentistry because they provide a resistant structure due to its metallic base and its aesthetics from the porcelain that recovers this structure. To manufacture these crowns, a series of stages should be accomplished in the prosthetic laboratories, and many variables can influence its success. Changes in these variables cause alterations in the metallic alloy and in the porcelain, so, as consequence, in the adhesion between them. The composition of the metal alloy can be modified by recasting alloys, a common practice in some prosthetic laboratories. The aim of this paper is to make a systematic study investigating metalceramic crowns as well as analyzing the effect of recasting Ni-Cr alloys. Another variable which can influence the mechanism of metalceramic union is the temperature used in firing porcelain procedure. Each porcelain has to be fired in a fixed temperature which is determined by the manufacturer and its change can cause serious damages. This research simulate situations that may occur on laboratory procedures and observe their consequences in the quality of the metalceramic union. A scanning eletron microscopy and an optic microscopy were accomplish to analyse the metal-ceramic interface. No differences have been found when remelting alloys were used. The microhardness were similar in Ni-Cr alloys casted once, twice and three times. A wettability test was accomplished using a software developed at the Laboratório de Processamento de Materiais por Plasma, on the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. No differences were found in the contact angle between the solid surface (metallic substratum) and the tangencial plane to the liquid surface (opaque). To analyse if the temperature of porcelain firing procedure could influence the contact area between metal and porcelain, a variation in its final temperature was achieve from 980° to 955°C. Once more, no differences have been found


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Metal-ceramic interfaces are present in tricone drill bits with hard ceramic inserts for oil well drilling operations. The combination of actions of cutting, crushing and breaking up of rocks results in the degradation of tricone drill bits by wear, total or partial rupture of the drill bit body or the ceramic inserts, thermal shock and corrosion. Also the improper pressfitting of the ceramic inserts on the bit body may cause its total detachment, and promote serious damages to the drill bit. The improvement on the production process of metal-ceramic interfaces can eliminate or minimize some of above-mentioned failures presented in tricone drill bits, optimizing their lifetime and so reducing drilling metric cost. Brazing is a widely established technique to join metal-ceramic materials, and may be an excellent alternative to the common mechanical press fitting process of hard ceramic inserts on the steel bit body for tricone drill bit. Wetting phenomena plays an essential role in the production of metal/ceramic interfaces when a liquid phase is present in the process. In this work, 72Silver-28Copper eutectic based brazing alloys were melted onto zirconia, silicon nitride and tungsten carbide/Co substrates under high vacuum. Contact angle evolution was measured and graphically plotted, and the interfaces produced were analysed by SEM-EDX. The AgCu eutectic alloy did not wet any ceramic substrates, showing high contact angles, and so without chemical interaction between the materials. Better results were found for the systemns containing 3%wt of titanium in the AgCu alloy. The presence os titanium as a solute in the alloy produces wettable cand termodinamically stable compounds, increasing the ceramics wetting beahviour


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The resistance of aluminum and their alloys, to the corrosion phenomenon, in aqueous solutions, is a result of the oxide layer formed. However, the corrosion process in the aluminum alloy is associated with the presence a second phase of particles or the presence of chloride ions which promote the disruption of the oxide layer located producing the corrosion process. On the other hand, the term water produced is used to describe the water after the separation of the oil and gas in API separators. The volumes of produced water arrive around 5 more times to the volume of oil produced. The greatest feature of the water is the presence of numerous pollutants. Due to the increased volume of waste around the world in the current decade, the outcome and the effect of the discharge of produced water on the environment has recently become an important issue of environmental concern where numerous treatments are aimed at reducing these contaminants before disposal. Then, this study aims to investigate the electrochemical corrosion behavior of aluminum alloy 6060 in presence of water produced and the influence of organic components as well as chloride ions, by using the electrochemical techniques of linear polarization. The modification of the passive layer and the likely breakpoints were observed by atomic force microscopy (AFM). In the pit formation potential around -0.4 to -0.8 V/EAg/AgCl was observed that the diffusion of chloride ions occurs via the layer formed with the probable formation of pits. Whereas, at temperatures above 65 °C, it was observed that the range of potential for thepit formation was -0.4 to -0.5 V/EAg/AgCl. In all reactions, the concentration of Al(OH)3 in the form of a gel was observed


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Metal ceramic restorations matches aesthetic and strength, and in your making occurs an interface oxide layer, wetting resulting and atomic and ionic interactions resulting between metal, oxide and porcelain. However, frequent clinical fails occurs in this restoration type, because lost homogeneous deposition oxide layer and lost interface bond. Thus, in this study, thought depositate homogeneous oxide films above Ni-Cr samples surfaces polite previously, at plasma oxide environment. Six samples was oxided at 300 and 400ºC at one hour, and two samples was oxided in a comum chamber at 900ºC, and then were characterized: optical microscopic, electronic microscopic, micro hardness, and X ray difratometry. Colors stripes were observed at six samples plasma oxided and a grey surface those comum oxided, thus like: hardness increase, and several oxides from basic metals (Ni-Cr)


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Metal/ceramic interfaces using zirconia have dominated the industrial applications in the last decade, due to the high mechanical strength and fracture toughness of zirconia, especially at temperatures below 300 ºC. Also noteworthy is the good ionic conductivity in high temperatures of this component. In this work joining between ZrO2 Y-TZP and ZrO2 Mg-PSZ with austenitic stainless steel was studied. These joints were brazed at high-vacuum after mechanical metallization with Ti using filler alloys composed by Ag-Cu and Ag-Cu-Ni. The influence of the metallization, and the affinity between the different groups (ceramic / filler alloys) was evaluated, in order to achieve strong metal/ceramic joints. Evaluation of joints and interfaces, also the characterization of base materials was implemented using various techniques, such as: x-ray diffraction, leak test, three-point flexural test and scanning electron microscopy with chemical analysis. The microstructural analysis revealed physical and chemical bonds in the metal/ceramic interfaces, providing superior leak proof joints and stress cracking, in order to a good joint in all brazed samples. Precipitation zones and reaction layers with eutetic characteristics were observed between the steel and the filler metal


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Ligas de alumínio são extensamente usadas em partes aeronáuticas devido às boas propriedades mecânicas e baixa densidade. Estas partes devem ser unidas para formar conjuntos maiores. Uma junta estrutural é definida como um segmento de estrutura que provê um meio de transferir carga de um elemento estrutural para outro. A maioria das juntas aeronáuticas é mecanicamente fixada com múltiplos prendedores (parafusos ou rebites). Estas juntas apresentam uma alta concentração de tensões ao redor do prendedor, porque a transferência de carga entre elementos da junta acontece em uma fração da área disponível. Por outro lado, as cargas aplicadas em juntas adesivas são distribuídas sobre toda a área colada e reduz os pontos de concentração de tensão. Juntas são a fonte mais comum de falhas estruturais em aeronaves e quase todos os reparos envolvem juntas. Portanto, é importante entender todos os aspectos de projeto e análise de juntas. O objetivo deste trabalho é comparar estaticamente juntas estruturais de ligas de Al2024-T3 em três condições: juntas mecanicamente rebitadas, juntas coladas e uma configuração híbrida rebitada e colada. Foi usada a norma NASM 1312-4 para confecção dos corpos-de-prova. Além disso, foram conduzidos testes de fadiga, sob amplitude de carregamento constante e razão de tensão igual a 0,1 para avaliar a eficiência dos elementos estruturais durante sua vida em serviço. Os resultados mostraram que a configuração híbrida apresenta maior resistência estática e uma vida em fadiga superior à configuração colada.


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The aim of this work was to study a series of 11 different compositions of Ti-Zr binary alloys resistance to aggressive environment, i. e., their ability to keep their surface properties and mass when exposed to them as a way to evaluate their performance as biomaterials. The first stage was devoted to the fabrication of tablets from these alloys by Plasma-Skull casting method using a Discovery Plasma machine from EDG Equipamentos, Brazil. In a second stage, the chemical composition of each produced tablet was verified. In a third stage, the specimen were submitted to: as-cast microstructure analysis via optical and scanning electron microscopy (OM and SEM), x-ray dispersive system (EDS) chemical analysis via SEM, Vickers hardness tests for mechanical evaluation and corrosion resistence tests in a 0.9% NaCl solution to simulate exposition to human saliva monitored by open circuit potential and polarization curves. From the obtained results, it was possible to infer that specimens A1 (94,07 wt% Ti and 5,93% wt% Zr), A4 (77,81 wt % Ti and 22,19 wt % Zr) and A8 (27,83 wt% Ti and 72,17 wt% Zr), presented best performance regarding to corrosion resistance, homogeneity and hardness which are necessary issues for biomaterials to be applied as orthopedic and odontological prosthesis


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)