844 resultados para Legal standard
Les institutions juridiques ont été bâties autour des réalités connues depuis des millénaires, que nous appelons de nos jours des phénomènes du monde réel. Ces phénomènes retrouvent présentement un nouveau théâtre – le cyberespace, et les règles du droit font face au défi de s’approprier ce nouvel environnement. Entre autres, les technologies du cyberespace ont mis au monde divers moyens qui nous permettent de nous identifier et de manifester notre attitude envers les actes juridiques – des finalités qui ont été assurées de longue date par la signature manuscrite. Bien que ces nouveaux moyens aient mérité un nom similaire à leur contrepartie traditionnelle – l’appellation de signature électronique, ils restent des phénomènes dont la proximité avec la signature manuscrite est discutable. Force est de constater que le seul point commun entre les moyens classiques et électroniques de signer réside dans les fonctions qu’ils remplissent. C’est en se basant sur ces fonctions communes que le droit a adopté une attitude identique envers les moyens d’authentification traditionnels et électroniques et a accueilli ces derniers sous l’emprise de ses institutions. Cependant, ceci ne signifie pas que ces institutions se soient avérées appropriées et qu’elles ne demandent aucun ajustement. Un des buts de notre étude sera de mettre en relief les moyens d’adaptation qu’offre le droit pour réconcilier ces deux environnements. Ainsi, pour ajuster l’institution de la signature aux phénomènes électroniques, le droit s’est tourné vers le standard de fiabilité de la signature électronique. Le standard de fiabilité est un complément de l’institution juridique de signature qui ne se rapporte qu’à la signature électronique et dont cette étude démontrera les applications. Les composantes du standard de fiabilité qui occuperont un deuxième volet de notre étude représentent un ensemble de règles techniques liées à la signature électronique. Ainsi, comme le standard de fiabilité puise sa substance dans les propriétés de l’architecture du cyberespace, l’attitude du droit envers la signature électronique s’avère tributaire de la morphologie du cyberespace. Étant donné que les possibilités qui nous sont offertes par la technologie continue à déterminer la réglementation juridique, il est légitime de conclure que l’examen des tendances dans l’évolution du cyberespace nous fournira un point de vue prospectif sur l’évolution des règles du droit.
El presente proyecto presenta una alternativa para diseñar la infraestructuratecnológica de redes y seguridad informática a nivel nacional que le permita alInstituto Nacional de Medicina Legal y Ciencias Forenses garantizar la seguridadde transmisión de datos y oportunidad de la informaci
A recent article in this journal challenged claims that a human rights framework should be applied to drug control. This article questions the author’s assertions and reframes them in the context of socio-legal drug scholarship, aiming to build on the discourse concerning human rights and drug use. It is submitted that a rights-based approach is a necessary, indeed obligatory, ethical and legal framework through which to address drug use and that international human rights law provides the proper scope for determining where interferences with individual human rights might be justified on certain, limited grounds.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar parâmetros genéticos (herdabilidades e correlações), efeitos não genéticos, tendência genética e resposta à seleção para as características de crescimento (pesos padronizados aos 120, 210 e 450 dias) e características reprodutivas (idade ao primeiro parto e perímetro escrotal aos 450 dias) de machos e fêmeas, da raça Nelore criados na Amazônia Legal. O arquivo de dados analisado consistia em 211.744 registros de animais da raça Nelore, participantes do Programa de Melhoramento Genético da Raça Nelore (PMGRN- Nelore Brasil), nascidos no período de 1995 e 2008, distribuídos em rebanhos localizados nos estados do AC, MA, MT, PA, RO e TO. A consistência dos dados, as análises descritivas, de variância e de escolha do modelo para cada uma das características foram realizadas utilizando-se o software Statistical Analysis System. As estimativas de média e desvio padrão foram de 122,919,0; 179,628,1; 262,445,5; 227,229,2; 37,14,7, respectivamente para as características de P120, P210, P450, PE450 e IPP. As herdabilidades para P120 foram de 0,24; 0,21 e 0,36, para h²d, h²m e h²t, respectivamente; para P210 foram de 0,29; 0,16 e 0,45, para h²d, h²m e h²t, respectivamente e para P450, PE450 e IPP, foram de 0,48; 0,49 e 0,22, respectivamente. As correlações genéticas entre os pesos variaram de 0,51 a 0,78, entre os pesos e PE450 variaram de 0,26 a 0,46, entre os pesos e a IPP foram baixas e negativas e entre PE450 e IPP foi nula. Em todas as características estudadas, os progressos genéticos foram superiores aos fenotípicos, com exceção à IPP. Os resultados de resposta à seleção variaram de 0,27 a 0,11 kg/ano; 0,49 a 0,20 kg/ano; 1,32 a 0,53 kg/ano; 0,08 a 0,03 cm/ano e 0,06 a 0,02 dias/ano para P120, P210, P450, PE450 e IPP, respectivamente. Portanto, todas as características estudadas podem ser utilizadas como critério de seleção, objetivando melhorar a produtividade.
This paper describes the development of a tool that uses human rights concepts and methods to improve relevant laws, regulations and policies related to sexual and reproductive health. This tool aims to improve awareness and understanding of States' human rights obligations. It includes a method for systematically examining the status of vulnerable groups, involving non-health sectors, fostering a genuine process of civil society participation and developing recommendations to address regulatory and policy barriers to sexual and reproductive health with a clear assignment of responsibility. Strong leadership from the ministry of health, with support from the World Health Organization or other international partners, and the serious engagement of all involved in this process can strengthen the links between human rights and sexual and reproductive health, and contribute to national achievement of the highest attainable standard of health.
O processo para o refúgio é o conjunto de regras e princípios necessários à aplicação do Direito dos Refugiados aos casos concretos. Quando este conjunto respeita os padrões democráticos do Devido Processo Legal, as tendências históricas de exploração e manipulação política do instituto de refúgio podem ser limitadas e os objetivos humanitários deste ramo dos Direitos Humanos podem ser alcançados com maior transparência. Quando o Devido Processo Legal para o refúgio é respeitado, também se permite que a pessoa que figura como solicitante de refúgio seja tratada como sujeito de direitos - e não como objeto do processo. Uma vez que a Convenção de Genebra de 1951, sobre o Estatuto dos Refugiados, não estabeleceu normas de processo, cada país signatário necessita criar um regime próprio para processar os pedidos de determinação, extensão, perda e cessação da condição de refugiado em seus territórios. O primeiro regime processual brasileiro foi criado no ano de 1997, pela Lei Federal 9497. Desde então, o país vem desenvolvendo, através do Comitê Nacional para Refugiados (CONARE), regras infra legais e rotinas práticas que têm determinado um padrão processual ainda fragmentado e inseguro. O estudo do aparato normativo nacional e da realidade observada entre 2012 e 2014 revelam a existência de problemas (pontuais ou crônicos) sobre o cumprimento de diversos princípios processuais, tais como a Legalidade, a Impessoalidade e Independência da autoridade julgadora, o Contraditório, a Ampla Defesa, a Publicidade, a Fundamentação, a Igualdade e a Razoável Duração do Processo. Estes problemas impõem desafios variados ao Brasil, tanto em dimensão legislativa quanto estrutural. O enfrentamento destas questões precisa ocorrer com rapidez. O motivo da urgência, porém, não é a nova demanda de imigração observada no país, mas sim o fato de que as violações ao Devido Processo Legal, verificadas no processo para o refúgio brasileiro, representam, em si, violações de Direitos Humanos, que, ademais prejudicam o compromisso do país para com a proteção internacional dos refugiados.
Introduction. The European Union’s external action is not only defined by its influence on international developments, but also by its ability and the need to respond to those developments. While traditionally many have stressed the EU’s ‘autonomy’, over the years its ‘dependence’ on global developments has become more clear.2 International law has continued to play a key role in, not only in the EU’s external relations, but also in the Union’s own legal order.3 The purpose of this paper is not to assess the role or performance of the EU in international institutions.4 Rather it purports to reverse the picture and focus on a somewhat under-researched topic: the legal status of decisions of international organizations in the EU’s legal order.5 While parts of the status of these decisions relate to the status of international agreements and international customary law, it can be argued that decisions of international organizations and other international bodies form a distinct category. In fact, it has been observed that “this phenomenon has added a new layer of complexity to the already complex law of external relations of the European Union”.6 Emerging questions relate to the possible difference between decisions of international organizations of which the EU is a member (such as the FAO) and decisions of organizations where it is not (irrespective of existing competences in that area – such as in the ILO). Questions also relate to the hierarchical status of these decisions in the EU’s legal order and to the possibility of them being invoked in direct or indirect actions before the Court of Justice. This contribution takes a broad perspective on decisions of international organizations by including decisions taken in other international institutions which do not necessarily comply with the standard definition of international organizations,7 be it bodies set-up by multilateral conventions or informal (transnational / regulatory) bodies. Some of these bodies are relatively close to the EU (such as the Councils established by Association Agreements – see further Section 5 below); others operate at a certain distance. Limiting the analysis to formal international organizations will not do justice to the manifold relationships between the European Union and various international bodies and to the effects of the norms produced by these bodies. The term ‘international decisions’ is therefore used to refer to any normative output of international institutional arrangements.
Disease in wildlife raises a number of issues that have not been widely considered in the bioethical literature. However, wildlife disease has major implications for human welfare. The majority of emerging human infectious diseases are zoonotic: that is, they occur in humans by cross-species transmission from animal hosts. Managing these diseases often involves balancing concerns with human health against animal welfare and conservation concerns. Many infectious diseases of domestic animals are shared with wild animals, although it is often unclear whether the infection spills over from wild animals to domestic animals or vice versa. Culling is the standard means of managing such diseases, bringing economic considerations, animal welfare and conservation into conflict. Infectious diseases are also major threatening processes in conservation biology and their appropriate management by culling, vaccination or treatment raises substantial animal ethics issues. One particular issue of great significance in Australia is an ongoing research program to develop genetically modified pathogens to control vertebrate pests including rabbits, foxes and house mice. Release of any self-replicating GMO vertebrate pathogen gives rise to a whole series of ethical questions. We briefly review current Australian legal responses to these problems. Finally, we present two unresolved problems of general importance that are exemplified by wildlife disease. First, to what extent can or should 'bioethics' be broadened beyond direct concerns with human welfare to animal welfare and environmental welfare? Second, how should the irreducible uncertainty of ecological systems be accounted for in ethical decision making?
Attracting more coaches is fundamental to achievement of the European dimension in sport and the further promotion of sport in the European Union. Given the emerging relationship between the law and sports coaching, recruitment of such volunteers may prove problematic. Accordingly, this article critically considers the legal liability of sports coaches. To inform this debate, the issue of negligent coaching is critically scrutinised from a UK perspective, uncovering a number of distinct legal vulnerabilities facing volunteer coaches. This includes the inherent limitations of ‘objective reasonableness’ when defining the standard of care required in the particular circumstances. More specifically, fuller analysis of the justification of customary practice, and the legal doctrine of in loco parentis, reveals important ramifications for all organisations providing training and support for coaches. In short, it is argued that proactively safeguarding coaches from professional liability should be a priority for national governing bodies, and, following the recently published EU Work Plan for Sport for 2014–2017, the Expert Group on Human Resource Management in Sport. Importantly, given the EU’s supporting, coordinating and supplementing competence in developing the European dimension in sport, a Commission funded project to address the implications of the ‘compensation culture’ in sport is also recommended.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
Dissertação de Mestrado em Gestão Integrada da Qualidade, Ambiente e Segurança
The fundamental right to a fair trial depends largely on the service of proceedings on the defendant; it is very important that this communication act informs the defendant of the existence of proceedings against him so that he has the possibility to defend himself in sufficient time. The casuistry shows that difficulties considerably increase when this first service of process has to be effected abroad. Indeed, the most problematic foreign judgments are those issued in absentia of the defendant. The European legislator has paid special attention to the service of the claim and to the default of appearance of the defendant; it has laid down both rules governing the ways in which the service of proceedings must be effected and the procedural treatment of involuntary default, including remedies available for
A Feasibility Study Of Fricke Dosimetry As An Absorbed Dose To Water Standard For 192ir Hdr Sources.
High dose rate brachytherapy (HDR) using 192Ir sources is well accepted as an important treatment option and thus requires an accurate dosimetry standard. However, a dosimetry standard for the direct measurement of the absolute dose to water for this particular source type is currently not available. An improved standard for the absorbed dose to water based on Fricke dosimetry of HDR 192Ir brachytherapy sources is presented in this study. The main goal of this paper is to demonstrate the potential usefulness of the Fricke dosimetry technique for the standardization of the quantity absorbed dose to water for 192Ir sources. A molded, double-walled, spherical vessel for water containing the Fricke solution was constructed based on the Fricke system. The authors measured the absorbed dose to water and compared it with the doses calculated using the AAPM TG-43 report. The overall combined uncertainty associated with the measurements using Fricke dosimetry was 1.4% for k = 1, which is better than the uncertainties reported in previous studies. These results are promising; hence, the use of Fricke dosimetry to measure the absorbed dose to water as a standard for HDR 192Ir may be possible in the future.