925 resultados para Kluyveromyces marxianus Yeast physiology


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In anni recenti il potenziale degradativo dei lieviti nelle bevande ha assunto un’importanza crescente a causa degli importanti danni economici ad essi associati e i produttori sono sempre più attenti a queste problematiche, anche in relazione alla tendenza di ridurre i trattamenti termici, in una strategia di risparmio energetico e di riduzione del danno termico organolettico. L’obiettivo dell’elaborato è stato quello di testare la termoresistenza di diversi ceppi di lieviti che possono costituire un rischio per bevande di fantasia: sette appartenenti alla specie Saccharomyces cerevisiae, tre Zygosaccharomyces, un ceppo di Saccharomycodes ludwigii, uno di Schizosaccharomyces pombe e uno di Kluyveromyces marxianus. Le prove di termoresistenza sono state condotte in vitro utilizzando terreno di coltura impiegando temperature di 55°C, 60°C e 65°C e i dati sono stati modellati con l’equazione di Weibull per ottenere le curve di morte termica dei diversi ceppi. Questo modello permette di tenere conto dell’approccio vitalistico dell’interazione tra temperatura e cellula e descrive l’inattivazione microbica come risultato del fallimento delle cellule nel contrastare le condizioni ostili dovute all’alta temperatura. I risultati hanno dimostrato che i ceppi erano caratterizzati da termoresistenza molto variabile. In generale, tra le specie non Saccharomyces, i più resistenti erano K. marxianus e Sch. Pombe mentre tra i Saccharomyces il più resistente era il ceppo SPA, isolato in uno stabilimento di bevande e responsabile di un incidente industriale che ha portato all’alterazione di oltre 500000 bottiglie di bibite gassate. Questo screening preliminare per la valutazione della termoresistenza ad un potenziale trattamento industriale ha permesso di individuare i lieviti più resistenti che saranno poi oggetto di un successivo studio in cui verranno tenuti presenti altri fattori tecnologici e di prodotto per poi potersi muovere in un ambiente industriale.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Engenharia Biológica, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2014


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Engenharia Biológica, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2014


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Metal contamination of the environment is frequently associated to the presence of two or more metals. This work aimed to study the impact of a mixture of metals (Cd, Pb and Zn) on the physiology of the non-conventional yeast Pichia kudriavzevii. The incubation of yeast cells with 5 mg/l Cd, 10 mg/l Pb and 5 mg/l Zn, for 6 h, induced a loss of metabolic activity (assessed by FUN-1 staining) and proliferation capacity (evaluated by a clonogenic assay), with a small loss of membrane integrity (measured by trypan blue exclusion assay). The staining of yeast cells with calcofluor white revealed that no modification of chitin deposition pattern occurred during the exposure to metal mixture. Extending for 24 h, the exposure of yeast cells to metal mixture provoked a loss of membrane integrity, which was accompanied by the leakage of intracellular components. A marked loss of the metabolic activity and the loss of proliferation capacity were also observed. The analysis of the impact of a single metal has shown that, under the conditions studied, Pb was the metal responsible for the toxic effect observed in the metal mixture. Intracellular accumulation of Pb seems to be correlated with the metals' toxic effects observed.


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Background: Even before having its genome sequence published in 2004, Kluyveromyces lactis had long been considered a model organism for studies in genetics and physiology. Research on Kluyveromyces lactis is quite advanced and this yeast species is one of the few with which it is possible to perform formal genetic analysis. Nevertheless, until now, no complete metabolic functional annotation has been performed to the proteins encoded in the Kluyveromyces lactis genome. Results: In this work, a new metabolic genome-wide functional re-annotation of the proteins encoded in the Kluyveromyces lactis genome was performed, resulting in the annotation of 1759 genes with metabolic functions, and the development of a methodology supported by merlin (software developed in-house). The new annotation includes novelties, such as the assignment of transporter superfamily numbers to genes identified as transporter proteins. Thus, the genes annotated with metabolic functions could be exclusively enzymatic (1410 genes), transporter proteins encoding genes (301 genes) or have both metabolic activities (48 genes). The new annotation produced by this work largely surpassed the Kluyveromyces lactis currently available annotations. A comparison with KEGG’s annotation revealed a match with 844 (~90%) of the genes annotated by KEGG, while adding 850 new gene annotations. Moreover, there are 32 genes with annotations different from KEGG. Conclusions: The methodology developed throughout this work can be used to re-annotate any yeast or, with a little tweak of the reference organism, the proteins encoded in any sequenced genome. The new annotation provided by this study offers basic knowledge which might be useful for the scientific community working on this model yeast, because new functions have been identified for the so-called metabolic genes. Furthermore, it served as the basis for the reconstruction of a compartmentalized, genome-scale metabolic model of Kluyveromyces lactis, which is currently being finished.


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The present study focuses on potential agents of chromoblastomycosis and other endemic diseases in the state of Parana, Southern Brazil. Using a highly selective protocol for chaetothyrialean black yeasts and relatives, environmental samples from the living area of symptomatic patients were analysed. Additional strains were isolated from creosote-treated wood and hydrocarbon-polluted environments, as such polluted sites have been supposed to enhance black yeast prevalence. Isolates showed morphologies compatible with the traditional etiological agents of chromoblastomycosis, e.g. Fonsecaea pedrosoi and Phialophora verrucosa, and of agents of subcutaneous or systemic infections like Cladophialophora bantiana and Exophiala jeanselmei. Some agents of mild disease were indeed encountered. However, molecular analysis proved that most environmental strains differed from known etiologic agents of pronounced disease syndromes: they belonged to the same order, but mostly were undescribed species. Agents of chromoblastomycosis and systemic disease thus far are prevalent on the human host. The hydrocarbon-polluted environments yielded yet another spectrum of chaetothyrialean fungi. These observations are of great relevance because they allow us to distinguish between categories of opportunists, indicating possible differences in pathogenicity and virulence.


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Microbial adhesion is a field of recognized relevance and, as such, an impressive array of tools has been developed to understand its molecular mechanisms and ultimately for its quantification. Some of the major limitations found within these methodologies concern the incubation time, the small number of cells analyzed, and the operator's subjectivity. To overcome these aspects, we have developed a quantitative method to measure yeast cells' adhesion through flow cytometry. In this methodology, a suspension of yeast cells is mixed with green fluorescent polystyrene microspheres (uncoated or coated with host proteins). Within 2 h, an adhesion profile is obtained based on two parameters: percentage and cells-microsphere population's distribution pattern. This flow cytometry protocol represents a useful tool to quantify yeast adhesion to different substrata in a large scale, providing manifold data in a speedy and informative manner.


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For cell morphogenesis, the cell must establish distinct spatial domains at specified locations at the cell surface. Here, we review the molecular mechanisms of cell polarity in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. These are simple rod-shaped cells that form cortical domains at cell tips for cell growth and at the cell middle for cytokinesis. In both cases, microtubule-based systems help to shape the cell by breaking symmetry, providing endogenous spatial cues to position these sites. The plus ends of dynamic microtubules deliver polarity factors to the cell tips, leading to local activation of the GTPase cdc42p and the actin assembly machinery. Microtubule bundles contribute to positioning the division plane through the nucleus and the cytokinesis factor mid1p. Recent advances illustrate how the spatial and temporal regulation of cell polarization integrates many elements, including historical landmarks, positive and negative controls, and competition between pathways.


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Genes integrated near the telomeres of budding yeast have a variegated pattern of gene repression that is mediated by the silent information regulatory proteins Sir2p, Sir3p, and Sir4p. Immunolocalization and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) reveal 6-10 perinuclear foci in which silencing proteins and subtelomeric sequences colocalize, suggesting that these are sites of Sir-mediated repression. Telomeres lacking subtelomeric repeat elements and the silent mating locus, HML, also localize to the periphery of the nucleus. Conditions that disrupt telomere proximal repression disrupt the focal staining pattern of Sir proteins, but not necessarily the localization of telomeric DNA. To monitor the telomere-associated pools of heterochromatin-binding proteins (Sir and Rap1 proteins) during mitotic cell division, we have performed immunofluorescence and telomeric FISH on populations of yeast cells synchronously traversing the cell cycle. We observe a partial release of Rap1p from telomeres in late G2/M, although telomeres appear to stay clustered during G2-phase and throughout mitosis. A partial release of Sir3p and Sir4p during mitosis also occurs. This is not observed upon HU arrest, although other types of DNA damage cause a dramatic relocalization of Sir and Rap1 proteins. The observed cell cycle dynamics were confirmed by direct epifluorescence of a GFP-Rap1p fusion. Using live GFP fluorescence we show that the diffuse mitotic distribution of GFP-Rap1p is restored to the interphase pattern of foci in early G1-phase.


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Telomeric TG-rich repeats and their associated proteins protect the termini of eukaryotic chromosomes from end-to-end fusions. Associated with the cap structure at yeast telomeres is a subtelomeric domain of heterochromatin, containing the silent information regulator (SIR) complex. The Ku70/80 heterodimer (yKu) is associated both with the chromosome end and with subtelomeric chromatin. Surprisingly, both yKu and the chromatin-associated Rap1 and SIR proteins are released from telomeres in a RAD9-dependent response to DNA damage. yKu is recruited rapidly to double-strand cuts, while low levels of SIR proteins are detected near cleavage sites at later time points. Consistently, yKu- or SIR-deficient strains are hypersensitive to DNA-damaging agents. The release of yKu from telomeric chromatin may allow efficient scanning of the genome for DNA strand breaks.


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Microautophagy involves direct invagination and fission of the vacuolar/lysosomal membrane under nutrient limitation. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae microautophagic uptake of soluble cytosolic proteins occurs via an autophagic tube, a highly specialized vacuolar membrane invagination. At the tip of an autophagic tube vesicles (autophagic bodies) pinch off into thevacuolar lumen for degradation. Formation of autophagic tubes is topologically equivalent to other budding processes directed away from the cytosolic environment, e.g., the invagination of multivesicular endosomes, retroviral budding, piecemeal microautophagy of the nucleus and micropexophagy. This clearly distinguishes microautophagy from other membrane fission events following budding toward the cytosol. Such processes are implicated in transport between organelles like the plasma membrane, the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), and the Golgi. Over many years microautophagy only could be characterized microscopically. Recent studies provided the possibility to study the process in vitro and have identified the first molecules that are involved in microautophagy.


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Microautophagy is the direct uptake of soluble or particulate cellular constituents into lysosomes. Here, I describe methods to reconstitute and study this process in vitro, using vacuoles (lysosomes) from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae as model organelles. Protocols to grow the cells, isolate vacuoles from them, and to induce microautophagy of soluble tracers are presented.


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In yeast, microtubules are dynamic filaments necessary for spindle and nucleus positioning, as well as for proper chromosome segregation. We identify a function for the yeast gene BER1 (Benomyl REsistant 1) in microtubule stability. BER1 belongs to an evolutionary conserved gene family whose founding member Sensitivity to Red light Reduced is involved in red-light perception and circadian rhythms in Arabidopsis. Here, we present data showing that the ber1Delta mutant is affected in microtubule stability, particularly in presence of microtubule-depolymerising drugs. The pattern of synthetic lethal interactions obtained with the ber1Delta mutant suggests that Ber1 may function in N-terminal protein acetylation. Our work thus suggests that microtubule stability might be regulated through this post-translational modification on yet-to-be determined proteins


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Cell morphogenesis depends on polarized exocytosis. One widely held model posits that long-range transport and exocyst-dependent tethering of exocytic vesicles at the plasma membrane sequentially drive this process. Here, we describe that disruption of either actin-based long-range transport and microtubules or the exocyst did not abolish polarized growth in rod-shaped fission yeast cells. However, disruption of both actin cables and exocyst led to isotropic growth. Exocytic vesicles localized to cell tips in single mutants but were dispersed in double mutants. In contrast, a marker for active Cdc42, a major polarity landmark, localized to discreet cortical sites even in double mutants. Localization and photobleaching studies show that the exocyst subunits Sec6 and Sec8 localize to cell tips largely independently of the actin cytoskeleton, but in a cdc42 and phospholipid phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP₂)-dependent manner. Thus in fission yeast long-range cytoskeletal transport and PIP₂-dependent exocyst represent parallel morphogenetic modules downstream of Cdc42, raising the possibility of similar mechanisms in other cell types.


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Rho GTPases regulate the actin cytoskeleton in all eukaryotes. Fission yeast Cdc42 is involved in actin cable assembly and formin For3 regulation. We isolated cdc42-879 as a thermosensitive strain with actin cable and For3 localization defects. In a multicopy suppressor screening, we identified pob1(+) as suppressor of cdc42-879 thermosensitivity. Pob1 overexpression also partially restores actin cables and localization of For3 in the mutant strain. Pob1 interacts with Cdc42 and this GTPase regulates Pob1 localization and/or stability. The C-terminal pleckstrin homology (PH) domain of Pob1 is required for Cdc42 binding. Pob1 also binds to For3 through its N-terminal sterile alpha motif (SAM) domain and contributes to the formin localization at the cell tips. The previously described pob1-664 mutant strain (Mol. Biol. Cell. 10, 2745-2757, 1999), which carries a mutation in the PH domain, as well as pob1 mutant strains in which Pob1 lacks the N-terminal region (pob1DeltaN) or the SAM domain (pob1DeltaSAM), have cytoskeletal defects similar to that of cdc42-879 cells. Expression of constitutively active For3DAD* partially restores actin organization in cdc42-879, pob1-664, pob1DeltaN, and pob1DeltaSAM. Therefore, we propose that Pob1 is required for For3 localization to the tips and facilitates Cdc42-mediated relief of For3 autoinhibition to stimulate actin cable formation.