54 resultados para Lähteenkorva, Eliel
OBJETIVO: avaliar o desempenho da biópsia helicoide na realização de biópsias mamárias. MÉTODOS: foi selecionado aleatoriamente uma amostra composta de 30 pacientes portadoras de câncer de mama submetidas à mastectomia. Foram excluídas as mulheres portadoras de tumor que tivessem consistência pétrea, não-palpável, com manipulação cirúrgica prévia ou que contivesse líquido. Utilizando-se o kit de biópsia helicoide e um equipamento de core biopsy com cânula e agulha de 14 gauge, respectivamente, coletou-se um fragmento por equipamento em área sã e nos tumores, em cada peça cirúrgica, totalizando 120 fragmentos para estudo histológico. Para a análise dos dados, definiu-se um nível de confiança de 95% e utilizou-se o software SPSS, versão 13; o índice de concordância Kappa e o teste paramétrico t de Student. RESULTADOS: a média das idades das pacientes foi de 51,6 anos (±11,1 anos). A core biopsy apresentou sensibilidade de 93,3%, especificidade de 100% e acurácia de 96,7%, enquanto a biópsia helicoide teve sensibilidade de 96,7%, especificidade de 100% e acurácia de 98,3%. Na comparação entre a histologia dos tumores e dos fragmentos de biópsias, houve alto grau de concordância nos diagnósticos (Kappa igual a 0,9, com p<0,05). CONCLUSÕES: ambos os equipamentos proporcionaram o diagnóstico histológico das lesões com alta acurácia. Os resultados deste estudo demonstraram que a biópsia helicoide é uma alternativa confiável no diagnostico pré-operatório de lesões mamárias.
Tutkielmassa tutkitaan ylirajaisen eurooppalaisen kaupunkisuunnittelukentän läsnäoloa ja merkitystä Munkkiniemen ja Haagan alueiden suunnittelulle 1910-luvun Helsingissä. Tutkimuksen lähtökohtana on alueen järjestämiseksi tehty suunnitelma, vuonna 1915 julkaistu Munkkiniemi-Haaga ja Suur-Helsinki – Tutkimuksia ja ehdotuksia kaupunkijärjestelyn alalta. Munkkiniemen ja Haagan suunnittelussa useat toisistaan poikkeavat teemat koettiin tärkeiksi: suunnitelman tuli olla yhtäaikaisesti tarkoituksenmukainen, taloudellinen, terveellinen ja esteettinen. Tutkielmassa tutkitaan sitä, miksi nämä teemat koettiin merkittäviksi ja miksi niihin liittyvät ongelmat ratkaistiin suunnitelmassa esitellyillä tavoilla. Tutkielmassa osoitetaan Munkkiniemi-Haagan suunnittelun olleen osana ylirajaista eli transnationaalista kaupunkisuunnittelukenttää. Vaikutushistoriallisten, suorien syy-seuraus-suhteiden ja kahden välisen vuorovaikutuksen sijaan kaupunkisuunnittelua tutkitaan ylirajaisena toimintana. Käytännössä tällä tarkoitetaan valtiollisten rajojen ylittävien ilmiöiden ja niiden historiallisuuden tutkimusta. Ylirajaisuuden ohella tärkeänä tutkimuksellisena lähtökohtana on ajatus risteävistä historioista (histoire croisée). Risteävät historiat -lähestymistapa korostaa monitahoista vuorovaikutusta sekä useiden, erirytmistenkin tasojen läsnäoloa yhdessä risteämispisteessä. Tutkielman kannalta keskeiseksi havainnoiksi osoittautui paitsi suorien vaikutussuhteiden osoittamisen epämielekkyys, myös mahdottomuus. Kaupunkisuunnittelullisten tyylien tai ajatusten ei voida osoittaa siirtyneen sellaisenaan kohteelta toiselle. Samankaltaiset ajatukset kulkeutuivat erirytmisesti useasta eri suunnasta, muokkautuen jokaisessa kohtaamisessa. Tutkielman kuluessa nousi myös uusi kysymys toimijuuden moninaisuudesta ja suurmieshistoriallisen ajattelutavan kyseenalaistamisesta. Sen sijaan, että korostettaisiin Eliel Saarisen roolia yksinäisenä Munkkiniemi-Haagan suunnittelijana, on tarpeen huomioida suunnittelutyön monitoimijuus.
Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena oli selvittää Metso Automationin Hakkilan tehtaan turvallisuuskulttuuri, päivittäisjohtamisen nykytilanne ja työtapaturmien kustannusseuraukset. Turvallisuuskulttuuri selvitettiin kyselylomakkeen avulla. Kysely tehtiin työntekijöille, työnjohtajille ja tehdaspäälliköille. Päivittäisjohtamisen nykytila selvitettiin osallistumalla päivittäisjohtamistilanteisiin ja erilaisiin kokouksiin. Turvallisuuskulttuurikyselyn perusteella kulttuuri vaihtelee eri puolilla tehdasta. Tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että turvallisuuskulttuuri ei näy vielä tarpeeksi tekoina. Päivittäisjohtamisen taso vaihtelee eri puolilla tehdasta esimiehestä riippuen. Päälliköt sekä tehtaanjohto eivät käsittele turvallisuusjohtamista kovinkaan syvällisesti kokouksissaan. Tutkimuksen perusteella tapaturmien kustannusseuraukset voivat nousta suuriksi riippuen tapaturman yksityiskohdista.
Analizar la probabilidad y factibilidad de la descentralización, la autonomía, los Proyectos Pedagógicos de Plantel, el currículo básico Nacional, la Nueva Escuela Integral Bolivariana y otras estrategias puestas en práctica durante el período 1995-2000. Contexto educativo venezolano. En una primera parte se describe la justificación, los objetivos y se plantea la metodología empleada. En la segunda parte se presentan los resultados obtenidos. En la tercera parte se presentan las conclusiones del estudio. La educación debe desarrollarse en todos sus ámbitos, para ello los actores implicados tendrán que modificar sus entornos de vida y su práctica pedagógica. La escuela tendrá que permitir la participación de la familia.
O presente estudo tem como tema central Uma experiência de ensino de biologia numa perspectiva inovadora. Insere-se na linha de pesquisa da inovação pedagógica e incidindo em uma reflexão sobre a metodologia de ensino e aprendizagem adotada pelo professor de Biologia na sua prática pedagógica na 3ª série do Ensino Médio, de uma escola pública - o Centro Educacional Professora Olga Damous, situado no município de Turiaçu – MA. Faz-se uma análise das tipologias dos métodos aplicados na práxis educativa e de como essas práticas têm possibilitado o desenvolvimento de aprendizagens significativas nos alunos, refletindo na formação de conceitos e atitudes no seu cotidiano. A análise tem como referência a postura do professor a partir dos conceitos trabalhados na sala de aula e seus reflexos na construção de uma consciência crítica dos educandos. Nesse sentido, optou-se pela pesquisa qualitativa de abordagem etnográfica, utilizando o estudo de caso, apoiando na entrevista semi-estruturada, observação participante, por se ter um contato direto com o fenômeno a ser observado, e na análise documental. Na pesquisa, a concepção de ensino de biologia e aprendizagem significativa respaldou-se, principalmente, nos estudos de Krasilchik, Bizzo, Coll, Ausubel. Já os conceitos de inovação pedagógica tiveram as contribuições de Carlos Fino, Farias e Sebarroja, dentre outros, os quais trouxeram aportes importantes para fundamentação teórica desta pesquisa. Paralelo aos estudos teóricos, foram realizadas as observações na sala de aula e a análise dos eventos e do discurso construídos pelo professor e seus alunos. Em síntese, esta investigação pretendeu desvendar as sutilezas do processo ensino-aprendizagem do professor de Biologia na perspectiva de uma prática pedagógica inovadora.
OBJECTIVE: Evaluating the kit-Bh performance in carrying out of breast biopsies. METHODS: They were randomly selected a sample of 30 patients with breast cancer undergoing mastectomy, based on the results of a pilot study from February 2008 to April 2010. They were excluded women with had not palpable, stone-hard consistency tumors, previous surgical manipulation or that contains liquid. Using the helicoid biopsy Kit (kit Bh) and an equipment Core biopsy with cannula and needle and 14 gauge respectively, it was collected a fragment of sound equipment in the area and in tumors in each specimen, totaling 120 fragments for histological study. For data analysis, it was defined a 95% confidence level and used the SPSS-13 version, the Kappa index and the parametric Student t test. RESULTS: Mean age of patients was 51.6 years (± 11.1 years). The infiltrating ductal carcinoma showed a higher incidence, 26 cases (86.7%). The Core biopsy had a sensitivity of 93.3%, specificity of 100% and accuracy 96.7%, while the helicoid biopsy had a sensitivity of 96.7%, specificity of 100% and accuracy 98.3%. By comparing the histology of tumors and the fragments of biopsies, there was high degree of agreement in diagnoses (kappa of 0.93 with p <0.05) CONCLUSION: Both devices provided the histological diagnosis of lesions with high accuracy. Results of this study showed that the helicoid biopsy is a reliable alternative in 22 the preoperative diagnosis of breast lesions. Further studies in vivo better will define the role of Kit Bh in the diagnosis of these lesions
In the manufacture of composite, textile materials are being used as reinforcement. Generally, the combination of the matrix with the textile material in the form of fibres or yarns is used depending on their distribution in the web. In the present work, in place of fibres or yarns, a knitted structure in the form of the final product which is defined as preform. The preform is weft knit manufactured with polyester filaments. In the manufacture of composite, polyester resin was used as matrix. The physical and mechanical properties as well as the formability of the weft knit were analysed. The physical and mechanical properties as well as the formability of the knitted structure were analysed. The results obtained on the analysis show that the courses and wales of the weft knit structure and the tensile properties help the formability of the structure and the impregnation of the resin. It could be clearly observed that composite structure in the direction of the courses support more tension than in the direction of the wales. In relation to the three points flexural tests it was possible to note that there was more flexion in the direction of wales, what was expected. It was also possible to note that there are other advantages such as reduction in the loss of materials used, homogeneity in the distribution of the knitted structure in the mould, reduction in the preparation time and also in the reduction in the cost of manufacture
This study aimed to describe how to evaluate and quantify the ergonomic satisfaction level of dental clinics rooms. Requirements for design, production and selection of dental equipment as described in ISO/TC-106/SC-6-N-411, support more comprehensive studies for an ergonomic evaluation and ergo design of the dental workstations. It was created a checklist of ergonomics requirements which is supported by Standards ISO/FDI and acquired by mean of a literature review. According to information exposed at the document of the Ergonomics Society of Dental Ergonomics - ESDE we can consider that the elaboration of an ergonomic evaluation protocol regard to the dental workstation is an important demand for the ergonomics, particularly in relation to the performance of the ergonomic design which presents qualified to assist to dental equipment manufactures. By this means, the identification of the evaluation factors pointed in ISO/TC 106/SC 6 N 411 offers the basic information to the process of elaboration of this protocol addressed by the described general guidelines.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Incluye bibliografía.
O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar o comportamento físico-hídrico dos solos do Perímetro Irrigado Curaçá, no município de Juazeiro–BA, que possam ser utilizados como base para definir práticas de manejo de solo e da irrigação. Foram coletadas amostras em 10 lotes agrícolas em duas profundidades (0-0,30m e 0,30-0,60m) de diferentes perfis de solos cultivados com várias culturas, determinando-se a granulometria, densidade, porosidade, curva de retenção de água no solo, água disponível e disponibilidade total de água no solo. Verificou-se que os solos amostrados possuem textura areia franca em 45% das amostras estudadas, seguida de franca arenosa, em 35%, apresentando reduzido armazenamento de água. A média da densidade do solo foi de 2,06 e 1,94 Mg.m-3 nas duas profundidades, indicando compactação em 100% na superfície e 87,5% na camada sub-superficial dos solos. Concluiu-se que os solos analisados apresentam textura arenosa e, assim, naturalmente propensos a uma reduzida retenção da água no solo. Possuem, ainda, problemas de compactação, ao longo do perfil do solo.
The aim of this study was to establish the validity of the anaerobic threshold (AT) determined on the soccer-specific Hoff circuit (AT(Hoff)) to predict the maximal lactate steady-state exercise intensity (MLSSHoff) with the ball. Sixteen soccer players (age: 16.0 +/- 0.5 years; body mass: 63.7 +/- 9.0 kg; and height: 169.4 +/- 5.3 cm) were submitted to 5 progressive efforts (7.0-11.0 km.h(-1)) with ball dribbling. Thereafter, 11 players were submitted to 3 efforts of 30 minutes at 100, 105, and 110% of AT(Hoff). The AT(Hoff) corresponded to the speed relative to 3.5 mmol.L-1 lactate concentration. The speed relative to 4.0 mmol.L-1 was assumed to be AT(Hoff4.0), and the AT(HoffBI) was determined through bisegmented adjustment. For comparisons, Student's t-test, intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), and Bland and Altman analyses were used. For reproducibility, ICC, typical error, and coefficient of variation were used. No significant difference was found between AT test and retest determined using different methods. A positive correlation was observed between AT(Hoff) and AT(Hoff4.0). The MLSSHoff (10.6 +/- 1.3 km.h(-1)) was significantly different compared with AT(Hoff) (10.2 +/- 1.2 km.h(-1)) and AT(HoffBI) (9.5 +/- 0.4 km.h(-1)) but did not show any difference from LAn(Hoff4.0) (10.7 +/- 1.4 km.h(-1)). The MLSSHoff presented high ICCs with AT(Hoff) and AT(Hoff4.0) (ICC = 0.94; and ICC = 0.89; p <= 0.05, respectively), without significant correlation with AT(HoffBI). The results suggest that AT determined on the Hoff circuit is reproducible and capable of predicting MLSS. The AT(Hoff4.0) was the method that presented a better approximation to MLSS. Therefore, it is possible to assess submaximal physiological variables through a specific circuit performed with the ball in young soccer players.
The use of computers in dental clinics has brought many benefits to dentist, helping them in various technical, administrative and legal. This study aimed to verify whether dentist, students of the post-graduate course in Orthodontics and Implantodontia of the Brazilian Association of Dentistry (ABO), regional Araçatuba-SP, using computers and digital documentation in clinical practice. They were invited to participate in the study all 60 students enrolled in courses of Orthodontics and Implantodontia of those institutions, in the year 2007 and those who consented (n = 52) answered a questionnaire containing questions open and closed on the subject . As the profile of the participants, 64.5% are male, 51.9% are between 30-39 years of age and 48.1% completed the graduation in the 90th. A 69.3% said they didn't receive any notion of computing during graduation and 67.3% use the computer in the office, mainly for management of the same (34.3%). Regarding the use of electronic record 55.8% reported using this technology, while 44.2% denied. 32.7% do not believe that electronic records that can serve as proof of judicial and 35.7% believe that the electronic records should be archived for 20 years. It follows that most professionals use the computer in the office and also the digital records, but does not feel secure about the legal validity of such documents, unknown, including the appropriate time of its filing.
The dentist has been suggested as a professional vulnerable to labor risks mainly related to working posture. This study examined the application of ergonomics principles during the dental attendances made by university student of the last period of the Araçatuba Dental University. Twenty-four attendants were photographed and the images were digitally analyzed for the verification of 10 requirements that determine a healthy labor posture, defined by the project ISO Standard / TC 106/SC 6 N 411. It was observed that 50% of items from the check list obtained higher percentages of negative replies. The students had greater difficulties as to the correct position of the angle between the upper and lower leg when sitting, the ideal adjustment of the light focus reflector in the field of work and the patient positioning. It was concluded that the dental attendances were held without compliance with the ergonomic requirements. The greatest difficulties regarding the work posture were the sitting posture, the light beam and the patient positioning. Students need better guidance about ergonomic principles and requirements, which should occur at any time of life, but earliest they are installed, greater the benefits, assimilation and incorporation of adequate working postures will be. We need a reform that addresses all sectors of the dental system, so that learning and application of ergonomics in dentistry become effective, efficient and effective.
Objective: To verify whether the professionals who make use of advertising in Dentistry by means of billboards respect the ethical aspects determined by the Federal Council of Dentistry Resolution No 71, 2006. Methods: This was an observational study in which 178 billboards of dental clinics in the municipality of São Paulo were assessed. Results: Among the billboards analyzed, 91.4% belonged to private persons and 9.6% to corporate bodies. With regard to the ethical aspects related to the advertisement, only 44.9% of the billboards presented all the mandatory items in accordance with the Federal Council of Dentistry. The item found the least number of times in the advertisements was the registration number in the Regional Council of Dentistry (34.8%). Among the items allowed by the Federal Council of Dentistry, the telephone number (65.2%) was the most commonly found. Among the ethical infractions, 1.7% of the billboards advertised the terms of payment. Conclusion: Professionals are not following the ethical precepts established by the Code of Ethics in Dentistry, and awareness of these professionals needs to be aroused, so that information about their services is communicated and divulged in an ethical manner.