889 resultados para Learn-to-learn
El auténtico protagonismo de los centros educativostiene que dirigirse a ayudar a pensar a sus alumnos y aenseñarlos a aprender, es decir, el docente tiene queenseñar estrategias de aprendizaje y debe promover elesfuerzo del estudiante para facilitar la construcción deesquemas y el aprendizaje permanente.El profesor debe utilizar cualquier situación deaprendizaje para enseñar dichas estrategias deaprendizaje, incluso en las situaciones de evaluación;por lo tanto, en este trabajo se sugiere que en lasevaluaciones de los alumnos y alumnas se tenga encuenta la metacognición como factor fundamental en elaprendizaje y la enseñanza
Utilizar los juegos para aprender a resolver conflictos = Using games to learn and resolve conflicts
The characteristics of games make them excellent tools for multiple learning situations in the area of Physical Education, aswell as learning those necessary skills that allow students to handle social situations and especially conflicts. Understandingthat a conflict may be considered from a constructive perspective and that it may represent an excellent learningopportunity is a fundamental point. Games can help us in this task but it is important that the teacher knows theircharacteristics and which may be the most convenient in each educational moment
The aim of this dissertation is to investigate if participation in business simulation gaming sessions can make different leadership styles visible and provide students with experiences beneficial for the development of leadership skills. Particularly, the focus is to describe the development of leadership styles when leading virtual teams in computer-supported collaborative game settings and to identify the outcomes of using computer simulation games as leadership training tools. To answer to the objectives of the study, three empirical experiments were conducted to explore if participation in business simulation gaming sessions (Study I and II), which integrate face-to-face and virtual communication (Study III and IV), can make different leadership styles visible and provide students with experiences beneficial for the development of leadership skills. In the first experiment, a group of multicultural graduate business students (N=41) participated in gaming sessions with a computerized business simulation game (Study III). In the second experiment, a group of graduate students (N=9) participated in the training with a ‘real estate’ computer game (Study I and II). In the third experiment, a business simulation gaming session was organized for graduate students group (N=26) and the participants played the simulation game in virtual teams, which were organizationally and geographically dispersed but connected via technology (Study IV). Each team in all experiments had three to four students and students were between 22 and 25 years old. The business computer games used for the empirical experiments presented an enormous number of complex operations in which a team leader needed to make the final decisions involved in leading the team to win the game. These gaming environments were interactive;; participants interacted by solving the given tasks in the game. Thus, strategy and appropriate leadership were needed to be successful. The training was competition-based and required implementation of leadership skills. The data of these studies consist of observations, participants’ reflective essays written after the gaming sessions, pre- and post-tests questionnaires and participants’ answers to open- ended questions. Participants’ interactions and collaboration were observed when they played the computer games. The transcripts of notes from observations and students dialogs were coded in terms of transactional, transformational, heroic and post-heroic leadership styles. For the data analysis of the transcribed notes from observations, content analysis and discourse analysis was implemented. The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) was also utilized in the study to measure transformational and transactional leadership styles;; in addition, quantitative (one-way repeated measures ANOVA) and qualitative data analyses have been performed. The results of this study indicate that in the business simulation gaming environment, certain leadership characteristics emerged spontaneously. Experiences about leadership varied between the teams and were dependent on the role individual students had in their team. These four studies showed that simulation gaming environment has the potential to be used in higher education to exercise the leadership styles relevant in real-world work contexts. Further, the study indicated that given debriefing sessions, the simulation game context has much potential to benefit learning. The participants who showed interest in leadership roles were given the opportunity of developing leadership skills in practice. The study also provides evidence of unpredictable situations that participants can experience and learn from during the gaming sessions. The study illustrates the complex nature of experiences from the gaming environments and the need for the team leader and role divisions during the gaming sessions. It could be concluded that the experience of simulation game training illustrated the complexity of real life situations and provided participants with the challenges of virtual leadership experiences and the difficulties of using leadership styles in practice. As a result, the study offers playing computer simulation games in small teams as one way to exercise leadership styles in practice.
Fourteen nursing s tudents enrolled in a community coll ege were chosen by purposeful se lection to be i nterviewed in a qualitative survey. A proposed mode l of Learner Motivation Development was examined . The mode l describes four stages of motivati on development progression across the lifespan: I Survival (infancy to childhood), I I Expl oration (childhood to adolescence), III Identification (pre- adulthood), and IV Reflection ( adulthood ). This r esearch examined the last two stages. The criteria used to categorize the students within the fr amework were bas ed on human development theories as described by Maslow (1954) and Erikson (1950). The concept of critica l thinking proposed by Brookfield (1987) and the ideas of transformative learning expressed by Mezirow (1991) were also incorporated. The researcher' s criteria , antici pated behaviours and characteri stics, were used to ana lyze the students' responses to open-ended questions. The central theme of the research was based on the assumption that motivation to learn is intrinsic and inherent in pre-adult and adult learners. Six pre-adults and two adults met the descriptors set for stage III Identification. Five adults and one pre-adult met the criteria for stage IV Reflection. The impact of life e xperiences and maturation were clearly demonstrated.
El auténtico protagonismo de los centros educativos tiene que dirigirse a ayudar a pensar a sus alumnos y a enseñarlos a aprender, es decir, el docente tiene que enseñar estrategias de aprendizaje y debe promover el esfuerzo del estudiante para facilitar la construcción de esquemas y el aprendizaje permanente. El profesor debe utilizar cualquier situación de aprendizaje para enseñar dichas estrategias de aprendizaje, incluso en las situaciones de evaluación; por lo tanto, en este trabajo se sugiere que en las evaluaciones de los alumnos y alumnas se tenga en cuenta la metacognición como factor fundamental en el aprendizaje y la enseñanza
The University of Southampton guide to research has been composed by the University’s academic librarians and is a gateway to resources listed by academic subject.
El primer número de la colección de Pipo se dirige a los niños entre 2 y 7 años. Contiene quince juegos relacionados con palabras y números, sumas y restas, letras y vocales, las horas, y actividades musicales. dición realizada con apoyo de la Conselleria d'Educació, Cultura i Esports del Govern Balear.
Este recurso, que recoge la investigación educativa y biológica más actual, se centra en la profundización de la motivación del alumno y en ayudar a los adultos que quieren aprender. Ofrece sesenta estrategias prácticas, basadas en la investigación que están diseñadas para provocar y fomentar la motivación del alumno, además de ejercicios prácticos, directrices para la planificación de la instrucción y vanguardistas ideas para la evaluación y transmisión del aprendizaje.
Experiencia realizada en el Colegio San José Obrero de Palma de Mallorca, donde se lleva a cabo un programa de enseñanza aprendizaje de idiomas partiendo de la sugerencia propuesta en 'El libro blanco. Enseñanza y aprendizaje. Hacia una sociedad del aprendizaje' aprobado por la Comisión Europea en 1995, estableciéndose como objetivo prioritario del currículum el dominio de tres lenguas comunitarias. TTLE supone cambios organizativos estructurales y metodológicos, y se fundamenta pedagógicamente en cuatro bases: el aprendizaje significativo natural y contextualizado, la interactividad constante a través del aprendizaje cooperativo, el vivo interés en aprender y su eficacia absoluto..
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