894 resultados para Learning motivation
To date, hospitality management educators have struggled to modify generic software or adapt vendor-designed industry systems as a means of bringing hospitality information systems to the classroom. Specially- designed computer-based courseware can enhance learning while extending the boundaries of the traditional hospitality classroom. The author discusses the relevance of this software to the hospitality curriculum.
The 3-Hidroxytyramine/dopamine (DA) is a monoamine of catecholamine family and isthe precursor substance synthesis of noradrenaline and adrenaline, having the enzymeTyrosine Hydroxylase (TH) as this regulatory process. In addition, the DA has theability to act as a neurotransmitter in the Central Nervous System - SNC, being themain neurotransmitter of brain nuclei, namely of A8 to A16. The nuclei of the midbrainthat express DA are the Retrorubral Field (RRF, A8), the Substantia Nigra parsCompacta (SNc, A9) and the Ventral Tegmental Area (VTA, A10). Such nuclei areinvolved in complex three circuitry that are the mesostriatal, mesolimbic andmesocotical and are directly related with several behavioral manifestations as motricitycontrol, reward signaling in behavioral learning, motivation and pathologicalconditions, such as Parkinson's Disease and schizophrenia. Interestingly, many of themorphological bases of these neural disturbance remain unknown. Considering therelevance of mesencephalic dopaminergic nuclei, the aim of this research is tocharacterize morphologically the dopaminergic nuclei (clusters A8, A9 and A10) of themidbrain of the bat (Artibeus planirostris). The Artibeus planirostris is a common bat inRio Grande do Norte. Ten animals were used in this research. The animals wereanesthetized, perfused, and the brain was removed from the skull. After dehydration insucrose, the brain was underwent microtomy. Saggital and coronal sections wereobtained and collected in six separate series. The series were Nissl-stained to identifythe cytoarchitectonic boundaries and the other series were subjected toimmunohistochemistry for TH. After cytoarchitectonic analysis and TH+ cellsidentification was possible to establish the anatomical boundaries of the nuclei, as wellas the subdivisions of three of the midbrain dopaminergic nuclei. The SNc is the mostrostral nucleus observed in the midbrain and is identified throughout the rostrocaudalextension of the midbrain. The VTA neurons were seen immediately caudal to the SNcappearance. The RRF neurons were observed just in the caudal levels of the midbrain.The SNc in Artibeus planirostris shows a particular feature, the tail of the SNc. The tailhave been described just in two other studied species. The present work shows aparticular variation in the organizational morphology of the SNc in the artibeus andcontribute to understand the phylogenetic routes by which the dopaminergic system hasevolved.
Die Publikation zur AQ Austria Jahrestagung 2015 widmet sich dem Lernen und Lehren an Hochschulen und den vielfältigen Wandlungsprozessen durch die zunehmende biographische, soziale und kulturelle Diversität der Studierenden sowie elektronischen Medien. Student-centred Learning (SCL) gewinnt verstärkt an Bedeutung. Diese Wandlungsprozesse treffen nicht nur Studierende, Lehrende und die Hochschulen als Institutionen, auch die Qualitätssicherung in Studium und Lehre. Der Beitrag von Prof. Nacken zeigt auf, welche Chancen und Herausforderungen sich durch SCL in verschiedensten Bereichen ergeben. Er geht auf das Projekt „Studierende im Fokus der Exzellenz“, die Entwicklung der Charta für gute Lehre und aktuelle Trends und Probleme bei digitaler Lehre ein. Die studentische Perspektive zeigt Umsetzungsmöglichkeiten und Maßnahmen in Richtung Studierendenzentrierung auf. In den weiteren Beiträgen wird auf Didaktik und Qualitätssicherung, Determinanten studentischen Lernerfolgs, alternative Formen der Lehrevaluation und die Sichtbarmachung von non-formal und informell erworbenen Kompetenzen eingegangen und zwei beschäftigen sich mit Einsatzmöglichkeiten und Veränderungen durch neue Medien. Mit Beiträgen von: Nacken, Heribert; Hanft, Anke; Pichl, Elmar; Treml, Beate; Pellert, Ada; Künzel, Manfred; Haas, Lena; Martens, Thomas; Metzger, Christiane; Haag, Johann; Froschauer-Neuhauser, Elisabeth; Meyer Richli, Christine; Schulz, Ramona; Kämmerer, Frauke; Gornik, Elke A.; Freiberger, Diane; Birke, Barbara; Müller, Claude; Woschnack, Ute; Baumgartner, Alexander; Erlemann, Jennifer; Penßler-Beyer, Anja; Bergsmann, Evelyn; Weißemböck, Josef.
Rezension von: Ingvelde Scholz: Das heterogene Klassenzimmer, Differenziert unterrichten, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2012 (144 S.; ISBN 978-3-525-70133-1)
Eine Fragebogenentwicklung wird vorgestellt, die Lernfreude, Anstrengungsbereitschaft, Bedeutung von Lernen und Zufriedenheit mit der didaktischen Unterrichtsgestaltung operationalisiert und an Kindern im Alter von 7-8 Jahren überprüft. Erste Ergebnisse weisen auf erfolgversprechende Weiterentwicklungsmöglichkeiten hin. Es scheint möglich auf dieser Stufe ökonomisch und flächendeckend reliable Daten zu erheben. (DIPF/Orig.)
Wenn pädagogische Institutionen u.a. über ihren Auftrag definiert werden, möglichst erfolgreiche Lern- und Bildungsprozesse ihrer Zielgruppe zu organisieren (und in diesem Sinne Leistung zu produzieren haben), so bedeuten Diagnosen einer Abhängigkeit der Leistung von der Geschlechtszugehörigkeit eine empfindliche Infragestellung der Qualität der Institution. Schule als pädagogische Institution kategorisiert Schüler_innen entlang der Lernerfolge und Leistungen, die sie erbringen. Seit durch die Ergebnisse internationaler Schulleistungsvergleiche die Kategorisierungen von Schüler_innen als leistungsstärker bzw. -schwächer wieder verstärkt mit ihrer Kategorisierung als Mädchen und Jungen in Zusammenhang gebracht werden, scheint es nahe zu liegen, geringere Schulerfolge von Jungen pauschalisierend mit ihrem Junge-Sein an sich in Verbindung zu bringen. Hier interveniert der Beitrag der AutorInnen zum Zusammenhang von Männlichkeitskonstruktionen mit der Lern- und Leistungsmotivation bei Jungen. Der Artikel stellt das Freiburger Jungeninventar vor, ein Instrument, das auf der Basis qualitativer Rekonstruktionen differenzierbarer Männlichkeiten entwickelt wurde und diese nun auch quantitativ und in Kombination mit anderen Variablen erfassbar macht. In ihrer Studie, in der das Freiburger Jungeninventar in Verbindung mit Instrumenten zur Erfassung von Lern- und Leistungsmotivation zum Einsatz kommt, zeigen die Autor_innen Zusammenhänge auf, die die Bedeutung der Vielfältigkeit von Männlichkeitskonstruktionen für schulisch institutionalisiertes Lernen unterstreicht. (DIPF/Orig.)
Relatório EPE - Relatório de estágio em Educação Pré-Escolar: Resultante de um protocolo entre a Escola Superior de Educação do Porto e a Escola Básica das Antas, a prática pedagógica supervisionada refletida no presente relatório foi desenvolvida no Jardim de Infância desta instituição. Tendo como principal objetivo o desenvolvimento de competências profissionais para a Educação Pré-Escolar, a unidade curricular de prática pedagógica supervisionada coloca o estudante num contexto real de aprendizagem, no qual terá de desenvolver saberes próprios da profissão, construindo uma atitude reflexiva e investigativa apoiada em pressupostos teóricos relevantes para a sua formação. Neste sentido, o relatório de estágio de qualificação profissional é um instrumento que surge como resultado de todo o trabalho desenvolvido ao longo da prática pedagógica supervisionada pelos estudantes em formação. Este reflete não só algumas das estratégias desenvolvidas pela estudante ao longo do seu estágio profissional, mas integra também um conjunto de reflexões, quer individuais quer realizadas em cooperação com outros intervenientes no processo de formação. Este relatório reflete a metodologia de investigação-ação pela qual a estudante enveredou. Esta metodologia permitia à mestranda ter em conta os constrangimentos que surgiam das suas práticas para, posteriormente, através de reflexões sustentadas em pressupostos teóricos pertinentes, conseguir ultrapassá-los e consequentemente melhorar as suas intervenções. Em suma, neste documento a estudante revela as transformações que decorreram quer da análise das suas estratégias pedagógicas, quer das suas competências enquanto futura profissional de educação que permitiram enriquecer a sua formação.
Investments in training measures can only be considered effective if the transfer of the learned contents to practical situations is continuously successful. In this context the scientific and professional discourse regarding the effectiveness of further education, especially regarding training transfer, has intensified considerably. This analysis provides a systematic and comprehensive overview of the current state of international empirical research regarding major influencing factors of learning transfer in the context of formalized further vocational training. Our review of literature differentiates the most important influencing factors on the micro-level of the specific individual characteristics of the participants, the meso-level of measure-specific characteristics of the field of learning, as well as institutional characteristics of the work environment at the macro-level. Decades of transfer research brings forth a wealth of information regarding factors which influence the learning transfer. The current analysis systematizes these results and clarifies that the current state of research regarding the determinants of the process of learning transfer shows clear trends. But there are also some inconsistent findings. Thus the question of which factors positively influence the success of learning transfer is well-studied for the micro-level in particular. The article shows that there is still a research deficit concerning the major determinants of learning transfer at the meso- and macro-level. Finally, in this context this article identifies promising directions for future research. (DIPF/Orig.)
The growing reliance on volunteers in Australia has heightened the need for non-profit organisations to retain these valuable resources. However, the current literature on volunteer retention is limited. One potential way volunteers can be retained is by providing learning and development opportunities (LDOs). This study investigates the relationship between volunteer perceptions of LDOs, their motivations for volunteering, and retention. Analyses revealed significant main effects for LDOs and volunteer motivations on retention and several interactive effects demonstrating that LDOs can have differential effects on retention depending on the reasons for volunteering.
This paper describes the development and use of personas, a Human Computer Interaction (HCI) research methodology, within the STIMulate peer learning program, in order to better understand student behaviour patterns and motivations. STIMulate is a support for learning program at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) in Brisbane, Australia. The program provides assistance in mathematics, science and information technology (IT) for course work students. A STIMulate space is provided for students to study and obtain one-on-one assistance from Peer Learning Facilitators (PLFs), who are experienced students that have excelled in relevant subject areas. This paper describes personas – archetypal users - that represent the motivations and behavioural patterns of students that utilise STIMulate (particularly the IT stream). The personas were developed based on interviews with PLFs, and subsequently validated by a PLF focus group. Seven different personas were developed. The personas enable us to better understand the characteristics of the students utilising the STIMulate program. The research provides a clearer picture of visiting student motivations and behavioural patterns. This has helped us identify gaps in the services provided, and be more aware of our assumptions about students. The personas have been deployed in PLF training programs, to help PLFs provide a better service to the students. The research findings suggest further study on the resonances between some students and PLFs, which we would like to better elicit.
The role of the explicit teaching and learning of grammar in the process of foreign language teaching is a very controversial issue. Language teachers and language teaching methodologists differ in their opinions as to whether grammar should be taught at all and, if so, what is the best way of presenting it. In order to find out students’ opinions on the usefulness of the explicit teaching and learning of grammar a questionnaire was given to fifty-one English majors studying in the Institute of English at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. The results of the questionnaire reveal a very positive attitude on the part of the students towards the explicit learning of grammar. The deductive way of learning seems to be favoured by the majority of the respondents, who also unanimously point to translation as a very effective form of grammar exercise.
This study describes research on a postgraduate blended learning programme within the Department of Education at the University of Aveiro in Portugal. It is based on a multi-philosophical paradigm and examines students‟ satisfaction levels through the application of Herzberg‟s Motivation and Hygiene Theory. The main question being addressed in this research is: “Can the Motivation and Hygiene Theory be adopted as a means to measure student satisfaction with their blended learning environment?” Embedded within this research question are four fundamental questions which set the scene for the development of this research study and are explored in greater detail in Chapters 4 and 5 respectively: 1. What are the factors responsible for bringing about learning satisfaction with their b-Learning course? 2. What are the factors responsible for bringing about learning dissatisfaction with their b-Learning course? 3. Can these factors be represented as Motivation and Hygiene factors? 4. Will this method of measuring learning satisfaction lead to a set of guidelines that could be considered as a framework for the development of b-Learning courses? The results indicate that the Motivation and Hygiene Theory or an adapted version such as the Enricher and Enabler Theory proposed in this study could be considered as a plausible means of analysing an institution‟s b-Learning processes. The opportunity to carry out future research is evident and can be varied depending on the research objectives in mind. Examples where further exploration would be beneficial lay within the application of this theory to the wider sector; the use of larger samples, focusing on the teachers, as well as the learners and the application of Web 2.0 technologies as means of gathering information. The results of this research will be of great significance to those areas of education that are interested in locating quick and efficient means by which to evaluate their b-Learning and to no lesser extent e-Learning environments.
Currently, it is widely perceived among the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teaching professionals, that motivation is a central factor for success in language learning. This work aims to examine and raise teachers’ awareness about the role of assessment and feedback in the process of language teaching and learning at polytechnic school in Benguela to develop and/or enhance their students’ motivation for learning. Hence the paper defines and discusses the key terms and, the techniques and strategies for an effective feedback provision in the context under study. It also collects data through the use of interview and questionnaire methods, and suggests the assessment and feedback types to be implemented at polytechnic school in Benguela