958 resultados para Lab-On-a-Chip(LOC)


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Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências Veterinárias, Especialidade de Ciências Biológicas e Biomédicas


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Over the last few years a number of sensing platforms are being investigated for their use in drug development, microanalysis or medical diagnosis. Lab-on-a-chip (LOC) are devices integrating more than one laboratory functions on a single device chip of a very small size, and typically consist of two main components: microfluidic handling systems and sensors. The physical mechanisms that are generally used for microfluidics and sensors are different, hence making the integration of these components difficult and costly. In this work we present a lab-on-a-chip system based on surface acoustic waves (for fluid manipulation) and film bulk acoustic resonators (for sensing). Coupling surface acoustic waves into liquids induces acoustic streaming and motion of micro-droplets, whilst it is well-known that bulk acoustic waves can be used to fabricate microgravimetric sensors. Both technologies offer exceptional sensitivity and can be fabricated from piezoelectric thin films deposited on Si substrates, reducing the fabrication time/cost of the LOC devices. © 2013 SPIE.


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Integrated optical detection is considered to be an important operation in lab-on-a-chips. This paper presents an optical fiber-based micro-sensor that is capable of detecting food substance particles in a lab-on-a-chip. The system consists of a microcontroller and associated circuitry, a laser emitter, a laser receiver, fiber optic cables, a microfluidics chip, and the food substance samples to be tested. When the particles flow through the microfluidic channel in the chip, the receiver’s output voltage varies due to the particles blocking the passage of the laser ray. The changes in the collected signals are analyzed to count the number of particles. Experiments are conducted on several food substance samples including talcum powder, ground ginger, and soy sauce. The experimental results are presented and discussed.


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Recent years have brought enormous progress in cell-based lab-on-a-chip technologies, allowing dynamic studies of cell death with an unprecedented accuracy. As interest in the microfabricated technologies for cell-based bioassays is rapidly gaining momentum, we highlight the most promising technologies that provide a new outlook for the rapid assessment of programmed and accidental cell death and are applicable in drug discovery, high-content drug screening, and personalized clinical diagnostics.


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The advent of digital microfluidic lab-on-a-chip (LoC) technology offers a platform for developing diagnostic applications with the advantages of portability, reduction of the volumes of the sample and reagents, faster analysis times, increased automation, low power consumption, compatibility with mass manufacturing, and high throughput. Moreover, digital microfluidics is being applied in other areas such as airborne chemical detection, DNA sequencing by synthesis, and tissue engineering. In most diagnostic and chemical-detection applications, a key challenge is the preparation of the analyte for presentation to the on-chip detection system. Thus, in diagnostics, raw physiological samples must be introduced onto the chip and then further processed by lysing blood cells and extracting DNA. For massively parallel DNA sequencing, sample preparation can be performed off chip, but the synthesis steps must be performed in a sequential on-chip format by automated control of buffers and nucleotides to extend the read lengths of DNA fragments. In airborne particulate-sampling applications, the sample collection from an air stream must be integrated into the LoC analytical component, which requires a collection droplet to scan an exposed impacted surface after its introduction into a closed analytical section. Finally, in tissue-engineering applications, the challenge for LoC technology is to build high-resolution (less than 10 microns) 3D tissue constructs with embedded cells and growth factors by manipulating and maintaining live cells in the chip platform. This article discusses these applications and their implementation in digital-microfluidic LoC platforms. © 2007 IEEE.


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SU-8 epoxy-based negative photoresist has been extensively employed as a structural material for fabrication of numerous biological microelectro-mechanical systems (Bio-MEMS) or lab-on-a-chip (LOC) devices. However, SU-8 has a high autofluorescence level that limits sensitivity of microdevices that use fluorescence as the predominant detection workhorse. Here, we show that deposition of a thin gold nanoparticles layer onto the SU-8 surface significantly reduces the autofluorescence of the coated SU-8 surface by as much as 81% compared to bare SU-8. Furthermore, DNA probes can easily be immobilized on the Au surface with high thermal stability. These improvements enabled sensitive DNA detection by simple DNA hybridization down to 1 nM (a two orders of magnitude improvement) or by solid-phase PCR with sub-picomolar sensitivity. The approach is simple and easy to perform, making it suitable for various Bio-MEMs and LOC devices that use SU-8 as a structural material.


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Die Miniaturisierung von konventioneller Labor- und Analysetechnik nimmt eine zentrale Rolle im Bereich der allgemeinen Lebenswissenschaften und medizinischen Diagnostik ein. Neuartige und preiswerte Technologieplattformen wie Lab-on-a-Chip (LOC) oder Mikrototalanalysesysteme (µTAS) versprechen insbesondere im Bereich der Individualmedizin einen hohen gesellschaftlichen Nutzen zur frühzeitigen und nichtinvasiven Diagnose krankheitsspezifischer Indikatoren. Durch den patientennahen Einsatz preiswerter und verlässlicher Mikrochips auf Basis hoher Qualitätsstandards entfallen kostspielige und zeitintensive Zentrallaboranalysen, was gleichzeitig Chancen für den globalen Einsatz - speziell in Schwellen- und Entwicklungsländern - bietet. Die technischen Herausforderungen bei der Realisierung moderner LOC-Systeme sind in der kontrollierten und verlässlichen Handhabung kleinster Flüssigkeitsmengen sowie deren diagnostischem Nachweis begründet. In diesem Kontext wird der erfolgreichen Integration eines fernsteuerbaren Transports von biokompatiblen, magnetischen Mikro- und Nanopartikeln eine Schlüsselrolle zugesprochen. Die Ursache hierfür liegt in der vielfältigen Einsetzbarkeit, die durch die einzigartigen Materialeigenschaften begründet sind. Diese reichen von der beschleunigten, aktiven Durchmischung mikrofluidischer Substanzvolumina über die Steigerung der molekularen Interaktionsrate in Biosensoren bis hin zur Isolation und Aufreinigung von krankheitsspezifischen Indikatoren. In der Literatur beschriebene Ansätze basieren auf der dynamischen Transformation eines makroskopischen, zeitabhängigen externen Magnetfelds in eine mikroskopisch veränderliche potentielle Energielandschaft oberhalb magnetisch strukturierter Substrate, woraus eine gerichtete und fernsteuerbare Partikelbewegung resultiert. Zentrale Kriterien, wie die theoretische Modellierung und experimentelle Charakterisierung der magnetischen Feldlandschaft in räumlicher Nähe zur Oberfläche der strukturierten Substrate sowie die theoretische Beschreibung der Durchmischungseffekte, wurden jedoch bislang nicht näher beleuchtet, obwohl diese essentiell für ein detailliertes Verständnis der zu Grunde liegenden Mechanismen und folglich für einen Markteintritt zukünftiger Geräte sind. Im Rahmen der vorgestellten Arbeit wurde daher ein neuartiger Ansatz zur erfolgreichen Integration eines Konzepts zum fernsteuerbaren Transport magnetischer Partikel zur Anwendung in modernen LOC-Systemen unter Verwendung von magnetisch strukturierten Exchange-Bias (EB) Dünnschichtsystemen verfolgt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich das Verfahren der ionenbe-schussinduzierten magnetischen Strukturierung (IBMP) von EB-Systemen zur Herstellung von maßgeschneiderten magnetischen Feldlandschaften (MFL) oberhalb der Substratoberfläche, deren Stärke und räumlicher Verlauf auf Nano- und Mikrometerlängenskalen gezielt über die Veränderung der Materialparameter des EB-Systems via IBMP eingestellt werden kann, eignet. Im Zuge dessen wurden erstmals moderne, experimentelle Verfahrenstechniken (Raster-Hall-Sonden-Mikroskopie und rastermagnetoresistive Mikroskopie) in Kombination mit einem eigens entwickelten theoretischen Modell eingesetzt, um eine Abbildung der MFL in unterschiedlichen Abstandsbereichen zur Substratoberfläche zu realisieren. Basierend auf der quantitativen Kenntnis der MFL wurde ein neuartiges Konzept zum fernsteuerbaren Transport magnetischer Partikel entwickelt, bei dem Partikelgeschwindigkeiten im Bereich von 100 µm/s unter Verwendung von externen Magnetfeldstärken im Bereich weniger Millitesla erzielt werden können, ohne den magnetischen Zustand des Substrats zu modifizieren. Wie aus den Untersuchungen hervorgeht, können zudem die Stärke des externen Magnetfelds, die Stärke und der Gradient der MFL, das magnetfeldinduzierte magnetische Moment der Partikel sowie die Größe und der künstlich veränderliche Abstand der Partikel zur Substratoberfläche als zentrale Einflussgrößen zur quantitativen Modifikation der Partikelgeschwindigkeit genutzt werden. Abschließend wurde erfolgreich ein numerisches Simulationsmodell entwickelt, das die quantitative Studie der aktiven Durchmischung auf Basis des vorgestellten Partikeltransportkonzepts von theoretischer Seite ermöglicht, um so gezielt die geometrischen Gegebenheiten der mikrofluidischen Kanalstrukturen auf einem LOC-System für spezifische Anwendungen anzupassen.


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Nowadays microfluidic is becoming an important technology in many chemical and biological processes and analysis applications. The potential to replace large-scale conventional laboratory instrumentation with miniaturized and self-contained systems, (called lab-on-a-chip (LOC) or point-of-care-testing (POCT)), offers a variety of advantages such as low reagent consumption, faster analysis speeds, and the capability of operating in a massively parallel scale in order to achieve high-throughput. Micro-electro-mechanical-systems (MEMS) technologies enable both the fabrication of miniaturized system and the possibility of developing compact and portable systems. The work described in this dissertation is towards the development of micromachined separation devices for both high-speed gas chromatography (HSGC) and gravitational field-flow fractionation (GrFFF) using MEMS technologies. Concerning the HSGC, a complete platform of three MEMS-based GC core components (injector, separation column and detector) is designed, fabricated and characterized. The microinjector consists of a set of pneumatically driven microvalves, based on a polymeric actuating membrane. Experimental results demonstrate that the microinjector is able to guarantee low dead volumes, fast actuation time, a wide operating temperature range and high chemical inertness. The microcolumn consists of an all-silicon microcolumn having a nearly circular cross-section channel. The extensive characterization has produced separation performances very close to the theoretical ideal expectations. A thermal conductivity detector (TCD) is chosen as most proper detector to be miniaturized since the volume reduction of the detector chamber results in increased mass and reduced dead volumes. The microTDC shows a good sensitivity and a very wide dynamic range. Finally a feasibility study for miniaturizing a channel suited for GrFFF is performed. The proposed GrFFF microchannel is at early stage of development, but represents a first step for the realization of a highly portable and potentially low-cost POCT device for biomedical applications.


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L'élongation cellulaire de cellules cultivant bout comme hyphae fongueux, inculquez hairs, des tubes de pollen et des neurones, est limité au bout de la cellule, qui permet à ces cellules d'envahir l'encerclement substrate et atteindre une cible. Les cellules cultivant bout d'équipement sont entourées par le mur polysaccharide rigide qui régule la croissance et l'élongation de ces cellules, un mécanisme qui est radicalement différent des cellules non-walled. La compréhension du règlement du mur de cellule les propriétés mécaniques dans le contrôle de la croissance et du fonctionnement cellulaire du tube de pollen, une cellule rapidement grandissante d'équipement, est le but de ce projet. Le tube de pollen porte des spermatozoïdes du grain de pollen à l'ovule pour la fertilisation et sur sa voie du stigmate vers l'ovaire le tube de pollen envahit physiquement le stylar le tissu émettant de la fleur. Pour atteindre sa cible il doit aussi changer sa direction de croissance les temps multiples. Pour évaluer la conduite de tubes de pollen grandissants, un dans le système expérimental vitro basé sur la technologie de laboratoire-sur-fragment (LOC) et MEMS (les systèmes micro-électromécaniques) ont été conçus. En utilisant ces artifices nous avons mesuré une variété de propriétés physiques caractérisant le tube de pollen de Camélia, comme la croissance la croissance accélérée, envahissante et dilatant la force. Dans une des organisations expérimentales les tubes ont été exposés aux ouvertures en forme de fente faites de l'élastique PDMS (polydimethylsiloxane) la matière nous permettant de mesurer la force qu'un tube de pollen exerce pour dilater la croissance substrate. Cette capacité d'invasion est essentielle pour les tubes de pollen de leur permettre d'entrer dans les espaces intercellulaires étroits dans les tissus pistillar. Dans d'autres essais nous avons utilisé l'organisation microfluidic pour évaluer si les tubes de pollen peuvent s'allonger dans l'air et s'ils ont une mémoire directionnelle. Une des applications auxquelles le laboratoire s'intéresse est l'enquête de processus intracellulaires comme le mouvement d'organelles fluorescemment étiqueté ou les macromolécules pendant que les tubes de pollen grandissent dans les artifices LOC. Pour prouver que les artifices sont compatibles avec la microscopie optique à haute résolution et la microscopie de fluorescence, j'ai utilisé le colorant de styryl FM1-43 pour étiqueter le système endomembrane de tubes de pollen de cognassier du Japon de Camélia. L'observation du cône de vésicule, une agrégation d'endocytic et les vésicules exocytic dans le cytoplasme apical du bout de tube de pollen, n'a pas posé de problèmes des tubes de pollen trouvés dans le LOC. Pourtant, le colorant particulier en question a adhéré au sidewalls du LOC microfluidic le réseau, en faisant l'observation de tubes de pollen près du difficile sidewalls à cause du signal extrêmement fluorescent du mur. Cette propriété du colorant pourrait être utile de refléter la géométrie de réseau en faisant marcher dans le mode de fluorescence.


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A solvent-vapour thermoplastic bonding process is reported which provides high strength bonding of PMMA over a large area for multi-channel and multi-layer microfluidic devices with shallow high resolution channel features. The bond process utilises a low temperature vacuum thermal fusion step with prior exposure of the substrate to chloroform (CHCl3) vapour to reduce bond temperature to below the PMMA glass transition temperature. Peak tensile and shear bond strengths greater than 3 MPa were achieved for a typical channel depth reduction of 25 µm. The device-equivalent bond performance was evaluated for multiple layers and high resolution channel features using double-side and single-side exposure of the bonding pieces. A single-sided exposure process was achieved which is suited to multi-layer bonding with channel alignment at the expense of greater depth loss and a reduction in peak bond strength. However, leak and burst tests demonstrate bond integrity up to at least 10 bar channel pressure over the full substrate area of 100 mm x 100 mm. The inclusion of metal tracks within the bond resulted in no loss of performance. The vertical wall integrity between channels was found to be compromised by solvent permeation for wall thicknesses of 100 µm which has implications for high resolution serpentine structures. Bond strength is reduced considerably for multi-layer patterned substrates where features on each layer are not aligned, despite the presence of an intermediate blank substrate. Overall a high performance bond process has been developed that has the potential to meet the stringent specifications for lab-on-chip deployment in harsh environmental conditions for applications such as deep ocean profiling.


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Lab-on-a-chips are microfluidic devices which include biological laboratory functions on a single chip. They offer great advantages in terms of speed of analysis, precision, low sample and reagent consumption and automation of analysis. An efficient detection method in lab-on-a-chips is essential for the detection and quantification of chemical and biological parameters under examination. This review paper focuses on the recent research on optical detection techniques for LOC applications. Furthermore, several emerging detection paradigms which are still being matured are covered in this paper. Also, an analysis of the performance of different optical detection methods is given.


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[EN] This paper reports an innovative technique for reagents storage in microfluidic devices by means of a one-step UV-photoprintable ionogel-based microarray on non-modified polymeric substrates. Although the ionogel and the ink-jet printing technology are well published, this is the first study where both are used for long-term reagent storage in lab-on-a-chip devices. This technology for reagent storage is perfectly compatible with mass production fabrication processes since pre-treatment of the device substrate is not necessary and inkjet printing allows for an efficient reagent deposition process. The functionality of this microarray is demonstrated by testing the release of biotin-647 after being stored for 1 month at room temperature. Analysis of the fluorescence of the ionogel-based microarray that contains biotin-647 demonstrated that 90% of the biotin-647 present was released from the ionogel-based microarray after pumping PBS 0.1% Tween at 37 °C. Moreover, the activity of biotin-647 after being released from the ionogel-based microarray was investigated trough the binding capability of this biotin to a microcontact printed chip surface with avidin. These findings pave the way for a novel, one-step, cheap and mass production on-chip reagents storage method applicable to other reagents such as antibodies and proteins and enzymes.